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Teacher Identity Project

Belief Statement: Candidate All three of the parts Two of the parts of One of the parts of The project is not
should have a clearly of the belief the belief statement the belief statement based around a
articulated belief statement statement are clearly are clearly articulated is clearly articulated clearly articulated
that addresses the 3 required articulated belief statement.
Visual Documentation: 3 pieces of visual Less than 3 pieces for Visual No visual
Candidates are expected to documentation is each of the areas in documentation is documentation is
select 3 pieces of visual provided for each of the belief statement provided for some connected to the
documentation for each of the the areas in the belief AND the areas in the belief belief statement.
3 areas in their belief statement AND the documentation is statement AND the
statement. Documentation documentation is chosen and displayed documentation is
should be carefully chosen chosen and displayed in a way that it is easy chosen and displayed
and displayed/captioned so in a way that it is easy for the reviewer to in a way that it is easy
that it is easy for the reviewer for the reviewer to understand the intent for the reviewer to
to understand the intent and understand the intent and connection. understand the intent
connection. and connection. and connection.
Digital Platform: The project The project has been The project has been The project has been The project has not
must be designed thoughtfully thoughtfully designed thoughtfully designed thoughtfully designed been thoughtfully
and housed in a web based AND is housed in a and stored digitally, OR is housed in a web designed or housed in
environment such as web based but not in a web based environment a digital environment.
WordPress that allows it to be environment that based environment that allows it to be
shared securely and allows it to be shared that allows for shared securely and
electronically securely and secured sharing. The electronically, but not
electronically. The project does not have both. The project
project does not have date/time stamp that does have date/time
date/time stamp that is displayed on the stamp that is
is displayed on the project. displayed on the
project. project.
Theory to Practice: Candidate There are 3 quotes There is one missing There are two There has been no
should incorporate a from 2 different element of theory to missing elements of real attempt to
minimum of 3 quotes – one education practice (either 2 theory to practice clearly connect
for each part of the belief theorists/researchers quotes or just one (missing multiple theory to practice in
statement - from at least 2 that clearly support education quotes and/or the project.
different education each section of the theorists/researcher education
theorists/researchers to belief statement. used) in the written theorists/researcher)
support the written statement statement and/or in the written
and/or visual documentation visual documentation statement and/or
in the project. that clearly support visual documentation
the overall project. that clearly support
the overall project.
Professionalism: The project contains The project contains
Project reflects the no grammar or grammar or spelling
appropriate level of spelling errors. errors.
professionalism in editing.

Candidate’s Name: _______________________________Reviewer’s Name*________________________________

NOTE: The candidate will have his/her identity project reviewed and evaluated, using this rubric, by the university supervisor from
the semester that the project is completed. That rubric, along with the instructor’s review of the project, will be combined for the
overall grade.

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