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International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management

Availability and cost analysis of an engineering system involving subsystems in series configuration
Anuj Kumar, Sangeeta Pant, S. B. Singh,
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Anuj Kumar, Sangeeta Pant, S. B. Singh, (2017) "Availability and cost analysis of an engineering system involving
subsystems in series configuration", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 34 Issue: 6, doi: 10.1108/
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Purpose: The Purpose of this paper is the evaluation of various reliability measures like

availability, reliability, M.T.T.F (mean time to failure) and profit function.

Design/methodology/approach: We present a novel method for availability analysis of an

engineering system incorporating waiting time to repair. The considered system consist two

subsystems, namely, A and B connected in series. The subsystem B has two identical units in
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standby arrangement. Each unit of the subsystem has two modes i.e. normal efficiency or failed.

The two standby units of the subsystem B are connected by an imperfect switching. The system

is analyzed by supplementary variable technique, Laplace transformation and Gumbel–Hougaard

family of copula.

Findings: Numerical examples with a way to highlight the important results have been appended

at last. Numerical calculation shows that availabilty and reliability of the system is decreasing

with respect to time when failure rates are fixed at different values. Finally, cost analysis of

system reveals that the expected profit decreases with increase in service cost.

Originality/value: This paper presents a mathematical model in which an important aspect of

switching has been taken into conideration, which is consistent with actual failures of switching

by assuming two different types of failure between adjacent transition. It is evaluated with the

help of the Gumbel–Hougaard family of copula.

Key words: Availability, Reliability, Mean Time to failure (M.T.T.F.), profit function.

Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction

As far as planning, design and operations of any complex system are concerned the reliability

measures are the foremost concern. Reliability measures are very effective and efficient tool for

probabilistic risk assessment in system design, operation, and maintenance. The determination of

the reliability measures of a complex system composed of a number of interconnected

subsystems has received much attention over the years. Gupta and Sharma (1993), Singh and

Goel (1996), Jain et al. (2002), Jain et al. (2004), Rehmert and Nachlas (2009), Ghasemi et al.
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(2010), Singh et al. (2011) develop different mathematical models and computed various

reliability measures such as availability, mean time to failure, reliability of complex engineering

system with different assumptions. In many cases it is not always possible to have an immediate

repair facility. Gopalan and Naidu (1982) discussed reliability system in which the repair facility

exists at random interval of time as it is not immediately available after detection of failure. Pirie

and Bendell (1984) have extended the study on the model taken by Bendell and they proposed

failures are assumed to be dependent on the actual operating time as well as elapsed calendar

time. The model was applied in the situation where all the system components are regularly

switched between the ‘on’ and ‘off’ position. Pan (1997) discussed two types of imperfect

switching system: (1) Non repairable system with only one standby component, one switch and

one sensor. (2) A non-repairable system with two standby components, one switch and one

sensor. They considered three modes of switch failure: (1) Failure under energized condition. (2)

Failing open. (3) Failing closed.

Initially reliability models were based on the assumption that only one type of repair/failure is

possible between two adjacent states. However, there are many situations where more than one

repair/failure is possible between two adjacent states, and, when this happen, the system is
studied by copula. The use of copula in reliability analysis has been extensively studied by

Gennheimer (2002), Nelsen (2006), kumar and Singh (2008), Brunel et al. (2010) and Ram and

Singh (2010). Copula provides coupling of different distributions. Kumar and Singh (2008) has

considered a complex engineering system in which two different types of repairs possible

between two adjacent states and he successfully employing the concept of copula for the

determination of various reliability measures. Later Ram and Singh (2008) and Ram et al.

(2013), solved a complex system and evaluated various reliability measures with the help of

copula. Singh and Rawal (2014) have done the cost analysis of a complex system consisting two
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subsystems, in series configuration and handling by a human operator. Kumar et al. (2015) and

Pant et al.(2015) have done the reliability optimization of some complex systems by using nature

inspired optimization algorithms.

The present contribution is structured as follows. Section 2 gives the description of the

mathematical model. It provides the details of assumptions, describes the formulation and

solution of the mathematical model and asymptotic behavior of the system. Section 3 presents

the particular cases of reliability measures, and Section 4 gives the conclusions of the proposed

analysis. The block diagram and transition state diagram of the system is shown in Figure 1 and

Figure 2 respectively.

INSERT Table 1. Nomenclature

2. Mathematical Model Details

2.1 Model Description

Here we have considered a complex system consisting of two subsystems A and B which

connected in series. The subsystem B consists of two identical units in standby arrangement
(Figure 1). Each unit of the subsystem has two modes namely normal efficiency or failed. The

whole system can fail, if one of the subsystems A and B fails or due to environmental

failure/critical human error. Dhillon (1989), Dhillon and Liu (2006) define human error as the

failure to perform a specified task that results in disruption of scheduled operations or result in

damaging equipment. Repair is not immediately available after detection of failure and repair

facility exist at random interval of time.

The two standby units of the subsystem B are connected by an imperfect switching. All the

repairs follow general time distributions whereas all the failures follow exponential time
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In contrast to earlier models here authors have taken an important aspect of switching which is

consistent with actual failures of switching by assuming two different types of failure between

adjacent transition states S3 and S4 and it is evaluated with the help of the Gumbel–Hougaard

family of copula. At the same time by employing Supplementary variable technique[Cox (1995)

and Oliveira et al. (2005)] and Laplace transformation technique; various transition state

probabilities, Availability, reliability and mean time to failure (M.T.T.F) of the system have been

evaluated. Some particular cases also have been discussed for different value of failure rates. The

results are demonstrated by graphs and conclusions have been drawn.

The following assumptions are associated with the model:

(1) Initially, the system is in good state of normal efficiency.

(2) Each unit has two modes namely- normal efficiency or failed.

(3) In one step only one change can take place.

(4) The system can fail on the failure of either subsystem, or environmental failure or human

(5) Switching over device is imperfect.

(6) Joint probability distribution of imperfect switching over device from state S3 to S4 is

obtained by Gumbel-Hougaard family of copula.

(7) All repairs follow general time distribution whereas all failures follow exponential time


(8) After repair, the system works like a new one and never damage anything.

(9) The system waits for repair if repair facility is not available.
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INSERT Figure 1. Block Diagram of the System

INSERT Figure 2. Transition State Diagram

2.2 Formulation of Mathematical Model

if u1 = log b x and u2 = a then Joint probability (state S3 to state S4 ) according to Gumbel-

Hougaard family is given by

[ ]
= exp {ln(log b x )} θ
( )
+ ln a θ θ (1)

By probability considerations and continuing arguments, we can obtain the following set of

difference-differential equations governing the present mathematical model:

∂  ∞ ∞
∂t + λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 PO,O,S (t) = ∫ PF,O,S (z, t)β (z)dz + ∫ PE (K,t)βE (K)dK
  0 0

∞ ∞
+ ∫ PO, F ,F ( y, t )β1 ( y)dy + ∫ PH ( N , t )β H ( N )dN (2)
0 0


 ∂t + a + exp (ln(logb x) ) + (ln a )
θ θ 1/ θ 
 PO, F ,S (t ) = λPO,O, S (t )


∂ ∂ 
 ∂x + ∂t + β ( x) PO, F ( x, t ) = 0 (4)
 
∂  ∞
 ∂t + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2  PO, F ,O (t ) = aPO, F , S (t ) + ∫ PO, F ( x, t ) β ( x)dx (5)
  0

∂ ∂ 
 + + β1 ( y ) PO , F , F ( y, t ) = 0 (6)
 ∂y ∂t 

∂ ∂ 
 ∂z + ∂t + β ( z ) PF ,O , S ( z , t ) = 0 (7)
 

 ∂ ∂ 
 ∂K + ∂t + β E ( K ) PE ( K , t ) = 0 (8)
 

 ∂ ∂ 
 ∂N + ∂t + β H ( N ) PH ( N , t ) = 0 (9)
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 

Boundary Conditions

PO , F (0, t ) = exp {ln (log b x )}θ + (ln a )θ ]
PO , F , S (t )

PO , F , F (0, t ) = λ ′PO , F ,O (t ) (11)

PE (0, t ) = λ E1 PO,O, S (t ) + λE 2 PO, F ,O (t ) (12)

PH (0, t ) = λh1 PO,O, S (t ) + λh2 PO, F ,O (t ) (13)

PF ,O , S (0, t ) = λ1PO,O, S (t ) (14)

Initial conditions are

P O ,O , S ( 0 ) = 1 otherwise, zero. (15)

2.3 Solution of the Model

On taking Laplace transforms of equations (2) through (14) and using (15), we obtained

[s + λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 ]PO,O,S (s) = 1 + ∞∫ PF ,O,S ( z, s)β ( z)dz


∞ ∞
+ ∫ PE (K, s)βE (K)dK + ∫ PO, F, F ( y, s)β1( y)dy
0 0

+ ∫ PH ( N , s ) β H ( N )dN (16)

 s + a + exp (ln(log b x) ) + (ln a )
θ θ 1/ θ 
 PO, F , S ( s ) = λPO ,O ,S ( s )


∂ 
 ∂x + s + β ( x) PO, F ( x, s ) = 0 (18)
 

[s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]PO, F ,O (s) = aPO, F ,S (s) + ∞∫ PO, F ( x, s)β ( x)dx (19)

∂ 
 + s + β1 ( y ) PO , F , F ( y, s ) = 0 (20)
 ∂y 

∂ 
 ∂z + s + β ( z ) PF ,O, S ( z , s ) = 0 (21)
 
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 ∂ 
 ∂K + s + β E ( K ) PE ( K , s ) = 0 (22)
 

 ∂ 
 ∂N + s + β H ( N ) PH ( N , s ) = 0 (23)
 

PO, F (0, s ) = exp {ln (log b x )}θ + (ln a )θ ]
PO , F , S ( s ) (24)

PO, F , F (0, s ) = λ ′PO, F ,O ( s ) (25)

PE (0, s ) = λE1 PO ,O , S ( s ) + λE2 PO , F ,O ( s ) (26)

PH (0, s ) = λh1 PO,O, S ( s ) + λh2 PO, F ,O ( s ) (27)

PF ,O, S (0, s ) = λ1PO,O, S ( s ) (28)

Now on integrating equation (16) through (23) and using (24) through (28) one may obtain

PO,O, S ( s ) = (29)
γ (s)


PO, F , S ( s ) =
1 
⋅ λ  s + a + exp (ln(log b x) )θ + (ln a )θ
γ (s) 
1/θ 


PO, F ( s ) =
1 
⋅ s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ
γ ( s ) 
}1/θ 
 ×

× exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ } θ .D ( s )
x (31)


1 

s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ }
1/θ 
 ⋅λ

PO, F ,O ( s ) = ⋅ ×
γ (s) [
s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

} θ ⋅ S (s)
x (32)
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λλ ′ ⋅  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )

θ 1/θ 

PO, F , F ( s ) = ⋅ ×
γ (s) [s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

} θ ⋅ S (s).D (s)
x 1 (33)

PF ,O, S ( s ) = ⋅ DZ ( s ) (34)
γ (s)

 −1

1 

λλ E 2 ⋅  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1 / θ 

 ×
PE ( s) = ⋅ λ E1 +
γ (s) 

s + λ ′ + λ E 2 + λ h2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

} θ ⋅ S (s) ⋅ D
x E (s) (35)
 −1

1 

λλh2 ⋅ s + a + exp (ln(logb x))θ + (ln a )θ

1 / θ 

 ×
PH (s) = ⋅ λh1 +
γ ( s) 

s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

⋅ S x ( s ) ⋅ DH ( s )

Where γ ( s) = s + λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 − λ1S z ( s)


λλ ′ ⋅  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1/θ 

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− ×
s + λ ′ + λ E2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1/θ 
⋅ S x ( s ).S1 ( s )

 −1

λλ E2 ⋅  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1 / θ 

 ×
− λE1 +

s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1/θ 
⋅ S x ( s )  ⋅ S E ( s )

 −1

 λλh2

⋅  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )

θ 1/θ 

− λh1 + ×

s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1/θ 
⋅ S x ( s )  ⋅ S H ( s )

1 − Si ( s )
And Di ( s) = ∀ i. (37)

Also it s interesting to note that

PO,O , S ( s ) + PO, F , S ( s ) + PO, F ( s ) + PO, F ,O ( s ) + PO, F , F ( s ) + PF ,O, S ( s ) + PE (s ) + PH (s ) = (38)

2.4. Asymptotic Behavior of the System

Using Abel’s lemma viz. lim s →0 sF ( s) = limt →∞ A(t ) = F ( say ) , provided the limit on R.H.S exists, in

equation (29) through (36), the time independent probabilities are obtained as follows:

PO,O, S = (39)
γ ′(0)


PO, F , S =
1 
⋅ λ a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ
γ ′(0) 
1/θ 

} (40)
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PO, F =
exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ } θ ⋅ λ ⋅η

x (41)
γ ′(0)

1 λ
PO, F ,O = ⋅ (42)
γ ′(0) (λ ′ + λ E2 + λh2 )

1 λλ ′
PO , F , F = ⋅ η1 (43)
γ ′(0) (λ ′ + λ E2 + λ h2 )

PF ,O, S = ⋅ηZ (44)
γ ′(0)

1  λλ E2 
PE = ⋅ λE1 +  ⋅ηE

γ (0)  ′ [
s + λ + λE2 + λh2 ]

1  λλh2 
PH = ⋅ λh1 +  ⋅ηH
γ ′(0)  [
λ ′ + λE2 + λh2  ] (46)

Where γ ′(0) =  
γ ( s) (47)
 ds  s =0

And ηi = − Si (0), for all i. (48)

3. Some Particular Cases

3.1. Availability, Reliability and Unreliability

β β1
When repairs also follow exponential time distributions, Setting S x ( s) = , S1 ( s ) = ,
(s + β ) ( s + β1 )

S E (s) = etc. in equation (29) through (36), we get the following results
(s + β E )

PO ,O, S ( s ) = (49)
E (s)


PO, F , S ( s ) =
1 
⋅ λ  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ
E ( s) 
1/θ 

} (50)
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PO, F ( s ) =
E ( s)
⋅ exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ


× λ  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1/θ 

} 1
(s + β )


λ  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ
1/θ 
 }
⋅  
PO, F ,O ( s ) = ×
E (s) [
s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ
⋅ }β 

(s + β ) 



λλ ′ s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1/θ 

PO, F , F ( s ) = ⋅ ×
E (s) [
s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ
⋅} β 
( s + β )  ( s + β1 )

λ1 1
PF ,O, S ( s ) = ⋅ (54)
E (s) (s + β z )
 −1

1 
 
λλ E 2  s + a + exp (ln(log b x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1/θ 

PE ( s ) = ⋅ λE + ×
E (s)  1

s + λ ′ + λE 2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ
⋅ } β 
 ⋅
( s + β )  ( s + β E )


 −1

1 

λλh2 s + a + exp (ln(logb x))θ + (ln a )θ

1 / θ 

 ×
PH (s) = ⋅ λh1 +
[ ]
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E (s)  s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ }
β  1
(s + β ) s + β
]. (56)



λλ ′ s + a + exp (ln(logb x ) )θ + (ln a )θ

}1/θ 

Where E ( s) = s + λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 − λ1 − ×
(s + β z ) [
s + λ ′ + λ E 2 + λ h2]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ }

β  β1
( s + β )  ( s + β1 )

 −1

λλ E 2  s + a + exp (ln(log b x ) )θ + (ln a )θ

}1/θ 

−  λ E1 + ×
 [
s + λ ′ + λ E 2 + λ h2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ
⋅ } β 
 ⋅
( s + β )  ( s + β E )

 −1

λλh2  s + a + exp (ln(logb x) )θ + (ln a )θ

1 / θ 

 ×
− λh1 +

s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ]

× a + exp (ln(logb x ) )θ + (ln a )θ

β 
 ⋅
+ βH )
 ( s )  ( s

Availability of the system is given by

1  λa 
Pup ( s ) = 1 +  (58)
( s + λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 )  ( s + 1)( s + λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 ) 
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Investing equation (58) we obtain

− (λ + λ1 + λ E1 + λh1 )t − (λ + λ E 2 + λh2 )t
Pup (t ) = (1 + B )e + Ae − t + Ce (59)


A= (60)
(λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 − 1)(λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 − 1)

B= (61)
(1 − λ − λ1 − λ E1 − λh1 )(λ ′ + λE2 + λh2 − λ − λ1 − λE1 − λh1 )

C= (62)
(1 − λ ′ − λE2 − λh2 )(λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 − λ ′ − λE2 − λh2 )

Also R (s) = (63)
( s + λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 )

The reliability of the system is given by

− (λ + λ1 + λ E1 + λh1 )t
R (t ) = e (64)

The unreliability of the system can be obtain by the expression 1 − Pup (t ) , i.e.,

Unreliability =1 − Pup (t ) (65)

On Setting the numerical values of different parameters say a = 0.6, λ = 0.01, λ ′ = 0.03,

λ1 = 0.05, λE1 = λE 2 = 0.01 and λh1 = λh2 = 0.04 in equation (59) & (64), one may obtain

Pup (t ) = 0 .7753 e (− 0 .11t ) + 0 .0073 e (− t ) + 0 .2174 e (−0 .06 t ) (66)

R(t ) = e (−0.11 t ) (67)

One may obtain different values of Pup (t ) and R(t ) from equation (66) & (67), for t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,

5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 unit of time, as exhibits in Table 2 and shown by Figure 3 Figure 4.

INSERT Table 2. Availability & Reliability of system

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INSERT Figure 3. Availability vs Time

INSERT Figure 4. Relibility vs Time

3.2. Mean Time to Failure (M.T.T.F.)

Taking all repairs zero and the limit as ‘s’ tending towards zero in equation (58) for the

exponential distribution; one can obtain the M.T.T.F. as

M .T .T .F = lim s →0 Pup ( s ) = (68)
(λ + λ1 + λE1 + λh1 )

One may obtain variation of M.T.T.F. with respect to failure rates as shown in Figure 5 just by

setting, λ = 0.01, λ1 = 0.05, λE1 = 0.01 and λh1 = 0.04 , and varying λ , λ1 , λE1 , λh1 one by one

respectively 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09 in equation (68).

INSERT Table 3. Failure Rates Vs MTTF

INSERT Figure 5. Mean Time to Failure with respect to Failure Rates

3.3. Cost Analysis

Suppose that the service facility is always available, then the expected profit during the interval

[0, t[ is
E p (t ) = K1 ∫ Pup (t ) dt − K 2t (69)

For the same set of parameter of equation (66) & (67) one can obtain equation (70).


[ ]
E p (t ) = K1 − 7.048e (− 0.11t ) − 0.0073e (− t ) − 3.623e (− 0.06 )t + 10.678 − K 2t (70)

Setting revenue cost ( K1 ) at 1 and varies service cost ( K 2 ) as 0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25

and 0.5 respectively and varying t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 unit of time in equation (70),

one may get expected profit as a function of time as shown in Figure 6. Table 3 that again in this
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particular case expected profit decreases with increase in service cost

INSERT Table 4. Expected profit

INSERT Figure 6. Expectected profit vs Time

4. Conclusion

Figure 3 & Figure 4 provide information about the changes in availability and reliability of the

complex engineering system with respect to time when failure rates are fixed at different values.

It is clear from the data presented in Table 2 that availability as well as reliability of the system

decreases as ‘t’ increases and it became steady after a sufficient long interval of time so the

future behavior of a complex system is easily predictable for any given set of parametric values.

Table 3 and Figure 5 yields the M.T.T.F. of the system with respect to variation in λ / λ E1 , λ1 and

λh1 respectively, when the other parameters have been taken as constant. From these graphs, one

can conclude that the Mean time to failure of the system decreases smoothly with each failure


Table 4 and Graphs in Figure 6 demonstrate the relation between time ‘t’ and expected profit

‘EP(t)’ when the revenue cost (K1) is fixed at 1 and service cost (K2) varies as 0.01, 0.05, 0.10,
0.15, 0.20, 0.25, and 0.5. One can clearly observe that expected profit decreases very far with

respect to time when the service cost is fixed at a very high value 0.5. So one may analyze the

behavior of profit function with respect to time for different set of values of parameters and it

can be concluded that profit decreases as service cost increases.

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Figure 1. Block Diagram of the System

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Figure 2. Transition State Diagram

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Figure 3. Availability vs Time

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Figure 4. Reliability vs Time

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Figure 5. Mean Time to Failure with respect to Failure Rates

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Figure 6. Expectected profit vs Time

Table 1. Nomenclature

λE1 / λE2 λh1 / λh2 Constant human error
failure rates.
Constant failure rate of
λ1 Constant failure rate
λ′ / λ main unit/standby unit
of subsystem A.
of subsystem B.
The probability that
at time‘t’, the system The probability that at
is in the “good time‘t’ system is in
PO , O , S (t ) / PO , F , O (t ) state/good state PO , F , S (t ) failed state due to
while main unit of failure of one unit of
subsystem B is subsystem B.
Downloaded by Fudan University At 23:19 25 April 2017 (PT)

already failed.”
The probability that The probability that at
at time‘t’, the system time‘t’, system is in
is in failed state failed state due to
due to human error/ PO , F ( x, t ) ∆
failure of switch and
PH ( N , t )∆ / PE ( K , t )∆
environmental cause, elapsed repair time for
elapsed repair time this lie in the interval
lies in the interval (x, x+∆).
(N, N+∆)/ (K, K+∆).
The probability that at
General repair rate time‘t’, the system is
for the state of in the failed state due
β H (N ) / β E (K ) human error/ PO , F , F ( y , t ) ∆ to failure of subsystem
environmental B, elapsed repair time
failure. for the same lies in the
interval (y, y+∆).
The first order
probability that the
The probability that at
system will be
time‘t’, the system is
repaired completely
in the failed state
in the time interval
β ( z )∆ / β1 ( y )∆ PF ,O , S ( z , t ) ∆ due to failure of
(z, z+∆)/(y,
subsystem A, elapsed
y+∆),conditioned repair time for this lies
that it was not
in the interval (z, z+∆).
repaired completely
up to time z/y.
a / log b x imperfect switching θ Parameter in [0,1].
rates over device
β (s) General repair rate Laplace transformation
A (s )
for switch. of function A (t).
Constant switching Laplace transform
a s
rate over device. variable.
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Table 2. Availability & Reliability of System vs Time

Time Availability Reliability

0 1 1

1 0.901965 0.895834

2 0.815997 0.802519

3 0.739333 0.718924

4 0.670468 0.644036

5 0.608412 0.57695
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6 0.552408 0.516851

7 0.501823 0.463013

8 0.456107 0.414783

9 0.414774 0.371577

10 0.377387 0.332871
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Table 4. Expected profit

Time (t) Expected profit EP(t) (with K1 = 1)

K 2 =0.01 K 2 =0.05 K 2 =0.10 K 2 =0.15 K 2 =0.20 K 2 =0.25 K 2 -0.50

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0.939463 0.899463 0.849463 0.799463 0.749463 0.699463 0.449463

2 1.787547 1.707547 1.607547 1.507547 1.407547 1.307547 0.807547

3 2.554478 2.434478 2.284478 2.134478 1.984478 1.834478 1.084478

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4 3.248745 3.088745 2.888745 2.688745 2.488745 2.288745 1.288745

5 3.877624 3.677624 3.427624 3.177624 2.927624 2.677624 1.427624

6 4.447532 4.207532 3.907532 3.607532 3.307532 3.007532 1.507532

7 4.964197 4.684197 4.334197 3.984197 3.634197 3.284197 1.534197

8 5.432755 5.112755 4.712755 4.312755 3.912755 3.512755 1.512755

9 5.85783 5.49783 5.04783 4.59783 4.14783 3.69783 1.44783

10 6.24358 5.84358 5.34358 4.84358 4.34358 3.84358 1.34358

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