ISO 8861 Engine Room Ventilation in Diesel Engined Ships PDF

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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD INTE®NATIONAL CRGANIZATION FOR STANOAROATION CRCANISATION INTEBNATIONALE DE NCBMALISATION MERE /“APOERAR OPFAZHIAUHR TO CTAMLAPTHOAUMH Shipbuilding — Engine-room ventilation in diesel- engined ships — Design requirements and basis of calculations Conswuction navaie — Ventilation du comparsiment machines des navires 3 moteurs diesel — Exigences de conception et bases d calcu ISO 8861 Fest edision 1988-11-52 Re 1988-1 Reference auraPet Iso 63: 1588) Foreword 1SO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a wordwide federation of nations! srandards bodies (ISO member bodiesl. The work of preparing International Standards & normally carried out trough ISO technical commitees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical commis tas been established has tha right to be feoresented on that committee. Intemational organizations, govern mental and non-govemmental, in Faison with ISO, also take part in the work. !SO borates clesery with the Intemational Execuorachnical Commission (IEC) on alt matters of aecrstechnical sandarcizaton. Craft International Standards adopted by the technical committses are cicculated t0 tne memoer bocies for approval before their acceptance es Interstional Standards by ‘me ISD Zouncil. They are asproved in accorcance with 'SO procedures requiring at lgast 73 % approval by the memoer bodies voting. International Ssancard ISO 6861 wes prepared by Technical Commintee ISO/TC 8, Shipuiiding and manne structures. Annexes A and 8 of this Intemational Standard are for information only. Z_ Internationsl Organization for Standardization, 1982 in Seetaerans INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 1SO 8861 : 1988 (£) Shipbuilding — Engine-room ventilation in diesel- engined ships — Design requirements and basis of calculations 1 Scope ‘This International Standard specifies design requirements and suitable caleulstion methods for the ventiation of the engine- room in merchant seagoing dieselengined ships, for normal ondisions in ail waters. Annex A gives graphical estimates of total airflow in the ‘engine-room in ships, divided into = the sirflow for combustion and evacuation of heat ‘emission in the engine-room, excluding the boilers), based (on the brake power of the diesel enginets! for propulsion; —__ the airflow for evacuation of heat emission from the boiler(s!, based on the calculated stezm consumetion st Annex B provides guidance and good practice in the design of ventilation systems for ships’ engine-rooms. NOTE — Users of this Intemational Szndard should note that, wile ‘observing the requirements of the standard, they should at he same Sime ensure comatance with such stati requiremens, tues and fegulatone as may be appicable 10 the individual ship concerned. 2 Normati @ references The following standards contain provisions which, through teference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, tie editions indicated ‘ware valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on ths International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possiblity of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of IEC and SO maintain registers of curently vaid international Standards. ISO 21-1 : 1978, Quantities and units of space and cme, 180 31-3 : 1978, Quamtities and units of mechanics. ISO 31-4 : 1978, Quantities and units of heat. 1$0 3258: 1876, Air distribution and ar diffusion ~ Voeabulary. 3. Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given below, together with those in ISO 31-1, {SO 31-3, 150 31-4 and ISO 5258, apply 3.1. engine-room : Space contsining proculsion machinery, bunilary diesel engines, boilers, generators and major electric machinery, et. 3.2. ventilation : Provision of sir to an enclosed space 10 rset the needs of the occupants and/or the requirements ct the equipment therein, 4. Design conditions ‘The outside ambient air temperature shall be taken as + 35°C, 5 Airflow calculation 5.1 Total airflow The total aidlow shall be based on the maximum operation lasd, taking into consideration the sum of the airfiow for cam bbuston air to diesel engines and boilers in accordance with 5.2 ‘and the sum of the airflow necessary for evacuation of heat ‘emission from the installations in the engine-room in acccrd- ance with 5.3 For rating purposes, the simultaneous operation of two aux: iiary diesel engines for driving the generators shal be included, unless shaft-driven generators or equivalent values from the electrical loed anatysis are already included in the total caleu- lation, ‘Combustion air for, and heat emission from, al stand-by plant. boilers and other installations sitvated within the engine-room ‘casing but not included in the’ total operating load shalt be ignored. Spaces separated from the engine-room, such as individual ‘uxifary machinery-rooms and boiler-ooms shall be calculated separately. 5.2 Airflow for combustion 5.2.1 Sum of airtlow for combustion The sum of the ailow for combustion, ge, shall be calculated, in cubic mets per second, as follows Ie = deo * Geq * where ap._is the aietow for propulsion diesel engine combustion. in tubie metres por second (see 5.2.2) 1SO 8861 : 1983 (ED eq. the airflow for generstor decal enginels! combus- tion, in cubic metes per second (see §.231; ty. is the sifiow for boiler combustion, in cubic meres per second (see 5.24). 5.22 Airflow for combustion for diesel enginels) for propulsion “The airflow for combustion ofthe diesel engines) used for pro. pulsion, dao, shall be calculated, in cubic mates per second, 35 follows : Peg & Pat a9 = where Pag is the brake shatt power of the diesal engine's! for propulsion at maximum power output, in Khowatts: ig is the air requitement for diesel engine combustion, in Kdlograms per kilowatt second. . NOTE — Where sovcte daa fo myg are nt vada, the flow ing values may be used for ealeulaton ity = 0.002 5 4g KW! for 2-trote encines. 0,002 0 kg /kW-s! for &-srcte engines. @ = 1.13 kg/m? (ie, the density of air, at + 35°C, 70% RH and 101,3 kPal. 5.2.3 Airflow for combustion for diesel engineis) for gonoratorts) “The airflow for combustion for diese engine(s} for generstorts), oq» shal be calculated, in cubic metres per second, 2s follows: Pag 6a * ad 4 = ia @ where Peg is the brake shat power of the generator diesel fengine(s! at maximum power output, in Klowatts (see 5.11, yg. isthe aie requirement for lesel engine combustion, in kilograms per kilowatt second. NOTE — Where specific data for my ae not avaisele, the ftow- ing values may be used for caleulaan ¢ rag ~ 0,082 5 gtk sl for 2steoke engines, 0102 8 VSI for stroke engines. 9 = 1,13 kg/m? lie, the density of air, at + 35°C, 70% RH and 101,3 kPal. 6.2.4 Airflow for combustion for boiteris) ‘The airflow for combustion for ballets}, dp, shall be calculated in cubic metres per second, as follows img lig Xt = e where im, ig the total steam consumotion, in Klegreme per second (see 5.1); my is the fuel consymotion, in kilograms of fuel per flogram of steam, NOTE — Where specific daca are not avaiable, mig = 0.073 kg/ig may be used for calculation, img is the sie requirement for combustion, in kilograms of per kilogram of fuel NOTE — Where specific data are not avaiable, my BB kalo may be used ‘or calculation. 2 = 1,13 kg/m} fie, the density of air, at + 35°C, 70 % RH and 101,3 kPa, 5.3 Airflow for evacuation of heat emission The sum of the airflow to be evacuaied, gp, shall be calculated, in cubie metres per second, as follows : Qn exexar = 04 Gap * Geqh ~ 49 where eps the heat emission from diesel enginets! for propul- sion, in kilowatts (see 6.1); eq is the heat emission from diesel enginels) for (generatoris), in kilowatts (see 6.2); Gx. is the heat emission from boilers and other heat ex- changers, in Klowatts (see 6.3); @p2 {s the heat emission from steam and condensate pipes, in kilowatts see 6.4); dg, the heat erision ram eee! arcood ater Cy nator(s, in kilowatts (see 6.51: da is the heat emission from electrical installations, in ifowatts (see 6.51; eq. is the heat emission from exhaust pipes, in kilowatts see 6.7; ei the heat emission fram hot tanks, in klowar (see 6.8); Gis the heat emission from other components, in silowatts (see 6.9); Gap. is the sirflew for propulsion diesel engine combust in cubic metres par second (see §.2.2); 4q_ it the aidlow for generator diesel engine combustion, in tubic metres per second (see 5.2. Qe_ is the airflow for boiler combustion, in cubic metres Per second (soe 6.2.41; 2 = 1,13 kg’? RM and 101,3 kPal; the density of air, at + 35 °C, 70% ¢ = 1,01 kd/tkg.K1 tthe specific heat capacity of the ai; AT = 125K (the increase of the mean tempersture in the engie-rooml 6 Calculation of heat emission 6.1 Heat emission from diesel engine(s) for propulsion’ ‘The heat emission {rom diesel engine(s} for propulsion, gee. shall be caicu'sted, in kilowatts, as follows : Aly = Pog ¥ O20 = Pee * 09 where Pag is the brake power of the dlesel enginets! for propul. ‘sion at maximum power output, in kilowarts: hy ig tne heat loss from the diesel engineis). in percen- tage. NOTE — Where specific dats are not aallaoia, cata 7.1 may be used for caleuavion. coxting 10 6.2 Heat emission trom diesel engine(s) for generator(s) The heat emission from diesel engine(s! for generators), b4 shall be calculated, in kilowatts, as follows © bhg 4g = Pag * where Pgq_ if the brake power of the generator diesel engine(s! at maximum power output, in klowatts (see 5.17; A tg. is the heat loss from the diesel enginets), tage. percen: NOTE — Where specific data are not avaiable, data 3 1.1 may be used for ealeuaton, cing 10 6.3 Heat emission from boilers and other heat exchangers The nest emission fcom heat transfer plants, Op, shall be calculated in kilowars, as follows : Og 2K my A AE x Bye! 40) ‘itm nt where rm, ig the tatal steam consumetion, in kilograms per second (see 5.1); - tes 1SO 8861 : 1988 (E) my is the fuel consumation, in kilograms of fuel cer kilogram of steam. NOTE — Where specific data are not avaiebie, my = 0,079 1g/4g may be used for calculation fis the specific erthaipy of the fuel, in tilejoules per Klogram, NOTE — Where specific data are not available, h = (2.000 Ki/2g may be used for caleuatin, hg fe the heat loss in percentage of the steam consump. tion at sea, including 60 % foad of the steam vanster plants, NOTE — Where specific data are not avaiable, dat according 10 7.2 may be used for calesaton, By isa constant that applies to the location of the boilers) and other heat exchangers ia the engine recom. NOTE caeng, IMTECCAMAUROLES By By = 0.1 for bolertst leeated drecty below exposes 4h dt fooh, 6.4 Heat emission from steam and condensate pipes ‘The heat emission from steam and condensate pipes, 2, shal! bee calculated, in kilowatts, as follows : hy 100 Op = my K my x A where mm, is the total steam consumption, in tilograms per second (see 5.1 imyg_ is the fuel consumption, in kilograms of fuel per kilogram of steam, NOTE ~ Where specific eata are not avaiable, ma = 0,079 49°19 may be used for caleuaton, A is the specific enthalpy of the fuel, in kiojoules per kilogram. NOTE — Where specific data are not asia ‘may be used for calevation, he mow hp. is the heat loss from steam and condensate pipes. in pereentage of the energy supplied to the beite. NOTE — Where apseifie deta are not available, 0,°5 4% may be ‘ered for calelation, 6.5 Heat emission from electrical alternator|s) The heat emission from ait-cooled alternatoris), #, shall be calculated, in kilowatts, a5 follows + a a-a(-&) 1SO 8861 : 1988 (E) whers x Py is the power of instailad siccaoied alternators, in Kx warts (stand:by sets shall be ignored); nis the altemnator efficiency, in percentage. NOTE — Where spectie data are not available, ¢ = 94 % may be used for caiculaon. 6.6 Heat emi tallations 0 from electrical “The heat emission from electrical installations, yg, shall be calculated, in kilowatts, in accordance with one of the follow- ing three alternative methods in descending order of prefer- ence : a) where full details of the electical installations are Krrown, the heat emission shall be taken as the sum of the simultaneous heat emission; or ») for conventional shins where full etails of the electrical installations are not known, the heat emission is taken as 20 % of the rated power of the eleczical separatus and Tighsng that are in use at sea; or ch for conventional ships where details of the electrical in- stalations are nat known, the heat emission is taken as 10% of the power of generatoris] installed, and oy is cearcutated, in Klowarts, 3s follows 19 106 where Py is the power of generstoris! installed, in Kiowatts {stand-by sets shall be ignored). _ 6.7 Heat emission from exhaust pipes ‘The heat emission from exhaust pipes, Pag. shall be calculated in kilowatts, on the basis of a temperature diference of 350 K land thermal conductivity vaiues approndate to the insulation material used. NOTE ~ typ may be determined from 7.3, ia Klowares per metre of ive. 6.8 Heat emission from hot tanks “The heat emission from hot tanks, @4, in klowatss, shall be ‘based on the sum of the hot tank surfaces contiguous with the ‘engine-room using values as given in table 1 Table 1 Heat omission and tank temperature for inaulated and uninsulated surfaces Host emission #,, KW, 1a tank temperature of ere | mec | ec | sore foo +c: Tank surtnce ‘Uninaulated 1 | oz | om | oe [oss insulation mm | oz | 639 | 0.05 | 0.05 | 008 insuladon omen | oor | oma | 00a | oot | o0s 6.9 Heat emission from other components ‘The heat emission from other components, #4, in Klowatts, €.9. compressors and steam turbines, shall be inctuded when calculating the sum of the airflow for evacuation of heat : 1988 (&) {SO 8861 7 Graphs Pal Heat loss in percentage from diesel engine based on brake power of engine 2 figure 1 s O00 0E 00002 000 St jot er 00001 1 oun6ig 0009 ODE 0002 000% © 00Sz 00S b 001 00L 00S 00% 00€ 002 oot 6 O49 "30 1204 wo <0 1SO 8861 : 1988 (E) 7.2. Heat loss in percentage of steam consumption at sea heat transfer plants Juding 60 % load of bbiler(s) and other See figure 2 s# Haating mesa 120°C m 250 °C, for balers, thermal fd system, #6. 3, 3 4 fo Leora re, eer eees| i 1 Y a Power 8 1000 2000 «30004000 5000 6 000-7000 «= 8.000 : ee oH : TTT Seem consumation, 9/4 05 1 15 2 25 (180%) (sscotyt.) — (Sstoegit ——(4.a04 14) (accel) Figure 2 1SO 8861 : 1988 (E) 7.2. Heat emission from exhaust pipes ‘he curve is plored for a temperature difference, dT, of 360 K and insulation thickness between 40 mm and 70 mm. See figure 3, Diameter of exhaust pipe, om $100 200 $400 600 $800 61000 $2000 Figure 3 50 8861 : 1988 (E) Annex A (informative) Graphical estimation of total airflow (cy + 13.35 (s|, based on the brake power Fap (Kw) 1314 I 1 i i a. co 01 MH Monod oxe1e ° P S 2 2 a [ m = A.A Kidllow for combustion and evacuation of heat eméssion in the engine-room, excluding the bover' of the diesol enginels! for propulsion is shown in figure At. Toul aitiow, 2/5 200 100 150 Figure A.1 50 figure A.2. A.2._ Aifiow for evacuation of heat emission from the boilers is shown in Figae mousNe oooo mae Steam consumption at sea, kgs 4 6 8 10 12 Figure A.2 2 kg/h 360m M4400 Pero 1SO 8861 ; 1988 (E) Annex B {informative} Guidance and good practice B.1 Distribution of air in the engine-room ‘The capacity of the ventilation plant should be such as to provide comfortable working concitions in the engine-coom, to supply the necessary combustion air to the diesel engiees and other machines, ard to prevent heat-sensitive apsaratus over heating, In meeting these requirements, adequate ventilation should be proviced throughout the engine-room. Sufficient outdoor aie should be provided 10 all work and service posiions. The supply air devices to such positions sheuld permit diceesonal adjustment. Approximately 50 % of the ventilation air should be delivered at the level of the top of the main engine, close to the turbo-charger jnles, care being taken to ensure that no sea water can be drawn into that air intet. No air should be blown directly on to heat-emitting components or directly on (0 elec'rical o° other apparatus sensitive to water He 8.2. Air exhaust “The sir exhaust system should be designed to maintain a slight positive pressure in the engine-rcom. This should normally rot exceed 50 Pa, Exhaust fans should be installed where the exhaust ait cannot be fed through the funnel or extra F openings, ‘The purifier room containing fuel oi separators, etc. should have a separate fan-operated exhaust system cischarging to the atmosphere as remote as pessitie from any air inet B.3 Fire dampers Fire dampers should be installed in the ventilation coarings of the fans er equivalent.

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