Construction and Building Materials: O. Burgos-Montes, M.M. Alonso, F. Puertas

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Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 417–423

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Viscosity and water demand of limestone- and fly ash-blended cement

pastes in the presence of superplasticisers
O. Burgos-Montes, M.M. Alonso, F. Puertas ⇑
Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science (IETcc-CSIC), Madrid, Spain

h i g h l i g h t s

 Krieger–Dougherty equation could predict the viscosity of blended cement suspensions.

 The use of mineral additions reduced the effectiveness of cement superplasticizers.
 Cement with limestone under 30% had little effect on paste rheology.
 Fly ash lowers the minimum water demand for suitable fluidity.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The rheological behaviour of fresh cement has a direct effect on the microstructural development of mor-
Received 19 March 2013 tar and concrete. Inasmuch as the presence of mineral additions impact cement paste rheology and con-
Received in revised form 18 June 2013 sequently its permanent microstructure and strength, a full understanding of blended cement behaviour
Accepted 9 July 2013
should be pursued. The present study addresses the joint effect of mineral additions (limestone and fly
Available online 7 August 2013
ash) and superplasticisers admixtures on the viscosity and water demand of cement pastes.
Cement pastes were prepared with 10, 30 or 50 wt% limestone or fly ash as mineral admixtures. Mel-
amine-, naphthalene- and polycarboxylate-based superplasticisers were used. Paste rheology was stud-
w/c Ratio
ied in terms of variations in yield stress and viscosity with the solids content and amount of mineral
Cement pastes additions added. The strength and microstructure of the blended cement pastes were determined at vis-
Limestone cosity values of 1.5 Pas. in the presence of superplasticisers.
Fly ash The findings showed that the Krieger–Dougherty equation could be used to determine the effect of sol-
Rheology ids content on the apparent viscosity of limestone- and fly ash-blended cement suspensions, as well as
Superplasticisers the effect of superplasticisers. Adding less than 30% limestone to cement had no effect on paste rheology:
i.e., the w/c ratios for minimum and optimal workability were similar to the ratios for ordinary cement.
However, adding fly ash did lower the minimum water demand, and the optimal amount of water needed
for suitable fluidity. The inclusion of 10% of either addition raised paste strength, while higher propor-
tions 30 or 50%) had the opposite effect. The use of mineral additions reduced the effectiveness of cement
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction different factors affecting the rheological behaviour of the cement.

The physical parameters of cement pastes, which govern their
One of the key factors in the development of concrete micro- characteristics and physical behaviour under different conditions
structure is its fresh state fluidity. Workability is the term tradi- can be studied on the grounds of their rheology [1–3].
tionally used to define a concrete that can be readily mixed, In on-site concrete casting, the general trend is to use binders
shipped and placed. Workability is typically determined by means with a high solids content but low yield stress and viscosity. This
of the slump test, although different concrete mixes with similar combination ensures high performing concretes with no detriment
slump values have been reported to behave differently during to their workability. Since viscosity and yield stress are generally
on-site casting. Given the essential role in concrete fluidity played agreed to be exponentially related to the water/cement ratio, the
by fresh cement rheology, a detailed study is needed to define the conditions for obtaining an ideal compromise between solids con-
tent and paste fluidity need to be determined [4]. That objective
can be attained by controlling both the physical–chemical charac-
⇑ Corresponding author. teristics of cement pastes and the inter-particulate forces with the
E-mail address: (F. Puertas). addition of superplasticisers to the mix [5–9].

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
418 O. Burgos-Montes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 417–423

Mineral additions are used in cement for economic and environ- Table 1
mental reasons, as well as to enhance mortar or concrete strength Chemical composition (%,weight) and Blaine fineness of the cement and additions
and durability. Mineral additions reduce the amount of clinker
needed in Portland cement manufacture. In other words, their % p. CEM I 52.5R L FA
presence lowers the high temperature (and energy consumption) L.O.I. 2.35 43.56 6.76
required and also mitigates other adverse impacts of cement man- SiO2 20.51 0.34 46.32
ufacture. The economic and environmental advantages of the use Al2O3 5.37 0.04 31.01
Fe2O3 2.10 0.11 4.50
of this type of cements have fuelled their use the world over. Of MnO 0.02 0.01 0.05
the 27 types of common cements listed in European standard MgO 3.86 0.93 1.29
EN197-1, 26 contain some manner of mineral addition (such as CaO 57.05 54.56 4.90
limestone, fly ash, blast furnace slag, silica fume or burnt shale). Na2O 0.64 0.36 0.34
K2O 1.44 – 1.34
The mineral additions chosen for the present study were limestone
TiO2 0.16 0.01 1.53
and fly ash, both listed in European standard EN197-1. Their effect P2O5 0.13 0.08 0.98
on paste rheology constituted the object of the research conducted. SO3 6.37 – 0.98
Limestone-blended cements have been widely studied. Their Sireact – 0 36.4
durability and mechanical strength are similar to the values found Blaine (m2/Kg) 501.7 – –

in the non-blended cements, and compressive strength remains ESBET (m2/g) 1.22 4.38 2.70
high at replacement ratios of up to 25% [10–16]. Another mineral Dv(lm) 10 1.19 0.81 1.80
50 7.08 3.58 13.81
addition used in cement compositions is pozzolanic aluminosili-
90 22.46 35.14 59.33
ceous fly ash, whose presence in cement has beneficial effects, such
as higher late-age mechanical strength. It also affords improved
concrete durability by constraining the expansion associated with
Table 2
the reaction between the aggregate and the alkalis in cement [17– Density values of CEM I 52.5R and blended cements.
20]. Since the use of these mineral additions may also alter paste
rheology [5,7,8], further studies are needed to through more light CEM

on the subject. I 52.5R 10L 30L 50L 10FA 30FA 50FA

The use of mineral additions has been generally thought to im- Density(g/cm3) 3.15 3.05 2.97 2.93 3.00 2.78 2.60
prove end product performance, although it has negative effect on
the workability [21,22]. The main reason given for such behaviour
Table 3
is that the large specific surface of these fine powders generates a
Physical and chemical characteristics of the admixtures used.
high water demand. This effect is observed primarily when silica
fume is the mineral addition used. It is not always present, how- Admixture PNS PMS PCE
ever, when other mineral additions are chosen. The literature has Solid content (%) 39.6 41.9 40.9
reported that some mineral additions lower water demand and Mw (Da) 136,995 78,828 59,596
Mn 25,695 7315 35,923
raise slump [2,4,11,23,24]. Improved workability and lower water
Rotational viscosity (mPas) 51.11 31.50 118.20
demand in fly ash-blended cements is attributed to the fact that %C 43.78 18.65 51.67
its spherical particles can readily roll over other particles, reducing %S 9.13 10.65 0.30
inter-particulate friction and raising paste fluidity [4,22,25,26]. In %H 4.53 3.98 8.14
limestone-blended cements, however, no consensus has been %N 0.80 22.17 0.17
Na (ppm) 31,400 55,280 2820
reached on the effect of the addition on paste fluidity. Some
K (ppm) 340 0.2 10
authors have observed improvements in rheological properties, pH 8.5 8 4.5
especially yield stress, plastic viscosity and water demand
[8,23,27], while others have found cement rheology to be adversely
affected by limestone [21,28].
Three commercial superplasticisers admixtures were also added: a naphtha-
A number of authors [5,8,21,29] studying the effect of super- lene-based (PNS), a melamine-based (PMS) and a polycarboxylate-based (PCE)
plasticisers admixtures on cement paste rheology, have reported product. Their physical-chemical characteristics are given in Table 3.
that the adsorption of part of the admixture onto the mineral addi-
tions in blended cements alters their behaviour and ultimately
their effect. 2.2. Methodology
In other words, the rheological behaviour of fresh cement di-
2.2.1. Paste rheology
rectly affects the microstructure development and strength behav- Cement paste rheological behaviour was determined with a Haake Rheowin Pro
iour of mortars and concrete. In light of the foregoing, the present RV1 rotational viscometer fitted with a grooved Z38S (Haake) cylindrical rotor to
study focuses on the joint effect of mineral additions (limestone or avoid slippage. Behaviour was studied with different solids contents. The solids
fly ash) and superplasticisers on cement paste viscosity and water content in a cement paste, defined as its volume fraction ð/Þ, is related to the
water/cement (w/c) ratio as shown in following equation:
demand and the concomitant impact on microstructure and
/ ¼ ðqw =qc Þðw=c þ ðqw =qc ÞÞ ð1Þ
2. Materials and methodology
where qw and qc are water and cement density, respectively.
2.1. Materials The cement pastes were prepared by mixing 100 g of cement and the amount of
water established for each trial with a mechanical blade stirrer for 3 min. Six milli-
The study was conducted with CEM I 52.5 R commercial Portland cement (here- gram of PNS and PMS polymers/g cement and 2 mg of PCE polymer/g of cement
after CEM I) and limestone (L) and fly ash (FA) mineral additions. The chemical com- were added to the mixing water (the optimal dosages were determined in an earlier
position and specific surface of the materials are listed in Table 1. Six blended study) [5].
cements were prepared in the laboratory with CEM I and 10, 30 or 50 wt% limestone In the rheological tests, the cement pastes were subjected to pre-shear at 100 s-1
or fly ash and respectively labelled CEM 10L, CEM 30L, CEM 50L, CEM 10FA, CEM for 1 min, return to a rotor velocity of 0 s-1, re-ramping to 100 s-1 in 12 min and
30FA and CEM 50FA. Each cement was blended in a mixer for 2 h. Table 2 lists lastly a gradual reduction in speed to 0 s-1 in a further 12 min. The downward shear
the densities of the cements used. rate values were fit to the Bingham equation (Eq. (2)), in which the y-intercept
O. Burgos-Montes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 417–423 419

determines the yield stress (s0) and the slope of the regression line the plastic vis- 2.5
cosity of the paste (g). In all cases the rheological curves exhibited the same behav-
iour and the downward arm of the shear rate curves fit the Bingham equation:
s ¼ s0 þ gðcÞ ð2Þ 2.0

Viscosity (Pa·s)
2.2.2. Paste strength and microstructure 1.5
Prismatic specimens measuring 1  1  6 cm were prepared with CEM I and
blended cements, CEM 10L, CEM 30L, CEM 50L, CEM 10FA, CEM 30FA and CEM
50FA with the w/c ratio found in rheological trials for viscosity 1.5, as described
in Section 3.1 below and shown in Fig. 3.
The pastes were mixed as described in European standard EN-196-1 in an Iber-
test 32-040E mixer. Each mould was filled with two lifts of cement and dropped
60 times on the flow table after each lift was cast. The specimens were chamber- 0.5
cured at 22 °C and 99% relative humidity for 24 h and subsequently removed from
the moulds and stored in a humidity chamber until the test time (2, 7 or 28 days).
Compressive strength was determined at the test ages on an Ibertest Autotest 0.0
200/10 hydraulic test frame as specified in Spanish and European standard 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
UNE-EN 196-1.
Unblended CEM I 52.5R paste strength, found under the same conditions as the
Solids volume fraction
strength for the experimental materials, was adopted as the control. In other words,
the strength for blended pastes with no superplasticiser was compared to the CEM I Fig. 1. Apparent viscosity versus solids volume fraction for CEM I 52.5R pastes in
52.5R paste strength with no superplasticiser, while the strength for the pastes pre- absence and presence of admixtures.
pared with PNS or PCE was compared to the strength observed for CEM I 52.5R
pastes with the same superplasticiser.
One 28-day specimen of each type of cement was immersed in acetone to stop with lower w/c ratios. For each cement, the maximum solids value
the cement hydration reactions and subsequently vacuum-dried. Total porosity and is known as the maximum solids content ð/max Þ. Of the admixtures
pore size distribution of cement pastes were determined by means of a Micromer- used, PCE lowered water demand most effectively, while only min-
itics Autopore IV 9500 analyser. Additionally the morphology of the 28-day CEM
50L and CEM 50FA pastes was studied under a Hitachi S-4800 Scanning Electron
or differences in performance were found between PMS and PNS.
Microscope (SEM/EDX). The variation in paste viscosity with the solids content (/) was
determined for the limestone- and fly ash-blended pastes in much
the same way as for the reference cement. The respective maxi-
3. Results and discussion
mum / values were obtained by extrapolation from the maximum
viscosity values on the exponential curves obtained for cements
3.1. Paste rheology
used. Entering this value in Eq. (1) yielded the w/c ratio required
to ensure the maximum viscosity in each paste.
Cement paste behaviour is determined by physical–chemical
The minimum w/c ratio found for the pastes (i.e., the minimum
inter-particle and particle–medium interaction. The tendency of
amount of water that must be added for the pastes to flow with
cement particles to agglomerate and form floccule detracts from
maximum viscosity), with and without superplasticiser, is plotted
their flowability. The degree of agglomeration depends on the nat-
against the amount of mineral addition in Fig. 2.
ure, composition and size of the cement particles, as well as the
As Fig. 2 shows the water demand was lower in the pastes pre-
water content in the medium.
pared with superplasticisers than in the reference samples. For up
Fig. 1 shows the variations in plastic viscosity (determined in
to 30% limestone admixtures, the variations in the w/c ratio were
the rheological tests) with the solids volume fraction for the CEM
fairly insignificant, in both the absence and the presence of super-
I 52.5R pastes, in the presence and absence of superplasticisers.
plasticisers. When the limestone replacement ratio reaches 50%,
In Portland cements, viscosity (g) is related to the solids content
however, the minimum w/c ratio declined substantially (Fig. 2
expressed as volume ð/Þ according to the Krieger–Dougherty equa-
above)The reduction in water demand in the 50 L limestone-
tion [30]:
blended cement pastes containing superplasticisers was 31% for
 ½g/m PNS and PMS and 33% for PCE, compared to a 26% decline in the
g /
¼ 1 ð3Þ paste with no superplasticiser. The beneficial effect of limestone
gc /m
on the w/c ratio was attributed to the size and dispersion of its par-
where gc is viscosity in the continuous phase, /m is the maxi- ticles (Table 1), able to occupy small voids between cement parti-
mum solids content by volume and [g] is intrinsic viscosity. The cles [11].
Krieger–Dougherty equation describes the effect of solids content When up to 30% fly ash (10FA and 30FA) was added to the ce-
on cement suspension viscosity (g). The maximum solids content ment (Fig. 2 below), the minimum w/c ratios declined slightly in
depends on particle shape and particle size distribution. The maxi- the pastes containing PSN and PMS. The pastes prepared with
mum solids content can be calculated empirically by measuring PCE, by contrast, exhibited a significant drop in water demand with
the viscosity of pastes with different solids contents [31] and then 30% fly ash. The addition of up to 30% fly ash was more effective
fitting the results to calculate the theoretical curve. than limestone in lowering water demand. This may be due pri-
Due to the very diverse size distribution and shape of the parti- marily to the spherical morphology of the ash articles, which
cles in the cements used in the present study, however, the exper- would reduce inter-particulate friction and therefore raise paste
imental data proved to fit the Krieger–Dougherty equation very fluidity [21]. Blends with 50% fly ash also lowered the water de-
poorly. When fitted mathematically, they exhibited an exponential mand and improved the fluidity of the cement pastes. The decline
curve in all cases. Nonetheless, for CEM I that exponential pattern without superplasticisers was 40%, compared to 37% with PNS and
was observed to concur with the Krieger–Dougherty equation PMS and 39% with PCE. Here, the superplasticisers proved to be
predictions. less effective when the paste contained 50% fly ash [8]. The general
The exponential nature of the curve was an indication that ce- performance pattern of the superplasticisers in fly ash-blended ce-
ment pastes with over a given maximum solids content were not ment was similar to the pattern observed for the limestone blends,
fluid. With the addition of superplasticisers which, as expected, however, with PCE providing for the steepest decline and PNS and
raised the maximum solids content value, pastes could be prepared PMS exhibiting identical effectiveness. Under minimum w/c
420 O. Burgos-Montes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 417–423

0.50 0,50

0.45 0,45
water/cement ratio

water/cement ratio
0.40 0,40

0.35 0,35

0.30 0,30

0.25 0,25

0.20 0,20

0.15 0,15
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Limestone (%) Limestone (%)

0.50 0.50
Without admixture Without admixture
0.45 PMS 0.45 PMS
water/cement ratio

water/cement ratio
0.40 0.40

0.35 0.35

0.30 0.30

0.25 0.25

0.20 0.20

0.15 0.15
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

Fly ash (%) Fly ash (%)

Fig. 3. Minimum w/c ratio determined for each paste at a viscosity value of 1.5 Pa s.
Fig. 2. Minimum w/c ratio determined for each paste at maximum viscosity value.

conditions, the scant availability of water may favour floc forma- 3.2. Paste strength and microstructure
tion in the pastes, yielding scarcely workable materials. Further
to the present findings, the viscosity value established for suitable One of the determining factors in paste, mortar and concrete
workability was 1.5 Pas. The w/c ratios found for each paste (with microstructural development is the water/cement ratio used in
and without mineral additions and superplasticisers) are shown in their preparation. Microstructure, in turn, determines the perma-
Fig. 3. nent strength and durability of these materials. As the above rhe-
As the figure shows, the variation in paste w/c ratio at 1.5 Pas ological tests showed, the presence of mineral additions and
was similar to that found for their maximum viscosity (see different types of superplasticisers altered the minimum w/c ratio
Fig. 2). With 50% limestone and PNS and PMS, water demand for a given viscosity. The effect of the minimum water/cement ra-
was 15% lower than in the pastes with no superplasticiser, while tios on the variations in cement paste strength and paste micro-
with PCE the difference was 24%. Water content also declined structural development in the presence and absence of
when fly ash was added, by 16%, 20% and 21% with PNS, PMS superplasticisers are discussed in this section. Because of the sim-
and PCE, respectively. Under 1.5 Pas viscosity conditions, which ilarity of PNS and PMS performance, only PCE and PNS were used in
were less demanding than maximum viscosity, the difference be- these tests.
tween the effects of limestone and fly ash was smaller. When vis- The 2-, 7- and 28-day compressive strength of limestone- and
cosity was 1.5 Pas the w/c ratios were higher and solids content fly ash-blended cement pastes with no superplasticiser admixture,
consequently lower. As a result, the stabilising effect of the fly with PNS and with PCE were determined for given w/c ratios and a
ash particles was not as effective as at higher solids content values. constant viscosity value of 1.5 Pas. The strength activity index
Therefore, the presence of the mineral additions studied affects (SAI) was found with Eq. (4) below to determine the effect of the
cement paste rheology, in particular water demand. The inclusion mineral additions on paste strength:
of less than 30% limestone did not alter substantially the paste w/c Blended cement strengh
ratio. In pastes prepared with 50% limestone, however, water de- SAI ¼ ð4Þ
Reference cement strength
mand declined substantially. The presence of up to 30% fly ash re-
duced the water demand slightly. As for limestone, when the fly A coefficient greater than one therefore means that the mineral
ash content was 50%, the w/c ratio declined substantially. When addition raised cement strength, while values of less than one de-
the proportion of mineral addition was high, at 50%, the w/c ratio note lower strength in the blended cement than in the control.
dropped to nearly half. In all the cements studied, the effect of PNS The SAI values for each age studied are plotted against the pro-
and PMS superplasticizers barely differed, while PCE was the portion of limestone addition in Fig. 4.
superplasticiser that most effectively reduced mixing water At all ages, the pastes prepared with 10% limestone and no
demand. superplasticiser exhibited higher strength than the unblended
O. Burgos-Montes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 417–423 421

1.5 25 Microporous (< 0.01 µm)

Without admixture
2 days PNS
Mesoporous (0.05 - 0.01 µm)
Macroporous (10 - 0.05 µm)

1.3 Air Porous (> 10 µm)




% Cumulative





0.8 10

0.6 5
10L 30L 50L
CEM I 10L 30L 50L
7 days Fig. 5. Pore size distribution (in lm units) in limestone-blended pastes at 28 days

10L 30L 50L

28 days



Fig. 6. SEM micrograph of 28 day-CEM 50L pastes.



0.8 The SEM micrograph of the 28-day sample of CEM 50L repro-
duced in Fig. 6 shows that the limestone particles form an integral
part of the paste matrix, generating a very compact microstructure.
0.6 None of these developments induced a significant increase in
0.5 strength, for the ultimate effect was not associated with the forma-
10L 30L 50L tion of more cohesive products, but only with physical events (bet-
ter particle distribution and dispersion and more compact
Fig. 4. SAI values for limestone-blended pastes at 2, 7 and 28 days of curing.
Fly ash-blended cement strength was affected primarily by two
factors: a refinement of particle size and type (as in the case of
cement. In general, the pastes with higher limestone contents and limestone) and the reaction induced by its pozzolanic activity.
either PCE or PNS had SAIs of less than one, an indication that here The former effect would be reflected to a greater extent at early
the addition of limestone had no beneficial effect on strength, de- ages, whereas the pozzolanic effect would appear at later ages.
spite the lower w/c ratio observed. The variation in SAI with the proportion of fly ash in the cements
The Hg porosimetry findings (Fig. 5) showed a decline in total is shown in Fig. 7. The cements with 10% fly ash and no admixture
porosity and pores with a size higher than 0.05 lm in limestone- had SAI values of over one. At early ages, 2 and 7 days, the ash-
blended pastes, which was steeper in the presence of a superplas- blended cements with superplasticisers had lower strength than
ticiser. The pore size distribution underwent no substantial change, the unblended cement, with the exception of CEM10CV with
however, in the presence of either rising amounts of limestone or PNS. The bearing strength of 28-day cements with 10% and 30%
superplasticisers. These results may be interpreted as follows: fly ash rose as a result of the pozzolanic reactions and the forma-
limestone, given its particle size and texture (see Table 1), favours tion of more reaction product (essentially C–S–H gels). This rise
workability. That, in conjunction with its capacity to adsorb was steeper in the pastes containing admixtures, which exhibited
superplasticizers [5], would explain the decline in paste w/c ratios. values of nearly 1. The SAI of the paste with 50% fly ash was the
Since this material also acts as a filler, its presence would lower lowest at all the ages studied, for two reasons: on the one hand,
paste porosity. the dilution effect induced by the mineral addition and on the
422 O. Burgos-Montes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 417–423

Without admixture
1,4 2 days PCE


10FA 30FA 50FA

1,4 7 days Fig. 8. SEM micrograph of 28 day-CEM 50FA pastes.

1,2 Microporous (< 0.01µm)
25 Mesoporous (0.05-0.01µm)
Macroporous (10-0.05 µm)

1,0 Air porous (> 10µm)


0,9 20


% Cumulative

0,7 15



10FA 30FA 50FA

28 days
1,2 CEM I 52.5R 10FA 30FA 50FA
Fig. 9. Pore size distribution (in lm units) in fly ash-blended pastes at 28 days

1,0 curing.
less reactive phase. When fly ash was added at a rate of 50%,
0,7 strength declined because the scant amount of water available dur-
0,6 ing hydration limited the effect of the pozzolanicity of the addition.
0,5 The use of mineral additions reduced the effectiveness of cement
10FA 30FA 50FA superplasticisers.

Fig. 7. SAI values for fly ash-blended pastes at 2, 7 and 28 days of curing. 4. Conclusions

other the high proportion of unreacted fly ash, for the amount of The main conclusions drawn from the results of this study are
water in these cements was very low in comparison to the amount listed below:
of ash present, preventing the pozzolanic reaction in many of the
particles. This effect was verified by SEM: note the large number (a) Krieger–Dougherty equation could be used to determine the
of cenospheres in the micrograph of the 28-day CEM50CV sample effect of solids content on the apparent viscosity of lime-
reproduced in Fig. 8. stone- and fly ash-blended cement suspensions, as well as
Fig. 9 shows paste porosity for different amounts of fly ash. The the effect of superplasticisers.
pastes containing 50% fly ash and superplasticisers had a higher (b) Adding limestone to cement at proportions of under 30% had
porosity than the other samples, which would explain their lower little effect on paste rheology. The w/c ratios for minimum
strength. The pastes with no superplasticisers and 10% fly ash and optimal workability were similar to the ratios for ordin-
exhibited lower porosity, while at higher proportions of mineral ary cement. When 50% of the cement was replaced with the
addition, porosity increased. This would be explained by the large mineral addition, the water demand was lower.
amount of unreacted ash, whose presence would yield a micro- (c) Adding fly ash lowered the minimum water demand and the
structure with scant particle packing. optimal amount of water for suitable fluidity.
In conclusion, adding 10% limestone or fly ash improved cement (d) As expected, the use of superplasticisers lowered the water
strength considerably. Strength declined in cements with 30% and demand in all the cements. The PCE-based superplasticiser
50% limestone because the smaller proportion of cement generated induced the steepest declines.
O. Burgos-Montes et al. / Construction and Building Materials 48 (2013) 417–423 423

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