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Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents 1

1 - Introduction 2
1.1 - Training Guide Objectives....................................................................................................2
1.2 - Machining Contexts.............................................................................................................. 2

2 - Creating a Machining Context 4

2.1 - Positioning the Part............................................................................................................... 5
2.2 - Modifying the Program Origin........................................................................................... 12
2.3 - Using the Part Model Tab.................................................................................................. 13
2.4 - Saving the Machining Context.......................................................................................... 14
2.5 - Using a UCS to position the Part and define the Program Origin............................... 15
2.6 - Defining the Machining Context when Creating the Workzone................................... 17

3 - Creating a Machining Context from a UCS 19

4 - Managing Machining Contexts 21

5 - Practicing: Machining Contexts 29

6 - Exporting a Clamping System to the Library 34

7 - Selecting the Clamping System in the CAD Mode 40

7.4 - Importing Clamps................................................................................................................ 40
7.4 - Importing a Vice.................................................................................................................. 43

8 - Collision Detection 48
8.1 - Including Surfaces from the Machining Context for Collision Detection.................... 48
8.2 - Detecting Collisions and Checking the Machine Limits................................................ 51
8.3 - Defining Range Tolerance for Machine Collision Detection......................................... 56

9 - 3+2 Axis: Machining with an Inclined Tool Axis 59

9.1 - Machining with an Unknown Tool Axis............................................................................ 59
9.2 - Machining with a Known Tool Axis................................................................................... 65

10 - Assembled Toolpaths 69
10.1 - Creating an Assembled Toolpath................................................................................... 69
10.2 - Editing Transitions............................................................................................................ 74

Copyright 2017 © Sescoi International I WNC17R2_EN_MC3+2 - Machining Contexts & Inclined Machining
Table Of Contents XE "Training Guide Objectives" 1.1 - Training Guide O

1 - Introduction

1.1 - Training Guide Objectives

This manual presents the basic key concepts concerning the Machining Contexts and Inclined Machining in WorkNC. At the
end of the training session, the user should be able to:

 Define a Machining Context

 Apply a Machining Context

 Create a clamping system in the CAD mode

 Export a clamping system to the Library

 Detect collisions using the Machining Context data

 Create Assembled Toolpaths

 Program Inclined Machining Toolpaths

Files Needed for the Training Guide

Workzones Holders
Machining_context Holder_606373_07.hld


CAD Files

Machine_collision_v24 5-axis_drilling.xdw

Pumpe_volume Plate_cover.xdw

1.2 - Machining Contexts

Depending on your working methods, you may have to configure all machining components before postprocessing your
toolpaths. You have the possibility to define a machine with its components (clamps, vises, etc.) and the Program Origin
that will be used as the reference axis system by the Postprocessor. This is called the Machining Context, and it is used by
the following modules:

 Postprocessor

 Machine Limit Check (Auto5)

 Toolpath Simulation

 Holder Collision Detection

 Machine Collision Detection

 Assembled Toolpaths

 Open the Machining_context workzone, in which we have calculated a series of toolpaths.

By default, a toolpath is always calculated within a default Machining Context, which is represented by a large UCS in the
Viewing Area and appears above the toolpaths in the Workzone Manager. You can show/hide the Machining Context:

 Right click on the Machine Position 1 line in the Workzone Manager and select Activate Machining Context.
You can also double click on the Machining Context line in the Workzone Manager to show/hide it.
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Context Menu: Activate Machining Context

Hiding the Machining Context activates the display of the Machine UCS.

The default Machining Context allows you to program all types of toolpaths and to postprocess them before sending to the
CNC machine.

But you can also define a new Machining Context by adding a machine and a clamping system in order to simulate the
toolpaths in a real machining environment, check for machine limits, detect collisions with holders, tools and the machine,
and generate toolpath transitions (Assembled Toolpaths).

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XE "Introduction" 1 - Introduction

2 - Creating a Machining Context

In the Machining_context workzone, we are going to define a Machining Context by adding a machine and a clamping

We are going to replace the default Machining Context.

1. Right click on the Machine Position 1 line and select New Machining Context in the Replace Machining Context menu.

Replace Machining Context Menu: New Machining Context

2. Answer Yes to the message.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Machining Context Creation Dialog Box

The first tab of the dialog box allows you to select your machine.

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XE "Introduction" 1 - Introduction XE "Machining Contexts" 1.2 - Machining Contexts

3. Click on the machine that you want to use in the Available Machines list.
For our example, select the dmu50.mac machine.

4. Click on the Load button.

Machine Loaded

5. Right click on the table of the machine and select Show Element only.

Showing the Machine Table only

This will offer you a better visibility of the part in order to position it correctly on the table.

2.1 - Positioning the Part

 Activate the Part Positioning tab ( ).

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Machining Context Creation Dialog Box: Part Positioning Tab

A bounding box is now displayed around the part as well as a 3-axis manipulator. This manipulator is the reference for all
translation or rotation movements that you are going to apply in order to position the part on the table.

By default, the Program Origin is positioned on the table, at the center.

Bounding Box around the Part

If you want to move the part:

 Press and hold down the mouse button on a face of the bounding box and drag it to the required position.

 Press and hold down the mouse button on an axis of the manipulator and drag it to move the bounding box along the
corresponding axis.

 Press and hold down the mouse button on the sphere of the manipulator to move the bounding box only in the XY

 Right click on a face of the bounding box, select Position on Selected Side or Position on Opposite Side, and move the
cursor on the table. The selected face/opposite face is magnetized to the element over which you move the cursor.
Click to validate the position.

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 Double click on a face of the bounding box and enter the Lateral Offset value to translate the part along the axis which
is perpendicular to the selected face.

 Click on a face of the bounding box, then click on a face of the table to align them with each other.

Clicking Faces to Align Them

 Click on a face of the bounding box, enter the translation value in the Distance/Angle field of the dialog box and click
on the + or – icon under the Translation section.

Translating the Upper Face of the Bounding Box

 Click on a green point on a corner of the bounding box, then click on a point in the table to match both points. You can
use the OSnap utility to search for characteristic points.

If you want to rotate the part:

 In the Transformation section of the dialog box, select the axis of the manipulator around which you want the part to
rotate, enter the rotation value in the Distance/Angle field and click on the + or – icon under the Rotation section.

 Select an edge of the bounding box, enter the rotation value in the Distance/Angle field of the dialog box and click on
the + or – icon under the Rotation section.

Rotating the around an Edge of the Bounding Box

 For our example, drag the red or green axis of the manipulator up to move the part away from the machine table.
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Selected Elements

Once an element of the bounding box is selected, it remains selected until you select another
element. You are advised to keep this in mind because it may lead to incorrect positioning of the
part. You can press the [Esc] key to cancel an element selection.

For training purposes, we are going to add a vise. Using a clamping system is not mandatory, you can position the part
directly on the machine table.

1. Click on the icon.

The Select the Clamping System dialog box is displayed.

Select the Clamping System Dialog Box

2. On the left side of the dialog box, select the Vises in the list of Components.

3. Select the vise n°3 and click OK.

Selecting the Vise

The vise is also contained in a bounding box whose manipulator is aligned with the manipulator of the part. It is also
displayed under the Clamp entry in the list of elements in the dialog box.

4. Right click on the top face of the bounding box and select Position on Opposite Side.
This will allow you to position the bottom face on the machine table.

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Position on Opposite Side

5. Move your cursor over the table and click to validate. Make sure that the fixed jaw of the vise is on the table, as
illustrated below:

Vise on the Machine Table

Now we are going to position the part on the vise. To do so, we are going to translate the part based on characteristic

1. Click on the icon next to the part in the list of elements of the dialog box.
This icon becomes green to indicate which element is being modified.

Activating the Part in the Dialog Box

2. Click on the Translation button in the dialog box.

3. Open the OSnap utility and activate the Middle option.

4. Click on the bottom right edge of the part as illustrated below:

Positioning the Part on the Jaw: First Step

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5. Click on the following point on the fixed jaw:

Positioning the Part on the Jaw: Second Step

You should obtain the following result:

Positioning the Part on the Jaw: Result

The part is now positioned on one jaw of the vise. We need to move the mobile jaw to clamp the part. We are going to use
the same method but this time, it is the mobile jaw that we are going to translate.

1. Click on the icon next to the mobile jaw in the list of elements in the dialog box.

Activating the Mobile Jaw

2. Click on the icon to hide the bounding box of the mobile jaw.

3. Click on the Translation button in the dialog box.

4. Click on the following point on the mobile jaw:

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Positioning the Mobile Jaw on the Part: First Step

5. Click on the bottom left edge of the part as illustrated below:

Positioning the Mobile Jaw on the Part: Second Step

The part is now clamped in the vise:

Clamped Part

Moving the Clamping System and the Part Assembly

If you want to move the clamping system and part assembly on the table, you have to click on the pencil-
shaped icon next to the Elements header in the list of elements of the dialog box. You can then apply
translation and rotation movements to the whole assembly.

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2.2 - Modifying the Program Origin

By default, the Program Origin is positioned on the Machine UCS of the workzone. Its orientation does not change when
you rotate or move the part. Here we are going to position it on a corner of the part.

 Activate the Program Origin tab ( ).

Machining Context Creation Dialog Box: Program Origin Tab

This tab allows you to modify the Program Origin position in different ways:

 In the Translation section of the dialog box, select the axis of the Program Origin along which you want to apply the
translation, enter the translation distance in the corresponding field and click on the + or – icon.

 Click on the Pick button and click on a new position in the Viewing Area.

 Enter the coordinates in the X, Y and Z fields to give the Program Origin position according to the Machine UCS.

 For our example, click on the Pick button, use the End option of the OSnap utility and click on the following point:

New Program Origin

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2.3 - Using the Part Model Tab

The Machining Context Creation/Edition dialog box allows you to select the surfaces to be taken into account for collision
detection and to define proximity distances for the Machine Collision Detection function.

 Activate the Part Model tab ( ).

Machining Context Edition: Part Model Tab

The Collision Model section allows you to select the surfaces to be taken into account for collision detection. By default,
only the activated geometry surfaces are included.

You can activate the Surface List Group option and then select other surfaces lists or create new surface lists.

You can also activate the Geometry Files option and then select other geometry files (e.g. optional surfaces) in the list
below this option.

Geometry File Activation

These surfaces can then be included in the Tool Holder Collision Detection function.

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The Proximity Distance section allows you to define security distance values with the machine and the clamping system.
These values are taken into account by the Machine Collision Detection function.

2.4 - Saving the Machining Context

1. Enter the name (for example Training1 ) of your Machining Context in the Name field of the dialog box.

2. Enter a Comment in the corresponding field.

You can store a Machining Context as a Favorite. This allows you to save preferred settings such as part positioning, clamp
positioning, etc.

3. Click on the Create a Favorite button.

Machining Context Creation: Create a Favorite

4. In the Favorite Machining Context dialog box, change the name (if necessary) of the favorite Machining Context and
click OK to validate.

Favorite Machining Context Creation Dialog Box

5. In the Machining Context Creation dialog box, click OK to validate.

The Machining Context is now available in the drop-down list at the top of the Machining Context Creation dialog box.

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Favorite Machining Context Drop-down List

It is also available in the Create a Workzone dialog box:

Favorite Machining Context Drop-down List in the Create a Workzone Dialog Box

6. Click OK to validate and exit the function.

The new Machining Context is now displayed in the Workzone Manager, above the existing toolpaths:

Machining Context in the Workzone Manager

2.5 - Using a UCS to position the Part and define the Program Origin
When creating a Machining Context, you can use a created UCS to position the part on the machine table. You can also
use it to define the Program Origin.

To illustrate this, we are going to use the Pumpe_volume workzone. In this workzone, we have created a UCS in the bottom
left corner of the part:

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Part with New UCS

1. Create a new Machining Context.

2. In the Machining Context Creation dialog box, select the dmu50 machine.

3. Activate the Part Positioning tab.

4. Click in the Axis drop-down list and select the corresponding UCS (U1).

The part position is adjusted so that the corresponding UCS is centered on the machine table (1).

Part Position with New UCS

The Program Origin (2) is still positioned on the default machine axis of the workzone.

5. Activate the Use Axis System to Define Program Origin option.

The Program Origin is now positioned on the new UCS:

Program Origin on the New UCS

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6. Click OK to validate the Machining Context creation.

2.6 - Defining the Machining Context when Creating the Workzone

The Machining Context tab in the Create a Workzone dialog box allows you to select the Machining Context when creating
the workzone from the CAD mode.

To illustrate this, we are going to use the plate_cover.xdw CAD file.

In this CAD file, we are going to create a new UCS at the lowest Z level at the center of the part. We will use this UCS to
position the part on the machining context.

1. Open the UCS dialog box.

2. Click on the New UCS button.

3. Enter -214.5 in the Z field.

4. Click on the Translate UCS button.

5. Rename the new UCS (part_position).

6. Close the UCS dialog box.

Now, we are going to create the workzone:

1. Click on the icon.

2. Make the surface selection in the Geometries tab.

3. Click on the Machining Context tab.

Create a Workzone Dialog Box - Machining Context Tab

Using a Favorite Machining Context

If you have defined favorite machining contexts:

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1. Click on the Use a Favorite Machining Context drop-down list.

2. Select a favorite machining context.

Defining a New Machining Context

1. Activate the Define a Machining Context option.

2. Click on the Machine drop-down list.

3. Select the appropriate machine.

For our example, select the C800U machine.

4. Click on the Part Positioning UCS drop-down list.

5. Select the UCS you have created.

Note that on the right side of the dialog box, the Specify the Default Machining UCS option is activated. The drop-down list
next to this option allows you to select another default machining UCS.

6. Click on the Create a Workzone button.

7. Once in the CAM mode, right click on the Machining Context in the Wokzone Manager.

8. Select Show Machine.

You should obtain the following result:

Part Centered on the Machine Table

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3 - Creating a Machining Context from a UCS

If you do not use machine configuration files, you can quickly create a Machining Context from a UCS.

To illustrate this, we are going to use the Machining_context workzone.

 Create a new UCS on the part, as illustrated below:

New UCS for Machining Context Creation

 In the Workzone Manager, right click on this new UCS and select New Automatic Machining Context.

New Automatic Machining Context from the UCS

The new Machining Context is now displayed in the Workzone Manager, under the list of toolpaths:

New Automatic Machining Context in the Workzone Manager

You can use this method to define Machining Contexts for inclined machining toolpaths, using the UCS of Views. The
example below shows a toolpath calculated on an inclined view.

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Planar Finishing on Inclined View

You can activate the UCS of the View by right clicking on the View in the Workzone Manager and selecting Activate View

A temporary axis system is added to the Workzone Manager. Its orientation is based on the view axis orientation. You can
rename it and use it to create your Machining Context.

New Automatic Machining Context

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XE "Creating a Machining Context from a UCS" 3 - C

4 - Managing Machining Contexts

You can create as many Machining Context as needed in a workzone.

We are going to use the Machining_context workzone. In this workzone, we have already replaced the default Machining
Context by creating a new one (Training1), and we have created a Machining Context from a UCS (New UCS).

Adding Machining Contexts

To add a new Machining Context, you can proceed as follows:

1. In the Workzone Manager, right click in a Machining Context or in an empty space of the Toolpaths section and select
New Machining Context.

Workzone Manager: New Machining Context

2. Create a new Machining Context with another machine (machine2).

This new Machining Context takes the place of the New UCS Machining Context, which is not used by any toolpath. The
New UCS Machining Context is still available for the workzone.

New Machining Context in the Workzone Manager

Applying a Machining Context

If you want to apply the new Machining Context to all the existing toolpaths, proceed as follows:

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1. Right click on the Machining Context above the toolpaths in

the Workzone Manger.

2. Go to the Replace Machining Context menu and select the

new Machining Context.

If you want to apply the new Machining Context to one or more toolpaths in the list, proceed as follows:

1. Select the toolpaths in the Workzone Manager.

2. Right click on the selection, go to the Replace

Machining Context menu and select the new
Machining Context.

Displaying/Activating Machining Contexts

 To display/activate a Machining Context, double click on it or right click on it and select Activate Machining Context.

You can also show/hide the various elements of the Machining Context.

 Right click on the Machining Context and select Show Machine or Show
Clamping System to activate/deactivate the display of the corresponding element.

You can also select the Machining Context in the Workzone Manager and click on the

or icon on the right side of the user interface.

If you activate the machine display on the default Machining Context, you should obtain the following result:

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A square plane is displayed around the part. The default Program Origin,
which corresponds to the Machine UCS, is centered on this plane.

Managing Toolpaths

In the following example, we have calculated a series of toolpath with a Machining Context
and created a new Machining Context in a workzone.

Note that the first Machining Context is activated.

If we create a new toolpath, it will be calculated with the last Machining Context defined (in
our case the second one).

If we use the Same Toolpath function on toolpath #5, it will be calculated with the last
Machining Context defined (in our case the second one).

If we copy toolpath #5 below the last calculated toolpath, it will be copied within the same
Machining Context (in our case, the first one).

Machine Limit Checking

Machining Context data is used by the Auto 5 module for machine limit checking:

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Machine Limit Check: Machining Context Data


Machining Context data is taken into account when postprocessing toolpaths:

Postprocessing Toolpaths: Machining Context Data

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Detecting Machine Collisions and Creating Assembled Toolpaths

You need to create a Machining Context with a specified machine to use the Machine Collision
Detection and Assembled Toolpaths functions. You cannot use these functions with the default
Machining Context.

See also...

 " Detecting Collisions and Checking the Machine Limits" on page 51

 " Assembled Toolpaths" on page 69

4.1 - Adding Machining Context Screenshots to the Workzone Documentation

You can create various screenshots of the Machining Context. These screenshots are then added to the workzone

To illustrate this, we are going to use the machine_collision workzone.

1. Activate the Machining Context of this workzone.

Machining Context Activated

2. Press and hold down the mouse button on the icon on the left side of the user interface.

A context menu is displayed with the available functions.

Note that you can release the mouse button once the menu is displayed.

3. Select the Generate Images of the Machining Context for HTML Documentation function.

The following dialog box is displayed:

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Machining Context Image Dialog Box

4. Show an ISO view of the Machining Context.

5. Click on the icon.

A new screenshot is added to the dialog box, with the name of the orientation and its preview:

New Screenshot

You can add a comment about the image on the Image Comment field.

6. Show a front view of the Machining Context and click again on the icon.

7. Define your own view of the part on the machine table and click again on the icon.

8. Add your own comment about this view.

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New Screenshot with Comment

Note that this screenshot is named “User View”.

9. Click on this view in the list then click again on its name to rename it.

Renamed View

You can use the or icon to change the screenshot positions in the list. This allows you to define their positions in
the workzone documentation.

You can delete a selected screenshot by clicking on the icon.

10. Click OK to validate and exit the dialog box.

11. Generate the HTML documentation for the workzone.

The screenshots are listed below the Machining Context section in the documentation.

You can click on each of them to visualize them:

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Machining Context Screenshots in the Workzone Documentation

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5 - Practicing: Machining Contexts

In this section, we are going to define a Machining Context for the
5x_machining workzone. The idea is to position the part on the
table of the dmu50 machine and to add clamps as in the opposite

During this exercise, you will see how to duplicate elements.

1. Open the workzone and create a new Machining Context

2. Select the dmu50 machine and show only the machine table.

Positioning the Part

1. Activate the Part Positioning tab.

2. Right click on the face at the top of the bounding

box and select Position on Opposite Side.

3. Move your cursor to position the opposite side of

the bounding box on the machine table.

4. Make sure that the part is centered on the

machine table.
Right click anywhere on the bounding box and
select Center on the Machine Table.

Adding Clamps

1. Click on the icon to open the Select Clamp dialog box.

2. On the left side of the dialog box, select the Clamps in the list of Components.

3. Select the clamp and click OK.

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Selecting the Clamp

4. Use the red axis of the manipulator to move the clamp away from the table.

Clamp away from the Table

5. Click on the Translation button in the dialog box and position the manipulator on the following point of the clamp (use
the Middle option of the OSnap utility):

New Manipulator Position on the Clamp

6. Click on the following point on the part (use the Middle option of the OSnap utility):

Point to click on the Part

You should obtain the following result:

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Clamp on the Part

Duplicating the Clamp

1. Click on the icon.

A new clamp appears in the dialog box and above the first clamp in the Viewing Area.

New Clamp

2. Use the red axis of the manipulator to move the clamp to the other side of the part:

Second Clamp away from the Table

Now, you have to rotate this clamp.

3. In the Transformation section of the dialog box, select the Z axis and enter 180 in the Distance/Angle field.

4. Click on the + icon in the Rotation section.

Clamp Rotation

5. Use the Translation button and position the clamp on the part.

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New Clamp on the Part

6. Click on the icon to duplicate this clamp.

7. In the Transformation section of the dialog box, select the Y axis and enter 70 in the Distance/Angle field.

8. Click on the - icon in the Translation section.

Clamp Translation

9. Click on the icon next the clamp you have just duplicated to activate it.
Check the Viewing Area to see on which clamp the bounding box is displayed to make sure that you have selected
the appropriate element.

Clamp Edition Activated

10. Click on the icon to duplicate this clamp.

11. Click on the + icon in the Translation section.

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Clamp Translation (Positive Icon)

12. Duplicate the clamp on the other side of the part using the same method.

You should obtain the following result:

Clamp Duplicated and Translated

13. Enter the Name of your Machining Context and click OK to validate.

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6 - Exporting a Clamping System to the Library

You can use the CAD mode to draw elements in order to create your own clamping system.

If you do so, we recommend that you create layers for each element of your clamping system (e.g. mobile jaw, fixed jaw,
etc.). We also recommend that you do not create too many surface details on your elements. Indeed, if you later define a
Machining Context including the created clamping system, your workzone will contain files for the clamping system and the
Machining Context. The more you define details for your clamping system, the more the size of your workzone increases.

You can also open an existing CAD file, modify it and export it as a new clamping system to the Library.

We are going to use the Vise n°2 (Training directory), modify it by adding the Wedge (Training directory) and export the
result to the Library.

1. Open the CAD file.

Vise N2

2. Click on WorkNC in the text menu bar, then select Export the Clamping System to the Library.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Component Creation Dialog Box

First, you have to select the elements that you are going to export. In our case, we are going to select them in the Viewing
Area. Let’s start with the mobile jaw of the vise.

1. Click on the icon.

2. Press and hold down the [Shift] key and click on a light gray surface of the part to select all the surfaces with the same

3. Validate your selection.

You should obtain the following result:

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New Component Added

Now, let’s select the rest of the part.

1. Click on the icon.

2. Press and hold down the [Shift] key and click on a dark gray surface of the part to select all the surfaces with the
same color.

3. Validate your selection.

You should obtain the following result:

Second New Component Added

Let’s rename the elements in the dialog box.

1. Right click on the Assembly line in the Name column of the dialog box and give a name to your vise (Training Vise in
our example).

2. Repeat the operation to rename the elements of the vise (Fixed Jaw and Mobile Jaw in our example).

New Names

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Description Column

You can add a description for each element by right clicking on the corresponding fields in the Description

Now we are going to add the Wedge component and adjust its position to obtain the following result:

1. Click on the icon.

The Select the Clamping System dialog box is displayed.

2. On the left side of the dialog box, select the Clamps in the list of Components.

3. Select the wedge and click OK.

Select the Clamping System Dialog Box: Wedge Selected

The element is centered on the bounding box of the vise. Move the Z axis of the manipulator in order to see the element.

Wedge Imported

We need to rotate the wedge.

1. Enter 90 in the Z field in the Rotation section of the dialog box and click on the + icon next to this field.

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Rotating the Wedge around the Z Axis

2. Enter 90 in the X field in the Rotation section of the dialog box and click on the + icon next to this field.

Rotating the Wedge around the X Axis

Now we are going to position the wedge on the fixed jaw.

1. Click on the following face of the bounding box:

Face Selection

2. Click on the following face of the fixed jaw:

Aligning the Wedge with the Fixed Jaw

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3. Move the Y axis of the manipulator down to position the wedge on the vise. Both elements are magnetized.

Moving the Y Axis down

You can now export the assembly to the Library.

Drawing Modification

If you want to save the modifications in the CAD file, click on the Add to Drawing

1. Click on the Export to Library button.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Add a Component Dialog Box

If necessary, change the name of the component and add a description in the corresponding fields.

2. Click on the icon next to the Folder field.

3. In the Select a Folder dialog box, select the Vises in the list of Components.

Select a Folder Dialog Box

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Creating and Removing Directories

You can create and/or remove directories by clicking on the corresponding buttons in the Select a Folder
dialog box.

4. Click OK to validate.

5. Click on the Close button in the Component Creation dialog box.

The clamping system is now available when you create a Machining Context in the CAM mode.

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7 - Selecting the Clamping System in the CAD Mode

You can define a Clamping System in the CAD mode. This may be useful when you define and position the Clamping
System in the CAD file which is used in the company's different milling workshops.

As the Clamping System is stored in the CAD project, it can be re-used as required so avoiding the necessity to recreate it

You have the possibility of:

 Copying an existing clamping system from the library into the current drawing.

 Importing a file representing the clamping system into the current drawing.

 Creating surfaces representing the clamping system directly in the current drawing.

You can then create the workzone and the corresponding Machining Context including this clamping sytem.

To illustrate this, we are going to use the plate_wing_clamping.xdw CAD file. As an example, we are going to import clamps
in this CAD file. Then we use the same CAD file and import a vice.

7.1 - Importing Clamps

To illustrate this, we are going to use the clamps.xdw CAD file.


Importing the File

1. Open the plate_wing_clamping.xdw CAD file.

2. Click on File > Import > Import in the text menu bar.

3. Click on a point where you want to import the drawing.

For our example, click on any point next to the part in the graphic area.

4. Select the corresponding CAD file.

5. Click on the Open button.

You should obtain the following result:

Imported Clamps

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Positioning the Clamps

We are going to position the clamps in the lateral grooves on the part with the Translation Move function:

1. Click on the icon on the left side of the user interface.

2. Select the 2 clamps on the left side.

3. Right click to validate.

4. Select the base point for the translation.

For our example, activate the Middle option in the Osnap utilitary.
Click on the following point:

Base Point for Translation

5. Select the end point for the translation.

Four our example, activate the Near option in the OSnap utility.
Click on the following point:

End Point for Translation

You should obtain the following result:

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Clamps on the Left Side

 Repeat this procedure to move the clamps to the right side of the part.

You should obtain the following result:

Clamps on the Right Side

 Save the CAD file under a different name.

Creating the Workzone and the Machining Context

1. Click on the icon.

2. Make the surface selection in the Geometries tab.

For example, select only the surfaces of the part.

3. Click on the Machining Context tab.

4. Activate the Define a Machining Context option.

5. Click on the Machine drop-down list.

6. Select the appropriate machine.

For our example, select the FlexiV2 machine.

7. Click on the New Selection button in the Clamping System section.

8. Select a clamp and validate.

9. Repeat step 7 and 8 to select the 3 other clamps.

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4 Clamps Selected

10. Click on the Create a Workzone button.

11. Once in the CAM mode, right click on the Machining Context in the Workzone Manager.

12. Select Modify Machining Context.

13. Click on the tab in the Machining Context Edition dialog box.

You can handle each clamp separately:

7.5 - Importing a Vice

To illustrate this, we are going to use the Vice n°1 in the Standard > Clampslib directory of the application.

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Importing the File

1. Click on WorkNC > Export the Clamping System to the Library in the text menu bar.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Component Creation Dialog Box

2. Click on the icon.

The Select the Clamping System dialog box is displayed.

3. On the left side of the dialog box, select the Vices in the list of Components.

4. Select the vice # 1.

5. Click OK to validate.

6. Drag the vice away from the part for better visibility.

7. Click on the Copy to Drawing button.

8. Click on the Close button.

You should obtain the following result:

Imported Vice

Positioning the Vice

1. Click on the icon on the left side of the user interface.

2. Select the vice.

3. Right click to validate.

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4. Select the base point for the translation.

For our example, activate the Middle option in the Osnap utilitary.
Click on the following point:

Base Point for Translation

5. Select the end point for the translation.

Click on the following point:

End Point for Translation

You should obtain the following result:

Vice Positioned on the Part

Creating the Part Positioning UCS

Now we need to create a UCS to position the part with the vice on the machine table. To do so, we are going to use the
Bounding Box function:

1. Press and hold down the mouse button on the icon on the left of the user interface.

2. Select the Bounding Box function.

3. Select all the entities (part and vice).

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4. Right click to validate.

5. In the Bounding Box dialog box, deactivate all the options in the Create section.

6. Activate the UCS option.

7. Click on the icon next to the UCS option.

8. Select the following UCS:

UCS Selection

9. Click OK to validate.

Creating the Workzone and the Machining Context

1. Click on the icon.

2. Make the surface selection in the Geometries tab.

For example, select only the surfaces of the part.

3. Click on the Machining Context tab.

4. Activate the Define a Machining Context option.

5. Click on the Machine drop-down list.

6. Select the appropriate machine.

For our example, select the FlexiV2 machine.

7. Click on the New Selection button in the Clamping System section.

8. Select the fixed jaw and validate.

9. Repeat step 7 and 8 to select the mobile jaw.

10. Click on the Part Positioning UCS drop-down list.

11. Select the UCS you have created.

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Machining Context and Clamping System Defined

12. Click on the Create a Workzone button.

Adjusting the Mobile Jaw's Position

1. Once in the CAM mode, right click on the Machining Context in the Wokzone Manager.

2. Select Modify Machining Context.

3. Click on the tab in the Machining Context Edition dialog box.

4. Click on the icon next to the mobile jaw in the list of elements of the dialog box.

5. Move the mobile jaw to clamp the part.

6. Click OK to validate.

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8 - Collision Detection

8.1 - Including Surfaces from the Machining Context for Collision Detection
You can include surfaces originating from the Machining Context when executing the Tool Holder Collision Detection

To illustrate this, we are going to use the Collision_detection workzone.

Part with Toolpath and Machining Context

In the above picture, we have hidden most of the Machining Context components to show only the machine table and the

Before executing the Tool Holder Collision Detection function on the toolpath, you need to define the Proximity Distance
between the tool and the Machining Context:

1. In the Workzone Manager, right click on the Machining Context and select Modify Machining Context.

2. In the Machining Context Edition dialog box, activate the Part Model tab.

3. Enter 5 in the Clamping Proximity field and 10 in the Machine Proximity field.

Machining Context Edition: Proximity Distances

4. Click OK to validate.

Now you can execute the Tool Holder Collision Detection function.

1. Select the toolpath in the Workzone Manager and click on the icon.

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2. In the Tool Holder Collision Parameters dialog box, select the 606373_07 tool holder.

3. Activate the Calculate Recommended Safe Tool Length only option.

The Surface Contexts section of the dialog box is now available.

This section offers you two possibilities for collision detection:

Use Toolpath Surfaces: this option is activated by default. It allows to take into account the surfaces that have been
selected for the Machining Zone of the toolpath (in our example, the whole part).
Use Machining Context Surfaces + Clamps: this option allows you to take into account the surfaces that have been
selected in the Part Model tab of the Machining Context Creation/Edition dialog box and the surfaces of the Machining
context with the clamping system.

4. For our example, keep the Use Toolpath Surfaces option activated.

Tool Holder Collision Detection Parameters: Use Toolpath Surfaces

5. Click OK to validate and run the collision detection calculations.

No collision should be detected, even though the tool is in contact with the clamping system when you simulate the toolpath:

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Collision between the Tool and the Clamp

1. Make a copy of the toolpath.

2. Open the Tool Holder Collision Detection dialog box.

3. This time, activate the Use Machining Context Surfaces + Clamps option.

4. Activate the Create Collision Curve and Ranges option.

5. Click OK to validate and run the collision detection calculations.

A message informs you that collisions have been detected.

6. Activate the toolpath display and click on the icon on the right side of the user interface.

This allows you to show the collision ranges on the toolpath:

Collision Ranges

Note that here, the collision ranges have been calculated according to the Clamp Proximity distance defined in the
Machining Context Edition dialog box.

Let’s split the toolpath:

1. Make a copy of the toolpath.

2. Open the Tool Holder Collision Detection Parameters dialog box.

3. Activate the Save Both Sections option.

4. Click OK to validate and run the collision detection calculations.

You should obtain the following result:

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Non-colliding Section

8.2 - Detecting Collisions and Checking the Machine Limits

The Machine Collision Detection dialog box allows you to only check the machine limits or to check the machine limits and
then collisions.

To illustrate this, we are going to use the machine_collision workzone.

In this workzone, we have calculated a Planar Finishing toolpath, converted it with Auto5 and defined a Machining Context
(dmu50 machine).

1. Select the toolpath in the Workzone Manager.

2. Click on the icon on the left side of the user interface.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Machine Collision Detection Dialog Box

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You can check machine limits only, by activating the Check Limits Only option in the Parameters section of the dialog box.

The pre-calculation icon is displayed as in the toolpath line.

You can also check limits first and then check for collisions, by deactivating the Check Limits Only option. The status
icon is displayed in the toolpath line.

2. Four our example, activate the Check Limits Only option.

3. Click on the (Re)Calculate button.

A message informs you that out-of-limit conditions have been detected. A status icon is now displayed next to the
toolpath in the Workzone Manager.

Out-of-Limit Status Symbol

4. Click on the icon again.

The Machine Collision Detection dialog box displays the detection results:

Machine Collision Detection Results: Rotational Limits Exceeded

The rotational limits of the machine have been exceeded (C Angle). In our case, this is due to the Auto5 strategy we have
applied. We are going to remove it.

5. Click on the Cancel button to close the dialog box.

6. Open the Auto5 module and click on the Exclude button.

7. Click OK to validate and run the calculations.

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This time, there are no more out-of-limit conditions. A status icon is now displayed next to the toolpath in the
Workzone Manager.

1. Click on the icon again.

2. Deactivate the Check Limits Only option.

3. Click on the (Re)Calculate button.

A message informs you that collisions have been detected. A status icon is now displayed next to the toolpath in the
Workzone Manager.

Machine Collision Status Symbol

1. Click on the icon again.

The Machine Collision Detection dialog box displays the detection results:

Machine Collision Detection Results: Collisions Detected

2. Since we have not defined any clamping system, collisions have not been checked for this element. There are
collisions between the part and the machine.

3. Click on the Cancel button to close the dialog box.

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Displaying Information on Collision and Out of Limit Ranges

1. Click on the icon at the bottom of the user interface.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Display Toolpath Ranges Information

This dialog box allows you to display information about collision ranges for the Holder/Machine Collision Detection functions
(when they have been executed on selected toolpaths), as well as information about out of limit ranges.
In our example, the ranges for the Tool Holder Collision Detection function are selected. But since the function has not
been run on the toolpath, the dialog box does not display any information.

2. Select the toolpath in the corresponding drop-down list.

In our example, since there is only one toolpath in the workzone, it is already selected.

3. Select the type of ranges about which you want to obtain information in the Ranges drop-down list.
For our example, select the Machine Collision Detection ranges.

The dialog box now shows the list of all the toolpath ranges which are colliding. For each collision range, you can see the
start and end point (in mm) and the elements which are colliding.

Display Machine Collision Detection Ranges Information

4. Select Machine Limits Verification in the Ranges drop-down list.

Display Machine Limit Verification Ranges Information

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The dialog box now displays the toolpath ranges for which the machine limits have been exceeded. In this case the
Elements column indicates the corresponding angles for each range.

5. Click on the Close button.

If you simulate the toolpath, you will see that collisions have been detected due to the high Machine Proximity value.

1. Right click on the Machining Context in the Workzone Manager and select Modify Machining Context.
Note that you can also click with the mouse wheel button on the Machining Context name in the Workzone Manager
to modify it.

2. In the Machining Context Edition dialog box, activate the Part Model tab ( ).

3. Enter 10 in the Machine Proximity field.

Machining Context Edition: Machine Proximity

4. Click OK to validate.

The Workzone Manager now displays a icon as the Machine Collision Detection function needs to be recalculated.

5. Run the calculation.

This time, no collision has been detected. A status icon is now displayed next to the toolpath in the Workzone

Collision Free Status Symbol

6. Open the Machine Collision Detection dialog box again.

You should obtain the following result:

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Machine Collision Detection Results

Status Symbols for Collision and Out-of-limit Conditions

No out-of-limit conditions

Out-of-limit conditions have been detected

No machine collisions detected

Machine collisions detected

8.3 - Defining Range Tolerance for Machine Collision Detection

The Machine Collision Detection dialog box allows you to define a box tolerance for 3-axis and 3+2-axis toolpaths when
detecting collisions.

When using this box tolerance, the application checks a single toolpath point within a defined cubic volume. If a collision is
detected at that point, all points within that volume are considered as being in collision.

To illustrate this, we are going to use the

Collision_detection workzone.
In the opposite picture, we have hidden most of the
Machining Context components to show only the
machine table and the clamps.

1. Select the toolpath in the Workzone Manager.

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2. Click on the icon on the left side of the user interface.

The following dialog box is displayed:

Machine Collision Detection Dialog Box

3. Enter 15 in the Range Tolerance for 3-Axis Toolpaths field.

Range Tolerance for 3-Axis Toolpaths Defined

4. Click on the (Re)Calculate button.

5. Run the calculations

Range Tolerance and Calculation Time

The higher the tolerance value is, the faster are calculations. But collision ranges are less accurate and
more important.

Collisions are detected with the clamping system, for which the clearance (Clamping System Proximity) has been set to 5.

If you display the toolpath and the collisions ( ), you should obtain the following result:

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Collision Ranges with a 15 Box Tolerance

6. Open the Machine Collision Detection again.

7. Enter 0.5 in the Range Tolerance for 3-Axis Toolpaths field.

8. Click on the (Re)Calculate button.

9. Run the calculations

You should obtain the following result:

Collision Ranges with a 0.5 Box Tolerance

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9 - 3+2 Axis: Machining with an Inclined Tool Axis

A part may need to be machined in a number of different orientations before being completed. For example, some parts
display large vertical surfaces and imply that you use longer tools to machine areas at the bottom of these surfaces.

To illustrate this, we are going to use the 5-axis_drilling


We are going to program 2 toolpaths on the specific areas of

the part (see opposite picture).

The first toolpath (zone 1 on the part) will use a Machining

Context with a specified machine. The second toolpath (zone
2 on the part) will be programmed without a specified

Finally, we will see how to postprocess these inclined

machining toolpaths.

9.1 - Machining with an Unknown Tool Axis

We are going to use a Planar Finishing toolpath with an
inclined view on the radius illustrated in the opposite picture.

First, we are going to create a new Machining Context. Then

we will use the Tool Orientation function to determin the
best orientation for the toolpath. Finally, we will create the
view and the corresponding toolpath.

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9.1.1 - Creating the Machining Context

1. Right click on the Toolpaths section in the Workzone Manager, then select New
Machining Context.

2. Select the DMU50 machine.

3. Center the part on the machine table.

4. Click OK to validate.

9.1.2 - Using the Tool Orientation Function

The Tool Orientation function allows you to translate and rotate the tool for 3+2-axis machining and to create views which
are most suitable for the machining strategies that you want to implement. It can also be advantageous to load the machine
in the Viewing Area to optimize these operations and check for any potential collisions.

There are 2 ways of accessing the function:

1. Click on Display in the text menu bar, then go the Show/Hide Machine Entities menu and select Tool Orientation.

2. Click on the icon on the right side of the user interface.

In both cases, the following dialog box is displayed:

Tool Orientation Dialog Box

Defining the Tool/Holder

1. Click on the New Tool button.

2. Define the following Ball-end cutter:

Length: 100, Diameter: 4

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3. Click OK to validate.

4. Click the Holder Library button.

5. Select the Fidia_HSC_Hydro_D6 tool holder.

6. Click on the Apply Holder button.

Positioning the Tool

1. Right click on the machine head and select Set Transparent in order to have a better display.

2. Click on the Pick Tool Position button.

3. Click on the following zone of the radius to machine.

Pick Tool Orientation

The cutter is positioned at the point on which you have clicked. The machine has also moved. A manipulator is also
displayed on the tool. You can show/hide it by clicking on the Manipulator button.

Dynamic Tool Orientation using the Manipulator

Depending on the currently active functions, you can modify the orientation of the cutter tool directly in the Viewing Area. To

do this, click on the Manipulator button to activate the manipulator display.

Depending on the initial orientation of the cutter tool, you should see something similar to the following illustration.

Manipulator - Tool Axis

The following moves or rotations of the tool are accomplished according to the selected element of the manipulator.

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To execute the following functions, click on the relevant part of the manipulator and keep the left mouse button pressed
while moving the cursor. In all cases, the display color of the selected element changes to yellow and the possible
movement or rotation directions are indicated in the Viewing Area by yellow dotted lines.

Gray central sphere Allows you to move the tool in the Viewing Area to another position on the part geometry.

 Press and hold down the mouse button on the sphere while dragging the tool to the
required position.

Blue manipulator axis This axis of the manipulator represents the tool axis.

Red manipulator axis This axis of the manipulator represents the X axis.

Green manipulator axis This axis of the manipulator represents the Y axis.

 Click on an axis element and drag the manipulator to apply a negative or positive offset in the selected axis. A
label indicating the offset value is displayed during the move in the Viewing Area.

 A right click on any of the axis elements displays a context menu which allows you to Invert the axis direction or to
display an input box in order to exactly define an Offset along the axis.

Blue rotation sphere Allows you to simultaneously rotate the Phi and Theta angles of the tool.

 A right click on the blue sphere displays a context menu containing the Set +Z
machine orientation which allows you to rotate the tool axis in the +Z axis direction
of the currently active UCS.

Red rotation sphere Allows you to rotate the Theta angle of the tool.

Green rotation sphere Allows you to rotate the Phi angle of the tool.

 Click on the required sphere and rotate the manipulator as required. A label indicating the angle value is displayed
during the move in the Viewing Area.

You can also use the Machines Angles tab at the bottom of the dialog box, by entering values in the A, B and/or C fields, or
by using the + and – buttons next to each field.

1. Activate the Detect Collisions function.

2. Use the + and – buttons of the A and C angles to find the best orientation, without collisions.

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No Collisions

Creating the View

1. Click on the Part Orientation button.

This shows a cutter Z+ orientation.

2. Click on the Create View button.

3. Create the following view:

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4. Click on the icon to create a curve associated to the view.

This will limit the machining zone.

5. Click OK to validate.

6. Click on the Close button in the Tool Orientation dialog box.

9.1.3 - Creating the Toolpath

1. Create a Planar Finishing toolpath with the following parameters:
Ball cutter, Length: 100, Diameter: 4
Stock Allowance: 0
Tolerance: 0.01
Stepover: 1
Lace cycle, Parallel to Y direction
Corner Smoothing Radius: 0

2. Select the view you have created to determine the toolpath orientation.

3. Select the following surface to machine:

Surface to Machine

4. Select the curve associated to the view we have created.

5. Validate the parameters and run the toolpath calculations.

You should obtain the following result:

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Inclined Planar Finishing Toolpath

6. Check the toolpath for collisions with the tool holder and the machine:

No Collision

7. Postrpocess the toolpath with the corresponding Machining Context.

9.2 - Machining with a Known Tool Axis

We are going to a Planar Finishing toolpath with an inclined view, based on
the surface inclination (55 degrees) in the opposite picture.

Then we will see how to postprocess the toolpath with a Machining Context
without specified machine.

9.2.1 - Creating the Toolpath

1. Create a Planar Finishing toolpath with the following parameters:
Ball cutter, Length: 60, Diameter: 6
Stock Allowance: 0
Tolerance: 0.01
Stepover: 6
Verical Lead-ins
Box cycle, Parallel to X direction

2. Create the following view by selecting the planar surface:

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View from Surface Selection

3. Select the same planar surface as surface to machine.

4. Make sure that no other CAM entities from the previous toolpath are activated.

You should obtain the following result:

Planar Finishing Toolpath on Inclined VIew

9.2.2 - Postprocessing the Toolpath

If your machine can perform 5-Axis machining, all you need to do is postprocess the toolpath.

On the contrary, if your machine can only perform 3-Axis machining, you need to define a Machining Context that will be
used for postprocessing the toolpath. Let’s see how to do this:

1. In the Workzone Manager, right click on the view and select the Activate View Axis option in the context menu.

This shows a top view of the corresponding view. A temporary axis system is also added to the Workzone Manager. Its
orientation is based on the view axis orientation.

2. Rename the axis system: “Inclined_machining” in our example.

3. Right click on this temporary axis system and select New Automatic Machining Context.

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New Automatic Machining Context

4. Right click on the toolpath or on the default Machining Context and select the new Machining Context in the Replace
Machining Context menu.

Replacing Machining Context

5. Select the toolpath in the Workzone Manager and click on the icon.

6. Select your postprocessor.

Postprocessing the Inclined Machining Toolpath

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7. Click on the (Re)Postprocess button and run calculations.

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10 - Assembled Toolpaths
You can determine toolpath transitions directly in the application, define a position for changing the cutter and rotating the
machine head if required.

This allows you to ensure that the full process for machining a series of toolpaths is totally safe when sending the
postprocessed file to the machine.

Toolpath transitions are handled in 3+2 or 5 axis modes. You need a Machining Context with a defined machine to
determine toolpath transitions.

10.1 - Creating an Assembled Toolpath

To illustrate this, we are going to use the Machining_context workzone. In this workzone, we have defined a new machining
context to program a series of toolpaths. We have also calculated Holder and Machine Collision Detection operations for all
these toolpaths.

Holder and Machine Collision Detection operations

Before creating an assembled toolpath, you need to perform Holder and Machine Collision
Detection on all the toolpaths to be linked. Moreover, you cannot include a toolpath that has

First, you need to select the toolpaths to be linked. You can make a multi-selection of toolpaths in the Workzone Manager,
then right click on the selection and select New Assembled Toolpath.

Here we are going to select all the toolpaths programmed with the defined Machining Context.

 Right click on the Machining Context line in the Workzone Manager and select New Assembled Toolpath.

You can also select the Machining Context line in the Workzone Manager and click on the icon in the toolbar on
the bottom-left side of the user interface.

Creating a New Assembled Toolpath

The Toolpath Linking dialog box is displayed:

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Toolpath Linking Dialog Box

Now you have to define the Link Parameters:

Machining Context

The Machining Context is automatically inherited from the Workzone Manager. Note that only one Machining Context can
be applied to a set of assembled toolpaths.

Simulate RTCP

You can activate the Simulate RTCP option if the movements on your machine are only enabled on the table.

The following examples show a toolpath transition on a machine with rotational movements only on the table.

Simulate RTCP Option Deactivated

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In the above example, the Simulate RTCP option is deactivated. You can see the collision with the part, as the cutter is
trying to reach the areas to machine on the opposite side of the part.

Simulate RTCP Option Activated

In the above example, the Simulate RTCP option is activated. You can see the cutter retracts and a rotational movement is
applied to reach the areas to machine on the opposite side of the part.

 For our example, do not activate this option.

Output 3+2 Axis Movements instead of 5-Axis Movements

If you do not have 5-Axis indexed machining centers, you can generate link movements in 3+2 axis mode.

 For our example, do not activate this option.

Tool Change Checkpoint

This option allows you to define the position to which the machine head is initially moved prior to changing the tool. You
should ensure that this is a safe position which will not provoke collisions during the tool change phase.

 X, Y Coordinates: allow you to define the X and Y coordinates which are always relative to the Machining Context
Program Origin.

 Z Coordinate: the value you define in this field is relative to the highest Z point of the part.
If the Absolute Z option is activated, the Z value is with respect to the Program Origin.

 For our example, do not activate the Tool Change Checkpoint option.


This value represents the minimum security distance between the tool and the part when performing the link movement.
Below this distance, the link movement is considered as being in collision with the part.

 For our example, keep the default value.

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Retract Direction

These parameters allow you to define the direction towards which the retracts will be executed.

 For our example, leave the +Z option activated.

Retract Level

These parameters allow you to determine the level of the retract plane.

You can enter the Level of the retract plane in the corresponding field. Then you can specify whether this level is an
Absolute Value (with respect to the Program Origin) or Relative to Part Min/Max by activating the corresponding option.
When you activate the Relative to Part Min/Max option, the Level value is applied in the selected direction: for example, if
you select the Y direction, it will be applied to the minimum Y level and maximum Y level of the part.

 For our example, keep the default Retract Level parameters.

Move to Retract Plane for...

These parameters allow you to indicate the condition on which a retract movement will be performed.

 Tool Changes: activating this option implies that a retract is performed prior to a tool change operation, i.e. a
retract according to the direction and level is performed followed by a movement to the position indicated by the
Tool Change Checkpoint coordinates.

 Tool Changes and Tool Rotations: this option is the same as the Tool Changes option, but it also includes
machine head rotation operations.

 Always Move to Retract Plane: activating this option implies that whenever a toolpath link movement is going to
be performed, it will be preceded by a retract movement.

 Force Entry and Exit Points to Bounding Box: activating this option implies that entry and exit points are forced to
bounding box limits created according to minimum and maximum X, Y and Z dimensions of the part. The cutter
radius and Clearance values are added to these limits for security.

1. For our example, keep the default parameters.

2. Click OK to validate and run the toolpath calculations.

You should obtain the following result:

Assembled Toolpath Created

The Linked Toolpaths section header has been added to the Workzone Manager. It contains the Machining Context and the
assembled toolpath that has been calculated.

 Click on the + icon next to the assembled toolpath.

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Assembled Toolpath Structure

The structure you can see below the assembled toolpath indicates how the transitions between the 7 toolpaths are

Assembled Toolpath Result Indicators

Indicates a transition from the tool change/start point to the ’n’ toolpath start point.

Indicates a transition from ‘n’ toolpath end point to ‘n+1’ toolpath start point.

Indicates a transition from ‘n’ toolpath end point to the tool change/end point.

The machine symbol next to each sub-toolpath indicates the status of the machine during each toolpath and/or transition. It
is displayed in red when the application detects collisions, according the collision detection parameters defined. It is
displayed in orange when the machine limits are exceeded.

1. Open the Toolpath Linking dialog box for the assembled toolpath by using one of the following 3 methods:
Right click on the transition toolpath and select Parameters.
Click on the icon next the assembled toolpath.
Click with the mouse wheel button on the assembled toolpath name.

2. Enter 200 in the Level field of the Retract Level section.

3. Click OK to validate and run the toolpath calculations.

You should obtain the following result:

Assembly Toolpath: Machine Limits Exceeded

Displaying Transitions

You can display the toolpath transitions in the Viewing Area as any other toolpath.

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Once you have obtained an assembled toolpath without collisions or out of limits conditions, you can postprocess it as any
other toolpath.

10.2 - Editing Transitions

Once assembled toolpath calculations have been run you have the possibility of editing the transitions to modify strategy or
correct eventual errors.

 Right click on a transition line and select Edit Toolpath Point.

The Toolpath Transition Edition dialog box is displayed:

Toolpath Transition Edition Dialog Box


This command allows you to remove one or more points in the toolpath transition movement. When selecting this command
you must select either the Remove One Point or the Remove Point to Point option according to the transitional movements
to be modified.

Removing a Single Point

1. Activate the Remove command then click on the Remove One Point button.

2. Click on the point to remove in the Viewing Area.

This will show a preview of the result represented by a red line.

3. Right click in the Viewing Area or click the Apply button at the bottom of the
dialog box to validate and modify the transition.

Selected Point to Remove with Preview

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Modified Transition after Validation

Removing Point to Point Sections of the Transition

1. Activate the Remove command then click on the Remove Point to Point

2. Click on the two points in the Viewing Area between which the transitional
movements will be removed.

This will show a preview of the result represented by a red line.

3. Right click in the Viewing Area or click the Apply button at the bottom of the
dialog box to validate and modify the transition.

Point to Point Selection and Preview

Modified Transition after Validation

Edit Transition Point

This command allows you to move and adjust the selected point.

 Select a point on the transitional movement.

This will display the cutter and the machine positioned on the selected point along with a 3-axis manipulator.

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Using the Manipulator Using the Machine Angle Fields

To move the point along an axis: You can also modify the available A, B and C angles by
directly entering values in the A/B/C fields in the dialog box.
1. Position the cursor over the required axis bar (its color
Alternatively, you can define a step value in the
changes to gold).
corresponding field to the right and then click the + or –
2. Press and hold down the left mouse button and drag buttons to increase/decrease the applied value.
the point to the required position along the selected

To change the direction of the axis:

1. Position the cursor over the ball at the end of the axis
bar (its color changes to gold and the Phi/Theta angle
is displayed).

2. Press and hold down the left mouse button and drag
the ball to modify the direction of the selected axis.

3. Right click in the Viewing Area or click the Apply button

at the bottom of the dialog box to validate and modify
the transition.

You can also modify the X, Y and Z values directly in the

corresponding input fields in the dialog box.

Adding a Point

This command allows you to add a point at any position on the transition movement.

 Click at a point on the transition movement to add a point and display the manipulator allowing you to make
modifications if required.


Select Tool Positions the tool and the holder at the selected point on the transition movement. Activating the Tool
Point Point Selection Moves the Machine option adjusts the position of the machine onto the selected point
along with the tool and holder.

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Check Runs collision and out of limit checks when modifications have been made to the transition movement.
Collisions and
There are several operating modes:
Machine Out-
of-Limits Dynamic Collision Check: Activating this option runs the collision and out of limits check as soon as
each individual modification is validated.

Deactivating this option allows you to make a series of modifications and choose the moment to check
for collisions by clicking the Check Collisions and Machine Out-of-Limits button.

Otherwise, you can make a series of modifications and adjustments and then click the OK button to
quit the function. In this case, collision an out-of-limit checking is performed at this moment.

Collisions and After validating operations on the transition movement, any detected Machine/Holder/Tool/Part or
Out-of-Limit Machine/Machine collision ranges are shown in red in the Viewing Area.
Display in the
Viewing Area NOTE: the icon in the toolbar on the right side of the user interface must be activated.

Any Out-of-Limit Condition ranges are shown in orange.

NOTE: the icon in the toolbar on the right side of the user interface must be activated.

1 – Collisions with Part 2 – Out-of-Limit Conditions

Viewing Area The Coordinate Display zone in the top left corner of the Viewing Area is enabled by activating the
Coordinate Display Machine XYZABC Coordinates in the Viewing Area option located in the context menu
displayed by right clicking on the Machining Context Management icon .

Machining Context Management Menu

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Table Of Contents

Including Surfaces from the Machining Context for

3+2 Axis: Machining with an Inclined Tool Axis, 60 Collision Detection, 49


Adding Machining Context Screenshots to the Workzone Machining Context when Creating the Workzone, 18

Documentation, 26 Machining Contexts, 3

Assembled Toolpaths, 26, 69 Machining with a Known Tool Axis, 66

Machining with an Unknown Tool Axis, 60

Managing Machining Contexts, 22

Collision Detection, 49 Modifying the Program Origin, 13

Creating a Machining Context, 5

Creating a Machining Context from a UCS, 20 P

Creating an Assembled Toolpath, 69 Positioning the Part, 6

Creating the Machining Context, 60 Postprocessing the Toolpath, 67

Creating the Toolpath, 64, 66 Practicing: Machining Contexts, 30


Defining Range Tolerance for Machine Collision Saving the Machining Context, 15
Detection, 57
Selecting the Clamping System in the CAD Mode, 41
Detecting Collisions and Checking the Machine Limits,
26, 52

E Using a UCS to position the Part and define the Program

Origin, 16
Editing Transitions, 74
Using the Part Model Tab, 14
Exporting a Clamping System to the Library, 35
Using the Tool Orientation Function, 61

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