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Getting to Grips with Team Coaching

CIPD XXX v0.1David
Conference ©v1.0 Clutterbuck
Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 -2011
© Clutterbuck Associates
Associates 2011 - Sheffield Hallam and Oxford Brookes Universities
Defining team coaching

“Helping the team improve performance,

and the processes, by which performance is achieved,
through reflection and dialogue”
Clutterbuck: (2009)

“Enabling a team to function at more than the sum

of its parts, by clarifying its mission and improving
its external and internal relationships” (systemic perspective)
Hawkins and Smith: (2006)

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Three ability/instinct combinations

• Intelligence and the instinct for curiosity and enquiry

• Speech and the instinct for passing on knowledge and skills
• Social skills and the instinct to collaborate to achieve
collective goals

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
When do we need team coaching?

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
The business case for team coaching

• To improve some specific aspects of performance

• To make things happen faster
• To make things happen differently

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
When teams do and don’t work well

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Team Typology

Stable Tasks

Stable Cabin
teams crew

Stable New/Changing
Virtual team Membership

“Hit team”
Development team

New/Changing Tasks

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Focus Areas


Relationships Team Learning


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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Why the sports analogy
often doesn’t work

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Lencioni’s 5 dysfunctions of a team

Dysfunction Symptom

• Inattention to results • Status and ego

• Avoidance of accountability • Low standards
• Lack of commitment • Ambiguity
• Fear of conflict • Artificial harmony
• Absence of trust • Invulnerability

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
What do we mean by team coaching?

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Coaching individuals vs coaching teams

• Confidentiality
• Relationship scope
• Reaching decisions/decision quality

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Team leading vs team coaching

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Team building vs team coaching

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© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Team coaching vs team facilitating

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
How teams learn

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
3 types of team coach

• Line manager as coach

• Internal team coach
• External team coach

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Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
The line manager as coach

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Like a dance, effective coaching requires
the active, informed cooperation of at least
two people. Training a line manager as a coach
and expecting the team to pick it up as they
go is like a tango, where only one of the
partners knows the steps!

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Coaching Questions for Team Leaders

• What is the quality of your relationship with the team?

• Do you respect the team and do they respect you?
• Do you and the team share the same goals?
• How do you know?
• Does the team understand your needs for information, learning
and upward support?
• What does the team need you for?
• What’s the appropriate balance for this team in your managing
upward and downward?
• What issues do you and the team avoid discussing?

International Centre for

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011 Business School Coaching and Leadership
Coaching questions for team leaders

• What decisions and actions do you most often procrastinate

• What could you stop doing that would improve the team’s
• What could you do more of that would improve the team’s
• How much leadership does this team require?
• What style of leadership would be most appropriate?
• If you could choose your dream team, what would it be like?
• What could you do to turn your existing team into the dream
team? International Centre for
Coaching and Leadership

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011 Business School
Internal and external team coaches

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
The environment for team coaching

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Psychological safety

A shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe

for interpersonal risk taking.

Psychological safety associated strongly with both team learning

and coaching behaviours by the team leader.

International Centre for

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011 Business School Coaching and Leadership
The coaching energy field

• Experience
• Capability
• Beliefs and values
• Integration
• Dialogue

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
What prevents other people seeking
coaching from you?

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
How can you challenge your own
boss to coach you?

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
The process for team coaching

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
The team coaching process

• Preparation
• Scoping
• Process skills development
• Coaching conversations
• Process review
• Process transfer
• Outcomes review

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011 Business School
Timing the coaching intervention

Time Focus of Intervention

• Beginning • Motivational
• Mid-point • Consultative
• End • Educational

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Some key questions for the team coach

• What are team strengths and weaknesses?

• What is the balance between positive and negative conflict within the
• Does the team understand its collective and individual strengths and
• Does the team have a collective will to achieve?
• Is there strong alignment between the goals of the team and the goals
of the coachee?
• Is there strong alignment between the values of the team and the
values of the manager?
• What is the capacity of the team for open discussion?

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Bion’s group dysfunctions

• Fight/flight
• Dependency
• Pairing

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Taking a systemic perspective

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Ethics of team coaching

• Is it okay to coach both the team and some individuals within it?
If so, when?
• Individual vs collective welfare
• When should you advocate breaking up of a dysfunctional team
and when try to mend it?
• Should you listen when the team leader or sponsor warns you off
an issue that is blocking progress?

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
The ultimate goal

The team that coaches itself

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Some Helpful Team Coaching Approaches

• Conflict resolution
• Analysing team functions
• Raising the EQ and IQ of the team
• Increasing the team’s creativity
• Time orientation
• The team development plan

International Centre for

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011 Business School Coaching and Leadership
3 types of conflict

• Relationship
• Task
• Process

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
Fault free conflict analysis

1. Reconfirm the positive

2. Fault free task analysis
– What I’m trying to achieve and why
– What I’m having difficulty doing
– What problems result for stakeholders

3. Fault free emotional analysis

– How I want to feel
– How I do feel
– What is making me feel this way

4. Generate solutions together

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
The team development plan

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Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011
What can you now do to make team
coaching a part of your company culture?

CIPD XXX v0.1 ©v1.0
Conference Clutterbuck Associates
Sep 2011 2011
© Clutterbuck Associates 2011

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