1 Family and Home Extra Practice: 1.1 Vocabulary

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1 Family and home Extra Practice

1.1 Vocabulary

1 * Complete the table.

3 *** Write about people in your family.

♀ ♂ Miles is my brother. He’s 11.

grandmother (1) ......................................................................................................................

(2) father
sister (3)

(4) son ......................................................................................................................

wife (5) ......................................................................................................................

(6) uncle

2 ** Complete the definitions. ......................................................................................................................

1 An informal word for father is ……………………. .

2 An informal word for mother is ……………………. .
3 Your mother and father are your ……………………. . ......................................................................................................................

4 An informal word for grandfather is ……………………. .

5 An informal word for grandmother is ……………………. .
6 Your grandmother and grandfather are your ……………………. . ......................................................................................................................

7 Your mother or your father’s brother is your ……………………. .

8 Your aunt’s child is your ……………………. .

Student’s Book 1.1 Unit 1 1

1 Family and home Extra Practice
1.1 Grammar
Present simple: be

1 * Complete the sentences with ’m, ’m not, are, aren’t, is or isn’t. 3 *** Correct the information. Write a negative and an affirmative
1 My parents ......................... in Australia. 
You are 16.
2 His dad ......................... 38 years old. 
I’m not 16. I’m 12.
3 I ......................... English. 
4 You ......................... from London. 
1 Your English teacher is from Nepal.
5 Her name ......................... Paloma. 
6 I ......................... Ann’s sister. 
2 Your parents are Canadian.
2 ** Complete the text with the correct present simple form of be.
Hello. I (1) ......................... Pampa Zapp. My brothers’ names
(2) ......................... Tehue and Wallaby. Candelaria (3) .........................
3 Your place of birth is New York.
my sister. She (4) ......................... my mum. My parents (5)
......................... from Argentina, but Argentina (6) ......................... my
place of birth. It (7) ......................... the USA. .................................................................................................................
4 You and your friends are at home.
5 Your mum is 75.

Student’s Book 1.1 Unit 1 2

1 Family and home Extra Practice
1.1 Grammar
Present simple: questions with be
1 * Match questions 1–6 to answers A–F. 3 *** Write six Yes / No questions about the text. Then answer the
1 Is your dad Argentinian? ….. A Yes, it is.
My name’s Zara and this is my house in Quebec, Canada. I’m not
2 Are you at home? ….. B No, they aren’t.
Canadian. My place of birth is Toulouse in France. I’ve got four brothers,
3 Is it Monday today? ….. C No, I’m not.
Lionel, Marc, Alain and Tomas. They’re 22, 18, 17 and 14. Then there’s
4 Are you and your friend 13? ….. D Yes, we are. me. I’m 12. Lionel isn’t at home now. He’s got a job in Toronto. Our first
5 Is your mum from Madrid? ….. E No, he isn’t. language isn’t English. It’s French. My mum, Muriel, is a French teacher at
6 Are Tom and Guy brothers? ….. F Yes, she is. my school, but she isn’t my teacher.

2 ** Order the words to make questions. Then answer the questions. Is Zara’s house in Quebec? Yes, it is.

1 Buenos Aires / in / is / Argentina ?

2 the Zapps / different / are ? ......................................................................................................................

3 is / English / your teacher ?
................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................
4 six children / you / are / one of ?
5 and your friends / are / Australian / you ? ......................................................................................................................
6 your dream / is / to travel / it ?

Student’s Book 1.1 Unit 1 3

1 Family and home Extra Practice
1.2 Vocabulary
Rooms and homes

1 * Match activities 1–5 to locations A–E. 3 *** Write about the house. What has it got?
1 You have a shower ….. A in the kitchen.
2 You have dinner ….. B in the living room.
3 You sit and relax ….. C in the bedroom.
4 You cook ….. D in the bathroom.
5 You sleep ….. E in the dining room.

2 ** Complete the sentences with the words.

garage garden lift patio stairs toilet

1 A ......................... is usually in a bathroom.

2 A ......................... is for a car.
3 A bungalow hasn’t got any ......................... or a ......................... .
4 A ......................... is outside a house and usually has grass. It’s got a garden.
5 A ......................... is a place to sit in the garden. ......................................................................................................................

Student’s Book 1.2 Unit 1 4

1 Family and home Extra Practice
1.2 Grammar
there is / there are + a, an, some and any

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Write about your school. Use there is / isn’t / are / aren’t + a, an,
some or any.
There (1) is / are two big windows in the bedroom, but there
balcony fireplace kitchen large windows
(2) isn’t / aren’t a balcony. There aren’t (3) some / any stairs to the lift stairs swimming pool toilets
bedroom, but there (4) is / are a lift. There is (5) a / an unusual bed and
there are (6) some / any books on it. There isn’t a lift.

2 ** Match 1–5 to A–E.
1 There is an ….. A fantastic views of the sea.
2 There aren’t ….. B lift. ......................................................................................................................

3 There isn’t a ….. C a beautiful garden. ......................................................................................................................

4 There is ….. D any fireplaces.
5 There are some ….. E amazing flat screen TV.







Student’s Book 1.2 Unit 1 5

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