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Ceramic as one of the most sustainable materials has the most availability

for architects to fit with the new vision of human comfort and saving of
resources which equals to sustainability. Sustainability meaning the support
for long-term ecological balance via using resources in a manner of not being
hazardous to the environment, will permit the earth supporting our lives. In
this regard, the urgent cause confronting our planet is climate change,
though the Paris agreement set initiatives to maintain sustainability whereas
in ceramic industry aims to guide in air emissions, processing wastewater,
processing waste, energy consumption and Co2 emissions. Alongside being
vital to the environment and society, Ceramic sector can get the benefits of
this concern by saving money in energy, power, water and raw material.
Marketing department of an enterprise as one of the most creative
departments, continuously seeking for marketing strategies is using this
global and trendy concern as a tool for satisfying the clients and attracting
new customers. Sustainability as a current trend and a popular strategy
maintain the idea of saving the world and the marketing department justifies
the audiences by highlighting their effort towards sustainability of a
production process in different aspects such as recycling and reusing
material, energy efficiency, cutting down on packaging and so on. The idea
of my research theme is to study and investigate the exercises of
implementing the concept of sustainability in ceramic industry and how it
can be used as a marketing tool.
If you agree there is a good fit between my research theme and your
enterprise, I would like to propose a case study of your factory as the basis
for my thesis work.
I am happy to make any adjustments to the research theme that might
better align with your own objectives.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this proposal.

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