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Analysis of Data used to Determine the Need

Students at ,,,, School complete the Terra Nova standardized test in grades three through

eight. However, no formal assessment has been completed for first or second grade until just

recently. In March of 2017, the PALS assessment was administered to all students in first

through third grade. After completing the PALS assessment, it has been determined that reading

fluency and comprehension are areas in need of improvement for our school, especially in first

grade. In first grade, we have 71.4% of students reading below grade level. This is a concern

considering these students will need to be prepared for the Terra Nova test in just a year and a


Section 2: Possible Solutions

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction is an approach to learning where teachers adjust the curriculum

to meet the needs of each student. After a students’ reading level has been assessed, the teacher

will group students according to ability and tailor their instruction to meet the needs of each

group of students. This is an effective program because it will allow students who need help

with decoding and word attack skills to focus on those skills while others who may be ready for

comprehension study to focus on that. The grouping will allow the teacher the opportunity to

work closely with the students because they will be in small groups. Some pitfalls associated

with differentiated instruction are it will take some training along with extensive planning and

preparation on the part of the teacher. Each group will need their own set of activities and

leveled texts to be used during instruction.

Open Court Reading Instruction: Phonics Instruction and Word Recognition

Open Court is a research based basal reading program. The program is broken down into

several different units of study with stories and lessons that make up the unit. Each section

begins with a phonics lesson accompanied by a text that contains the sounds taught for that

lesson. The teachers begin with short vowel sounds to help the students work on word

recognition and move through the lessons at a steady pace building on the sounds and words of

the previous lesson the day before. Although this is a wonderful program with a lot of

enrichment activities and resources, there are some pitfalls teachers may face. There are so

many activities to choose from it can be a little overwhelming for the teacher. It also appears to

cater to the advanced learner as opposed to the struggling learner. Therefore, the teacher will

need to seek further knowledge on strategies to help a student who begins to struggle through the


Teacher Designed Plan: Incorporating Comprehension, Fluency, and Word Analysis

This teacher designed program is a combination of several different literacy practices. It

incorporates differentiated instruction and addresses the areas of comprehension, fluency, and

word analysis. It is implemented in a small group setting, where students are grouped

homogenously based on their reading level. Each group may have up to six students, and there

should be no more than four groups. The groups will rotate through a center style setting

performing different tasks for thirty-minute intervals. One group will be working with phonics

instruction as well as guided reading practice with the teacher, another group will be working on

word recognition (adapted from Words Their Way) where they will be using word patterns to sort

and identify words, another group will be reading independently, and the fourth group will be

writing in their journals reflecting on a question of the day that correlates to the comprehension

strategy practiced during guided reading practice with the teacher.

This program focuses on the individual literacy needs of each student. The teacher will

assess the students and adjust each center activity to match the abilities of the groups. The

teacher will use leveled texts based on the skill being addressed and readability. Any student

who is identified as needing intervention will also receive thirty minutes of additional instruction

daily. A possible pitfall of this program is the amount of work that it will take on the teacher’s

part to prepare lessons and coordinate with the teacher assistants to prepare for the intervention

lessons. The teacher will need to be continuously monitoring the growth of each student so

instruction can be adjusted each day. Many different approaches to the same task will need to be

created to meet the differences in ability of the groups. The students and the teacher will also

need to be flexible as groups should change as students’ growth is monitored and instruction is


Section 3: Solution

Description of Solution

The best solution is to use the teacher designed program because it incorporates

differentiated instruction as well as addresses the areas of comprehension, fluency, and word

analysis. It is implemented in a small group setting, where students are grouped homogenously

based on their reading level. Each group may have up to six students, and there should be no

more than four groups. The groups will rotate through a center style setting performing different

tasks for thirty-minute intervals. One group will be working with phonics instruction as well as

guided reading practice with the teacher, another group will be working on word recognition

(adapted from Words Their Way) where they will be using word patterns to sort and identify

words, another group will be reading independently and writing in their journals on a topic
connected to the comprehension strategy being modeled during guided reading. The journaling

activity will allow the teacher evidence of how the students are correctly spelling the words they

have been working on in the word recognition center as well as offer the opportunity to give

feedback and encouragement to the student on the comprehension strategies being taught. The

teacher will also administer timed reading tests to determine the student’s fluency level based on

the words per minute correctly read during a “cold” and a “warm :read. This fluency test will be

administered after the student has completed the text of the day during the guided reading center

with the teacher. Students who are identified as needing intervention will work with the teacher

assistant thirty additional minutes per day on activities that need reinforcement based on the

daily assessments.


Based on the Pals data collected this past spring, it was determined that instruction

needed to be focused on reading fluency and comprehension. Therefore, incorporating a

program that focuses on word recognition and fluency will help the students prepare to move on

to comprehension study. Through phonics instruction and guided reading with the teacher, a

student will be able to apply word knowledge to complete independent activities to increase their

ability to read and comprehend the text they are using for the day.

Methods for Implementation

For the guided reading part of the program, the teacher will use the phonics guide and

leveled texts from the Open Court reading series by McGraw Hill. The teacher will prepare a

lesson on the sound of the day and guide the students in spelling and reading words found in the

text of the day. Next, the teacher will read the text with the students. The teacher will ask
probing questions to model strategies to promote comprehension of the text. Students will be

encouraged to show support from the text as they answer the questions. The teacher will also

lead students in the process of monitoring their fluency. Each child will have a set goal to work

on and they will monitor their growth each week.

The independent reading center allows students the opportunity to practice their text of

the day as well as select books of their choice to read. The classroom library will be stocked

with books labeled according to color to match the different reading levels. Students may select

books from the classroom library or the school library to read during this time. As they finish

reading, they will journal on a question of the day that will incorporate the comprehension

technique they are being taught during guided reading. This journal will be a dialogue between

the teacher and the student where the teacher can offer encouragement and direction.

The word study center will include activities to reinforce the spelling features each group

is working on for the week. The teacher will use the word lists and strategies explained in

Words Their Way. Students will cut up their own word lists and sort them according to patterns.

They will record their sorts in a notebook to later be discussed with the teacher. During that

discussion, the teacher will guide the students in using the words in a sentence to determine their

understanding of the word meanings. Students will continue to work on extension activities to

help reinforce the patterns they are studying throughout the week.

Teacher assistants will pull out the students identified for intervention for thirty minutes

five days per week. They will address and reinforce instruction in the areas specified by the

teacher based on daily assessments. Activities should include reading aloud with a student to
practice fluency, reteaching the guided reading lesson for the day, and review of the word study


Process of Implementation

To implement this program, the teachers and administrator will need to meet to analyze

the school and student data. Students who are identified as reading below grade level by the

PALS data will receive an additional thirty minutes of intervention each day at an agreed upon

time convenient for the teacher and the teacher assistant. Due to the nature of the school,

instructional assistants will need to be trained to deliver lessons of intervention to use with the

students during a set time of day determined by the classroom teacher. The intervention lessons

will be administered until they are complete. Students’ fluency will be monitored and

adjustments to instruction will be made accordingly.

Section 4: Professional Development Plan

Description of Plan

Teachers and teacher assistants for grades kindergarten through grade three will need to

be in attendance of this professional development session. The session will consist of a

presentation with a workshop component for teachers to work together. The teacher who serves

as the literacy coach will compose and present a short power point presentation that introduces

and explains differentiated instruction. The remaining part of the session will include a

workshop time where teachers and teacher assistants will be divided into three groups that will

be given a scenario where they will be required to brainstorm ways to differentiate instruction for

the students in the scenario. Each group will focus on one of the following topics: phonics

instruction, fluency practice, and guided reading and comprehension. Before the workshop, the
teachers serving as the literacy coach will research and write up the scenarios to be used during

the workshop time. Examples of materials will be on hand for teachers and assistants to look

through as they determine how to differentiate instruction. The teachers and assistants will

gather at the end of the workshop to share their ideas with everyone. The teacher serving as the

literacy coach will compile a notebook of the ideas that were created. Teachers will be

encouraged to implement some of the ideas presented as part of their lessons.

A book study will be introduced as an ongoing professional development activity to

continue throughout the year. The staff will be reading and implementing activities from Words

Their Way to help them differentiate instruction in their word analysis centers. During the

monthly meeting the lead teacher will lead the discussion of the chapter for the month and

provide activities and examples to share with the group. Discussions will be held to give the

teachers and assistants opportunities to share what they are using in their classrooms. They will

use this time to discuss what activities are working, which ones are not working, and what areas

they would like to receive further explanation.

Training and Supplementary Materials

Initial training will occur during the professional development session. This session is

meant to introduce or reinforce the term differentiated instruction and what it looks like in the

classroom. A copy of Words Their Way by Bear, et al. will be purchased for each teacher and

given to them at the end of the initial workshop session. A time frame will be set for teachers to

read through the book chapter by chapter throughout the year. The teachers will meet as a group

to practice creating and implementing the activities addressed in each chapter throughout the

year. Evidence of differentiated instruction and word analysis activities that teachers have
designed and tried in their classrooms will be brought to the monthly workshops to share with

the group. A time for questions and discussion will be scheduled as part of the meetings.

Motivation for Change

Although the current curriculum that is in place has abundant materials and resources, the

teachers need assistance tailoring the instruction to meet the needs of the differing ability levels

of the students. By offering PALS testing in grades one through three, the teachers will be able

to identify the ability levels of the students coming into their classrooms at the beginning of the

year as well as track their progress throughout the year. Through the implementation of a small

group, conversational workshop style type of professional development that addresses

differentiated instruction practices and the effective use of Words Their Way it will allow

teachers to better address the specific needs of the students in their classrooms. This will help

teachers make the most of their instructional time as well as provide opportunities for students to

prepare for the Terra Nova testing that begins in third grade.

Role before, during and after Implementation

Although there is not a designated literacy coach for the school, the lead teacher will take

on the responsibility of training themselves in differentiated instruction practices and Words

Their Way. The lead teacher will put together a power point explaining differentiated instruction

and share examples of ways activities can be tailored to specific abilities. The lead teacher will

model how to differentiate instruction specifically in the reading classroom. The textbook

Words Their Way will be purchased for every teacher in grades kindergarten through three. The

lead teacher will attend and complete instruction in a word study class at Longwood University

where Words Their Way is the focus. The lead teacher will then reread each chapter prior to the
workshop dates and create activities to be shared with the group to use for implementation.

Time before and after school as well as during planning times throughout the day will be made

available for the teachers to seek out the lead teacher to answer any questions or for assistance of

any kind to help with the implementation of this program.

Section 5: Timeline for Implementation


First three weeks of September October January April

Administer PALS Provide a Begin study of Begin Conclude
testing to all first, professional Words Their Way. administering book study
second, and third development PALS mid-year of Words
graders for analysis. workshop for all assessments for Their Way.
teachers and all first, second,
assistants in and third graders
kindergarten for analysis.
through third grade.
Create a list of Create a schedule Begin implementing Compare the Complete
students identified for the book study activities suggested results to that of PALS end
by PALS as being of Words Their in our professional the beginning of of year
below grade level Way. development session the year and assessments
and in need of and Words Their record progress for all first,
intervention. Way activities. and reevaluate second, and
goals. third graders
for analysis.
Create a schedule Collaborate with Compare the
between teachers teachers on a bi- results to the
and teacher weekly basis to mid-year
assistants to work check for questions assessments
with the identified and concerns and record
children for thirty regarding lessons progress.
minutes per day. and students.
Terra Nova
in grades
Begin to
create new
goals and
ideas for
next year
based on the
data from
PALs and
Terra Nova.

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