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MIS. (CH.10)
Management information system
A management information system (MIS) is an information system used for decision-making and for the
coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization.

The study of the management information systems testing people, processes and technology in an
organizational context.

In a corporate setting, the ultimate goal of the use of a management information system is to increase the
value and profits of the business. This is done by providing managers with timely and appropriate
information allowing them to make effective decisions within a shorter period of time.

Management Reporting Alternatives:

Management information systems provide a variety of information products to managers. Four major
Reporting Alternatives are provided by such systems:

1. Periodic Scheduled Reports: are the traditional reports that display information in a predefined

format and are made available on a regular basis to end users of the system

2. Exception reports: are produced when a specific condition or exception occurs. In other words,
specific criteria are established, and any transaction or entity that meets the criteria is reported on the
exception report.

3. Demand Reports and Responses: Normally, some information from a management information
system is available on demand. If, for example, on a Wednesday, a manager needs a specific report
that is normally given to her each Monday, she could print that report. This type of report would be
known as a demand report. These reports are sometimes referred to as response reports because an
end user can log onto a workstation and obtain a response in the form of a report without waiting for
the scheduled time. Again, the reports may be automatically printed or may be made available via
reporting viewing software and then printed if hard copy is actually needed.

4. Push Reporting: is a feature that enables you to automatically receive various transaction reports on
a daily basis.
Online Analytical Processing:
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) is the technology behind many Business Intelligence (BI)
applications. OLAP is a powerful technology for data discovery, including capabilities for limitless report
viewing, complex analytical calculations, and predictive “what if” scenario (budget, forecast) planning.

OLAP is an acronym for Online Analytical Processing. OLAP performs multidimensional analysis of
business data and provides the capability for complex calculations, trend analysis, and sophisticated data

Online Analytical Processing involves the several basic analytical operations, including consolidation, drill
down, slicing and dicing.

 Consolidation: it involves the aggregation of data, which can involve simple roll-ups or complex
groupings involving interrelated data.

 Drill Down: OLAP can also go in the reverse direction and automatically display detailed data that
comprise consolidated data.

 Slicing and Dicing: it refers to the ability to look at the database from different viewpoints.

Geographical Information and Data Visualization Systems:

The impact of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) on research at UCLA cannot be overstated.
Disciplines across the campus have embraced the technology to build knowledge within their primary fields
and as part of inter-disciplinary teams exploring broad research themes and grand challenges.

The term visualization encompasses a broad range of analytic tools and techniques that includes GIS, 3D
modeling, and data and statistical visualizations. The common thread is the underlying desire to organize
date into a coherent visual display that can be readily interpreted and understood.
Using Decision Support System:
A decision support system (DSS) is a computerized program used to support determinations, judgments,
and courses of action in an organization or a business. A DSS sifts through and analyzes massive amounts of
data, compiling comprehensive information that can be used to solve problems and in decision-making.

 What – If Analysis: In What-If analysis, a user makes changes to variables, or relationships

among variables, and observes the resulting changes in values of other variables.

 Sensitivity Analysis: Sensitive Analysis is a quantitative model and is part of the Decision
Support System or DSS which models information to support managers and business professionals
during the decision-making process.

 Goal –Seeking Analysis: it is the most important portion of DSS, in my opinion, because it
compiles all of the given data and determines what inputs are required to reach specific goals.
Sensitivity analysis is great and can be used to determine what portions of DSS, effect one and other.

 Optimizing Analysis: optimization analysis is a more complex extension of goal-seeking

analysis. Instead of setting a specific target value for a variable, the goal is to find the optimum value
for one or more target variables, under certain constraints.

 Data Mining for Decision Support: Data mining can be defined as a process of
exploring and analysis for large amounts of data with a specific target on discovering significantly
important patterns and rules. Data mining helps finding knowledge from raw, unprocessed data.
Using data mining techniques allows extracting knowledge from the data mart, data warehouse and,
in particular cases, even from operational databases.
Executive Information System:
An Executive information system (EIS), also known as an Executive support system (ESS), is a type of
management support system that facilitates and supports senior executive information -and decision-making
needs. It provides easy access to internal and external information relevant to organizational goals. It is very
useful for managers and business professionals.

Features of EIS: Here are some features that distinguish the Executive Information System with other
systems. Include the following:

 Summarizing, Filter, and obtain detailed data. EIS created to display graphs and reports from the
business processes of an organization or company. Where the data is used as a material consideration
for future decision making.

 Provides trend analysis, exception reporting and drill-down capabilities. Drill down a facility such as
a button or link that when clicked will display the detail data from public records that had been

 Can integrate external and internal data.

 Easy to use. This is the main thing that distinguishes the EIS with the other systems. Ease of use is
set in stone in the manufacture of the EIS, both system design and interface design.

 Presenting information in a variety report. This system generally display the data in the form of
graphs and reports.
 Some of the executive information system has features that beraga facilities. EIS Each has its own
differences, tergantun EIS maker itself and the user desires (the executive).

Enterprise Portals and Decision Support:

Enterprise portal and Decision Support is a new approach in Intranet-based applications, therefore is often
referred to as next-generation intranet. It goes a step further in the “webification” of applications and
integration of corporate data. There have already been several “portal-based” products, particularly from
business intelligence area. Business intelligence portal is a next trend in enterprise-wide decision support.
Knowledge Management System:
A knowledge management system is a tool used by companies to help organize documentation, frequently
asked questions and other information into easily accessible formats for both internal and external
customers. Using knowledge management software can help keep documentation up to date, assist
customers in finding their own answers and manage knowledge access and permissions across user groups.
It’s a tool that’s valuable to both small businesses that are just starting out, and global enterprises that need
to distribute knowledge to a wide variety of audiences.


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