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e Cf -j/4-02 GENERAL TRAINING AIR CONDITIONING I Module 4 Systems © GTAC GENERAL TRAINING AIR CONDITIONING MODULE 4 @ SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Slide No. Page No. Introduction 1-3 1 ‘Types of Air Conditioning Systems 4-26 3 Refrigeration Systems 27-31 12 Packaged Products 32-52 14 Split Systems 53 - 59 23 Other Systems 60 - 62 26 Quiz Key 30 Objectives This program will help you develop skills that will make your job easier and aid you in becoming more successtul. By studying these materials, you will learn the fundamentals of refrigeration as they relate to air conditioning. Presentation Instructions 1. Obtain necessary audio-visual equipment, air conditioning equipment, handout materials and program work- e books for each participant. 2. Present video section by section. Review, discuss and ask questions at the end of each segment. 3. Show slides to highlight topics of importance and emphasize the basic leaning block approach. 4. Distribute and review handout materials (see suggested list of handout materials below). 5. Administer quiz, then review using slide/page references noted in the quiz key. 6. Certificates of Achievement are available through Literature Distribution. Handout Materials/Additional Training Materials (Available through Literature Distribution.) Educational Materials Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Catalog No. 020-308) Service and Engineering Instruction Self Instruction ‘When using this program for self instruction, review the video tape, read the workbook in its entirety, and complete the quiz. Quiz answers with paragraph references are located in the quiz key. [WANUFACTURER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE, MODIFY, OR CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS ANDIOR DESIGNS AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOT (OF INCURRING OBLIGATION” Aasdianaly. THIS PROGRAM IS INTENDED FOR FEMILIARIZATION AND\OA TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED OR TREATED AS COMPLETE INSTALLATION. SERVICE, OR TROUBLESHOOTING REFERENCES FOR SUBJECT OR THER PRODUCTS (CURRENT PRODUCT SPECIFIC INSTALLATION AND SERVICE LITERATURE SHOULD BE CONSULTED BEFORE ATTEMPTING THE PROCEDURES, PROCESSES (OR TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED HEREN Copyright © Carrier Corporation 1981 Orne General Tr INTRODUCTION The GTAC Program eu Cea TF ee Conditioning (GTAC) Program is divided into two parts. The ten modules of Part | provide the information and foundation you will need to understand the basics of air conditioning. The nine modules of Part Il contain more advanced material on mechanical air conditioning systems. To insure your understanding of the material, answer the SKILLS CHECK questions scattered throughout each module. Consult with your instructor if you need additional help. By reviewing the STUDENT SKILLS INVEN- TORY at the end of this module, mastering the material, and checking your knowledge through the SKILLS CHECKS, you will be using the “building block” learning process effectively. It is important to understand the material in each building block before moving on to the next. In This Module as Raed ed 4 @ this module focuses on two aspects of com- fort air conditioning. First, we will introduce you to the four basic types of comfort air conditioning systems. Each of these types uses a mechanical refrigeration system to remove heat from an oc- cupied space. Then we will discuss the type of mechanical refrigeration system or process that each type uses to remove heat from an occupied space. This will help you understand the many types of air conditioning products. Ex- amples of products will be provided to help you visualize what each type of refrigeration system looks like. INTRODUCTION Air Conditioning Functions PAU maar es RELATIVE HUMIDITY PV) ete =7 (Na (3) ODOR LEVEL comfort air conditioning has come to be de- fined as maintenance of the five basic aspects of the atmosphere that surrounds us when we are in a building. These aspects are: (1) temperature, measured on anormal thermometer, also called dry bulb temperature; (2) relative humidity (the moisture contentinthe air, measured in percent); (3) the cleanliness of the air; (4) its odor; and (5) its motion. A total comfort air conditioning system will control, at the same time, all five of these aspects. Obviously, most of the systems we call ‘air conditioning” do only a partial job of conditioning the air. Cooling and heating (temperature control) are usually the minimum functions expected from any air conditioning system. @as you review the types of air conditioning systems that follow, please pay close attention to the location of the refrigeration components in comparison with the air conditioned space. ‘As we have seen in prior modules, the refrigera- tion system will always include the four basic ‘components: evaporator, compressor, condenser, and liquid metering device. As long as the compressor is activated, the refrigerant will ab- sorb and reject heat by flowing from one compo- ent to another through the refrigerant piping The direction of flow is shown by the arrows. e Le A TR TYPES OF AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS re Ee Ean @ here is a typical office space in which a per- ‘son might work. Heat flows into the space from people, equipment, lights and the outdoor (ambient) air if itis warmer than the room. This space must be cooled in order to prevent heat buildup, which will quickly make it uncomfortable Obviously, most buildings contain many spaces that require cooling. The amount of cooling ca- pacity sent to all the rooms may be controlled by one or more thermostats. Each area that has its capacity controlled by a thermostat is called a control zone. The zone may be made up of a single room, several rooms, a wing of a building, an entire floor of a building, or an entire building. Each air conditioned building has atleast one control zone. The bigger the building, the more control zones it needs. Historically, most residences and small commer- cial buildings have used a single control zone. As the cost of energy has grown, however, so also has the use of multiple zones of control. In addition, the use of electronic controls has increased the popularity of multiple control zones even on small capacity jobs. TAO 17) ae cen) 2, ALL WATER CaN 4, DIRECT REFRIGERANT @ there are four basic system types used to air condition these zones. They are all-air, all- water, air-water, and direct refrigerant. Some of these are better than others for certain uses; which is why each type has been developed. The name of each of these types tells what kind of fluid is circulated to the zone or zones in the building \ All-Air Systems In order to cool the zones, an all-air system supplies cool, dehumidified air. Once the air enters the space, it absorbs heat and moisture. The temperature of the space usually is main- tained around 75°F and 50% relative humicity. The cool air supplied to the space is usually between 50° and 55°F. Polat” ar) This supply air is cooled and dried by pass- ing it through a coil with a surface temperature colder than the air. The heat from the air flows through the metal fins and tubes of the coll into the refrigerant circulating through the coil. Mois- ture is removed from the air as it condenses from a vapor into a liquid on the cold coil surface This is the same thing that happens when a glass filled with a cold beverage “sweats.” The condensed moisture is piped away from the coil surface to a waste drain. The cold, dry supply air leaving the cooling Coil is transported from the coil to the conditioned space by means of a supply air duct system. The ductwork may be made from metal, plastic or fiberglass and is insulated to prevent the air from warming up before it gets to the space. Energy required to move the air through the ductwork is provided by a supply air fan A supply air terminal or diffuser is used to distribute the cool supply air to the space. It is the most important factor in providing good room air motion. Poor selection or location of the diffuser(s) causes discomfort. Drafts, dead air spots and dumping of cold air directly on the occupants are symptoms of poor diffuser selection and layout. No amount of service work will fix a poor design Since air has been pumped into the space by the supply air fan, a return air grille must be provided to relieve warm air from the space. After entering the grille, the return air is drawn back toward the coil through a ductwork system. It can then be cooled once again and recycled to the conditioned space. Some systems include a retum air fan. It is helpful in overcoming the resistance to air flow in return ductwork systems that are very long or which have many branches. Itis also preferred by some engineers on systems that can deliver up to 100% outside air to the space. Return air fans tend to be the exception rather than the rule on systems below 60 tons of cooling capacity. When the return air reaches the coil it is cooled once more and sent back to the space. The air conditioning cycle thus repeats itselt Dirt particles, pollen, and other impurities are removed from the circulating air by installing filters inthe system. The filters are available in a variety of types, depending upon the type of equipment used and the degree of filtration efficiency de- sired. Smaller capacity air handlers tend to offer less efficient filtration and less variety in filter types than do the larger capacity models. The filters, coil, and supply air fan usually are combined into a manufactured product called the air handling unit, sometimes abbreviated AHU. In sizes below about 20 tons, the air handling unit is sometimes called the fan coil unit. We shall see later in this module, the air handling Unit is combined with other parts of the system. 2 (Odor is controlled within the space by diluting it with outdoor air. The air handler brings the outdoor air into the system, then filters it and controls its temperature by moving it over coils before sending it on to the space. The outdoor air is mixed with air returning from the space before being treated at the coil. Since outdoor air is being brought into the system, an equal quantity of stale, return air must be exhausted from the system. Outdoor, return, and exhaust air dampers work together to coordinate the amount of outdoor air entering the system and that exhausted from Remember that air conditioning systems vary and some residential designs don’t offer these options. od Bes rok The source of cooling is the coil in the air handling unit, which can be either a D-X (direct expansion) or a chilled water coil D-X coils are used in the vast majority of build- ings; that is, those requiring less than 100 tons of cooling capacity. Here the D-X coil is shown connected by refrigerant lines to an outdoor unit that contains the compressor and condenser. The liquid metering device is right next to the evaporator in the AHU. The four basic refrigeration cycle components, an be grouped in the manner shown here or the compressor and condenser can be housed as separate components. In either case, the heat absorbed by the evaporator is moved through the refrigerant piping and rejected by the condenser to the outdoor air Here is an all-air system that uses a chilled water coil rather than a D-X coil to cool air going to the zones. This type of arrangement grows increasingly popular as the size of the building increases. Buildings taller than three floors often use one or two air handler units per floor with chilled water coils in them. Buildings under 100 tons of cooling capacity rarely use chilled water coils, In these systems, chilled water flowing through the cooling coil absorbs heat from the air passing ‘over it. This heat is pumped through water piping to a water chiller containing the four basic com- ponents of the refrigeration system. The chiller absorbs the heat from the water in its evaporator, which contains refrigerant. orator is called a cooler. This type of evap- © The heat absorbed from the water into the refrigerant is rejected from the refrigeration sys tem by its condenser. In this diagram, the chiller is located indoors, so the condenser is water- cooled. Heat from the condenser is rejected to water, which is pumped outside to a cooling tower where the heat is rejected. This system could also use an air-cooled or evaporative condenser, located outdoors and separate from the rest of the chiller. This design eliminates the need for a cooling tower. All-Water Systems Ey Were ca CR Mga} & 10 RISE=1 TON OF COOLING 8” RD DUCT 400 CFM @ 1200FPM OR 5” RD DUCT PUKe a Moma) TON OF COOLING © {Din order to cool the control zones within a building, an all-water system supplies chilled water to the zones. As the building size and number of floors grows, all-water systems be- come increasingly popular. They are also popular where the space for piping and ductwork is very limited, A 5/8-inch outside diameter pipe carry- ing chilled water at normal conditions provides the same cooling capacity to a zone as does an B-inch diameter, low velocity air duct or a S.inch diameter, high velocity air duct Daan eines Erne Eonar In an all-water system, chilled water is cir- culated to each zone. A special type of terminal unit receives the chilled water. This one is shown mounted at the outside wall, but styles are also available that may be installed in the corner, above the ceiling, or mounted flush against an interior wall {) Each chilled water fan coil is basically a small air handling unit that includes a chilled water coil, fan and filter. Return air is drawn into the | unit and over the filter by the suction of the fan. itis then blown over a coil through which chilled water is flowing. Normal chilled water tempera- tures range from 40° to 48°F. The air is cooled and dehumidifies as it passes over the coil. The grille on the top of the fan coil directs the cool air into the space, thus giving the needed motion to the room air. As the cool air mixes with the room air, it absorbs the heat in the room air. The cycle repeats itself as long as the fan is running and chilled water is supplied to the coil Heat absorbed from the space by the chilled water is pumped through water piping to a chiller. This is the same kind of chiller shown previously for an all-air system that uses a chilled water coil at each air handler. The entire refrigeration system is in the chiller and the method of heat rejection from it may vary. This diagram shows the most common application. The chiller and water-cooled condenser are located indoors and the cooling tower outdoors. In air-water systems, both air and water are ‘sent to each control zone in order to provide cooling capacity. From the diagram shown here, you can see that this is a more complicated system type. It is also the most expensive, but it can provide a degree of comfort not available from any of the other types. It has the potential to provide the best performance qualities of both systems. Jobs that are well-suited to an all- water system may also be candidates for an air- water system if the budget will tolerate it. Direct Refrigerant Systems All-air, all-water and air-water systems all use a refrigeration system to provide cooling capacity They then use air or water, or a combination of the two, to distribute the cooling capacity to the zones within the building. Direct refrigerant systems, on the other hand, eliminate the need to send air or water out from a central refrigera- ©: tion system to each zone. This simplifies the ‘STOP! Review Skills Checks. installation of the system by eliminating all or Circle those skills that need oO most of the ductwork and piping that are required additional work. Go back for the other types of systems. and review those sections once again. This approach is especially popular for resi- dences, hotels, motels, apartments and other low-rise commercial buildings. eens aT pene Cube) ® the uttimate example of this concept is seen in window or through-the-wall air condi- e@ tioning equipment. These are used for small zones along the perimeter of abuilding. Depend- ing upon the type of unit, heating may be avail- able also. For example, some units have electric heat, some are available as heat pumps, while others are supplied with either a hot water or steam coil. The hot water or steam would be supplied by a separate central boiler system. SKILLS CHECK 1 INTRODUCTION e 1. There are basic types of air conditioning systems used to cool buildings. 2. List the 5 air qualities which a total air conditioning system controls. 3. Number the items listed below in the order of increasing size (1, 2, 3, 4). Refrigeration System Air Handling Unit Evaporator Air Conditioning System 4. In the space below, draw, from memory, the four basic components of a refrigeration cycle connected by refrigeration piping. Label each component and refrigeration line. Put arrows on the refrigerant lines to show the direction of flow in the system. 5. The 4 types of air conditioning systems are: 6. T or F?_ A zone is one room. TYPES OF AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 1. “Al-air” means that: a. only air is used to cool the building. Mechanical refrigeration is not required. b. the central machine which provides the source of cooling for the building is an air handling unit. ©. the cooling capacity is delivered to the control zones by air alone. d. air is sent to all the control zones but part of the cooling capacity might also come from another source. 2 °F is a typical supply air temperature to the zones of an all-air system which is in its cooling mode. 10 10. " 12. 13. 14. The outlet which supplies air to the zone is called a T or F? Service mechanics often fix the problems caused by poor diffuser selection and layout by adjustment. List the minimum components which make up an air handling unit. It you work on all-air systems below tons of cooling capacity you will probably not encounter many chilled water coils. T or F?_ In an all-water system, chilled water is circulated to each control zone to provide cooling capacity. . Why would any designer want to use an all-water system? Water at about F is supplied to the zones of an all-water system in the cooling mode, The technician will concentrate on the in an all-water system when it comes to servicing the mechanical refrigeration system. When the zones get their cooling capacity from a central machine which supplies both cool air and cool water, the system is called. a. all-air ©. air-water b. all-water 4. direct refrigerant In order to service the mechanical refrigeration system in a direct refrigerant system, you would go to the a. central machine room. ©. chiller. b. central air handler which serves d. machine serving each zone. the zones. Which one of the following cannot be used on a direct refrigerant system? a. Chilled water fan coils. c. Window air conditioners, b. Thru-the-wall units. d. Rooftop units. Window and thru-the-wall units have a maximum tonnage limit of about 3 tons because: no one has gotten around to offering larger ones. the refrigeration system works poorly above that size, air distribution becomes a difficulty above that size. the strength of the outside wall becomes a problem above that size. Three tons is very heavy! aoce REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS ©@ we have seen that many types of comfort air conditioning systems are used to coo! build- ings. Each of these types uses a mechanical refrigeration system to provide the cooling capac- ity necessary to move heat from the occupied spaces to the outdoors. An evaporator, com- pressor, condenser, and liquid metering device will be included in each system. What changes from system to system and product to product are the size, style, and arrangement of the four basic refrigeration components. Large, medium, and small-capacity components are available to suit the size of the job. Sometimes all four components are packaged in one as- sembly; at other times they are split into two, and even three, separate components. We will now review the types of equipment sold in the marketplace, paying particular attention to the arrangement of refrigeration components within them and where they are used. ere tr | 2. Split Systems 3. Others ©) Earlier we identified four types of comfort air Conditioning systems. In order to make the task of identifying products used in these systems easier for you, we will be grouping all comfort products into one of three categories: 1) Packaged Equipment 2) Split Systems 3) Others As you will see, these are grouped according to the arrangement of the components of the refrigeration cycle. PACKAGED © Packaged equipment includes products that have all four refrigeration system components in one, factory-built package, such as a rooftop unit. The trend over the past 20 years in the commercial heating, ventilating and air condition- ing (HVAC) industry has favored packaged equipment over other types. Escalating field costs for engineering and installation have stimulated manufacturers to develop and market packaged products generally ranging in capacity from 1/4 ton room air conditioners all the way oe up to 1,000 ton centrifugal chillers. SPLIT SYSTEM Cocks © spiit systems are those products which house the refrigeration system components in two, factory-built assemblies. The compressor and condenser are put in a package called the condensing unit. The remaining components — evaporator and liquid metering device — are housed in an assembly called the air handling unit or fan coil. Split systems require field engineering work to properly match the capacities of the condensing unit with the evaporator. They also require proper engineering of the refrigeration piping that in- terconnects the two assemblies. Manufacturing data supports these decisions and should be consulted. Attention must be paid to locating the equipment where it is safe, serviceable and economical to install. Split systems require more field installation labor than packaged equip- ment because of the refrigeration piping involved, and because two assemblies are being installed instead of one. Split systems are popular in both the residential and commercial markets. A range of 11 to 250 tons is especially popular for these products. rey) i] ik: ." @ other systems is a category we have created to deal with products that do not fit into the other two. This represents a small part of the total products sold annually. Two types of “other systems” will be discussed. roast) Careers Built up systems are those where each com- ponent is purchased separately and all system engineering and installation are done in the field These systems have the highest field costs and often have high installed costs, but they provide maximum opportunity for customizing the system to the needs of the job. Condenserless products are the other type that comes under this heading. These products would be called “packaged” except for the fact that the condenser is field-selected and installed. PACKAGED PRODUCTS cre ER ee nL) reg Se ferric Seer ie et @ackaged products fall into eight categories, as follows: 1) Room Air Conditioners (RAC). Mostly residential (’4 to 3 tons). Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC). Commercial (% to 1% tons). Water Source Heat Pumps. Commercial (14 to 20 tons) Packaged Air Conditioners (PAC). Residential and commercial rooftops Electriccool/electricheat (1 4to 100tons). Year-round Air Conditioners (YAC). Residential and commercial rooftops Electric cool/natural gas or LP gas heat (1% to 100 tons), Packaged Heat Pumps. Residential and commercial rooftops. Electric cool/ heat pump heat (1% to 30 tons). Vertical Air Conditioners (VAC). Com- mercial indoor units (3 to 60 tons). Packaged Chillers. Commercial recip- rocating and centrifugal liquid chillers (15 to 10,000+ tons). now discuss each of these categories. 2) 3) 4) 5) We will RAC (RESIDENTIAL: 1/3 TO 3 TONS) © As their name implies, room air conditioners are intended to cool a single room. While most often installed through a window, they can also be installed through an outside wall. These units are designed for free-air discharge into the space. No ductwork is used. The cool supply air can be directed by the adjustable, decorative discharge grille on the front of the unit, The most common type of room air conditioner pro- vides cooling capacity only. Models are also available with electric resistance heat or heat pump. The heat pump is a refrigeration system that can reverse its cycle and move heat from the outdoor air to the indoor air in the heating season. It acts as an air conditioner; ie., moving heat from the indoor air to the outdoor air during the cooling season 14 PTAC Heating capacity is provided in these units to : - avoid the need for a separate heating system. (COMMERCIAL: 1/2 TO 1-1/2 TONS) Electric resistance heat and heat pump models are available. Also, a steam or hot water coll may be available. This coil would connect to a separate boiler system. Heat pumps that absorb heat from the outdoor air during their heating cycle and move that heat to the indoor air are called air source or air-to-air heat pumps. They are called “Air Source” because air is the source of their heat. They are called “Air-to-Air” because they absorb heat from the outdoor air and reject it to the indoor air. Air-to-Air heat pump versions of PTAC equipment are popular. @backaged Terminal Air Concitioners (PTAC) fulfill the same basic need for the commercial market as room air conditioners do for the res- dential market. Each unit contains an entire refrigeration system for one zone of control, Because of their capacity, PTACs are best suited for conditioning one room or part of a room. Air is discharged directly into the room through a e decorative discharge grille. @prac units slide into a wall sleeve which is installed in the exterior wall of the building during construction. The electrician provides the re- ceptacle needed for the unit. Usually, installation of the unit itself simply involves sliding it into its sleeve and plugging it into the electrical outlet. ‘Some units are hard-wired to the power source, @ towever 15 Water Source Heat Pumps (COMMERCIAL: 1/2 TO 20 TONS) 16 Heat pumps that absorb heat from water dur- ing the heating season and move that heat to the indoor air are called water source or water-to-air heat pumps. They are called “Water Source” because water is the source of their heat. They are also called “Water-to-Air’ because they absorb heat from the water and reject it to the indoor air. Water source heat pump units have become in- creasingly popular. They are available in styles that mount within the room and need no ductwork Ducted units, which go above the ceiling or in an equipment room or closet, are also available. Each zone of control has one water source heat pump, with its complete refrigeration system, to control it. Zone sizes can vary from 1/2 ton of capacity up to 20 tons. Gee MUL ele ©@ water is piped to each water source heat pump from a water system which circulates throughout the building. When a zone requires cooling, the water source heat pump rejects heat to the water system. When a zone needs heat- ing, the heat pump absorbs heat from the water system. Many commercial buildings have a substantial inner or core area without any perime- ter exposure. When the building is in use, these areas never lose heat to the outdoors and, consequently, have a year-round need for cool- ing. They gain heat from lights, people and equipment operation within them. When it is 7 cold outdoors, a water source heat pump system can move heat from the core areas where it is not needed to the perimeter areas where it is needed. Heat rejected to the water system by water source heat pumps in the core zones {in a cooling mode) is reclaimed for the per- imeter zones to absorb in their heating mode. This saves energy when compared with other methods of zone control that throw the core heat away at the same time that heat is being manufactured by the perimeter zone equipment. The diagram shows a simple view of the water piping “loop,” with the boiler and cooling tower required to keep the water at the desired temperature. Two perimeter area heat pumps are shown as well as one in the core area of the building. Other heat pumps that might be needed have not been drawn in order to keep the picture simple. @®sror1 Review skils Checks. Circle those skills that need additional work. Go back and review those sections once again. SE SKILLS CHECK 2 ALL-AIR SYSTEMS 1. The 3 types of refrigeration systems used in the air conditioning systems discussed previously Oo are: , and 2, What does “Packaged” mean? 3. The two components of a split system are the and the 4, The category “Other Systems” includes and ALL-WATER SYSTEMS 1. To the right of each A.A.l." title write what the letters of the name stand for. a RAC VAS b. PTAC e. YAC ce PAG * ALi the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute. 2. Select the two differences between RAC and PTAC units: a. RAC units are for small tonnage while PTAC units are for large tonnage jobs oO b. RAC units are most often installed in a window while PTAC units are installed in a special wall sleeve. cc. RAC units are used on All-Air systems while PTAC units are used on Direct Refrigerant systems. d. RAC units are most often used on residences while PTAC units are usually used on commercial buildings. 3. Aheat pump: a. has a refrigeration system which can reverse its cycle. b. is rarely found on commercial jobs. c. is called “air-source” when it absorbs heat from the outdoor air and moves it indoors. d. is called ‘water-source" or “water-to-air” when it takes heat from water and moves it to the indoor air. 4, An advantage the water source heat pump has over other systems is that a. it can be used on direct refrigerant systems. b. ittcan be used on commercial buildings. ¢. it requires only refrigerant piping for installation d. ican reclaim excess heat from the core of the building and use it to heat the perimeter zones which need it 5. In order to service the mechanical refrigeration system of a RAC, PTAC or WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMP, you must: a. go to the central machine room. bb. go to the central air handler e . goto the machine in the zone. . look outside the building. 18 PAC @ (RES/COMMERCIAL: 1-1/2 TO 100 TONS) Packaged air conditioners or PAC’s represent a large portion of the commercial comfort air conditioning market. Unlike split system equip- ment, no interior building space is required for a packaged air conditioner. The interior space saved in this way can become profitable rental space. Access to equipment for servicing and routine maintenance does not require the me- chanic to enter the controlled zone, thereby minimizing interruption of normal business. Rooftop installations are most common for PAC equipment, but many models are adaptable for ground-mounting with side ductwork connec- tions, Side connections allow direct alignment with ductwork systems located in crawl spaces above ground level. Most residential applications 19 of PAC equipmentuse side discharge connections rather than roof mounting Roof-mounted units are normally installed on a factory-supplied roof cur which is built into the toof by the contractor before installation of the unit. At the time of unit installation, gaskets are added and the unit is rigged into place. PAC units are most often used as a direct refrigerant system, with one PAC unit per zone of temperature control. This is especially true for sizes below 20 tons. PAC units above 20 tons, however, are sometimes used on all-air systems that control multiple zones fed from the same PAC unit. For some types of all-air systems, such as variable air volume systems, a special version of the PAC unit is required. For other types, the standard unit is satisfactory. YAC (RES./COMMERCIAL: 1-1/2 TO 100 TONS) ray Pon) a @Pac units provide heating capacity from electric resistance heaters mounted within them, The year-round packaged air conditioner (YAC) differs from the PAC only in the fact that its heating capacity is provided by natural or LP gas. All the other features mentioned above about PACs also apply to YACs. Packaged Heat Pumps (RES.COMMERCIAL: 1-1/2 TO 30 TONS) Pan cu @ ike the YAC, packaged heat pumps differ from PAC units in the type of heat they provide. As air source heat pumps, they extract heat from the outdoor air and send it into the space, supplemented by resistance heat when neces sary. All the other features mentioned about PACs also apply to packaged heat pumps. VAC (COMMERCIAL: 3 TO 60 TONS) @ vertical air conditioners, or VACs, are used as a direct refrigerant system for large zones VACs are either water cooled, air cooled, or condenserless. They can be installed in open layout spaces, and discharge supply air directly into the room, @vacs can also be installed in an equipment room or hallway with air ducted to the zone (These products are frequently used to add air conditioning to older buildings at minimal expense.) 20 Air-cooled models make use of existing out- side doorways and windows to reject condenser heat. The air-cooled condenser section on some models can be moved apart from the rest of the unit so that the main unit can accommodate the furniture or equipment layout of the space in which it is installed Water-cooled models have the most flexibility inlocation because they use a simple water piping system which sends the condenser heat to a cooling tower located on the ground or roof. Here the building heat absorbed by the refrigeration system is rejected to the outdoor air Packaged Liquid Chillers (COMMERCIAL: 15 TO 1000 TONS) The chiller is a liquid cooling system made up of all four refrigeration system components. The evaporator in a chiller is called the cooler and the liquid metering device may be a float valve. Chillers are used to supply chilled water to the cooling coil(s) of all-air systems, or to the fan coils on an all-water system. A chiller can be purchased as a complete, factory-assembled package or it can be selected and assembled ‘component-by-component, in the field. As with other products, the escalating costs of labor for engineering and installation have increased the popularity of packaged chillers in all capacity ranges. Some manufacturers produce packaged chillers with as much as 20,000 tons of cooling capacity. The name of the chiller reflects the type of compressor it uses. Packaged reciprocating chillers use piston-type (reciprocating) com- pressors. Traditionally, this type was used on Jobs requiring less than about 120 tons of cool- ing capacity. Today, however, reciprocating chillers are gaining popularity on jobs up to about 280 tons because of improved partial-load economics, Here is shown a reciprocating chiller with a water-cooled condenser. Water-cooled chillers are installed inside the building. Heat from the condenser is rejected to the water flowing through it and carried outside the building to a cooling tower which rejects the heat to the outdoor air. Ot is air-cooled reciprocating chillers are also ‘available. They look very much like air-cooled condensing units, but use water piping rather than refrigerant piping because the entire re- frigeration system for the chiller is self-contained. The packaged, air-cooled design allows the chiller to be roof or ground-mounted, outside the building. This arrangement offers the same advantages as PAC and YAC equipment. Here it is pictured supplying chilled water to the coil ‘of one air handling unit on an all-air system. It usually would supply several air handling units like this one. Cee) mie ©® centrifugal chillers are used on the vast majority ofjobs above 100 tons of cooling capacity. They get their name from the type of compressor they use. Rather than compressing the refrig- erant gas with pistons, as the reciprocating compressor does, the centrifugal compressor uses an impeller, or wheel, 10 compress the gas. The centrifugal compressor typically uses one or more wheels rotating at a high rate of speed (approximately 3,000 - 20,000 RPM) to accomplish its task. The distinctive appearance of the centrifugal compressor makes it easy to spot. Here is shown a water-cooled centrifugal with both the cooler (evaporator) and condenser in the same casing, or shell. On this model, the cooler is on the bottom of the shell, while the condenser is on the top. The two are divided internally with a partition plate between the condenser and the cover. The compressor is mounted on top of the shell on this particular model, 22 PACKAGED PRODUCTS Deena) lle) Co ao Here is a centrifugal chiller that uses a separate ‘shell for the condenser and cooler, rather than ‘one which houses both components. Once again, the cooler is on the bottom and the condenser fon the top. The large pipe connected to the ‘compressor is the suction line coming from the cooler. Low temperature, low pressure gas from the cooler enters the center of the first centrifugal wheel of the compressor. Both pictures illustrate machines that are installed within the building. They use water-cooled condensers and cooling towers to reject building heat to the outdoor air. This is the normal case for centrifugal chillers, although some manutac- turers produce air-cooled centrifugal chillers for outdoor installation SPLIT SYSTEMS al l © spit systems are used on both residential and ‘commercial jobs. An easy way to recognize a split system is by the two refrigerant lines con-necting the two sections of the equipment; a small diam- eter liquid line and a larger diameter insulated suction line. The hot gas line is located entirely jin the condensing unit. The compressor and condenser are housed in the condensing unit, while the evaporator and metering device come in a second, factory-assembled unit. Service valves. normally are provided at the point where refrigera- tion piping connectsto the condensing unit. Gauge readings can be made at this point in order to start up, check out, and service the refrigerant side of the system. The vast majority of residential condensing units use an air-cooled condenser. They range from 1 to 5 tons and may be designed for hori- zontal air discharge or, as shown here, vertical air discharge. Some manufacturers offer a style which can be flushed-mounted on the outside wall of a building. Split system heat pumps for residential applications use air-cooled outdoor units that are virtually identical to an air-cooled condensing unit used in a cooling only system. The condensing or outdoor unit contains a compressor and a condenser. The heat pump versions will also contain a reversing valve and accumulator. Air-cooled commercial condensing units, for the most part, are simply a large version of the residential variety. They range in capacity from about 5 to 100 tons. As the capacity increases, so too does the dimensions of the unit and the number of fans. The concept, however, remains unchanged. 24 Water-cooled condensing units are used on ‘commercial work from about 5 to 250 tons. The compressor, condenser, and control panel are installed in the equipment room or an appropriate storage area of the building. Heat from the con- denser is sent through water piping to a ground or roof-mounted cooling tower which rejects the heat to the outdoor air. Residential and commercial evaporator units take a variety of forms. Evaporator coil capacities are designed to complement those of the con- densing units manufactured by any company selling both parts of the system. The coil, with metering device, may be sold by itself, built into its own casing, or be included within a small air handling unit called a “fan coil.” Ee - PACKAGED PRODUCTS @® tere the coil is installed in a residence on top of a furnace. The condensing unit is outside. This happens frequently when central air con- ditioning is combined with a heating system. In this particular case, the air from the furnace flows up through the coil, in an upflow arrangement, Coils are also available for horizontal installation in attic, crawl space, or over-the-ceiling appli- cations. Many packaged fan coils are designed for either horizontal and vertical installations, Deron ce UNS © Horizontal installation of the evaporator is more common in commercial work, but vertical fan coil styles are available throughout the capacity range. On small tonnage commercial jobs, split system products are often used for only one zone of control. As the capacity of a job increases, however, the likelihood of the split system being used for one zone decreases. Itis more likely to be used on an all-air system serving several zones of temperature control from a common air handler. The indoor coil, or fan coil, for a split system heat pump, whether residential or commercial, is virtually identical to that for a standard, cooling only split system. OTHER SYSTEMS o Built-up systems vary greatly, and thus defy Complete description. Built up systems are most often used on jobs with special needs that cannot be met by packaged or split systems. They have the advantage of being tailor-made for the job. The separate nature of each component usually is apparent when viewing the job. The absence of factory-labeled cabinets is noticeable. Be- cause of the amount of field engineering and installation required, these systems are used mostly on large capacity jobs for industrial pro- cess work rather than on commercial comfort work By purchasing a condenserless version, the user can take advantage of the benefits of a factory- designed package while gaining the flexibility of using a field selected air-cooled or evaporative condenser. Field engineering and installation time are increased, but are far less than those of a built-up system. @ The vac, for example, may be sold in three ‘separate versions; water-cooled condenser, air- cooled condenser, or condenserless. Inits normal form, it would have a water-cooled condenser within the unit, which rejects its heat through water piping to a cooling tower. Cooling towers are expensive, and unless the job has several VAC units, it may be difficult to justify one. The condenserless version solves this problem by allowing the selection of either an evaporative or ait-cooled condenser to replace the need for a cooling tower. It also works as well where air conditioning is being added to only one or a few zones, or when it is being added a little- at-actime, There are also times when the owner of the building prefers to avoid the maintenance expense involved with a cooling tower. The condenserless package is handy for adding air conditioning to a building with an existing cooling tower that can not handle any more load. 26 @Packaged reciprocating chillers are another product that are sometimes purchased without a condenser. The pair of water-cooled condens- ers that would normally be at the bottom of this chiller are absent, thus making it condenserless. Hot gas (refrigerant) piping from the compressor is piped to an air-cooled or evaporative con- denser located outdoors. Liquid refrigerant is, piped from the condenser to the metering de- vices, shown here at the left of the cooler. As with condenserless VAC equipment, conden: serless chillers allow the engineer to provide cooling capacity without having to add a cooling tower Coming Up Next MODULE 5 COMPRESSORS mu eel ave eLy Compressor Types Troubleshooting ©@ the compressor is the “heart” of any refrig- eration system. In the next module, entitled Com- pressors, we will train you in the types of compressors usedin our business, how they work. where they are used, and how their capacity is controlled. Taking Stock REVIEW SKILL CHECKS AND STUDENT SKILLS INVENTORY SHEET @now is a good time to take stock of what you have gained during your study of this module. Review the skills shown on the STUDENT SKILLS INVENTORY SHEET at the end of this module. It should encourage you to see that you have many more of these skills now than when you first began this module. There are probably some areas that need additional review. Repetition is a normal part of the learning process. Why Not circle those skills that need additional work? Go back and review those sections once again, then answer the SKILLS CHECK questions that apply, in this module, we have introduced you to many new concepts about the refrigeration cycle. Keep it in a handy place so that you can use it as a reference whenever you need it. SKILLS CHECK 3 AIR-WATER AND DIRECT REFRIGERANT SYSTEMS 1. The uses gas heat. A servicing benefit with PAC equipment is that: ‘a. the machine is indoors. b. the machine can be serviced without entering the occupied space. c. service can be performed with the machine running d. no interior space is required for refrigeration or air handling equipment. 3. The best market for VAC equipment is: a. the renovation market. b. the residential, new construction market. c. the commercial, new construction market. d. where interior floor space cannot be used for equipment. 4, The ‘cooler’ on a chiller is a (an) 5. Packaged liquid chillers are used on all but which one of the four types of air conditioning systems? a. alkair . air-water b. all-water d. direct refrigerant 6. Fill in the approximate tonnage ranges. oO a. PAC tons. d. VAG tons. b. YAC tons. e. Packaged Liquid Chillers tons. cc, Packaged Heat Pumps tons. 7. The main difference between a packaged reciprocating liquid chiller and a packaged centrifugal chilleris 8. The shell on a chiller: a. has to do with the compressor. b. is the valve which controls liquid flow. c. is the outside casing of the transmis d. is the casing which encloses the evaporator and condenser. 28 TYPES OF SYSTEMS . On a split system, the two refrigerant lines connecting the condensing unit to the evaporator with its metering device are the line and the line. . Where in a split system would you expect to find service valves for making refrigerant system gauge readings? The main difference(s) between a residential and commercial, air-cooled condensing unit is (are): a. its size. ¢. its number of fans. b. its function. d. its capacity You are going to service the compressor a commercial split system which uses a water-cooled condensing unit. You should start your search: @. outdoors on the ground. ¢. indoors near the occupied space. b. outdoors on the root d. indoors in the machine room. Where do you expect to find the liquid metering device on a split system? Built-up systems: offer the maximum in custom-built design. usually are medium in price. require a high level of field design and installation expertise. are most often found on commercial comfort work. poop Condenserless equipment always uses a water-cooled condenser. . often uses a water-cooled condenser. sometimes comes in the form of condenserless VAC equipment. |. sometimes comes in the form of a condenserless packaged chiller. aegp 29 QUIZ KEY SKILLS CHECK 1 Qe INTRODUCTION 14 (Paragraph 6) 2. Temperature, Moisture Content, (Paragraph 3) Cleanliness, Odor, Motion 33,124 (Paragraph 2) 4 Spann (Paragraph 4) it ue 5. Al-air, all-water, air-water, direct refrigerant (Paragraph 6) 6. F. Each area which has its temperature (Paragraph 5) separately controlled by a thermostat is a control zone. It may be a part of a room, a room, a group of rooms, or an entire floor or building. TYPES OF AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS te (Paragraph 7) 2. 50-55 (55 is a good single temperature). (Paragraph 7) 3. "supply air terminal” or “diffuser” (Paragraph 10) 4. F. No amount of adjustment will fix a poor (Paragraph 10) room air distribution design. 5. filters(s), coil(s), fan(s) (Paragraph 13) 6. 100 (Paragraph 15) 77 (Paragraph 17) 8. Space savings; Cost on large systems (Paragraph 19) 9. 40-48 (42 is a good single temperature) (Paragraph 21) 10. chiller (Paragraph 22) We (Paragraph 23) 24 (Paragraph 24) 13. a (Paragraph 24) 14. ¢ (Paragraph 24) oO 30 SKILLS CHECK 2 oper ALL-AIR SYSTEMS packaged equipment, split systems, other Packaged means that all 4, basic components of the mechanical refrigeration system are provided in one, factory-assembled unit condensing univair handling unit built up systems/condenseriess products ALL-WATER SYSTEMS Room Air Conditioner Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Packaged Air Conditioner Vertical Air Conditioner Year-Round Air Conditioner dd seance . a, od od © SKILLS CHECK 3 AIR-WATER AND DIRECT REFRIGERANT SYSTEMS oaens YAC b a Evaporator d a. 1-1/2 - 100 b. 1-1/2 - 100 c. 1-1/2 - 30 d. 3 - 60 e. 15 - 1000+ The compressor. It is reciprocating (piston) on the former; centrifugal on the latter. .d 31 (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph (Paragraph 32) 34,35) 33-36) 37) 31-36) 42) 39) 44) 49) 49) 39) 42) 43) 44) 49) 49-51) 51) QUIZ KEY TYPES OF SYSTEMS 1. suctionliquid (Paragraph 53) 2. At the outdoor unit near the point where (Paragraph 53) the refrigerant lines enter it ZB aad (Paragraph 55) 4d (Paragraph 56) 5. Indoors, in the air handling unit near (Paragraph 57) the evaporator. 6 ac (Paragraph 60) 7 bod (Paragraphs 60, 61, 62) 32 STUDENT SKILLS INVENTORY — SYSTEMS @ By the conclusion of your study of the material in this module, you should be able to: 1. List, from memory, the four basic types of comfort air conditioning systems. 2. Explain how the refrigeration system fits in with the air conditioning system 3. List, from memory, the five air qualities that a total air conditioning system controls, 4, Make a simple drawing, from memory, of the four basic refrigeration cycle components connected by refrigerant lines. Label those lines and use arrows to show the direction of refrigerant flow. 5. Define “zone” and explain how big itis. 6. Identity the service problems that poor air diffuser selection and/or placement can create. 7. List, from memory, the three types of refrigeration systems used in comfort air conditioning systems. 8. Tell what a “packaged” refrigeration system is. @ 9. Tell what a “cooler” and “shell” are on a chiller. 10. List the two parts of a split system and identify the refrigeration components in each 11. Tell where you would expect to go in the building to do refrigeration service on a split system. 12. Tell where you would expect to find service valves on a split system | 13. Define “built-up” system. 14, Explain why condenserless equipment is used. 33 Carrier e 022-007 care Corporation» Syracuse, NY Prinacin USA siai9s

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