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Guess the Person Game

Jorge Rubén Julia Borja

Juan Jaime Lucía Tomás

Sara Alex Sonia Federico

Mónica Javier Lara Nicolás

Isabel Hugo Paula Isaac

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Guess the Person Game

Game Instructions
This game is designed to be played in pairs. It includes a board game, game cards and a vocabulary
list. Each partner chooses one card from the pack. Each card has an image which matches a face on the
board game.

Each student must guess who their partner has by asking a variety of questions. There is a vocabulary
sheet to help students form questions included. This could be withheld by the teacher in order to make
the game more challenging. Enjoy!

¿Tienes el pelo rubio/castaño/gris/pelirrojo/negro/rizado/liso/ondulado?

¿Tienes los ojos azules/verdes/grises/marrones?

¿Llevas barba/bigote?

¿Llevas una corbata/un sombrero/pendientes?

¿Eres alto/alta/bajo/baja?

¿Eres Julia?

¿Tienes el pelo rubio/castaño/gris/pelirrojo/negro/rizado/liso/ondulado?

¿Tienes los ojos azules/verdes/grises/marrones?

¿Llevas barba/bigote?

¿Llevas una corbata/un sombrero/pendientes?

¿Eres alto/alta/bajo/baja?

¿Eres Julia?

Page 2 of 3 visit

Guess the Person Game

Jorge Rubén Julia Borja

Juan Jaime Lucía Tomás

Sara Alex Sonia Federico

Mónica Javier Lara Nicolás

Isabel Hugo Paula Isaac

Page 3 of 3 visit

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