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Ignacio Sainz

Dr. Stewart

EXPL 390


The Cajita project was interesting because it really got me to reflect about my life and

what I consider valuable. While deciding what I wanted to put in my Cajita, I went with the

route of things that have shaped my life. The first thing I think of when I think about my life and

what has shaped me into the person I am today is family. I did not have any physical pictures

of my family in my apartment right now, so I did not include any. However, I did add things

about my family that I identify with. The first thing is my origins. I was born in Dominican

Republic, but my family is originally from Spain so I included a Spanish flag that represents

what I identify as. I also included a flag of the Kansas City soccer team to represent Kansas

City because I also believe Kansas City has become a big part of who I am today. Following my

roots, I believe faith is very important so I included a cross from palm Sunday to represent my

faith. I also picked a book that really has helped me throughout my life and it was the first ever

book my dad gave me for what he says should be my “library” and that book is the Art of War. I

also included a stuffed soccer ball because soccer has definitely been one of the biggest

things in my life. I included pictures of my high school soccer team because that is the reason I

moved to the US and Kansas City in the first place, so they have played a big part in who I am

today. Finally, I have a Loyola flag because Loyola has continued my Jesuit education and has

helped me become the man I am today.

I define leadership as being able to inspire others to be better everyday. The best

person to me that has shaped my definition of leadership is my father. Whether it has been

leading our family or owning his own business, he has been a leader his whole life and he

always tells me that his goal as a boss is to lead everyone to be better everyday as people and

in their jobs. I have experienced leadership in many ways throughout my life, but I think that in

my soccer career I really have experienced true leadership. I was captain of my team all of high
school and at Loyola I played club soccer in which I was captain and vice president of the club

team my junior and senior year. I have seen leadership outside the classroom a lot, but even in

the classroom I have been a leader in group projects or even for myself to push myself

everyday to become a better student. I consider myself to be a good leader because I am

always looking to motivate people and I think this comes from my Jesuit education. In high

school and college, I have experienced the Jesuit mentality of being there for others and

helping others.

In my internship I have seen leadership especially from my boss as he is in charge of

multiple groups and has to balance work and time between all the different groups. I have also

experienced some times where I had to be a leader. There are times when the office would be

really busy and things needed to get done and instead of sitting at my desk waiting for

something to be given to me, I had to get up and help out on things that I knew had to get

done. Obviously as an intern I was not comfortable just getting up and talking with clients, but I

definitely had to step up and gets tasks done sometimes.

When I think of leadership I picture people that I consider to be leaders. Whether it is

people in my life, professional athletes, or leaders globally I picture people that fit the

description of my definition of leadership which is like I mentioned earlier, the people that are

able to motivate others to become better individuals. Leaders in my life are my role models and

people that have motivated and helped me become the man I am today.

After completing the Cajita, I was able to really reflect on what is actually important to

me in my life and what are the things that have really helped me become the man I am today.

Selecting items to put in my Cajita was tough because I really wanted to pick items that

defined me as a person, but obviously at school I do not have a large variety of items, so I

picked items that are a little general, but definitely represent me as a person and as a leader. I

also think that this Cajita was an opportunity for me to see how my life has changed and how

there used to be things I valued and thought were important in my life, but now I have noticed
that other things are more important and I am curious to see how those items keep changing

and the ones that I will always consider valuable and important.

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