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GCU College of Education  


Teacher  Jessica Babington-Brown 
Candidate:  2nd-Grade 
Grade Level:  April 2020 
Date:  Writing 
Instructional Plan 
Lesson  Students will begin by writing their own personal narratives. This will be their 
summary  first draft. They will be doing this using previous worksheets they have created 
and focus​:  to base their personal narratives on. I will walk them through how to create 
their personal narratives then students will work independently and write their 
short story.  
Classroom  According to the class profile, there are 12 students who are English Language 
and student  Learners. Three students, who are 3rd graders, are one grade below their 
factors​:  learning level. For this reason, they are learning 2nd grade math. Students will 
be put in pairs according to their academic levels.  

National /  “CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.3​” 
State  “Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short 
Learning  sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, 
Standards:  use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.” 
Specific learning target(s) / objectives:  Teaching notes: 
Students will be able to write a short  This is the fourth lesson in their personal 
sequence story  narrative study. Previously, they learned what a 
  small moment was, chosen their small moment 
Students will be able to write details of a  for their personal narrative, and drew pictures of 
story using actions, thoughts, and feelings.   their small moment story with a beginning, 
middle, and end.  
Agenda:  Formative assessment: 
1. Opening of the lesson:​ I will begin  Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Thumbs to the 
by asking students questions  side:​ I will ensure that the students fully 
regarding small moments and  understand what we are doing in the lesson 
personal narratives. I will access  before we go in pairs.  
their prior knowledge by going over 
what a small moment is and what 
we have done previously in our 
personal narrative unit. We will then 
go over our vocabulary words 
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through a ​Powerpoint. ​Last, we will 
watch a ​video​ about small moments 
and how to write their own. 
2. Learning and Teaching Activities: 
Together, we will write a personal 
narrative story following the 
directions of the video we watched. 
Students will each get a paper and I 
will use the projector. Together, we 
will create a personal narrative 
about trick-or-treating.  
3. Independent: ​Students will be 
given their small moment and begin 
to write their own personal 
4. Closure: ​Students will complete a 
summative assessment. This will be 
in the form of an exit ticket. I will 
then conclude by going over the 
answer for the summative 
assessment and asking closing 
Academic  Key vocabulary:   Function:   Form:  
Language:  1. Personal Narrative  Students will  The structure I will 
2. Small Moment  demonstrate their  implement will be the 
3. Draft  understanding of  use of background 
4. Transition Words  vocabulary words by  knowledge, teacher 
5. Punctuation  creating their own  modeling, and 
6. Topic Sentence  personal narratives.  independent work to 
  They will be using  demonstrate their 
transition words,  depth of 
proper punctuation,  understanding  
writing a title, and a   
topic sentence for their   
small moment story.  
Instructiona Youtube Video: 
l Materials,
Equipment  z9d81NGhoNhgf&index=4 
and  Powerpoint Presentation:  
Technology:   Prior Worksheets: 

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Differentiated checklist 
Summative Assessment: Exit Ticket 
Grouping:   Students will be working independently to complete their personal narratives. 
However, they will each be given a small group writing conferences while they 
are completing their personal narratives.  
A. Opening 
Prior  Before the lesson begins, I will ask students prior knowledge about what they have 
knowledg been learning about with personal narratives. Questions: 
e  1. What do you remember about personal narratives?  
connectio 2. What was your personal narrative about?  
n:  3. Did it have a beginning, middle, and end? 
Anticipat I will begin by assessing the child’s prior knowledge by asking students questions 
ory set:  regarding what they have been learning about with personal narratives. We will 
continue by watching a Powerpoint presentation that demonstrates vocabulary 
words and why what we are learning is important. We will then watch a short 
video about personal narratives. Last, will discuss the video and what is discussed 
about how to create a small moment.  
Student Question: 
- Why do you think this lesson is important? 
B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice): 
I Do  Students Do  Differentiation 
1. Direct Instruction: ​I  1. Direct Instruction:  Independent 
will begin the section  During direct instruction,  Work: 
by asking students to  students will answer  1. Checklist: 
gather prior  questions about their  Students will be 
knowledge about  prior knowledge of  given checklists to 
personal narratives.   personal narratives.   complete their 
a. Questions:   2. Students will watch the  personal 
b. What is a  Powerpoint presentation  narratives. This 
personal  and the video about  checklist will help 
narrative?  writing their first draft for  them to keep track 
c. What is a small  their personal narrative.   of what they need 
moment?  3. Teacher Modeling/  to accomplish on 
2. I will continue by  Guided Instruction:  their first draft. 
presenting a  Students will follow along  2. Student Choice: 
Powerpoint about our  on their own paper to  Students are able 
vocabulary words. We  construct a personal  to choose what 

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will then discuss the  narrative about  they would like to 
importance of what we  trick-or-treating together  write about for 
are doing and our  in class. They will be  their personal 
vocabulary words. We  raising their hands with  narrative.  
will end by watching a  different suggestions on  3. Small Group 
video about personal  how we can write our  Conference: ​I will 
narratives and creating  story.   have a small group 
their first draft.   4. Formative Assessment:  conference for 
3. Teacher Modeling/  Students will put their  students while 
Guided Instruction: ​I  they are working 
thumbs up, down, or 
will explain that we  on their personal 
will be using our prior  sideways to show their  narratives.  
knowledge of personal  understanding of the  4. Early Finishers: 
narratives to create  Early finishers will 
our own personal  be asked to 
narrative together in  5. Independent Work:  complete a 
class. This will be done  Students will work  vocabulary 
before we begin  worksheet.  
independently to 
completing our own. I 
will give each student  complete their personal 
a paper, and I will use  narratives. They will wait 
the projector.  until their group is called 
Together we will 
to discuss their personal 
construct a personal 
narrative about  narratives with the 
“trick-or treating”. This  teacher.  
will help them to 
6. Summative 
develop the skills to 
create their own  Assessment/Exit Ticket: 
personal narrative.   Students complete a 
4. Formative 
summative assessment. 
Assessment: ​I will 
They will be answering the 
ensure that students 
understand how to  question about what they 
measure with a ruler  have chosen for their 
and their pairs  personal narrative.  
activity with thumbs 
up, thumbs down, 
thumbs sideways.   
5. Independent Work: 
Students will begin 
to work on their own 
personal narratives. 
While they work, I 
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will have small group 
conferences with 
each student to 
discuss their 
personal narrative. 
In between, I will 
walk around and 
monitor student’s 
6. Summative 
Ticket: ​I will give 
students an exit 
ticket to complete at 
the end of the 
Summati Exit Ticket: ​Students will be completing an exit ticket  Differentiation: 
ve  for their summative assessment. There will be two  Independent 
Assessm questions. The first question will ask what they have  Work: 
ent:  chosen for their personal narrative. The second  5. Checklist: 
question will ask to tell me one (1) thing they learned  Students will be 
about during our lesson.   given checklists to 
complete their 
narratives. This 
checklist will help 
them to keep track 
of what they need 
to accomplish on 
their first draft. 
6. Student Choice: 
Students are able 
to choose what 
they would like to 
write about for 
their personal 
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7. Small Group 
Conference: ​I will 
have a small group 
conference for 
students while 
they are working 
on their personal 
8. Early Finishers: 
Early finishers will 
be asked to 
complete a 
Closure:    To close, we will be going over our summative assessment answers in class. 
  Student Questions: 
1. What did we learn about today in writing? 
2. Tell me why writing personal narratives can be important in the future? 
Homewo Students will complete a vocabulary word search for homework.  

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