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República Bolivariana De Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Educación

Universidad Nacional Politécnica Experimental De La Fuerza Armada Nacional
Núcleo Sucre-Sede Cumaná
Realizado por:

Nathalia Márquez. CI: 28.450.077

Ing. Telecomunicaciones; Sección 3

Tiempos verbales

My cats
I have two cats, one black and one white. The black one is called Tom and is the
smallest; the white one is called Pancho and is the big cat. I adopted Pancho in
August of last year, he has 8 months with me. Pancho is a quite peculiar cat, he is
not playful and he is very calm. When he was small he was very thin and ugly,
since he had not been in a place where they took care of him. Taking care of it,
now he is very pretty and adorable. Tom is small, mischievous and playful, he
arrived 3 months after Pancho, who at the beginning did not want him, however
after a few weeks he became fond of him and now they are inseparable; they are
very cute when they are eating and playing, in fact they are very adorable. I have
had many cats before Tom and Pancho, so I have experience with them.
I had many pets in the past and I have loved all of them, but cats are special.
Once while I was crying, Pancho came over to comfort me, cats have this
incredible ability, to make you feel that in spite of everything they will not leave and
will help you. Cats have been present all my life, so having them is already a
necessity, so for when I live alone I will have many, as there are cats that require a
home. They will be in a home where they will be loved and cared for. Tom and
Pancho before they are rescued will probably not have been having a good life, as
well as many other animals that are found on the streets, and are not lucky enough
to be rescued like my two cats. We live in a world where people are not empathetic
to street animals; they do not think that they are living beings who also deserve to
be loved and who will probably give them the greatest happiness of their lives, just
as my two kittens do.

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