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Loan Origination

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Loan Origination User Guide

Table of Contents

Document History ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Dependencies ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Parameter Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Origination Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 7
Access ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 8
EM.LO.STAGE – Loan Application Stage ............................................................................................. 8
EM.LO.APPLICATION.STATUS – Loan Application Status ................................................................. 9
EM.LO.PARAMETERS – Loan Origination Main Parameters ............................................................ 11
General Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 11
Workflow Parameters .......................................................................................................................... 12
Other Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 13
EM.LO.STAGE.CHECKLIST – Application Checklist Items................................................................ 14
EM.LO.DOCUMENT – Loan Application Agreements ........................................................................ 15
EM.LO.APPROVAL – Loan Application Approvals ............................................................................. 16
PW.ACTIVITY / PW.PARTICIPANT – Assignment of Stage Owners ................................................. 17
Credit Scoring Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 18
Access ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 18
SA.DATA.TYPES – Credit Scoring Data Types .................................................................................. 18
SA.DATA.GROUP – Credit Scoring Data Groups .............................................................................. 19
SA.RATIOS – Credit Scoring Ratios ................................................................................................... 20
SA.SCORE.DATA – Credit Scoring Data Set ..................................................................................... 20
SA.SCORE.CARD – Credit Scoring Score Card ................................................................................ 22
SA.SCORE.LIMIT – Credit Scoring Recommended Limits ................................................................. 23
SA.SCORE.TXN – Credit Scoring Transaction ................................................................................... 24
EM.LO.CS.SA.DATA.MAPPING – Credit Scoring Data Mapping ....................................................... 25
Income & Expenditure Parameters ......................................................................................................... 28
Access ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 28
EM.HOUSEHOLD.INC.TYPE – Household Income Type .................................................................. 28
EM.HOUSEHOLD.EXP.TYPE – Household Expenditure Type .......................................................... 29
EM.EXTERNAL.EXP.TYPE – External Expenditure Type .................................................................. 29
EM.PRIMARY.DEBT.TYPE – Primary Debt Type .............................................................................. 30

2 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.SECONDARY.DEBT.TYPE – Secondary Debt Type ................................................................... 30

EM.INC.EXP – Income Expenditure Table.......................................................................................... 31
Deal Processing .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Access ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Application Input Stage........................................................................................................................ 32
Group Application Details .................................................................................................................... 35
Settlement ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Joint Customers ................................................................................................................................... 36
Checklist Items .................................................................................................................................... 37
Eligibility Check Stage ......................................................................................................................... 38
Guarantor Input stage.......................................................................................................................... 39
Credit Check Stage ............................................................................................................................. 41
Collateral Input Stage .......................................................................................................................... 42
Credit Scoring Stage ........................................................................................................................... 43
Credit Scoring Selection ...................................................................................................................... 43
Income/Expenditure Details ................................................................................................................ 43
Credit Scoring Transaction .................................................................................................................. 45
Credit Assessment Stage .................................................................................................................... 46
Review / Approval Stage ..................................................................................................................... 47
Offer Production Stage ........................................................................................................................ 48
Loan Creation Stage............................................................................................................................ 49
Top Up and Rescheduling ................................................................................................................... 51
Access ................................................................................................................................................. 51
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Top-Up and Reschedule Input ............................................................................................................ 51
Loan Origination Reports ............................................................................................................................ 53
Loan Origination Application Report ....................................................................................................... 53
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 53
Access ................................................................................................................................................. 53
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Screen ................................................................................................................................................. 53
Customer Loan History Report................................................................................................................ 55
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 55
Access ................................................................................................................................................. 55
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 55
Screen ................................................................................................................................................. 55
Group or Loan Officer Loan History Report ............................................................................................ 56

3 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 56
Access ................................................................................................................................................. 56
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 56
Screen ................................................................................................................................................. 56
SLA Escalation Report ............................................................................................................................ 57
Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 57
Access ................................................................................................................................................. 57
Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 57
Screen ................................................................................................................................................. 57
Notes ........................................................................................................................................................... 59

4 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Document History
Author Version Date

Esther Muniu 2.2 24 October 2019


24 October 2019 – Updated to the R18.5 / R19 release

5 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Term Description

T24 Temenos T24™ Core Banking Product

InclusiveBankingSuite/MCB Temenos eMerge™ configuration for Microfinance and

Community Banks

AA Arrangements Architecture

Arrangement Loan Contract

PW Process Workflow

Owner PW Participant or Customer

DO Document Output

Bill Component of the repayment, for example principal, interest,

fees, etc.

Module Description

AA Arrangements Architecture

AL Arrangements Lending

CR Customer Relationship (Contact Log only)

DO Document Output

EB T24 Core

EM T24 MCB core

IA IFRS (Provisioning and Impairment only)

IC Interest & Charges

PW Process Workflow

SA Sales Administration

SIM Simulation

6 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

The Loan Origination application is a workflow based tool that takes the user(s) from stage to stage until a
loan application is completed, and the loan is automatically or manually disbursed. Loan application stages
run from application input to eligibility check, guarantor input, collateral input, credit scoring, credit
assessment, review/approval, offer production and loan creation and disbursement. Stages may be
configured by users and may be set as “Required,” “Optional” or “Not Required.”
This user guide is divided into two sections:
 Parameter Settings – these are the set of tables that guide the origination workflow and can be
configured by users. The behaviour of origination at various application stages may be defined and
so may application statuses be configured. Items of checklist that are required at the various
application stages are configurable by users and so are the users or groups of users that may own
data input at various application stages. These settings all work together with the product eligibility
setting to ensure that the rules guiding the loan application process are properly coordinated.
 Deal Processing – once the parameters are set, users may run the origination workflow to take
loan applications from stage to stage until loans are disbursed. The system ensures that set rules
are obeyed and that borrowers are eligible for the loan products they apply for. If there are
contractual documents that borrowers must sign before loans are disbursed, these are configured
at implementation and included in the offer production stage. Limits are automatically created by
the origination workflow and both individual and group loans may be automatically disbursed. For
group loans, the system creates loan arrangements for all members of the group all at once.
This guide is designed to take users through the creation of required parameters as well as guide users
with regards to how the origination workflow is used to create and disburse loans.

Parameter Settings
Three sets of parameters are required to fully configure the origination system. These are:
 Origination Parameters
 Credit Scoring Parameters
 Income & Expenditure Parameters

Origination Parameters
The following parameter tables are required for origination to function.

General Menu>>Administrator>>Loan Origination Parameters OR
All-In-One RBHP>>Product Parameters>>Loan Origination>>Loan Origination Param

7 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

To setup a parameter table, do the following:
1. Click on the desired parameter table
2. Identify and select the required table record
3. Enter all the fields as necessary
4. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

EM.LO.STAGE – Loan Application Stage

There are currently ten stages in the origination system, beginning with Application Input and ending with
Loan Creation. The default parameterisation of the stages is included in the system, but each stage can be
reconfigured, to indicate whether or not the stage is mandatory, optional or not required, and to make other

Field name Description

Description Description of the loan application stage. This is a multi-

language field.

Optional To make any of the ten stages optional, click in this box. If a
stage is marked as optional, the stage may be set as optional or
not required in the main parameter table
EM.LO.PARAMETERS. If this field is left blank, it means that
this stage is mandatory in the origination workflow. In the current
release of the system, the Application Input, Eligibility Check,
Credit Assessment, Review / Approval, Offer Production and
Loan Creation stages are implicitly mandatory and should not
be marked as optional.

SLA Estimated SLAs are in place to assist the institution to establish a maximum
period within which a loan application must be processed. This
field indicates the default maximum number of days permitted
for a loan application to be in this specific stage of the origination
workflow, before a notification is sent as per the SLA Escalation
parameter. The SLA Estimated parameter can be updated for a
specific product using EM.LO.PARAMETERS table.

SLA Tolerance This field indicates the number of days exceptionally permitted
for any loan application to go beyond the SLA Estimated days.
The SLA Tolerance parameter can be updated for a specific
product using EM.LO.PARAMETERS table.

8 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

SLA Escalation When an SLA is breached, the system is designed to send a

note to some managers of the institution so further actions may
be taken to move processing forward. Users who are to be
notified may be included in records of the table
PW.PARTICIPANT. Select the relevant participant record for
this processing stage and other stages as necessary.

EM.LO.APPLICATION.STATUS – Loan Application Status

Each stage in loan origination contains a set of possible application statuses within an overall process
status. In the sample screen below, the APPLICATION.INPUT stage contains a set of possible statuses
within the overall process status ‘Applied’

Field name Description

Description Description of the loan application status. This is a multi-

language field.

Stage Pull down on the lookup field and select the stage within which
this application status applies.

Action Pull down on the lookup field and select the action that the
system must perform as a result of selecting this application
status. The following actions are available:
 “Complete” – when this status is selected in a loan
application, the system will validate data inputted in the

9 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

stage, mark it as complete and automatically take the

user to the next stage of processing.
 “Hold” – when this status is selected in a loan
application, the system will validate data inputted in the
stage, but will keep the origination workflow in this stage
for further processing.
 “Skip” – when this status is selected in a loan
application, the system will skip stage data validation
and automatically take the user to the next stage of
processing. Application statuses with such action can
be used to skip optional stages in the origination
 “Cancel” – when this status is selected in a loan
application, the system will skip stage data validation
and the application will be cancelled.

Notes Required If a note must be entered by the user as a result of using this
status, then flag this field so the notes field in the origination
stage will be made mandatory by the system.

Process Status This is the overall origination process status that will be set when
this application status is selected on a loan application. For
instance, Loan Application Input Complete (101) is used in the
Application Input stage of origination, and when selected, the
overall status is set to “Applied”. When adding new application
statuses, set this field accordingly to the stage the status relates

Next Application Status It is possible to define which application status may be selected
next after the current status is used. For instance, a user may
specify that if application status 103 is selected and the process
action is ‘Hold,’ then the next possible status a user may select
whenever the application processing is to be continued must be
101 with action ‘Complete.’

10 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.LO.PARAMETERS – Loan Origination Main Parameters

This table brings together some of the other parameters defined in previous tables for the loan origination
workflow. The ID of the table is the loan product name or product group name and must be a valid record
To define origination parameters for Top-up and Reschedule functionality in Loan Origination, records in

General Parameters

Field name Description

Group Allow Check this field to indicate that group loan applications may be
processed for this product using the origination workflow.

Group Amount If group loan processing is allowed, how should the amount
applied for be shared among group members? There are three
None – selected when group processing is not allowed in the
origination workflow, otherwise it has the same effect as
Divide Evenly – divide the total amount applied for evenly
among the group members and do not allow changes
Flexible – divide the total amount applied for evenly among
group members but allow changes if necessary

Group Term If group loan processing is allowed, how should the term applied
for be applied to each group member? There are three options:
None – selected when group processing is not allowed in the
origination workflow, otherwise it has the same effect as
Uniform – apply the same term applied for to each group
member and do not allow changes
Flexible – apply the same term applied for to each group
member but allow changes if necessary

11 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Expiry Before Approval If the institution wishes that applications for which approval has
not been given should expire after certain number of days, then
the number of days should be entered on this field.

Expiry After Approval If the institution wishes that applications for which approval has
been given but loan is not yet created should expire after a
certain number of days, then the number of days should be
entered on this field.

Allow Del If the institution wishes to deny a new application based on a

borrower’s previous loan falling into delinquency, then this field
should be set to No, otherwise it should be set to Yes.

Allow Written Off If the institution wishes to not allow new loan applications for
borrowers whose loans have been written off in the past, then
this field should be set to No otherwise it should be set to Yes.

Workflow Parameters

Field name Description

12 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Stage Option Pull down on the lookup field and select whether or not this
stage should be Required, Optional or Not Required. In the
current release of the system, Application Input, Eligibility
Check, Credit Assessment, Review / Approval, Offer
Production, Loan Creation are all mandatory stages and
should not be set otherwise.

Default Status For each origination stage, it is possible to default a status

that will be applied if the user does not select a different
status at deal processing. The exception to this is for Review
/ Approval stage where no status has been defaulted as it is
necessary for the approving officer to deliberately select a
status representing his or her decision.

SLA Estimated/Tolerance/Escalation The SLA fields are defaulted from selections made on the
EM.LO.STAGE table. These values may be changed for
specific product group or product if necessary.

Other Parameters

Field name Description

Refer Status Select the loan application status which if selected during
application processing, the system will automatically refer
the application stage to another user group

Refer To Select the user group (PW.PARTICIPANT) to whom the

referral described above (Refer Status) will be made.

Document Available Select the document to be generated by pulling down on the

field to select available documents.

Mandatory Indicate whether or not document generation is mandatory

for the product specified

13 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.LO.STAGE.CHECKLIST – Application Checklist Items

This table is used to define items of documentation that a loan applicant is expected to present at various
stages of origination in support of his or her application. The ID of the table is the loan product name or
product group name and must be a valid ID in the EM.PRODUCT.LOAN or EM.PRODUCT.GROUP tables.
Containing items of checklist, the Item ID field accepts any of the predefined records in the
The multi-value set of fields allows the user to identify at which stage of origination items of checklist are
required, select the ID of the item of checklist which must be a valid record in the
GIC.CHECKLIST.MASTER table and indicate whether or not the item of checklist may be overridden at
deal processing level.

Field name Description

Name The name of the product will be displayed here

Stage Select from the lookup table the stage at which item of checklist
is required.

Item ID Select from the lookup table the ID of the item required.

Item Override Select YES if the item of checklist may be overridden (i.e.
deemed not required) at deal processing. When an item is
overridden at the deal level, the system makes the Notes field
mandatory so the user must enter the reason for overriding the

Applicable For Select Yes if the checklist item is required for the Main Holder, or
Group Member, or Joint Holder, or External Guarantor, or Internal

14 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.LO.DOCUMENT – Loan Application Agreements

The documents required for production during the loan origination workflow may be specified on this table.

Field name Description

Name Document name

Production Method Indicate whether the document will be produced via the Delivery
module or via Document Output (refer to Document Output user
guide for details). Currently only the Document Output method
is supported by loan origination, please use this setting.

Document Type This the Document Output document type, defined on

DO.DOCUMENT table, which will be requested for this
origination document.

Request Routine Routine responsible for handing off the document production
request to either Delivery or Document Output module. Use

Request Parameter This is a multi-value list of parameters passed to the document

production request. In case of Document Output documents,
three parameters are passed: loan application type
(IndividualOrGroup), customer or group number (CustomerId),
application reference (LoanApplicationId). These parameters
are used to fill a pdf document with the application data.

15 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.LO.APPROVAL – Loan Application Approvals

Field name Description

Currency The currency for which approval levels are being set up

Amount Above Enter the amount above which the approver is required to approve.

Approver Select the user group (PW.PARTICIPANT record) representing the role that
must approve the amount. The user or set of users who occupy the role are
defined in PW.PARTICIPANT. More described in the next section of this user

Group Approval Select how group application amounts are to be processed for approval.
 Group Amount Approval – the (total) group loan amount will be
compared to the amount the user role may approve.
 Member Amount Approval – the (individual) member loan amount will
be compared to the amount the user role may approve

16 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

PW.ACTIVITY / PW.PARTICIPANT – Assignment of Stage Owners

The Loan Origination workflow was developed based on the Process Workflow module. It is possible to
assign stage owners (or group of stage owners) to each stage of the origination workflow. The screenshot
below coordinates between the origination stages, stage owner IDs and takes the user through
PW.ACTIVITY and PW.PARTICIPANT as necessary. Two icons are provided on the right side of the
screen. The first is to change stage owners (PW.ACTIVITY) and the second is to amend owner details

PW.PARTICIPANT (second icon to the right)

The stage owners for each stage are defined on this table. As an example, the record ID
ELO.APP.INPUTTER has been created to allow the user to specify the owners (the users or department /
account officer codes) that are able to input loan applications in the origination workflow. Either department
code or user ID may be inputted but not both.
PW.ACTIVITY (first icon to the right)

The stage owner record ID created in PW.PARTICIPANT is selected here and linked to the actual process
workflow activity (ELO.05.APPLICATION.INPUT) that is used for the Application Input stage of the
origination workflow.

17 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Credit Scoring Parameters

The following parameter tables are required for Credit Scoring.

General Menu>>Administrator>>Credit Scoring Parameters OR
All-In-One RBHP>>Product Parameters>>Loan Origination>>Credit Scoring Param

To setup a parameter table, do the following:
1. Click on the desired parameter table
2. Identify and select the required table record
3. Enter all the fields as necessary
4. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

SA.DATA.TYPES – Credit Scoring Data Types

This is the table that is used to define the types of data that the institution uses for credit scoring. Examples
of typical data types are Age, Income, Expenditure, Number of Dependents, Existing Loan Obligations, etc.
The data types table is simple and only requires the name of the data type as Id, a mandatory description
and the type of values that should be permitted for this type of data (alpha, alpha-numeric, amount, etc.)

Field name Description

Data Type Id Type the descriptive ID of the data type (without spaces).

18 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Data Type Pull down on the lookup field and select what type of data
should be allowed for this record (Numeric, Alphanumeric,
Alpha, etc). Once the record is committed, the data type value
cannot be changed.

SA.DATA.GROUP – Credit Scoring Data Groups

The data group table provides a tool to combine two or more data types to form a group. For example, an
institution may want to combine annual wages with annual commission and annual dividends to arrive at a
total called Annual Income.
All that is required is to multi-value the Data Types field and select data type records to be used to arrive
at the group value. For further details on how to use this table, please refer to the

19 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

SA.RATIOS – Credit Scoring Ratios

The SA.RATIOS table allows the institution to create different ratios that may be used for credit scoring.
The table accepts data group records and applies various operators and constants to arrive at desired
ratios. For further details regarding the use of this table, please refer to the SALES.ADMINISTRATION user

SA.SCORE.DATA – Credit Scoring Data Set

The score data table is the set of data types that will be used to score credit for a product group or a product.
In the unlikely event that there’s only one score data for the entire institution, a SYSTEM record may be
In more sophisticated scoring environments, a combination of data types, data groups and ratios may be
used for scoring borrowers.

20 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Field name Description

Score Data Id Acceptable IDs are: Product Group, Product or SYSTEM.

Sa Data Types Pull down on the lookup field and select desired data type ID.

Sa Data Grp If required, pull down on the lookup field and select desired
data group ID.

Sa Ratios If required, pull down on the lookup field and select desired
ratio ID.

21 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

SA.SCORE.CARD – Credit Scoring Score Card

The score card is the engine that processes and calculates scores for loan applicants. It works based on
the combination of weights assigned to different values of ratios, data groups and data types in the score
data table.
ID of the score card can be loan product, product group or SYSTEM (if there’s only one card for the entire
institution). Both the ID of the score card and the ID or related score data must be the same.
The system accepts some decision criteria to evaluate data from the score data table and the score to be
applied if the criteria is met.
 If Age (of borrower) is between 18 and 26, assign a weight (score) of 6 OR if Age is between 27
and 40, assign a score of 10, etc.
 If Number of Dependents is LT 3, assign a score of 5 and if GE 3, assign a score of 2, etc.
Care must be taken in the use of Operands. While processing different values of a particular data type,
e.g., Age, Operands should be ‘OR’ and when processing is moving to the next data type, then conjunction
should be ‘AND.’ In other words, AND is the Operand that combines all data type scores to produce an
overall score but OR is the Operand that evaluates the different values of each data type to arrive at the
data type score.
For further details, please refer to the Sales Administration user guide.

22 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

SA.SCORE.LIMIT – Credit Scoring Recommended Limits

It is possible for the system to recommend a loan limit based on an applicant’s credit score. This is
configured in the score limit table. ID of the table is product, product group or SYSTEM. Recommended
limits based on scores will be displayed in Review / Approval stage of origination (depending on the score
of a borrower) to aid the approving officer in deciding what to approve for the borrower.
For further information on how this table is used, please refer to the Sales Administration user guide.

23 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Field name Description

Upto Score This is a multi-value field used to specify different scores

up to which the Rec Limit (next field) applies.

Rec Limit This is the recommended limit for the credit score
specified in the previous field.

SA.SCORE.TXN – Credit Scoring Transaction

All of the previous credit scoring tables work together to generate the final scores that are produced by the
score transaction table. Below, a screenshot of a transaction record is shown. The ID of this table is the
Sales Administration module number and it follows the generic structure: mnemonic-Julian date-serial
number pattern that is common with many T24 applications.

Customer number, currency of the loan and the product ID (or group or SYSTEM) are required for score
The data types on the left column are displayed automatically and so are the data values on the right
column. To produce the data values, a mapping table shown in subsequent section below is used to fetch
the various values from relevant T24 applications.
When CALC.SCORE field is set to Yes, aggregate score (AGG.SCORE) will be generated by the system,
and so will the recommended limit (REC.LIMIT) be reported in Loan Origination.
Based on settings in the EM.LO.CS.SA.DATA.MAPPING table (below), an error or override message is
displayed if any data value field is empty. However, it is possible that some data types are defined to obtain
data values from users, for instance, where such values are not available in T24. When defining such data
types, it may be helpful to add identifiers like “Ext” (External) or “Usr” (User) to the data type IDs so it is
clear that values are to be obtained via user input, otherwise no user input is required on this table when it
is used inside the origination workflow.

24 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.LO.CS.SA.DATA.MAPPING – Credit Scoring Data Mapping

This table maps values from T24 fields in various relevant applications into the data value fields of the
SA.SCORE.TXN table. As long as values are in T24 tables and it is possible to link the tables with customer
number, a value can be mapped.
The Id of the table is SYSTEM. The table is global in nature, it does not matter which loan product is being
Though all possible values are mapped on this table, products and product groups will only extract values
for the data types that are included in their SA.SCORE.DATA tables.
As earlier explained, empty data value fields in SA.SCORE.TXN will generate an error or override message
according to the setting here.

Field name Description

Data Type Data Type must be valid records in SA.DATA.TYPE table.

Source Field (mapping source field) – If entered will serve as input to the
conversion field. Currently only CUSTOMER.ID,
APPLICATION.ID and ‘blank’ values are supported.
CUSTOMER.ID may be used to extract data from any table
where Customer Number is the ID. APPLICATION.ID, on the
other hand, can only be used to extract data from the (current)
loan origination file. For instance, if it is desired to use the
gender of an applicant in credit scoring, the CUSTOMER.ID
can be used to link to and read the Customer file to extract
the value. However, if the ‘Purpose’ of the current loan being
processed is required for scoring, then this value is only

25 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

available in the loan origination file being processed so

APPLICATION.ID will be used to fetch the value from the
Loan Purpose field of EM.LO.APPLICATION. If the source
field is left blank, it means that the data is not mapped,
probably not available in T24 so the user is allowed to enter
the data manually at credit scoring stage of loan origination.

Conversion This is sub-value field that can contain multiple conversions

to be applied through the ‘Source Field’ value before mapping
to the credit scoring table. The list of available conversions is
given below. It can also be a routine, if prefixed with @. More
details on how the routine should be written is provided in the
Document Output user guide.

Data Mapping & Conversion Table

Conversion Description

VALUE-x Extract multi-value x

SUBVALUE-x Extract sub-value x

EXTRACT*x*y Extract string starting at x position with length y

ABS Extract absolute value

CDT*x Perform CDT function with 3rd argument given by x

DDMMMYYYY Convert date in internal format to DDMMMYYYY format

LINK>x>y Extract field y from application x with ID given by the field


FIELD[x,y] Extract field y from a string delimited by x

FMT*x Perform FMT function with formatting string x

@routine Call routine to perform conversion. More details on how the

routine should be written will be provided in the ‘Developer
API’ section.

COUNT-VM Returns number of fields separated by @VM.

COUNT-SM As above but for fields separated by @SM instead of @VM.

26 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

SAVINGS.TOTAL.RG*cat_start*cat_en Returns total of balances on customer accounts with

d categories between cat_start and cat_end. E.g.
SAVINGS.BALANCE.RG*7313*7313 would return total of
balances on customer accounts with category 7313

LOANS.PRINCIPAL.RG*AA_cat_start* Returns total of balances on customer loans. Optional user

can provide categories range for AA (between AA_cat_start
and AA_cat_end) and LD categories (between cat_start and
cat_end). E.g. LOANS.BALANCE.RG*3000*3999** would
return total of outstanding principal balances on customer
AA loans with categories between 3000 and 3999 and all

LOANS.ARREARS.RG*AA_cat_start*A As above but for arrears


LOANS.TOTAL.RG*AA_cat_start* As above but for total balance - including outstanding

principal, accrued interest and principal/interest in arrears

LOANS.DISB.TOTAL.MTH*x Returns total of loan disbursements in last x months

PAYMENTS.NO.MISSED.MTH*x Returns number of missed payments in the last x months on

all customer loans

PAYMENTS.TOT.MISSED.MTH*x Returns total amount of missed payments in last x months

on all customer loans

27 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Income & Expenditure Parameters

Income and expenditure tables assist the institution to establish the income and expenditure profile of loan
applicants. As we all know, institutions wish to avoid as much risks as possible, so before giving more
money to an applicant, it is desirable to see how he or she currently copes with what he/she has and
determine whether or not additional funds disbursed can be repaid by the applicant.
The following tables are pretty basic but they assist in establishing the income and expenditure profile of a
loan applicant.

General Menu>>Administrator>>Income & Expenditure Parameters OR
All-In-One RBHP>>Product Parameters>>Loan Origination>>Income & Expenditure Param

To setup a parameter table, do the following:
1. Click on the desired parameter table
2. Identify and select the required table record
3. Enter all the fields as necessary
4. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

EM.HOUSEHOLD.INC.TYPE – Household Income Type

This is a basic table that assists the user to define income types. The purpose is so that the institution may
break down as much as possible the income profile of an applicant and determine which types are regular,
irregular, ad-hoc, windfalls, etc.
The ID of the table is the income type and can be decided by the user. However it should be short, typically
4 digits as shown in screenshot below.

28 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.HOUSEHOLD.EXP.TYPE – Household Expenditure Type

Household expenditures are generally construed as living expenses including food, rent/mortgage, utilities,
etc. Similar to the household income type table, the household expenditure type table breaks the
expenditure profile of an applicant to as many types as possible to be able to determine frequency and

EM.EXTERNAL.EXP.TYPE – External Expenditure Type

External expenditures are those that are non-household in nature: those that do not have direct impacts on
subsistence. As you would observe, there is only a thin line between this set and the household expenses.

29 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.PRIMARY.DEBT.TYPE – Primary Debt Type

The primary debts table is used to parameterize debts that are directly owned by the applicant, meaning
that the applicant has direct responsibility for paying them.

EM.SECONDARY.DEBT.TYPE – Secondary Debt Type

Secondary debts could be those that are owed by guaranteeing others, for instance, by signing as
guarantors to relations or by providing personal guarantee to company debts. Again, these classifications
are fluid so the tables could be used as deemed fit by institutions.

30 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

EM.INC.EXP – Income Expenditure Table

This table is where the different income and expenditure parameter tables come together to determine the
monthly profile of the applicant. Values can be provided against the different table parameters arranged in
tabs on this table and the user can select as many expense types as necessary while selecting the
frequency, currency and amount for each type. Records may be created per customer or per application.
As the user enters the different values, relevant totals are computed by the system and these totals can
then be used by suitably mapping their values in the EM.LO.CS.SA.DATA.MAPPING table.

31 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Deal Processing
General Menu>>AA Loans>>Loan Origination>>New Loan Application
Loan Services Agent RBHP>>Loans AA>>Loan Applications>>New Loan Application

To create a new loan application, do the following:
1. Click on New Loan Application
2. The system will launch a new record with a unique ID reference
3. Enter all the fields as described below
4. When everything has been completed click on the Commit icon.

Application Input Stage

Application input stage is a mandatory stage of Loan Origination. Once you start entering data, the relevant
fields for input will become available, for example on selecting the Loan Product, the Application Status,
Checklist Items and other relevant fields are populated and available for further input.

Field name Description

Application Input ID The system generates the next available reference number,
the format is LO (application code) followed by the Julian date
(229th day of the year 2015) followed by a 5-digit sequential

32 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Customer Type Indicate whether the loan application is being created for an
individual or a group. The two Customer Type options are
mutually exclusive. If Group is selected, then the system hides
Customer ID and if Individual is selected, the system hides
Group ID. Similarly, the tab “Group Application Details” will be
hidden if Individual customer type is selected.

Customer ID As individual was selected in the Customer Type field (above)

the system requires you to enter the Customer ID and on
entering the code, the customer’s last name displays as
enrichment characters to the field. Validate that you are
working with the correct customer record.

Group ID As group was selected in the Customer Type field (above) the
system requires you to enter the Group ID and on entering the
code, the group’s name displays as enrichment characters to
the field. Validate that you are working with the correct group.

Asset Class This is a no-input information-only field indicating the worst

classification of the customer from all his or her existing loans.

Loan Action Select New Loan to indicate new loan creation. Reschedule
and Top up actions are described in the Loan Maintenance
section of this guide.


Loan Product Select the product code from the lookup table. The value
entered in this field will manage the subsequent fields for input
in this application as can be seen in the highlighted box above.

Amount Requested Enter the amount that the customer (or group) wishes to

33 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Term Requested Enter the repayment term. Valid input is in format

[number_of_periods]+[period_type], e.g. 12W for twelve
weeks, 3M for three months, 2Y for two years, etc.

Payment Frequency The repayment frequency is populated from the product –

Consumer Annuity Weekly (in this example) – where the
conditions have been defined.

Currency The currency is defaulted from the product, if a product is

offered in single currency only. For multi-currency product, the
currency applied for must be selected by user.

Interest Rate The interest rate is defaulted from the product.

Instalment Amount In this field, for individual application, the system calculates
and displays the repayment amount for information purposes.
It is possible to input the desired instalment amount and derive
the loan term, or amend the auto calculated amount e.g. to
round up the regular payment amount.
For group applications, the repayment amounts are presented
in ‘Group Application Details’ tab.

Repayment Start Date The system will default the repayment start date one frequency
(one week in this example) ahead of the current date. You are
able to change this to meet the borrower’s requirements and/or
to allow a payment holiday.

Loan Purpose Select the loan purpose from the lookup table.

Loan Reason This is a free-format input field for you to capture any other
relevant information on the loan purpose/reason.

Notes Capture any other relevant information for the application in

this area.


Status The system automatically defaults status 101 – Loan

application input complete, as per the model configuration. The
user is able to change this code to reflect what the status of
the application should be. For instance, if some information is
being awaited from the customer, the user is able to select the
status that indicates this. In such instances, the origination
workflow will be put on hold until the user has obtained the
relevant information and is ready to continue.

Notes Enter a note, if necessary, to further describe the selected

status of the application.

34 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Group Application Details

If the application is for group loans, then the Group Application Details tab is activated and its multi-value
set of fields are auto-populated by the system as follows.

Field name Description

Group Member The system populates this field with the customer number of each
group member

Amount Requested The system divides the amount requested by the number of group
members evenly and may or may not allow changes depending on
the setup done on the EM.LO.PARAMETERS table. Where
changes are allowed, the system ensures that the total amount
requested tallies with the individual group member amounts.

Term Requested The system defaults the term requested for each member of the
group, and may or may not allow changes depending on the setup
done on the EM.LO.PARAMETERS table.

Instalment Based on amount requested and repayment term, the system

calculates the instalment amount for each member of the group and
presents it on this field.


Field name Description

Disburse Account The loan disbursement account is defaulted here as per the
product settings. Amend suitable to negotiate the
disbursement settlement Account / conditions

35 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Repay Account The loan repayment account is defaulted here as per the
product settings. Amend suitable to negotiate the settlement
account / conditions

Charge Account The charge settlement account is defaulted here as per the
product settings. Amend suitable to negotiate the settlement

Joint Customers

Field name Description

Joint Customer ID If joint customer is relevant to the application being processed, enter
the customer number of the joint customer/s and the system will
populate the fields below from the data as captured on the relevant
customer files:

Joint Customer Name The name of the joint customer

Joint Customer Address The address details in the multi-value set of fields

Joint Customer Date of Birth The date of birth

Joint Customer Identification ID number of the joint customer. The data is displayed for you to
verify that you have entered/selected the correct joint customer
number. This customer will be jointly responsible for the loan and
the terms and conditions thereof.

36 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Checklist Items

Item/Status Items (e.g., documents) to be verified during loan processing

are automatically displayed for the user to select one of three
options: Yes (I have seen and verified the item, No (I have not
seen the item), Override (the item is no longer needed for the
purpose of the current application. If No is selected, then the
current application stage cannot be completed until a different
option is chosen. Override may only be selected if the setup
allows the user to override the item.
The Option “Not Required” is automatically set by the system
for optional items that a user manually set as required during
the application processing.
For more information, please refer to the Loan Application Auto
Approval user guide.

Notes If Override is selected on the Item/Status field, then the Notes

field becomes mandatory so the user can enter the reason why
the item is no longer needed.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so forth,
which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

37 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Eligibility Check Stage

As with Application Input, Eligibility is a mandatory stage of Loan Origination. This is the stage where the
borrower(s) are checked against the product qualifying criteria set by the institution to be sure that they
qualify to apply for the loan.
After committing the Application Input stage, the system automatically takes the user to the Eligibility stage
and displays a screen similar to the following, for individual loan applications. For group loans, the system
displays a similar screen but the Eligibility Check section is multivalued to show every member of the group.

Field name Description

Subject The system displays the customer number of the borrower

for whom eligibility check is to be performed, the customer’s
last name as an enrichment, and the customer’s role in the
application (Main Holder, Joint Holder, Group Member) on
the right side.

Check Required? As eligibility check is mandatory for Loan Origination, the

system defaults this field to Yes. If this value is changed to
No, an error message will be generated.

Rule/Result The eligibility rule, e.g., check that the borrower has been
a customer for minimum period of ‘n’ months, is displayed,
as well as the result of the check for the customer, whether
passed or failed. The set of rules executed during the
eligibility check is defined by the loan product being applied

Perform Check? This is set to Yes and is no input field since eligibility check
stage is mandatory.

38 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Guarantor Input stage

Guarantor Input stage is optional but can be made mandatory by making suitable settings in the Loan
Origination parameter and Guarantor parameters tables. For more on guarantor management, kindly refer
to the Guarantor Management User Guide.
With a multi-value field linked to both the customer table and the guarantor table, existing customers of the
institution may be selected as guarantors or non-customers could be created as guarantors in the guarantor
table and thereafter selected as guarantors.
In the screen below, guarantor Ids with ID starting with “G” were created on the guarantor table and those
with six digits are records from the Customer Information File.

Field name Description

Customer ID The Customer ID is defaulted in this no-input field from the Loan Input screen.
This is for information purposes so you may check that you are working on the
correct applicant’s record.

Loan Product The selected loan product details are defaulted in this no-input field, also for
information purposes.

GUARANTORS, enter the details in the associated multi value fields for as many guarantors as are

Guarantor ID Select the Guarantor ID from the look up table, which contains both records from
the Live Customer and Guarantor tables.

Account If the guarantor is a customer of your institution, select the account to be blocked
as security for the loan from the lookup table.
The AC.LOCKED.EVENTS table is updated with the amount blocked as well as
the expiry date (maturity date of the loan) so that the block may be released when
the loan is fully repaid or reversed.
Multiple locks are allowed, each with its own expiry date.

Amount Enter the amount of the guarantee provided. If the value entered is greater than
the available balance on the (above) account, the break rule message will be
displayed and depending on how the parameter has been defined, you will be
able to proceed or not.
No validation is carried out on the amounts entered where the Guarantor is not a
customer and does not hold an account in your institution.

39 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

When a non-customer (external) Guarantor is selected and the Guarantee

Amount entered, the rule defined in the ‘Mandatory Checklist for External
Guarantors’ is checked and the fields presented for input.

Use the scan icon to take an image of the document as evidence of the
pledge over the item offered as collateral. Else, if the image already exists, select
the Document ID from the lookup table.
A field has been provided in the IM.DOCUMENT.IMAGE application to store the
Loan Account number.

New Guarantor, it is possible to access the Guarantor Input application from this link. Use this if the
Guarantor is not already created.

40 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Credit Check Stage

Credit check stage is reserved for institutions with interfaces to credit bureaus where borrowers’ credit
records may be obtained and values returned to the Loan Origination workflow for further processing.

Field name Description

Subject The system displays the customer number of the borrower for
whom credit check is to be performed, the customer’s last name
as an enrichment, and the customer’s role in the application (Main
Holder, Joint Holder, Group Member) on the right side.

Check Required? Select Yes or No as desired, to run the credit check for the subject
(borrower) indicated above. Using this field, credit check can be
done on a subset of the borrowing parties.

Result Where Yes is selected in the Check Required field, the system will
run through the interface developed by the institution to obtain
relevant values from the local credit bureau and display results
here. Note that the interface to the credit bureau and its features
are out of the scope of this guide.

41 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Collateral Input Stage

Similar to Guarantors stage, Collateral Input stage is optional. This may be made mandatory if required, by
making necessary settings on the Loan Origination parameter tables.

Field name Description

Collateral Id Pull down on the lookup field and select an existing collateral
record for the application. Only collaterals created for the loan
borrower will be displayed. In the case of group loans, all existing
collaterals for all group members will be displayed for selection.
Since collaterals bear the customer number in its ID, it is easy to
identify which group member has what collateral record.

New Collateral Where there are no existing collateral records for the borrower,
new collateral records may be created by clicking on this link. The
link will take the user through COLLATERAL.RIGHT and
COLLATERAL tables so the ownership of collateral and the value
of the collateral may be specified by the user. Once created,
commit the record, close the window so you may return to the
workflow and continue processing. The newly created collateral
record is now available for selection. For further details on how
collateral records are created, please see the collateral user guide.

42 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Credit Scoring Stage

The Credit Scoring stage enables the institution to use some selected criteria along with assigned weights
to evaluate the credit worthiness of the borrower(s), thereby further determining the borrowers’ qualification
for the loan. The aim of credit scoring is to ascertain that the institution can reasonably expect the borrowers
to pay back the amount advanced.

Credit Scoring Selection

The following fields are defaulted but could be changed by the user if Credit Scoring stage is marked as
optional on the parameter tables.

Field name Description

Subject The system displays the customer number of the borrower for
whom credit scoring is to be performed, the customer’s last name
as an enrichment, and the customer’s role in the application (Main
Holder, Joint Holder, Group Member) on the right side.

Scoring Required? Select Yes or No as desired, to run the credit scoring for the
subject (borrower) indicated above. Using this field, credit scoring
can be done on a subset of the borrowing parties

Perform Check? Select Yes or No as desired, to route the origination workflow

through the credit scoring stages for the borrowers selected

Income/Expenditure Details
The Income/Expenditure Details table enables the user to create an income-expenditure profile for the
borrower(s), which will in turn be used as part of the criteria for credit scoring. The income-expenditure
totals on the far right column are automatically calculated as the details in the horizontal tabs are completed.
The figures are converted to local currency if there are any foreign currency figures.

43 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Field name Description

New Income/Expenditure Details To create new income/expenditure profile for any of the
borrowers, click on this link and complete the table as desired.

Household Income Multi-value this field and select the various types of income
earned by the borrower in the Type column. In the Frequency
column, select the frequency of the income. Indicate the currency
of the income and the amount in the respective columns.

Household Expenses Multi-value and complete expenditure profile as desired.

External Expenditures Multi-value and complete profile as desired

Primary & Secondary Debts Multi-value and complete profile as desired

Household Income (Floor) Totals These are automatically calculated by currency and converted to
monthly figures.
Once all completed, commit the record and close the window to
return to the origination workflow.
In the workflow, commit the stage and the system takes you to
the Calculate Score screen as seen below.

44 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Credit Scoring Transaction

The origination workflow will enter this application for each of the subjects (borrowers) selected in the Credit
Scoring Selection stage.

Field name Description

Product Name Pull down on the lookup field and select the relevant loan product
or product group for the product applied for by the borrower. Only
the relevant records will be displayed for the user to select. The
SYSTEM record comes from the general model bank and can be
ignored, otherwise it should be configured by the institution as the
most generic score card.
For group loans, the system will present this screen in turn for each
member of the group. For instance, if a group has five members,
then the system will present this screen five times so scoring can
be performed for each member of the group.

Data Type/Data Value The system automatically displays all data types preselected by
the institution for scoring for the selected product, as well as the
data values which have been mapped against relevant fields of
T24 applications. For instance, if Age of the borrower is selected
for credit scoring, the system is mapped to fetch the age of the
borrower from the Customer Information File automatically so the
user does not have to enter the value.

Agg Score This is the aggregate score of the borrower, calculated by adding
up the scores from each data type used for scoring. Where a data
type does not return a value from the system, an override message
is displayed for the user to accept. It is possible to avoid the
override messages by going back to the relevant T24 tables to
complete any missing field values for the borrower. Thereafter, the
user may return to the Credit Scoring stage to finish processing for
the stage.

45 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Credit Assessment Stage

At Credit Assessment stage, the user reviews all data obtained so far in the origination process and, with
any other additional information, evaluates the borrower’s qualification for the loan applied for and makes
recommendations to the approving officer.
To provide additional information to the assessment officer in making recommendations, an assessment
enquiry is available each for individual and group loans. To display the enquiry, the user needs to pull down
on the “More Actions” lookup box in the tools bar and select “Customer Loan History” for individual loans
or “Group Loan History” for group loans and click on the commit button.
As seen below the enquiry provides information relating to previous loans approved for the borrower and
the status of such loans. Information relating to how many times the loan was late and what is the amount
currently overdue and if amounts have been provisioned, etc., are included in the enquiry to aid decision

46 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Field name Description

Recommendation From the list provided, select the desired recommendation after
carrying out your assessment.

Assessment Notes In the free field, enter relevant information regarding the
recommendation selected in the Recommendation field.
Information would generally relate to how your recommendation
was arrived at so the approving officer may be guided.

Review / Approval Stage

This is the stage where the final approval or rejection of the loan is done. The approving officer reviews all
data input made on the application so far (arranged in the top horizontal tabs) to form a final opinion and
based on these and other necessary information takes a final decision.
The following fields would usually be completed by the approving officer.

Field name Description

47 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Status Unlike other stages, the status field has not been prefilled with
any value. This is to ensure that the approving officer pulls down
on the lookup field to select a desired status. Depending on the
decision, status could be selected as Approved, Provisionally
Approved, Funding Approved, Declined, Client Withdrawal. The
status “Expired Before Approval” is automatically selected by the
system for loan applications that have passed certain number of
days without approval. The number of days are set in the

Notes If the loan was declined by the approving officer, then this field
becomes mandatory so the officer could enter reasons for
declining the application.

Approval Notes The approving officer enters necessary notes relating to the

Approved Amount The amount applied for is displayed on the left hand side of the
screen, while the amount approved is displayed on the right hand
side. This field only needs to be completed if the amount approved
is different from the amount applied for, otherwise it should be left
blank and the system will pick amount applied for as amount
To aid the approval decision, note that the system displays the
score of the borrower obtained from the Credit Scoring stage as
well as the recommended limit based on pre-set criteria in the
Credit Scoring parameter tables.
For group loans, the system lists all group members along with
the amounts applied for and the terms applied for. The approving
officer is able to enter different amounts and terms if necessary.

Approved Term Similar to Approved Amount field, this field is to be completed only
where the term approved is different from the term applied for,
else the system takes the term applied for as the approved term.

Decision By Pull down on the lookup field and select the approving officer who
is making the decision. This could be a manager, a loan officer or
a group of loan committee members could be selected by suitably
multi-valuing the field.

Once all fields are completed, the user may click on the commit button and the system moves the
application to the next (offer production) stage.

Offer Production Stage

At this stage the system is ready to produce the loan offer documents for the borrower to sign. A sample
offer document is included with the InclusiveBankingSuite Model Bank but each institution’s document
templates will be configured at implementation time.
To produce the offer documents, the user needs to complete the following fields:

48 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Field name Description

Repayment Start The repayment start date is automatically calculated using the
application input date plus the requested frequency. This date can
be amended in order to allow some grace period before the first
instalment falls due.

And Then on Day Monthly instalments can be set to fall due on a specific day (e.g.
31st or 15th). Select a day if applicable.

For The system displays the customer number of the borrower for
whom credit scoring is to be performed, the customer’s last name
as an enrichment, and the customer’s role in the application (Main
Holder, Joint Holder, Group Member) on the right side. For group
loans, all the group members will be listed.

Produce Document The document parameterized for the product to be produced for
the above borrower to acknowledge or sign is displayed here.
Documents so produced, depending on DO configuration, would
print automatically, but also are available for printing through the
Single Customer View Documents tab.

Produce Choice This field is automatically set to Yes or No for the document to be
produced, based on the parameters set for the product.

Loan Creation Stage

At this final stage, loans for which automatic disbursal has been set at the product level will be automatically
created and disbursed by the origination process, while loans for which manual disbursal has been set at
the product level will be created but will not be automatically disbursed. For such loans, the system will
clearly indicate status “Not Disbursed” in the loan book, whereas for auto disbursal loans, the system
indicates status “Current.”
The only action required from the user at the Loan Creation stage is to commit the record and the system
will complete processing based on the settings for auto or manual disbursal.

49 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

The following loan book screen indicates loans that have been disbursed as well as those that are still
available to be disbursed.

The procedure for manual loan disbursement is explained in the Lending user guide. Please refer to this
guide as necessary.

50 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Top Up and Rescheduling

In InclusiveBankingSuite, Principal Increase (Top-Up) and change in loan duration/maturity date
(Rescheduling) may be processed through Loan Origination as described below. To enable this
functionality, records in format EM.PRODUCT.LOAN-TOPUP or EM.PRODUCT.GROUP -RESCHEDULE
should exist in Loans Origination Parameters table (EM.LO.PARAMETERS).

General Menu>>AA Loans>>Loan Origination>>New Loan Application
Loan Services Agent RBHP>>Loans AA>>Loan Applications>>New Loan Application

1. On the New Loan Application screen, enter the customer details
2. Select the loan action e.g. Top-up or reschedule
3. Enter all the required data on the fields as described below
4. Commit the record and authorise

Top-Up and Reschedule Input

Loan Input ID The system generates the next available reference number, the format is
LO (application code) followed by the Julian date (279th day of the year
2016) followed by a 5-digit sequential number.

Application Date Enter the transaction value date

51 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Customer Type Indicate whether the record is being created for an individual or a group.
The two Customer Type options are mutually exclusive. If Group is
selected, then the system hides Customer Id and if Individual is selected,
the system hides Group Id. Similarly, the tab “Group Application Details”
will be hidden if Individual customer type is selected.

Customer As individual was selected in the Customer Type field (above) the system
requires you to enter the Customer ID and on entering the code, the
customer’s last name displays as enrichment characters to the field.
Validate that you are working with the correct customer record.

Asset Class This is a no-input information-only field indicating the worst classification
of the customer from all his or her existing loans.

Loan Action Select Top-up to indicate a principal increase or Reschedule to indicate

a change in the loan term only.

For Arrangement Select the loan arrangement to be amended from the look up list. The
system lists only the loans that were previously created using Loan
Origination. Loans created using Direct Loan input are to be amended
using a similar input screen in the Direct Loan input application.

Loan Details
Loan Product The product code of the Loan selected is displayed.

Amount requested Enter the top-up amount that the customer wishes to borrow.

Term Requested Enter the new repayment term requested, if any. E.g. If the initial loan
was payable in 6M and the customer requests for a 3M extension with
the Top-up, enter 9M on this field. Leave the field as blank if no Term
change is requested.

Payment Frequency The current repayment frequency of the loan selected is populated.

Currency The currency of the loan selected is defaulted

Interest Rate The interest rate populates from the product.

Instalment Amount The system calculates after the Top-up and/or reschedule and displays
the repayment amount for information purposes.

Source of Funds Select the source of funds from the lookup table

Loan Purpose Select the loan purpose from the lookup table.

Loan Reason This is a free-format input field for you to capture any other relevant

Notes Capture any other relevant information in this area.

52 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Loan Origination Reports

In this release of the system, four reports accompany the Loan Origination application. These are:
 Loan Origination Application Report
 Customer Loan History Report
 Group or Loan Officer Loan History Report
 SLA Escalation Report

Loan Origination Application Report

An overview of all loan applications received and the time that it took to disbursement is available in this
report. This report can be useful for measuring performance against Service Level Agreements and
monitoring the volumes of applications received to identify trends.

General Menu>>AA Loans>>Loan Enquiries>>Loan Origination Application Report
Loan Services Agent RBHP>>Loans AA>>Loan Applications

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the selection criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the
Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen, like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen
enquiry or report.

53 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

When the enquiry displays, it will appear like the screen shown below: (one horizontal display presented in
to two parts here for better view)

Select a record for investigation by clicking on the ‘View’ icon against the row.

Select the ‘Customer View’ icon to go to Single Customer View and click on the various links to drill down
to further details as required.

Select the ‘Loan Application Status’ icon to drill down to the stages the loan application went through and
their statuses. You may further drill down to view these stages as desired.

54 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Note Since this report will contain ALL loan applications received by your institution, you may want to
use the filter options available.

Customer Loan History Report

This report presents an overview of all loans previously disbursed to a customer and highlights any overdue
in terms of amounts, number of missed payments and current status of each loan. If amounts have been
provisioned on a loan, these will be displayed as well. The report is also available as a context enquiry at
the Credit Assessment stage of Loan Origination to assist the credit assessor in evaluating any current loan
application for the customer.

General Menu>>AA Loans>>Enquiries>>Customer Loan History Report

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the selection criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the
Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen, like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry or

For the selected customer, the report is displayed below.

55 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Group or Loan Officer Loan History Report

Similar to the Customer Loan History Report, this report presents an overview of all loans previously
disbursed to a group (or to groups managed by a loan officer) and highlights any overdue in terms of
amounts, number of missed payments and current status of each loan. If amounts have been provisioned
on a loan, these will be displayed as well. The report is also available as a context enquiry at the Credit
Assessment stage of Loan Origination to assist the credit assessor in evaluating any current loan
application for the group.

General Menu>>AA Loans>>Enquiries>>Group or Loan Officer Loan History Report

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the selection criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the
Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen, like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry or
report. The report could be displayed based on group number of loan officer ID.

For the selected group or loan officer ID, the report is displayed as shown below: (one horizontal report
broken to two for better view).

56 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

SLA Escalation Report

When an SLA is breached, that is, processing for an application stage has gone beyond the time allocated
or tolerated by the institution, the system generates a notification for indicated officers to review and take
appropriate actions. At the same time, a report is generated and can be viewed by authorized users. The
report contains the customer details, loan officer details, loan application ID and product applied for as well
as the various origination stages, time spent on each and the inputter responsible for the stages.

General Menu>>AA Loans>>Enquiries>>SLA Escalation Report

1. Select the menu option.
2. Enter the selection criteria and click on the Find icon.
3. View the resulting enquiry on‐screen and manipulate as described in the
Navigation manual.
4. Close the enquiry.

A screen, like the one displayed below is shown, allowing you to filter the records for on‐screen enquiry or
report. The report could be displayed based on a combination of selection criteria on the screen.

57 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Depending on selection criteria, the report displays as seen below:

58 InclusiveBankingSuite Product
Loan Origination User Guide

Use this page to record your own notes.

59 InclusiveBankingSuite Product

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