Name: - Date: 20.09.2019 Form: III

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Name: ______________________________________ Date: 20.09.

Form: III rd

I. Give the answer to these questions: (Răspunde la întrebări) (3p x 6=18 points}

1. What’s your name?

2. How old are you?
3. Are you a boy or a girl?
4. Have you got a pet?What is it?…………………………………………………………………………………………………...
5.What is your favourite food?
6.What is your favouriteseason?

II. What is this?(Ce esteaceasta/acesta?)(2p x 3 = 6 points)

Ex. This is a ball.

a. …………………………………………………..…………………

b. ……………………………………………………..………….

c. …………………………………………………………….…………...

III. Match the numbers with the words (Potriveștecuvintele cu cifrele):(1p x 6 = 6points)

1. three a. 12
2. eighteen b. 20
3. twelve c. 3
4. five d. 16
5. sixteen e. 18
6. twenty f. 5
IV. Where is Frosty? (Undeeste Frosty?) (2.5p x 2 = 5 points)
He is in the …………………………………………

He is in the ……………………………..

V. Fill in the missing letters (Completați spațiile cu literele care lipsesc) (2p x 5 =10 points)

l__ f___ h__ a__ t___

_ _
VI. Read, tick the correct answer and colour.( Citește,
bifeazăpropozițiacorectășicoloreazăobiectul)( 3p x 5 =15 points)

a. It is a ruler. .....a. It is a table. ..... a. It is a rubber. .....a. It is a bag. .....

b. It is a rubber. ..... b. It is a desk. ..... b. It is a pencil. ..... b. It is a pencil case. ..... It is orange.
It is brown. It is purple.It is green.

a. It is a book. .....b. It is a copy-book. ….. It is blue.

VII. Underline the correct form:(Subliniază forma corectă) (1,5p x 10 = 15points)

I am/is David. Sara have got /has got a blue dress.

She is/ are my sister. Bearshas got /have got short tail.

We is/are best friends. Ben and Julian has got/have got new T-shirts.

They are/ismy parents. She has got/have gottwo dogs.

Pigs is/ are dirty animals. They has got/have gota large classroom.

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