Eat Raw For 3 Days - Menu and Recipes

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Eat Raw for 3 Days

Menu Plan & Recipes


First of all, thanks so much for attending the webinar. I always have great fun hearing
from everyone when I run this webinar and really hope you had fun, but that you also
got inspired.

It’s that inspiration that’s going to take you through the first day of your 3 days on raw
food. At that point, you’ll start to feel the benefits and you’ll want more.

As I mentioned on the webinar, I’ve created this 3 day menu plan to be as simple as
possible, to increase your chances of success.

Beyond the 3 days, as you decide on a level of raw food that’s right for you (50% to
80% is a really sweet spot for lots of people), you’ll be able to start bringing in more
adventurous recipes, and even learning how make great food with what you have
available in the fridge.

So, let’s get into this!

© The Raw Chef 2017

Why Raw for 3 Days?

People are attracted to raw foods for so many different reasons.

For some people eating a diet rich in raw foods just seems to make sense, because they
want to be generally healthier.

Others have specific things they want to heal, such as skin issues (that was me), losing
weight, issues with their energy through the day, or perhaps they’ve been told they
need to eat healthier by their doctor.

Whatever the reason, going raw for 3 days can be a magical experience for you, where
you’ll get to feel, most likely, the healthiest, light and vital than you ever have done in
your life.

This is because raw foods contain all of their natural vitamins, minerals, proteins and
enzymes in their most beneficial form. Raw food is living food, so it just makes sense
that living foods will add life to your diet and life to your body.

I also believe the benefits are in what you’re not eating for this 3 days. You’re going to
be making all of your own food (a caveat here is that if you have somewhere you can
buy raw food prepared near you, then I fully support that) so perhaps for the first time
in your life, everything you eat is going to be real, whole food. There’ll be no
preservatives, no nasties, just wholesome food. Putting the fact that it’s also raw aside
for a second, that is a big thing.

I also highly recommend staying off any drinks (or foods) that contain caffeine. Yes,
that does include chocolate. It’s not that you must never drink or eat caffeine again,
but for this 3 days, it’s a really good experiment to let your natural energy levels rise
and your neurotransmitters to settle. You’ll feel less anxious and more able to move
through the day craving more caffeine or sugar.

© The Raw Chef 2017

What to Expect

As I mentioned on the webinar, everyone’s experience of going 100% raw for 3 days is
going to be a little different.

The first day in particular is going to be personal to you, depending on how you eat
right now.

One of the biggest things that will make a difference is if you reply on any type of
caffeine right now for energy.

If you are a tea or coffee drinker, this will probably mean a headache within the first 24
to 48 hours.

This is completely normal, and is actually a good sign that the constant topping up of
stimulants in your body is ending, allowing your endocrine system to rest and balance

If you do get these headaches, make sure you’re drinking plenty of pure water and that
you take care of yourself with baths (Epsom salts and magnesium flakes are fantastic,
perhaps with some essential oils) and as much sleep as you can get.

On the subject of sleep, if I’m going to get 8 hours, I’ve found it so much more restful to
have those hours be between 10pm and 6am or even 11pm and 7pm than midnight to

That old axiom of an hour’s sleep before midnight being worth two hours after
midnight is consistently try for me.

As you move past the first few days here, you’re going to notice some or even all of the

• Increased energy, particularly later in the day when you’re normally low on
• Clearer thoughts and ideas about whatever you’re working on in the moment.
• A stronger connection to your intuition.
• If you’re looking to lose some weight, you might start to feel lighter.
• Skin seems clearer, smoother and has a healthy glow.
• Hair seems softer and shinier.
• Nails and cuticles seem to look healthier.
• You may start to think about some positive changes you want to make in other
areas of your life

© The Raw Chef 2017

This list is not exhaustive, so I’d LOVE to hear about the benefits you saw during your 3
days. Please do drop me an email at to tell me what

© The Raw Chef 2017

Your reasons why

I want you to think about what you want from these next 3 days.

What has drawn you to do a whole week of raw food?

If I was doing this exercise when I first started out, I would have almost certainly put
clearer skin down as the top thing I wanted. I would then have had other reasons, such
as to experience more flow in my life and to reconnect with my creativity.

So jot down below five things you’d love to see come into your life, or at least show
some signs of manifesting during or at the end of these 3 days.






I want you to revisit these five things every day and to get a simple journal to record
how you’re feeling about each of these five things on a day to day basis.

So for each one, give yourself a mark from one to five. Five would feel that you’re
starting to experience the thing fully, and one would be that you’re not feeling it at all.

So if we take my example of wanting clearer skin as an example, I would give myself a

four or five, as long as I can see an improvement. I wouldn’t necessarily expect
completely clear skin (although that could happen) and make that the only scenario I’d
get a five for.

It would be the same with experiencing flow in my life. If I unexpectedly meet a friend
whilst I’m out and about, and we have a great chat and connection, then that’s a five for
me, for that day.

How you score each one is up to you. We’re aiming to have fun it, not be too serious,
but we’re also tuning up our sensory acuity to notice things that we want.

© The Raw Chef 2017

Instructions for your 3 days on raw

1. Print this whole document off and take 30 minutes with a cup of herbal tea to
read through the menu and recipes.

Make notes on any substitutions you want to make, along with any other
thoughts that come to mind.

2. Mark your calendar with the day you’re going to start, along with the day and
time you’re going to do your shopping.

Ideally you’ll only be shopping twice, but if you’re making substitutions during
the week, or you want to add, say, an avocado to a salad you may find yourself
popping out for the odd item. This is completely normal

3. Make sure you have a source of pure water for the week. I like to use a Berkey
Filer, but if you don’t have a filter, you can buy bottle (BPA free) spring water.

I want you to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water during your week, to
supplement the high water content food you’re eating.

Drinking more water at the start of the week will be the most important, as your
body is flushing out various toxins and waste.

Everyone’s water needs are different, but 1 litre per day on this menu is an
absolute minimum for me. Where 2 to 3 litres is much better and I can feel the
difference so clearly. The idea is to drink throughout the day, not to drink a litre
at a time.

4. Make sure you’ve completed your 5 reasons why exercise and that you have
somewhere you can journal results.

5. At the end of your 3 days, head over to our Facebook Page at and let us know how you did. If you want to
write in more detail, or don’t want to share publically, then Id’ love to hear from
you at

© The Raw Chef 2017

Your menu

This is a lifestyle change experiment, and that can be done on any day of the week,
which is why I’ve numbered them day 1 to day 3.

So give yourself a little time to look through the recipes here and make sure you like
the look of what you’ll eating.

If you have any allergies or dislike some ingredients, then you’ll want to plan ahead of
time to make something else instead.

There’s enough variety in this menu plan to keep things interesting, but there’s also
enough repetition to mean you can make a batch of something and use it the next day.

Day 1

Chia Seed Porridge


Top with your favourite fresh fruit


Brazil Nut Hummus Salad


The hummus recipe should leave you some extra to use for tomorrow’s dinner


Sour Cream Crudité


Asian Chopped Salad

Day 2

© The Raw Chef 2017


Spinach & Mango/Pineapple/Papaya Smoothie


Choose one of these fruits or substitute with any other favourite


Curried Sweet Potato Salad


Pesto & Cherry Tomatoes


Quick Grind Salad


Add extra hummus which should be left over from Day 1

Day 3

Five Minute Muesli


You’ll also be making enough muesli for Saturday’s breakfast


Beetroot & Apple Salad


If you want a heartier lunch, add in half of an avocado


© The Raw Chef 2017

Sour Cream Crudité


You can add in a couple of spices here such as smoked paprika and/or cumin to add


Smashed Chickpea Salad


You’ll have a little leftover for tomorrow

© The Raw Chef 2017


Chia Seed Porridge

¼ cup dry chia seeds

1 cup of almond milk
½ teaspoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey
Pinch Celtic sea salt
Fresh fruit of your choice to top
Dried fruit of your choice such as mulberries, apricots or dates

1. Put the chia seed in your serving bowl.

2. I like to blend the honey in with however much milk I’m using and then pour the
milk over the chia seed, stirring in the lemon juice, sea salt and dried fruit.

3. Leave for 15 minutes and then when ready to serve, top with the fresh fruit.

Almond Milk

3 cups pure water

1 cup almonds, soaked 8 hours, then rinsed

1. Blend the water and soaked almonds.

2. Strain through a nut milk bag or sieve.

3. This will last 4 days in a cold fridge.

4. This is the milk you’ll use for Chia Porridge and Five Minute Muesli. If you have
extra that you want to drink on its own as a snack, I like to add a little lemon
juice, dates and a pinch of salt.

Spinach & Mango/Pineapple/Papaya Smoothie

2 tightly packed cups of spinach

1 mango, or ½ cup pineapple or 1 ripe papaya
1 cup water
1 tablespoon lemon juice (leave out if using acidic fruit like pineapple)
2 pinches salt

1. Blend everything in a highspeed blender until smooth.

© The Raw Chef 2017

Five Minute Muesli

2 cups desiccated coconut
½ cup almonds
½ cup cashews
¼ cup goji berries
¼ cup raisins
¼ cup white mulberries, dried
¼ cup cacao nibs
1 tsp vanilla powder
3 tablespoons lucuma

1. Pulse ingredients in the food processor until slightly broken down, but still

2. Store in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks. Eat as a trail mix snack or with
almond milk.

© The Raw Chef 2017


Brazil Nut Hummus Salad

For the hummus

1 cup Brazil nuts, soaked for at least 1 hour

1 red bell pepper
½ cup tahini
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 clove fresh garlic
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup water or more to blend

1. Blend everything in a highspeed blender or food processor. The amount of

water you’ll need to add will depend on how runny your tahini is.

For the salad

2 good handfuls of lettuce leaves

A few sprigs of parsley
½ cucumber, diced
½ cup baby tomatoes
Small handful sprouts, such as sunflower or alfalfa
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice

1. Toss all ingredients together in a bowl and top with the Brazil Nut Hummus.

Curried Sweet Potato Salad

1 small sweet potato, peeled and grated

1 red apple, diced
¼ cup red grapes, quartered
½ cup walnuts

Curried Mayo Dressing

½ cup cashew sour cream (in snacks section)

¾ tablespoon favourite curry powder
1 teaspoon honey
2 tablespoons cold-pressed sesame or olive oil

1. Combine sweet potato, apples, walnuts, grapes, and sprouts (optional) in a bowl.
Set aside.

© The Raw Chef 2017

2. Stir curried dressing together until thoroughly combined and add desired
amount to sweet potato mixture.

3. You will want a fairly thick coat of dressing to offset the starchiness of the
sweet potato. Enjoy!

Beetroot Apple Salad

Salad Ingredients

1 raw beetroot (beets), peeled and grated

½ an apple, diced small
1 teaspoon capers or caperberries
1 teaspoon minced fresh dill
¼ cup arame (optional), soaked 20 minutes
¼ cup raisins or goji berries, soaked 20 minutes
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons lemon juice
¼ tsp salt

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and eat as much as you like as a snack. Any
leftover can be added to a lunch.

© The Raw Chef 2017


Cashew Sour Cream Crudité

1 1/2 cups cashews, soaked at least 1 hour

2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Add a little extra water one
tablespoon at a time if you’re having trouble getting the cashews smooth.

2. Use as a dip for crudité and store reaming cream in a sealed container in the
fridge, for further snacks and as a base for sauces and dressings.

Pesto & Cherry Tomatoes

200 g (7 ozs) fresh basil

2 cloves minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 turns of black pepper
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup pine nuts
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
2 teaspoons lemon juice

1. Grind all ingredients in a food processor, leaving it a little chunky.

2. Can be kept in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 4 days.

© The Raw Chef 2017


Asian Chopped Salad

1 head romaine lettuce, torn

¼ cup arame, soaked
3 stalks asparagus, chopped
1 orange, segmented
1 cup napa cabbage, shredded or torn
½ cup red cabbage, shredded
½ cup bean sprouts
Small handful snow peas

Carrot Ginger Dressing Ingredients

1–2 carrots
¼ tsp ginger, grated
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons tamari
1 tablespoon honey or desired sweetener
3 tablespoons untoasted sesame oil or olive oil

1. Blend dressing ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.

To Serve

1. Prepare all salad ingredients as listed, or if desired, bunch whole ingredients on

a large chopping board and apply a rough chop until all components are bite-

2. Combine with desired amount of dressing in a large bowl.

Quick Grind Salad

1/2 head broccoli, cut from the stalk

2 stalks purple sprouting broccoli, roughly chopped
1/4 of a cauliflower, roughly chopped
Small handful fresh dill
1 avocado
1 little gem lettuce, main stem removed
1 small chicory/endive, main stem removed
Zest from 1 lemon
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup pitted olives
1 cup sprouted buckwheat

© The Raw Chef 2017

Click here for a video on sprouting buckwheat

Salad Dressing

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of honey or coconut nectar

1. Add all salad ingredients to the food processor and pulse until ground into a
chunky salad.

2. Transfer to a bowl.

3. Combine all dressing ingredients in a far with a lid and shake, add to salad and

Smashed Chickpea Salad

½ cup cashew sour cream

¾ cup sprouted chickpeas (garbanzo beans)

1 small stalks celery, finely diced
1 inch (8cm) cucumber, finely diced
1 tablespoon red onion, finely diced
1 tablespoon minced parsley
½ cup organic sweetcorn
Pinch of cayenne
¼ cup sea veg salad (or more if you’d like)
Himalayan salt & cracked pepper to taste

1. Blend the cashews, salt, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and water in a high
speed blender.

2. In a bowl, crush the sprouted chickpeas with a fork or potato masher, leaving
some texture to them. Some people digest chickpeas better when they have
been steamed for 5 minutes first. If this is you, still sprout them, then steam

3. Add the remaining ingredients, along with the cashew sour cream, to the bowl
with the chickpeas and mix with a fork.

4. Serve on a lightly dressed greens. I just like to use a little olive oil and lemon
juice to dress the greens.

© The Raw Chef 2017

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