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Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 535–542

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Study of modified gypsum binder

Nataliia Kondratieva a,⇑, Maud Barre b, François Goutenoire b, Myroslav Sanytsky c
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (USUCT), Department Chemical Technology of Binding Material, av. Gagarina 8, 49005 Dnipro, Ukraine
Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans IMMM, UMR CNRS 6283, LUNAM, Université du Maine, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France
Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandera Str. 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine

h i g h l i g h t s

 Kinds of additive have influence on the hydration process and the gypsum structure.
 The additive content enhances the compressive strength and water resistance of gypsum.
 With additives a denser finecrystalline structure is formed.
 Taurit and silica introduced together increase the durability characteristics.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nowadays the addition of small amounts of chemical additives allows developing new types of binding
Received 1 March 2017 materials. The effect of microadditives on the performance of b-hemihydrate gypsum has been studied.
Received in revised form 11 May 2017 1% content of complex additive contributes to enhancement of compressive strength and water resis-
Accepted 15 May 2017
tance in modified samples as compared to reference one. These studies showed that additives accelerate
the rate of hydration and lead to the formation of a dense and well-compacted texture of crystals, thereby
imparting, to gypsum matrix, higher strength and better water resistance than the reference materials.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydration products

1. Introduction The properties of materials depend on their compositions and

structures that are interconnected and in balance. Creation of
The range of application of gypsum building materials and materials with special properties should be based on the main
products is significantly inferior to the similar materials based on knowledge of the material’s structure: laws ruling its formation
cement because of their low strength and water resistance. Basi- and regulation of its properties influencing the structure as part
cally, gypsum materials and products are used indoor in dry and of the process. A key element of the triangle structure-property-
normal humidity conditions. technology is the concept of structure that is closely related not
One of the most effective ways to increase gypsum’s water only to important properties of material but also to the conditions
resistance and strength is using different additives. Researches of technological processes.
are carried out in several directions, among which is the investiga- That is impossible without solving the problem of theoretical
tion of the processes of structure formation under the influence of generalization and further study of the complex processes that
various factors, plasticizers of different actions, additives etc [1–3]. lead to the formation of structure, to physic and mechanical
The aim of the investigation is to establish the influence of addi- properties of binding materials and their connection with the
tives of modifiers on the structure and properties of gypsum bin- composition of the starting materials. Most of the works in the
ders, studying the process of structure formation of gypsum field of gypsum binders were devoted to the study of processes
hydration systems. from a physical-chemical mechanics point of view [2,4–8].
However, these studies do not reveal the relationship between
the structure of the crystal lattice of gypsum binders and their
reactivity. In other articles, influence of pH, temperature and
⇑ Corresponding author. additives concentration on crystallographic variety and structure
E-mail address: (N. Kondratieva).
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
536 N. Kondratieva et al. / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 535–542

of gypsum were reported without mechanical properties observa- 2.2. Materials

tion [9–12].
Composites based on gypsum binder have been investigated in this research.
The action of modifiers appears through the processes in the The basic component of composite is gypsum plaster G-4-H-IIc, which was made
interfaces of solid, liquid and gaseous phases. Adsorption layers in ‘‘Kamenetsk-Podilsk” (Ukraine).
of modifiers on the surface of the solid particles have different The X-ray characterization shows that gypsum plaster G-4 contains 66.5% of
important tasks: influence on rate of crystal growing, its CaSO40.5H2O, 17.0% of CaSO4, 12.0% of CaSO42H2O, traces of SiO2 and CaCO3
(Fig. 1, Table 1).
morphology and crystallographic varieties.
Taurit TS-D and white druss (silica) were used as additives to gypsum
One of the main difficulties is that the modified systems are composite.
multicomponent. Then, the individual and joint influences of com- The density of Taurit TS-D is 493 kg/m3. Taurit brand ‘‘TC-D” (Kazakhstan) is
ponents should be taken into account, but are difficult to represent used as a stable color pigment in the manufacture of different kinds of building
in an analytical form. materials. Taurit brand ‘‘TC-D” has following features: increases frost resistance;
shine and volume-lasting color, from gray to dark-gray color; accelerates time of
The results of researches show differences that are related to setting; increases the water resistance of products; gives an excellent surface
the concentration of additives and to properties modifications. appearance; increases durability, initial and final strength of binder [18]. The
The content of modifiers is significantly different in many works corresponding X-ray diffraction diagram and its identification are given in Fig. 2.
(within 0.025–0.15%). The reported rates of strength increase are White druss (silica) is a commercial product (Ukraine). It contains SiO2 and its
particles have average size 50–77 nm. Silica is used as a fine-grained filler for com-
from 20 to 50%. Differences between the results and absence of
posite material. According to results of X-ray diffractometry, silica is amorphous.
clear dependences can be explained by the following factors: kind
of additive, synthesis parameters, structural and morphological 2.3. Preparation of test samples
features, method of addition into binder and degree of dispersion
of modifiers, on one hand, and chemical composition of the surface Different compositions of samples were prepared in order to investigate the
of the binder, on the other hand [13]. effect of additives.
At first, the main properties of gypsum without additive were investigated
Some of the most common hypotheses which explain the
according to the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU < B.2.7-82: 2010 Building materi-
change in the properties of gypsum binder with micro- and als. Gypsum binders. Homogeneous paste of gypsum was prepared manually by
nanoadditives can be enumerated [14–17]: admixing hemihydrate gypsum G-4 with water. The quantity of water required to
produce paste of standard consistency was 50 wt% and was determined in previous
– nanoparticles change the surface charge and then affect electro- tests for this kind of gypsum plaster. The measured compressive strength of sam-
ples is 4.2 MPa.
conduction properties; For samples with additives, Taurit and silica were added to hemihydrate gyp-
– rheological properties are modified; sum plaster G-4 and thoroughly mixed, after that, water was added to get paste
– nanostructures act as crystallization centers; of standard consistency. Mixed compositions of gypsum plaster with different addi-
– high density of contact points increases the traction between tives are presented in the Table 2.
Immediately after mixing with water, the samples were casted into metal
molds of size 40  40  160 mm. After 2 h, the samples were unmolded and tested
– nanoparticles introduction is connected with active surface area for compressive and flexural strength. Six samples from different compositions
and the surface energy excess that influences the crystal were used for each test.
morphology. Water resistance coefficient was defined as a ratio of compressive strength in
water-saturated state to compressive strength in dry state.

The algorithm to solve the problem of rational modification can

be represented as follows: 3. Results and discussion

– study of wide range of modifiers to identify positive impact; 3.1. Preparation and physical properties measurements
– definition of technological methods for addition of small quan-
tity of modifiers; At the first stage of the research, gypsum paste of normal con-
– study of the structural and morphological changes in the hydra- sistency and standard specimens were tested. The following
tion products; parameters were investigated: time of setting of gypsum paste
– definition of features of structure formation with different (s); compressive (Rc) and flexural strength (Rf) of gypsum speci-
modifiers. mens; water resistance coefficient (kw).
In order to investigate the influence of additives on gypsum bin-
Structures of gypsum binder formed with various additives der, different compositions of samples were prepared by adding
were investigated in this research work. Taurit and silica, in the weight range from 0.5 to 1.0%, to gypsum
plaster. As the reference material, hemihydrate gypsum G-4 with-
out additive was used. The optimal concentrations of additives
2. Experimental section
were found: Taurit – 1.0%, silica – 1.0%, complex additive: Taurit
2.1. Instrumentation 0.5% and silica 0.5%, which were added to gypsum hemihydrate
over 100%.
The phase compositions of the resulting products were determined by X-ray
powder diffraction: patterns were recorded at room temperature with Cu Ka radi-
ation on a PANalytical X’pert Pro diffractometer equipped with the X’celerator
3.2. Hydration process
detector in the 2h range from 5° to 70° (step 0.033°, time/step 50 s). To prepare
the samples the powder was sieved with 63 lm mesh. The phase identifications Hydration of hemihydrate gypsum is an exothermic reaction
and Rietveld refinements were performed with X’Pert HighScore Plus software. In and occurs as:
our samples, the diagrams’ analyses led to the identification of several phases which
are gathered with their structural data in Table 1. These structural data were down- CaSO4  0:5H2 O þ 1:5H2 O ! CaSO4  2H2 O þ Q
loaded as files in the format ⁄.cif and used to perform Rietveld refinement and
phase quantification. In order to compare the hydration activity of gypsum binder
Thermal analyses were carried out by using Q600 SDT TA Instruments equip- with different additives, the temperature variation of the paste
ment. The temperature was raised from RT up to 800 °C at a heating rate of (water-gypsum ratio is 0.5) was measured as a function of time.
10 °C/min under dry air flow (100 mLmin1) with a-Al2O3 as reference.
Changes in the microstructure of composites were observed by SEM. SEM
The study of the temperature of the hydration process showed
images were carried out on a JEOL, JSM 6510 LV microscope working with W fila- that addition of modifiers to gypsum binder holds to an intensifica-
ment and an accelerating voltage of 15 kV. tion of the hydration process. The curve of temperature’s increase
N. Kondratieva et al. / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 535–542 537

Table 1
Structural data of the different phases quantified by X-ray diffraction.

Title Space group Cell a [Å] Cell b [Å] Cell c [Å] Cell alpha [°] Cell beta [°] Cell gamma [°] Density
Gypsum CaSO4 2H2O C 1 2/c 1 6.2886 15.1929 5.6823 90 114.21 90 2.26
Bassanite CaSO4 0.5H2O P 31 2 1 6.9348 6.9348 6.3359 90 90 120 2.72
Anhydrite CaSO4 Cmcm 6.9919 6.2372 6.9931 90 90 90 2.96
SiO2 P 31 2 1 4.9545 4.9545 5.2699 90 90 120 2.67
Calcite CaCO3 R -3 c 4.9786 4.9786 17.0144 90 90 120 2.73

Fig. 1. Rietveld refinement of X-ray powder diffraction diagram of gypsum plaster G-4.

Fig. 2. Phase identification from X-ray powder diffraction of Taurit.

presents 3 sections: an induction period, an acceleration period 3.3. Thermal analyses

and a period involving a very slow reaction (the completion of
hydration). The hydration reaction for samples with additives On the thermograms (Fig. 4) of the specimens we can see the
(Fig. 3) begins earlier (the induction period is shorter) and is more endothermic peak, in the temperature range 145–150 °C, responsi-
intensive; the time to reach the maximum hydration temperature ble for the evaporation of crystallization water.
is shorter (11 min) than for gypsum without additives (16 min).
During hydration, gypsum crystallization takes place. When CaSO4  2H2 O ! CaSO4  0:5H2 O þ 1:5H2 O
the hydration occurs in pastes, the plaster sets and develops Exothermic peak at 360–370 °C is attributed to the reconstruc-
strength. tion of crystalline grid of the anhydrite.
538 N. Kondratieva et al. / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 535–542

Table 2
Compositions of samples and their properties.

Concentrations of gypsum hemihydrate Concentrations Compressive strength (Rc), MPa Flexural strength (Rf), MPa Water resistance coefficient
of additives,%
(over 100%)
Taurit Silica
1 100% – – 4.2 2.4 0.33
2 100% 1.0 – 5.9 3.6 0.37
3 100% – 1.0 6.0 4.0 0.42
4 100% 0.5 0.5 7.8 4.2 0.59
5 100% 1.0 1.0 5.4 3.5 0.45
6 100% 2.0 – 4.5 2.5 0.34

Fig. 3. Temperature of the hydration processes of hemihydrate gypsum without additive (1), with Taurit (2), with silica (3) and with complex Taurit and silica additives (4).

Fig. 4. Results of DTA-TG gypsum binder without additives (a) with Taurit (b), with silica (c) and with Taurit and silica complex additives (d).
N. Kondratieva et al. / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 535–542 539

2CaSO4  0:5H2 O ! 2CaSO4 þ H2 O Thus, the introduction of additives results in better conditions
for hydration followed by more extensive transformation of cal-
Endothermic peak at 600–700 °C corresponds to the beginning
cium sulfate hemihydrate into calcium sulfate dihydrate providing
of the particular calcium sulfate decomposition
the improvement of crystal structure and mechanical properties of
2CaSO4 ! 2CaO þ 2SO2 þ O2 the gypsum matrix.

We must note that the results of DTA TG for all samples are
3.5. Microstructure analyses
The microstructure analysis of gypsum samples without addi-
3.4. XRD analyses tive demonstrates (Fig. 10) that gypsum’s crystals are not ordered
and nonhomogeneous. They are chaotically distributed in the
The main reflections on the X-ray diffraction patterns recorded matrix volume. There are a lot of lamellar crystals, a few numbers
on all the samples (Fig. 5) correspond to the lines of calcium sulfate of thin prismatic, which are up to 5 lm long and up to 1–2 lm in
dihydrate, but there are differences between modified and non- diameter and randomly spread in the matrix volume. Some of crys-
modified samples (Figs. 5–9). tals have not grown and their form is not developed. Size of such
The results of X-ray powder diffraction of gypsum with and shapeless individual crystals is 2–3 lm. In this case, a structure
without additive show that all samples almost present nearly the with elevated porosity that results in decreased mechanical dura-
same composition: CaSO42H2O (89.4–92.3%), CaSO40.5H2O (0.8– bility of the samples is formed.
2.5%), CaSO4 (0.8–1.3%), traces of SiO2 and CaCO3. SEM micrographs of modified gypsum show that the addition of
However, X-ray investigation of samples with additives shows Taurit (Fig. 11) influences morphology of mineral units and aggre-
differences in the products of hydration processes. First of all, there gates. Thus, using modifiers allows creating more compact struc-
is a difference between the intensities of gypsum main peaks (x) in ture of gypsum. The shapes of crystals are not mainly lamellar,
the Figs. 6–9 that demonstrates the changes of hydration process there are a lot of thin crystals with columnar formations, but they
conditions. are not long and present form of crystal-jams and druses.
Adding Taurit (Fig. 7) decreases the intensities of peaks With silica (Fig. 12), the conditions for the formation of pris-
d = 0.756, 0.379 nm while the intensity of peaks d = 0.286 nm matic crystal structures were created. Investigating certain aggre-
(CaSO42H2O) increases. The samples with Taurit contain less gates, it can be observed at Fig. 12 that most of crystals have
CaSO42H2O than the samples without additives, 2.5% CaSO40.5H2- prismatic shape, they are longer than crystals with Taurit and some
O and 1.0% CaSO4 didn’t take part in the reaction of hydration. of them grow together. Porosity of gypsum samples with silica
A similar phenomenon is observed in the X-ray powder diffrac- decreases, thus, the strength of gypsum increases.
tion (Fig. 8) of gypsum with silica. The intensities of peaks The presence of different gypsum crystals shapes indicates that
d = 0.757 (CaSO42H2O) and d = 0.378; 0.305 nm (CaSO4) decrease crystallization of hydrates occurs in specific conditions. An irregu-
while the intensities of peaks d = 0.286; 0.267 (CaSO42H2O) lar zone of supersaturation of formative phases and an uneven sur-
increase. Peak d = 0.348 (CaSO40.5H2O) nearly disappeared. A little face energy lead to the formation of primary crystals of different
bit more (1.7%) CaSO40.5H2O and (1.1%) CaSO4 did not hydrate. shapes. The rate of nucleation and coarsening of crystals in these
In a same way, when Taurit and silica are added separately, samples is irregular.
some of the intensities of reflections corresponding to calcium sul- The microstructural analysis of the samples with Taurit and sil-
fate dihydrate slightly decreases and global quantity of unreacted ica complex additive demonstrates (Fig. 13) that prismatic crystals,
CaSO40.5H2O and CaSO4 remains unchanged. However, when up to 7–10 lm long and up to 1–2 lm in diameter, spread in the
complex Taurit and silica additive is added together, the intensities matrix volume, prevail in the structure of gypsum samples. The
increase (Fig. 9) and the quantity of gypsum CaSO42H2O is maxi- ordered and homogeneous structure with larger crystals (if com-
mum (92.3%). It means that the reaction of hydration was more pared with crystal without additives) is formed in the gypsum
complete. matrix.
According to the results of differential thermal and X-ray Besides, on the picture of the sample with complex additive
analyses of modified gypsum samples, as expected, no new phase (Fig. 13) we can see the packed block structure. Probably, the addi-
was observed, the amount of additives being not sufficient for tives attract crystals due to high surface energy forming denser
the formation of new phases. Nevertheless, the intensity (Fig. 3) structures. Taurit and silica have high surface energy and play
and the degree (Figs. 5–9) of hydration process are different. the role of crystallization centers with the intensive crystallization

Fig. 5. X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of gypsum without additive (1), with silica (2), with Taurit (3), with Taurit and silica complex additive (4).
540 N. Kondratieva et al. / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 535–542

Fig. 6. Rietveld analysis of X-ray powder diffraction diagram of gypsum without additive.

Fig. 7. Rietveld analysis of X-ray powder diffraction diagram of gypsum with Taurit.

Fig. 8. Rietveld analysis of X-ray powder diffraction diagram of gypsum with silica.
N. Kondratieva et al. / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 535–542 541

Fig. 9. Rietveld analysis of X-ray powder diffraction diagram of gypsum with complex Taurit and silica additive.

Fig. 10. Microstructure of gypsum’s samples without additive. Fig. 12. Microstructure of gypsum’s samples with silica.

Fig. 13. Microstructure of gypsum’s samples with Taurit and silica complex
Fig. 11. Microstructure of gypsum’s samples with Taurit. additive.
542 N. Kondratieva et al. / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 535–542

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