Touchstone 2 Unit 6 Written Test

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Unit 6 Written quiz Name: __________________________ Total Score

Date: __________________________ ______ /50 points

A Listen to the people give directions. Put the sentences in the correct order. Number them from 1 to 4.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2
_____ Turn left on Market Street, and go two blocks. _____ Go two blocks to Birch Street.
_____ It’s the big building behind the parking lot. _____ Go outside, and make a right.
_____ You’re going to see it on the right. _____ Make a right on Birch Street.
_____ Go right at the next street, and go one block. _____ Go three blocks to Nash Avenue.

A _______ /8 points (1 point each)

B Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.

A Excuse me. Is / Are there an / any electronics store around here?
(1) (2)
B Let me think . . . there’s one / some on Front Street – Mack’s Electronics.
A Can I park there? I mean, is / are there a / an parking lot near there?
(4) (5)
B Actually, there isn’t one / any near there. But you can park on the street.
A Oh, OK. Is / Are there a / any parking meters there?
(7) (8)
B Yes, you have to pay 75 cents an hour to park.

B _______ /8 points (1 point each)

C Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Is each question an offer or a request?
Circle the correct answers.
1. (help / you / could / me)
_______________________________________________________ ? Offer Request
2. (can / I / how / help)
_______________________________________________________ ? Offer Request
3. (recommend / good / you / can / hotel / a)
_______________________________________________________ ? Offer Request
4. (airport / to / give / directions / me / can / you / the)
_______________________________________________________ ? Offer Request
5. (do / I / can / what)
_______________________________________________________ ? Offer Request

C _______ /10 points (1 point each)

Touchstone 2 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 6 Written quiz 1

D Complete the conversations with the words in the box. Use each word only once. There is one extra word.

block directions make straight turn corner left right tell

1. A Excuse me. Can you ______________ me how to get to the Bradford Hotel?
B Sure. Walk ______________ ahead for three blocks. Then ______________ right and go
(2) (3)
to the end of the ______________ . You can’t miss it.
2. A Can you give me ______________ to the zoo?
B Sure. Go four blocks. Then ______________ a left. At the
______________ , go left and walk up a block. It’s ______________ there, on the right.
(7) (8)

D _______ /8 points (1 point each)

E Read the questions. Then complete the responses. Repeat words and/or add a question word.
1. A Could you tell me how to get to the pool? 3. A Is there a place to play golf around here?
B Sorry, did you say the school or the __________ ? B I’m sorry? A place to __________ ?
2. A The art museum is just three blocks away. 4. A Are there any jewelry stores in the neighborhood?
B Excuse me. It’s __________ ? B Sorry, what did you say? __________ ?

E _______ /8 points (2 points each)

F Read the email. Then circle the correct answers.

1. Mark and Betty Keller are going to ______________ . 3. French Cuisine is ______________ .
a. make French food a. on Chase Avenue
b. have a big birthday party b. on Kelly Way
c. meet people at a restaurant c. on First Street
2. In their last email, Mark and Betty ______________ . 4. The restaurant is ______________ .
a. invited people a. next to a movie theater
b. sent directions b. behind a parking lot
c. had a great celebration c. in the middle of a block

F _______ /8 points (2 points each)

Touchstone 2 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 6 Written quiz 2

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