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Advanced National Physical Education Standards:

Standard 1. Professional Knowledge.

Advanced physical education teacher candidates come to understand disciplinary content
knowledge, the application of content knowledge to teaching physical education, and modes of
inquiry that form the bases for physical education programs and instruction.

Summary: During the HPEP 530 Curriculum Development class, we studied and explored the
different types of physical education curriculums. In this course, I learned about the different types
of curriculum models and taught a lesson on the personal, social responsibility model.

Artifact: Curriculum Models paper from HPEP 530 Curriculum Development

Standard 2. Professional Practice.

Advanced physical education teacher candidates use content knowledge and pedagogical content
knowledge to design and conduct appropriate learning experiences that facilitate and enhance the
growth of learners

Summary: Mastery of this standard was demonstrated through my participation in the adaptive
physical education experience in HPEP 564. This summer camp, Overcoming Barriers was a camp
held at James Madison University that was open to students with disabilities. During this camp, I
created lessons that incorporated adaptations to the environment and equipment and modifications
so the students could be successful in the physical activity. I taught lessons on rhythm and
movement, basketball and swimming.


National Health Education Standards

Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology,
and other factors on health behaviors.

Summary: In the course HLTH 525 Health Curriculum, I created a unit based on cyberbullying and
bullying and the long term effects of bullying. In this unit, students learned about being resilient if
they are victims of bullying as well as ways to recognize and stop it as a bystander and by
spreading kindness in a community campaign.


Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and
community health.

Summary: This community plan was created to teach families about healthy habits. Once a month
families were invited to the school. Students were able to participate in open gym time with
teachers. They could participate in stations as well as a choice time to play with their favorite
equipment. Students could only come if accompanied by parents/guardians. Each month of the
school year was a new topic taught by a community organization. Topics included drug addiction,
healthy eating on a budget, exercise ideas that are free, disease prevention, emotional health and
the effects of screen time at different ages and how to combat that. This continuous community
event will provide education to families since the students receive this education in school.

Artifact: Community Plan-


Responsibilities and Competencies of a Health Education Specialist

Area II: Plan Health Education

Specific competencies include:
2.2 Develop goals and objectives
2.3 Select or design strategies/interventions
2.4 Develop a plan for the delivery of health education/promotion

Summary: In HLTH 525 Health curriculum, I created a unit curriculum based on bullying and
cyberbullying. It included scope and sequence, lesson plans, goals and objectives, assessments as
well as a plan for sustainability of the unit. The unit was created around the Virginia Standards of
Learning and the National Shape Standards.


Area IV: Conduct Evaluation and Research Related to Health Education

Specific competencies include:
4.4 Collect and manage data
4.6 Interpret results
4.7 Apply findings

Summary: In HPEP 520, Leadership, I wrote a grant application to obtain funds to build a
playground for our local elementary school. I collected data to prove there was a need on the
current playground, presented a solution to the problem by providing a play structure for the current
playground along with barriers and mulch. The grant included funds for advertising the project,
needed tools, labor and permits.

Artifact: grant application

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