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Vyshnevetsky, Dmytro

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Vyshnevetsky, Dmytro

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Vyshnevetsky, Dmytro [Vyšnevec’kyj]

(Wiśniowiecki), b after 1516, d 29 October
1563 in Istanbul. (Portrait: Dmytro
Vyshnevetsky.) The first Cossack otaman in
the history of Ukraine, a founding member of
the Cossack nobility, and a landowner in
southern Volhynia; nephew of Kostiantyn
Ostrozky. In the 1550s he was starosta of
Cherkasy and Kaniv. He built a fort (ca 1552) on Mala
Khortytsia Island, in the Dnieper River. He recruited
Cossacks for war against the Tatars, which he waged with
the help of Lithuania and Muscovy, and he traveled to
Turkey to enlist the aid of the Ottoman Empire in 1553. In 1557–61 he served the Muscovite
government and then again organized wars against the Tatars, but his attempts to form an
alliance to do battle in the Crimea failed in 1561. In 1563, during a military campaign in
Moldavia, he was defeated, taken prisoner by the Turks, and executed. Vyshnevetsky is the
hero of the folk historical song about Baida. Soviet historians disputed the fact that he
founded the Zaporozhian Sich and that he is the folk hero Baida.

Storozhenko, A. ‘Kniaz' Dmitrii Ivanovich Vishnevetskii po narodnomu Baida,’ KS, 1894
Hrushevs’kyi, M. ‘Baida-Vyshnevets'kyi v poeziï i istoriï,’ ZNTK, 3 (1909)
Lutsiv, V. ‘Kniaz' Dmytro Vyshnevets'kyi-Baida,’ Vyzvol’nyi shliakh, 1958, no. 3
Vynar, L. Kniaz' Dmytro Vyshnevets'kyi (Munich 1964)

Arkadii Zhukovsky

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 5 (1993).][2/11/2018 3:46:12 PM]

Vyshnevetsky, Dmytro

List of related links from Encyclopedia of Ukraine pointing to Vyshnevetsky, Dmytro entry:

1 Bessarabia
2 Cherkasy
3 Cossacks
4 Historical songs
5 History of Ukraine

6 Khortytsia Island
7 Moldavia
8 Nobility
9 Wiśniowiecki
10 Zaporizhia, The

11 Zaporozhian Sich

A referral to this page is found in 11 entries.

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