Sattler's Pillars of Assessment

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Running head: PSYCHOLOGY 1

Sattler's Pillars of Assessment


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Sattler's Pillars of Assessment

Pillars of Assessment in Psychology

The pillars of assessment are the observation, the norm-referenced tests, information

assessment methodologies, as well as the interviews, (Sattler, 2001). The norm-referenced tests,

makes a comparison of the performance of the person within the same category. In this regard,

the scores obtained by a person is compared with the results of another person (Aiken & Groth-

Marnat, 2006). The specialized tests which is particularly meant for the gifted learners,

psychological as well as memory skills (are few examples of norm-referenced tests.

The pillar of assessment of interviews. Assist in acquiring required information after or

during the tests which are then essential when drawing the required conclusion. The tests further

help in differentiation of the standardized efforts through collection, examination, analysis, as

well as the interpretation of the information people of similar groups provides. The assessments

types in this category include the indicative of interviews which are then subcategorized in to

their including the unstructured, semi-structured, as well as the structured. Interviews helps the

researchers in the identification of the commonalities existing among the themes. This therefore

facilitate making of appropriate decisions that would impact the outcome results of the


Observations pillar, is an important part of the testing process. Observation of the

demeanor of a person, the different methodologies, the behavior of a person, the individual’s

facial expressions is essential during the process of testing (American Public University System

[APUS], 2018). This is because they help in bringing out certain concerns that an individual may

be facing and hence helps in comprehending the agitation of a person as well as any difficulty

that he/she may be facing during the testing process. In addition, it also assists in gauging

steadiness of a particular behavior especially during the whole assessment process, this is and

may be crucial factors.

On the other hand, the Information assessment procedures, in this case, the samples

utilized during the testing process may be considered to get or acquire data from a particular

group. The tests are typically utilized for preliminary information as well as during the review; in

this regard, essential data for instance diagnosis, treatment is based on the tools deployed for

testing. The informal assessments ensure that important data which is able to result in a value-

added to the procedure of testing.

Part A: The Testing Process

            The established situation requires the candidates to help in the research by participating

or taking part in the study through examination of the impacts that terrorism have on the

psychological aspects of an individual. The study will therefore be a forensic type of study which

aims at determining the alleged psychological issues as well as the manner in which the

individuals taking part or participating in the terrorism activities have to be tried then face the

persecution for the crimes they have committed. In this regard, therefore, the federal judicial

system is keenly monitoring this process in the US. Moreover, the results obtained from this

study shall undergo publication and then distribution is done to various firms such as to law

enforcement, counterterrorism agencies among other organizations. The man objective being to

ensure that the recommendations for the policymakers are acknowledged as well as the

assessment of the evolution of persecution for terroristic actions.


            The norm-referenced tests are then needed for the completion of the study, this test is

particularly required for the Reformed Terrorists as well as the other terrorists captured which in

this case, we shall refer to them as the standardized groups. The named population is essential as

it will help in providing information regarding the emotional as well as behavioral issues.

Information regarding the academic intelligence, the possible mental illness, social economic

status salary, the age, social background, military background as well as the profession the

individual was engaged in before entering terrorism will also be collected from the two named

populaces. In this regard, clinical assessments will be helpful in collecting information pertaining

to social economic status, family background mental disorders as well as behavioral issues

among other information that will be needed for the comprehension of the correlation of

psychological impacts, justice system, as well as the policymaking processes in terrorism.

           Considering the manner in which the experiment will take place, it is important the

experimental study that has to be adopted here in has to be mixed methods approach, structured

interview as well as case study which will help in the examination as well as in the analysis of

the data that the selected population has gathered . in addition, the Collaborators has to be

present to help in the observation of the participants especially when the assessment process is

ongoing, this would facilitate the recording of any behaviors which may be essential part of the

experimental results. Information regarding the psychological impacts for instance trauma,

mental disabilities et cetera shall be reviewed from the academic journals which were published

between 2001and 2017.  The type of test to be used in this research will be the Inventory of

Personality Organization Reality Test scale (Lenzenweger, Clarkin, Kernberg, & Foelsch, 2001).

Part B: Three Ethical Guidelines

            The study of the impacts of terrorism on the psychological aspects of an individual is

quite a complicated process due to the complexity of the topic. this therefore needs unorthodox

protocol considering the facts that the experiments that has to be carried out requires the

individuals who have participated both in the international as well as in domestic criminals noted

to have committed terrible crimes against the governments as well as humanity. Considering the

sensitivity of the topic, several ethical considerations might affect the study in a negative way.

The main ethical consideration to be focused on include:

-       Competence

-       Human Relations

-       Informed Consent  


This is an essential part of the study. The abilities as well as the understanding level of

those taking part in the study has to be recorded to determine the competency of the participants.

This can typically be done before as well as after the experiments are carried out. Acts such as

violation, misdiagnosis together with other criminal concerns have to be avoided as much as

possible by the psychologists, to achieve this, they are also required to be competent. This is due

to the reasons that, these factors are sensitive and may in one way or another affect the study in a

greater way and in turn preventing publication of the study. Moreover, competence is arguably

an essential aspect of psychologist’s performance to determine their abilities (APA 2018). This

helps in ensuring that the psychologists are qualified to give the required services as well as the

clarity of their competency, therefore, the psychologists regularly have to ensure completion of

the training ensuring their competency once seen appropriate.

Human Relations

This ethical consideration mainly focuses on ensuring that the individual taking part in

the study are protected from any kind of discrimination such as harassment, harm et cetera. The

achievement of this is possible if there is specific protocol in place. Unfair discrimination is

likely to happen in this research due to the sensitive population that is considered. Dealing with

criminals believed to have carried out terrible crimes targeting to harm humanity are not

acceptable by majority of the individuals. The projected unfair treatment is typically based on

various factors such as race, ethnicity, gender among other factors. Discrimination as well as bias

is likely to be carried out on the terrorists based on their careers and further considering the

charitable part put in place to help in the execution of terrorist activities. To avoid any form of

bias or discrimination, the psychologists participating in this study has to annotate thorough

protocol of the manner in which to alleviate prejudice especially from the analysis as well as

results. They have to ensure that the experiment is carried out in a manner that provides effective

as well as reliable information. Furthermore, other measures have to be adopted to ensure that

the integrity of the study is protected. The aspect of human relation issues mainly focusses on

ensuring that there is no or that harm is avoided. It is therefore the responsibilities of the

psychologists to ensure that appropriate steps are taken to alleviate har to the participants (APA,


Informed Consent

The formulation of the Informed consent is essential especially by psychologists willing

to participate in the interview process, assessment, counseling, as well as consultation services

human subjects (APA, 2018). Considering the sensitivity of the study, it is therefore essential to

ascertain the legal capabilities of the participants, this will determine if they are fit to take part in

the study. Moreover, the mental capacity of those involved in the study has to be determined, this

will tell if they are able to complete assessments. The annotation of the additional protocol is

particularly done to ensure protection of the integrity of the study as well as that of the

participants. Additional protocols typically refer to the involvement of third reputable party, this

helps in ensuring the competency as well as the understanding of the individuals chosen to take

part in the study. The information that is gathered from the participants have to be kept

confidential and their Privacy has to be guaranteed. Psychologists have to ensure that the privacy

as well as the integrity of the collected information is upheld (APA, 2018). For this reason, a

Suitable step has to be taken to help in identifying an appropriate site that will effectively help in

the storage of collected information. This would include the equipment storage site, access to the

information priority et cetera. Measures have to be put in place t help in the recovery of lost,

stolen, as well as erased information. Moreover, steps have to be put in place to ensure effective

and appropriate handling as well as storage of the recorded information, this is because of the

facts that most of the information will be obtained through video as well as manual recording

devices. This helps in ensuring mitigation of the unauthorized access to information while at the

same time giving administrative actions.


Comprehension of the pillars of assessment is important as it helps in ensuring quality as

well as all-encompassing research. Moreover, the pillars of assessment can also be utilized as a

guideline by the Psychologists, this guideline helps in ensuring that all the legal aspects as well

as ethical considerations are comprehensively abided by. The pillars also help in ensuring values

to problem-solving as well as evaluations. On the other hand, Psychological testing helps in

underlining of the ethical issues likely to counter the appropriate hard work together with the

effort channeled towards the publication of the data. In this regard, it can be confirmed that the

pillars of assessment are most important as it helps in the identification of very particular

concerns for instance, biasness, tools, difficulties, accuracy, as well as confidentiality. These

factors are very crucial as far as this type of study is concerned, it therefore important that special

focus is made on these factors.



Aiken, L. R. & Groth-Marnat, G. (2006). Psychological Testing and Assessment. Boston, MA:

Pearson Educational Group, Inc.

American Psychological Association. (2018). Ethical principles of psychologists’ code of

conduct. Retrieved from (accessed on 8 July 2018).

Sattler, J. M. (2001). Assessment of Children: Cognitive Applications (4th Edition). San Diego,

CA: Jerome M. Sattler, Inc.

Schuurman, B. (2018). Research on terrorism, 2007-2016: A review of data, methods, and

authorship. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved from (accessed on 8 July


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