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The Plant Cell, Vol.

7, 1085-1097, July 1995 0 1995 American Society of Plant Physiologists

Stress-lnduced Phenylpropanoid Metabolism

Richard A. Dixon' and Nancy L. Paiva

Plant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, P.0.Box 2180, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402


Phenylpropanoid compounds encompass a wide range of p-coumaroyl-coenzyme A (COA) and three molecules of
structural classes and biological functions. Limiting discus- malonyl-COA(Harborne, 1988). In most plant families, the ini-
sion to stress-inducedphenylpropanoidseliminates few of the tia1 product of CHS is a tetrahydroxychalcone, which is further
structural classes, because many compounds thst are consti- converted to other flavonoid classes, such as flavones, flava-
tutive in one plant species or tissue can be induced by various nones, flavanols, anthocyanins(see Holton and Cornish, 1995,
stresses in another species or in another tissue of the same this issue), and 3-deoxyanthocyanidins. In legumes, which
plant (Beggs et al., 1987; Christie et al., 1994). possess chalcone reductase (CHR) as well as CHS, a trihy-
droxychalcone may be formed (Welle and Grisebach, 1989).
In a number of species, including pine, grapevine, and peanut,
Biosynthesis of Stress-lnduced Phenylpropanoids the condensationof p-coumaroyl-COA or cinnamoyl-COAwith
three malonyl-COA molecules can also give rise to stilbenes
All phenylpropanoids are derived from cinnamic acid, which by the action of stilbene synthase (SS) (Schroder et al., 1988).
is formed from phenylalanine by the action of phenylalanine In legumes, isoflavone synthase (IFS) rearranges the flavo-
ammonia-lyase (PAL), the branch point enzyme between pri- noid carbon skeleton, leading to the accumulation of a wide
mary (shikimatepathway; see Herrmann, 1995, this issue) and range'of simple isoflavonoids,coumestans, pterocarpans, and
secondary (phenylpropanoid) metabolism (Harborne, 1988; isoflavans. Structural diversity among the phenylpropanoids
Hahlbrock and Scheel, 1989; Lewis and Yamamoto, 1990; is brought about by a variety of modifications, including regio-
Dixon et al., 1992). The biosyntheticrelationshipsamong many specific hydroxylation,glycosylation, acylation, prenylation, sul-
of the classes of phenylpropanoids are outlined in Figure 1; fation, and methylation.
representativestructures are shown, but the substituents can Before molecular biology techniques became available, the
vary widely among plant species. sequence of reactions in many of the induced phenylpropanoid
Severa1simple phenylpropanoids(with the basic C6-C3 car- biosynthetic pathways was determined using a combination
bon skeleton of phenylalanine) are produced from cinnamate of enzyme purification and labeled precursor feeding ap-
via a seriesof hydroxylation, methylation, and dehydration reac- proaches. In the case of anthocyanin biosynthesis, the isolation
tions; these include p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic, and sinapic by breeders of mutants altered in flower color was of major
acids and simple coumarins (Figure 1). The free acids rarely assistance. Classical biochemicalapproaches, in combination
accumulate to high levels inside plant cells; instead, they are with improved methods of chemical structure analysis, will
usually conjugated to sugars (e.g., salicylate-glucose con- continue to advance our knowledgeof the pathways of phenyl-
jugates), cell wall carbohydrates (e.g., ferulate esters), or propanoid formation, as witnessed by recent developments
organic acids (e.g., sinapate esters, chlorogenic acid). Sali- in lignan and suberin biosynthesis (Davin and Lewis, 1992;
cylic, benzoic, and phydroxybenzoic acids, although not strictly Bernards et al., 1995). However, molecular and genetic ap-
phenylpropanoids themselves because they lack the three- proaches have given us new insights into the enzymology of
carbon side chain, originate from the phenylpropanoids cin- phenylpropanoid synthesis, the cellular and subcellular sites
namate and p-coumarate (Schnitzler et al., 1992; Le6n et al., of synthesis, and the role(s) or significance of phenylpropa-
1993; Yalpani et al., 1993). Lignin and suberin are complex noid compounds in the life of the plant as well as providing
polymers formed from a mixture of simple phenylpropanoids; information on the molecular genetic control of induction of
their composition varies from species to species (Lewis and the phenylpropanoid pathway. It is these advances that are
Yamamoto, 1990; Bernards and Lewis, 1992; see Whetten and discussed in this review.
Sederoff, 1995, this issue).
A large number of stress-inducedphenylpropanoidsare de- Functions of Stress-lnduced Phenylpropanoids
rived from the C15 flavonoid skeleton, which is synthesized
via the chalcone synthase (CHS)-catalyzed condensation of Until recently, postulated functions for stress-induced phenyl-
To whom correspondence should be addressed. propanoids had been based a k " t solely on correlative
1086 The Plant Cell



\ '9. '

4,2'.4'-Irihydmxychaloone 4.2'.4'.6'-letrahydroxychalcone aurona

O ano a i o
5,7,4'-trihydroxyflavanone flavone

daidzein kaempferol
(5-deox~i=flavonoW (5-hydroxyiwflavonoi) (flavonol)
i redudion
wumestrol llavan-3. 4-diol anthocyanidin

0- glucose
cyclization'. anlhocyanin
kievitone an

Figure 1. Biosynthetic Relationships among Stress-lnduced Phenylpropanoids.

Phenylpropanoid Metabolism 1087

High liqht/UV
sinapyl esters Wounding
isoflavonoids coumestrol
psoralens coumann
chlorogenic acid
Pathogen attack Signaling ferulate esters
pterocarpans salicylic acid ? wall bound phenolic acids
isoflavans lignin. suberin
prenylated isoflavonoids
Low temperature
3-deoxyanthocyanidins anthocyanins

Low iron
Low nitrogen phenolic acids
Low phosphate
flavonoids, isoflavonoids

Figure 2. Examples of Stress-Induced Phenylpropanoids.

evidence. In few cases had these functions been rigorously kievitone), stilbenes, psoralens, coumarins, 3-deoxyanthocy-
tested by, for example, isolating mutants that no longer pro- anidins, flavonols (e.g., quercetin, kaempferol), and aurones
duce the metabolite and examining whether sensitivity to stress (Bailey and Mansfield, 1982; Dixon et al., 1995). The levels
is increased. of these compounds increase greatly around the site of infec-
Figure 2 summarizes the types of phenylpropanoid com- tion to concentrations toxic to pathogens in in vitro bioassays.
pounds induced in plants by various biotic and abiotic stresses. Salicylic acid levels increase in tobacco, cucumber, and Arabi-
Many stress-induced phenylpropanoids are classified as dopsis in response to infection and exposure to UV light and
phytoalexins. These are antimicrobial compounds synthesized ozone (Rasmussenetal., 1991; Yalpanietal., 1994), but rather
in response to pathogen attack. They include pterocarpans than salicylic acid having antimicrobial activity per se, it is be-
(e.g., glyceollin), isoflavans, prenylated isoflavonoids (e.g., lieved to be part of a signaling process that results in systemic

Figure 1. (continued).
Solid arrows represent well-characterized reactions catalyzed by single enzymes, many of which have been cloned. Dashed lines represent trans-
formations that require multiple enzymes, that are less characterized, or that vary among plant species. The enzymes are CA4H, cinnamic acid
4-hydroxylase; CHI, chalcone isomerase; CHR, chalcone reductase; CHS, chalcone synthase; 4CL, 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase; COMT,
caffeic acid O-methyltransferase; DHFR, dihydroflavonol reductase; DMID, 7, 2'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavanol dehydratase; F3OH, flavanone
3-hydroxylase; F5H, ferulic acid 5-hydroxylase; IFR, isoflavone reductase; IPS, isoflavone synthase; PAL, L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; SS,
stilbene (or resveratrol) synthase; TAL, tyrosine ammonia-lyase; UFGT, UDP-glucose flavonol 3-O-glucosyl transferase; VR, vestitone reductase.
The reaction to form pterocarpans was formerly thought to be carried out by a single enzyme, pterocarpan synthase. It has recently been shown
in alfalfa that two enzymes, a reductase (VR) and a dehydratase (DMID), act together to catalyze this reaction (Quo et al., 1994). Similarly, the
steps labeled IFS and AS each appear to be catalyzed by two enzymes, the second in each case being a dehydratase, neither of which has
been fully characterized (Kochs and Grisebach, 1986; Heller and Forkmann, 1988). Although TAL activity is commonly observed in the grasses,
it may result from PAL enzyme with nonstringent substrate specificity.
1088 The Plant Cell

acquired resistance (SAR) (Rasmussen et al., 1991; Delaney several highly regio-specific isoflavonoid prenyltransferases
et al., 1994). It is not knownwhether other phenolic compounds are present in this plant (Laflamme et al., 1993). lnformation
play similar signaling roles in plants. of this type is often a prerequisite for meaningful molecular
Many phenylpropanoidcompounds are induced in response studies.
to wounding or to feeding by herbivores. lncreased levels of Because stress induction of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis
coumestrol and coumarin are toxic to potential herbivores, is likely to involve increases in steady state transcript levels
causing estrogenic and anticoagulant effects, and psoralens for the various biosynthetic enzymes, strategies such as
can cause photo-induced blistering (Smith, 1982). Wound- differential hybridization, subtraction library screening, or
induced chlorogenic acid, alkyl ferulate esters, and cell differential mRNA display would seem to be attractive ap-
wall-bound phenolic esters may act directly as defense com- proaches for the isolation of cDNAs correspondingto stress-
pounds or may serve as precursors for the synthesis of lignin, induced phenylpropanoid biosynthetic enzymes. However, to
suberin, and other wound-induced polyphenolic barriers date the most common method for cloning phenylpropanoid
(Hahlbrock and Scheel, 1989; Bernards and Lewis, 1992). The pathway genes has been purification of the enzyme to
accumulation of flavonols such as kaempferol and its glyco- homogeneity followed by either antibody generation and im-
sides is induced by both wounding and pollination in petunia munoscreening (e.g., Paiva et al., 1991) or by partia1 amino
stigmas and appears to be required for normal pollen devel- acid sequence determination and subsequent screeningwith
opment (Mo et al., 1992; van der Meer et al., 1992; Vogt et oligonucleotides, either directly or using the polymerase chain
al., 1994); these flavonoids may also serve to prevent microbial reaction (e.g., Maxwell et al., 1993).
infection in an otherwise nutrient-rich environment. Polymerasechain reaction techniques have been success-
Anthocyanins and flavones increase in responseto high visi- fully applied to isolate cDNA clones encoding nove1 types
ble light levels, and it is thought that these compounds help of plant cytochrome P-450 enzymes (Meijer et al., 1993; T.
attenuate the amount of light reaching the photosyntheticcells Fahrendorf and R.A. Dixon, unpublished results), using de-
(Beggs et al., 1987). UV irradiation induces flavonoids (particu- generate primers based on conserved regions in mammalian
larly kaempferol derivatives) and sinapate esters in Arabidopsis and bacterial P-450~.Although the functions of these P-450~
and isoflavonoidsand psoralens in other species (Hahlbrock, have yet to be determined, this approach may be useful in ob-
1981; Beggs et al., 1985; Li et al., 1993; Lois, 1994). These taining clones for several of the as yet uncharacterized
UV-absorbing compounds are thought to provide a means of phenylpropanoidpathway P-450 genes, such as those encod-
protection against UV-B damage and subsequent cell death ing the low-abundance and unstable enzymes IFS and
by protecting DNA from dimerization and breakage. isoflavone 2'-hydroxylase (IFOH). Such clones can be identi-
Other stresses that induce phenylpropanoidshave been less fied by expression of P-450 activity in yeast (Fahrendorf and
well studied. Levels of anthocyanins increase following cold Dixon, 1993; Pierrel et al., 1994). With the dramatic improve-
stress (Christie et al., 1994) and nutritionalstress (notably phos- ments in cloning and expression systems for Escherichia coli
phate limitation), but the reasons for this increase are unclear. and yeast and the increases in assay sensitivity and automa-
Other nutritional stresses cause increases in the concentra- tion, initial identification of clones by direct enzyme assay may
tions of phenylpropanoidsin roots or root exudates; for example, become increasingly common.
low nitrogen induces flavonoid and isoflavonoid nod gene in- Recently, some genes of phenylpropanoidbiosynthesis have
ducers and chemoattractants for nitrogen-fixing symbionts been cloned by genetic strategies involving identification of
(Graham, 1991; Wojtaszek et al., 1993), whereas low iron lev- mutants with defects in this process. For example, T-DNA tag-
els can cause increased releaseof phenolic acids, presumably ging in Arabidopsis has been used to isolate the gene encoding
to help solubilize metals and thereby facilitate their uptake ferulate 5-hydroxylase(F5H), an enzyme involved in the syn-
(Marschner, 1991). thesis of lignin monomers and wall-esterified phenolics
(Chapple, 1994). Tagging with the Ac transposable element
was used in maize to clone UDP glucose-flavonol glucosyl-
MOLECULARANDGENETICAPPROACHESTO transferase (UFGT) (Fedoroff et al., 1984). Development of
UNDERSTANDING THE ENZYMOLOGY OF similar genetic approaches for other species, particularly those
STRESS-INDUCED PHENYLPROPANOID that contain pathways not found in maize and Arabidopsis (such
BIOSYNTHESIS as the legumes Medicago truncatula or Lotus corniculatus,
which have potential as model systems for the isoflavonoid
Classical biochemical techniques have been used to isolate pathway),would facilitate the isolation of those stress-induced
and purify many of the enzymes of phenylpropanoid biosyn- phenylpropanoid-related genes whose products are difficult
thesis and to analyze isoform patterns. Work on flavonol to purify (e.g., P-450s) or are low in abundance (e.g., regula-
sulfotransferases has revealed the presence of several simi- tory transcription factors).
larly sized enzymes that can be resolved only by isoelectric Genome and random cDNA sequencing projects have iden-
focusing, each catalyzing the sulfation of a specific flavonol tified clones with high homology to genes previously isolated
hydroxyl (Varin, 1992). Similarly, by examining product ratios from other species (Newman et al., 1994), but the assignment
in a series of lupin tissue extracts, it became apparent that of function must be confirmed by careful biochemical or genetic
Phenylpropanoid Metabolism 1089

complementationevidence. For example, isoflavone reductase to increased enzyme activity and to the production of caffeoyl
(IFR) is an enzyme specific to isoflavonoidbiosynthesis, a path- and feruloyl esters (Kneusel et al., 1989).
way so far restricted to legumes. IFR has been cloned from lncreased transcription rates for enzymes of both the cen-
alfalfa and pea, and the protein expressed in E. coli has been tral phenylpropanoid pathway and specific branch pathways
shown to have the same substrate and product specificity as of isoflavonoid or furanocoumarin synthesis are observed at
the purified native plant enzyme (Paiva et al., 1991,1994). Re- the onset of the phytoalexin response in elicitor-treated cell
cently, differentialscreening approaches have resulted in the supensions of alfalfa and parsley, respectively (Oommen et
isolation of IFR-like cDNAs from tobacco, a plant that does al., 1994; Hahlbrock et al., 1995; W. Ni and R.A. Dixon, un-
not accumulate isoflavonoids (Drews et ai., 1992; Hibi et al., published results). The kinetics of these transcriptional
1994). One tobacco IFR-like protein was 58% identical and changes have implicationsfor the signal transduction mech-
79% similar to the alfalfa protein, but it showed no IFR activity anisms involved. For example, transcriptionof PAL and CHS
when expressed in E. coli, indicatingthat homology data can genes in bean and alfalfa is extremely rapid and coordinated
be misleading. (Lawton and Lamb, 1987; W. Ni and R.A. Dixon, unpublished re-
Antisense and sense suppression strategies are also useful sults), whereas transcription of some branch pathway enzymes,
for confirming the identity of cloned genes of phenylpropanoid such as the bergaptol O-methyltransferase of furanocouma-
metabolism, even though a molecular understanding of these rin synthesis in parsley, may be delayed (Hahlbrocket ai., 1995),
phenomenais still lacking (van Bloklandet al., 1994). Antisense implying the involvement of rnultiple signals for activation of
suppression of caffeic acidl5-hydroxyferulic acid O-methyl the pathway as a whole. Consistent with this picture is the ex-
transferase has recently been shown to modify lignin content istence of common sequence motifs in the promoters of PAL
and composition in transgenic tobacco (Dwivedi et al., 1994; and CHS genes from a number of sources (Dixon and Harrison,
Ni et al., 1994), confirming the role of this enzyme in lignin 1990),whereas genes encoding later branch pathway enzymes,
biosynthesis. Negative results should be interpretedwith cau- such as the IFR of pterocarpan phytoalexin biosynthesis in
tion, however, because whereas antisense suppressionof CHS alfalfa (Oommen et al., 1994), may lack exact copies of these
and dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR) resulted in reduced lev- motifs. This complex regulatory architecture is presumably
els of anthocyanins and flavonols in petuniaand of condensed necessary to allow for flexible deployment of various biosyn-
tannins in transgenic hairy roots of Lotus, antisense suppres- thetic alternatives in response to different environmental and
sion of chalcone isomerase (CHI) did not cause the expected developmental cues.
phenotype in these species (van Tunen and MOI,1991; Carron In spite of technical advances for the cloning of transcrip-
et al., 1994). tional regulators, progress in identifying the factors involved
As more cloned sequences and three-dimensional protein in orchestrating the stress-induced transcriptional regulation
structural information become available, a combination of mo- of phenylpropanoid pathway genes has been relatively slow.
lecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis may help Using DNA ligand screening of a cDNA expression library, a
provide clues about the nature of enzyme active sites and de- factor, BPF-1, that recognizes a conserved elernent (Box P)
terminants of substrate or product specificity. For example, found in a number of PAL and 4CL genes was cloned from
although the sequence requirements for ATPINADPH bind- parsley (da Costa e Silva et al., 1993). BPF-1 is a member of
ing sites were deduced years ago, it is still unclear what a nove1 class of transcription factors that lacks both leucine
characterizes a flavonoid binding site. Such structure-func- repeat and zinc finger motifs. It is itself transcriptionally acti-
tion analyses should lead eventually to a better understanding vated in elicited parsley cell cultures, although somewhat less
of how phenylpropanoid biosynthesis has evolved and to the rapidly than its target gene PAL, suggesting that increased
potential construction of nove1“designer enzymes” for the syn- levels of BPF-1 may be necessary to support the massive in- .
thesis of biologically active molecules. crease in PAL transcription observed in elicited cells (da Costa
e Silva et al., 1993). Similarly, transcripts encoding three bZlP
factors (CPRF-1, CPRF-2,and CPRF-3)that bind to afunctional
TRANSCRIPTIONAL AND POST-TRANSCRIPTIONAL cis-element that confers light responsiveness on the parsley
CONTROL OF DEFENSE-RELATED CHS promoter are induced on exposure of dark-grown pars-
PHENYLPROPANOID METABOLISM ley cells to UV light (Weisshaar et al., 1991). The H-box
(CCTACCN,CT) has been implicated in both stress and de-
velopmental expression of the bean CHS75 gene (Loake et al.,
In most systems studied, induction of phenylpropanoid syn- 1992). Two factors binding to the H-box (KAP-1 and KAP-2) have
thesis under stress conditions is the result of increased been isolated by classical biochemical approaches (Yu et al.,
transcription of genes encoding the corresponding biosynthetic 1993); preliminary evidence suggests that they may be located
enzymes. One notable exception concerns a hydroxylasethat in the cytosol and are translocated to the nucleus on elicita-
converts coumaroyl COAto caffeoyl COAin parsley cells. This tion. KAP-1 also binds with high affinity to the G-box element
enzyme has a very narrow pH optimum and is presumed to (K. Lindsay, C.J. Lamb, and R.A. Dixon, unpublishedresults),
be inactive at the normal cellular pH; exposure of cells to fun- which was implicated previously in the expression of a range
gal elicitor results in a rapid decrease in intracellular pH, leading of light- and hormonally regulatedgenes. It is therefore probable
1090 The Plant Cell

that overlapping signal pathways exist for the developmental Wu and Hahlbrock, 1992). Likewise, furanocoumarin phyto-
and environmental regulation of stress-inducible genes. alexins and PAL, 4CL, and bergaptol O-methyltransferase
The signal molecules linking elicitor or stress perceptionwith proteins and mRNAs accumulate in a distinct set of cells
transcription of downstream responsegenes remain to be de- around the sites of infection of parsley leaves by the nonpatho-
fined unequivocally, although the use of inhibitors and other gen Phytophthora megasperma f sp glycinea (Jahnen and
pharmacologicalapproaches has led to the proposed involve- Hahlbrock, 1988; Schmelzer et al., 1989).
ment of active oxygen species, changes in inorganic ion fluxes, These and similar studies therefore indicate that stress-
and reversible phosphorylation/dephosphorylation (Dixon et induced phenylpropanoids usually accumulate in the cells in
al., 1994; Hahlbrock et al., 1995). Profitable new approaches which they are synthesized. Although in situ hybridization and
to provide more direct evidence for the involvement of spe- immunolocalization techniques are of general use for inves-
cific signal molecules include mutational analysis in geneti- tigatingthe location of gene products, many phenylpropanoid
cally tractable species, reconstitution of pathways using in vitro metabolites are more difficult to localize than the strongly
transcription assays (Arias et al., 1993), and the use of pro- fluorescing and UV-absorbing parsley flavonoids and furano-
moter-reporter gene fusions as assay systems for purification coumarins. Development of new techniques for the cellular
of signal molecules affecting transcription of specific genes. localization of metabolic end products is therefore urgently
Post-transcriptionalcontrol of phenylpropanoidsynthesis has needed.
receivedlittle recent attention, in spite of considerableevidence
in the early literature that inactivation is a key component in
the post-inductionregulation of PAL activity (Creasy, 1987) and Subcellular Sites of Synthesis
more recent evidencethat phosphorylationof PAL is associated
with turnover of the enzyme (Bolwell, 1992). Cinnamic acid, The subcellular sites of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis are still
the product of the PAL reaction, strongly inhibits PAL a matter of debate. Many phenylpropanoids have been shown
transcription as well as the activities of a subset of phenyl- to accumulate in the vacuole, usually as glycosides or other
propanoid biosynthetic enzymes (Mavandad et al., 1990; Barz conjugates. The final conjugation reactions may be directly
and Mackenbrock, 1994). In addition, exogenous application involved in transport into the vacuole; for example, the glucosyl
of cinnamic acid may induce a proteinaceous inactivator of and malonyl transferases of pterocarpan conjugate synthesis
PAL (Bolwell et al., 1986). lnhibition of cinnamate synthesis are associated with the tonoplast membrane (Mackenbrock
in vivo with potent and apparently specific inhibitors of PAL et al., 1992; Barz and Mackenbrock, 1994). In contrast, the
activity leads to superinduction of extractable PAL activity and enzyme that produces sinapoyl malate esters from sinapoyl
transcript levels, as would be predicted if this molecule acts gluzose (1-sinapoylglucose:L-malate sinapoyltransferase) ap-
as an endogenous regulator of PAL synthesis and activity. It pears to be located exclusively inside the vacuole (Sharma
has, however, proven difficult to correlate changes in endoge- and Strack, 1985). Studies on the transport of anthocyanins
nous cinnamate pools with PAL expression under physiological and flavonoids into vacuoles have indicated active transport
conditions (Orr et al., 1993). This problem can now be reevalu- via specific carrier proteins; only certain acylated forms are
ated using transgenic approaches to modify steady state transported within a species, and vacuoles isolated from pars-
cinnamate levels. ley and cotton do not take up carrot anthocyanins (Hopp and
Seitz, 1987). Such evidence argues against the vacuole be-
ing a “passive dumping ground that accumulates metabolites
SPATIAL ORGANIZATION OF INDUCED solely due to pH gradients and ionization.
PHENYLPROPANOID BIOSYNTHESIS In a number of species, anthocyanins accumulate in vesi-
cles that form from the vacuole and eventually coalesce into
one large membrane-bound“anthocyanoplast.”This structure
Cellular Sites of Synthesis may gradually degrade, yielding a colored vacuole in older
tissues (Pecket and Small, 1980). In the case of the 3-deoxy-
Early phytochemical analyses defined overall relationships anthocyanidinphytoalexinsof sorghum, colorless vesicles form
between stress and phenylpropanoid synthesis but rarely iden- in the cytoplasm of cells near a fungal infection structure. The
tified the cells in which synthesis takes place. By subdividing color intensity of these vesicles increases as the total 3-deoxy-
tissues, it was shown that phytoalexins generally accumulate anthocyanidin content increases, and then they coalesce and
only near the site of infection. Similarly, UV-induced anthocyan- move toward the site of fungal attachment, finally releasing
ins and other flavonoids were shown to accumulate specifically the phytoalexins near the pathogen (Snyder and Nicholson,
in upper epidermal cells. However, it was not known whether 1990). The kinetics and behavior of these vesicles are consis-
the compounds were synthesized in these cells themselves tent with their being the site of anthocyanidin synthesis. In
or whether they were transported there from adjacent cells. contrast to these observations, however, is the cytoplasmic lo-
Use of in situ hybridizationand immunolocalization techniques calization of a terminal anthocyanidin methyltransferase activity
has elegantly demonstrated that flavonoids, CHS protein, and (Jonsson et al., 1983).
CHS, PAL, and 4CL transcripts all accumulate in the same Severa1 general phenylpropanoid pathway enzymes such
epidermal cells, following UV irradiation(Schmelzer et al., 1988; as PAL and CHS have been described as cytoplasmic(soluble),
Phenylpropanoid Metabolism 1091

but there is some immunolocalization evidence for their loose exons, suggesting the potential for functional differences in
association with membrane structures (Hrazdina, 1992; Smith the encoded proteins (Cramer et al., 1989). However, cDNAs
et al., 1994), from which they largely dissociate under stan- encoding the four PAL isozymes from parsley, which exhibit
dard enzyrne extraction conditions. Cytochrome P-450 greater similarity to one another than do the bean PAL iso-
enzymes such as cinnamate Chydroxylase, IFS, and IFOH are zymes, were recently cloned and individually expressed in
integral membrane proteins that have been shown to be as- E. coli, where they assembled into the corresponding homo-
sociated with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane or tetramers (Appert et al., 1994). These exhibited identical kinetic
fragments thereof (Dixon et al., 1992; Smith et al., 1994). It properties, even though the promoter sequences of the four
has been proposed that the soluble enzymes form “metabo- genes are highly divergent, suggesting differentialregulation
lons,” or metabolic clusters of enzymes on a membranesurface, of these PAL isoforms. The coding sequences of most mem-
adjacent to the P-450 enzymes (Stafford, 1981; Hrazdina and bers of the CHS gene families in legumes such as alfalfa are
Wagner, 1985). lntermediates could then rapidly flow from en- highly similar within the family (Junghans et al., 1993), sug-
zyme to enzyme and finally be transported inside the gesting that different CHS isoforms may likewise have very
membrane, which may or may not fuse with the vacuole. This similar properties.
model may hold for simple phenylpropanoids; however, the Clearly, more studies are required to characterize the cata-
prenyltransferases involved in the synthesis of prenylated lytic propertiesof purified native or heterologouslyexpressed
pterocarpansand furanocoumarins are associatedwith plastid phenylpropanoid biosynthetic enzymes. Biochemical ap-
membranes, not the endoplasmic reticulum, thus requiring the proaches cannot, however, easily reveal the physical basis of
shuttling of compounds between membranes and/or compart- metabolic compartmentation, in which specific isoforms may
ments (Dhillon and Brown, 1976; Biggs et al., 1990). exist in complexes with subsequent enzymes. The yeast two-
hybrid system, a technique for cloning cDNAs based on the
ability of the cloned sequence to encode a protein that associ-
Metabolic Compartmentation ates physically with a target protein (Fields and Song, 1989),
has significant potential for studies on the molecular basis of
In many plant species, particularly the legumes, key phenyl- metabolic compartmentation in induced phenylpropanoid syn-
propanoid pathway branch point enzymes such as PAL and thesis but has yet to be applied to such systems.
CHS are encoded by multiplegenes. There has been consid- One example of protein-protein interactions in the synthe-
erable speculation about whether this encoding reflects the sis of stress-inducedphenylpropanoidsoccurs in the formation
organization of different forms of these enzymes in “metabolic of 5-deoxy isoflavonoid phytoalexins.This requires the action
compartments” or whether it simply allows for increased en- of CHR, which acts to reduce the polyketideintermediatebound
zyme production under stress conditions, during which time to CHS prior to its cyclization on the synthase (welle et al.,
expression of the whole gene family is often superimposed 1991; Welle and Schroder, 1992), thus necessitating physical
upon tissue-specific selective expression of a subset of the interactions between the synthase and reductase. Expression
family members(Junghans et al., 1993). It is not knownwhether studies in E. coli, coupled with site-directed mutagenesis, are
different isoforms of these enzymes have different subcellu- beginningto reveal the nature of these interactions(J. Schrijder,
lar localizations;this can now be addressed by epitope tagging personal communication). The synthase and reductase are
of cloned genes (Mieszczak et al., 1992). There is, however, co-induced in elicited or infected soybean and alfalfa cells,
considerable evidence based on metabolic labeling experi- whereas the synthase alone is expressed in the aerial portions
ments for the existence of complexes (the metabolons of uninfected plants. It is, however, unlikely that only certain
mentioned earlier) that might channel intermediatesof phenyl- isoforms of CHS are involved in interactions with the reduc-
propanoid synthesis from one enzyme to the next without tase, because the reductase is active in combination with the
equilibration with cytoplasmic pools (Stafford, 1981; Hrazdina CHS from parsley (welle and Grisebach, 1989), a plant that
and Wagner, 1985). does not make 5-deoxy flavonoid derivatives.
PAL is a tetrameric enzyme, and expression of multiplegenes
in combination with possible post-translational modifications
leads to the formation of a range of heterotetramericformsthat MOLECULARANDGENETICAPPROACHESFOR
may differ depending on the particular stimulus (Liang et al., ANALYSIS OF THE FUNCTIONS OF STRESS-INDUCED
1989). Chromatofocusing analysis of native tetrameric forms PHENYLPROPANOID COMPOUNDS
of PAL from elicitor-induced bean suspension culture cells in-
dicated selective induction of the form(s) with the lowest K,,,
value for phenylalanine (Bolwell et al., 1985), suggesting that Flavonoids and Sinapyl Esters as UV Protectants
isoforms with specific kinetic properties may be involved in
the production of specific metabolic end products related to Flavonoids and other phenylpropanoids have long been
stress responses. However, the subunit composition of such thought to play a role in protecting against UV irradiation, be-
differentially induced PAL heterotetramers has not been ana- cause they accumulate primarily in the epidermal and
lyzed. There is significant divergence in the amino acid hypodermal layers of leaves and stems (the most illuminated
sequences of three bean PAL genes, particularly in the first layers) and strongly absorb light in the UV-6 wavelengths. More
1092 The Plant Cell

recent studies have demonstrated that in Arabidopsis leaves, approaches, whereas Arabidopsis, with its advantages for
levels of flavonoids (such as kaempferolconjugates) and sina- genetic studies, does not produce the isoflavonoids or
pate esters increase in response to UV irradiation (Li et al., furanocoumarins characteristic of the aforementionedspecies.
1993; Lois, 1994), supporting this proposed protective role. The first direct demonstration of the potential significance
The availability of Arabidopsis mutants lacking wild-type of phytoalexins in plant defense was provided by the introduc-
levels of CHS and CHI activity allowed the first direct evalua- tion of a grapevine SS gene into tobacco plants (Hain et al.,
tion of the role of flavonoids in UV protection (Li et al., 1993). 1993). The foreign gene product was able to divert a portion
Severa1 independent mutants were originally isolated with of the substrates of CHS to the synthesis of the stilbene
colorless seed coats (transparenf testa, or tt, mutants). The phytoalexin resveratrol, resulting in plants with increased re-
tt4 and tt5 mutants were characterized as CHS and CHI mu- sistance to the fungal pathogen Bottytis cinerea.
tants, respectively, and contain no detectable leaf flavonoids. There is also evidence that individual phytoalexins may not
The levels of sinapate esters in the tt4 line are 30 to 60% higher, be essential for defense. For example, analysis of phytoalexin-
and in the tt5 line are ~ 4 2 %lower, than in wi!d-type lines for deficient Arabidopsis mutants has recently indicatedthat the
reasons that are not yet clear. Both ttlines grow normally when indole phytoalexin camalexin is not required for resistance to
shielded from UV-B light but are much more sensitive to UV avirulent Pseudomonassyringae pathogens (Glazebrook and
irradiation than the wild type, the tt5 line being sensitive to Ausubel, 1994). However, camalexin may help retard the growth
very low levels of UV that do not affect the tt4 line. Taken to- of virulent pathovars in the plant. Whether this situation will
gether, these results suggest that both flavonoids and sinapate also hold for other host-pathogen interactions is not yet known,
esters are important for UV protection (Li et al., 1993). although the role of the isoflavonoid phytoalexin pisatin in re-
The importanceof flavonoids in UV protection has been con- sistance of pea to the fungal pathogen Nectria hematococca
firmed by the results of a direct screen for Arabidopsis mutants has also recently been questioned. Genetic studies had shown
with increased sensitivity to UV; one mutant lacked both the that virulence segregated with the ability of this fungus to detox-
constitutive accumulation of a subset of leaf flavonoids and ify pisatin by the action of an inducible cytochrome P-450
UV-inducibleflavonoid synthesis but contained normal levels enzyme, pisatin demethylase (PDA) (Kistler and VanEtten, 1984).
of anthocyanin leaf pigments and normal seed coat pigments PDA genes were recently cloned (Maloney and VanEtten,
(Lois and Buchanan, 1994). Thus, a specific type of flavonoid 1994), and gene disruption experiments were performed by
may be responsible for UV protection. homologous recombination into the pda locus. Loss of PDA
A direct thin layer chromatography and HPLC screen for function only marginally impaired the virulence of the fungal
Arabidopsis plants deficient in the fluorescent sinapic acid es- pathogen (H. D. Van Etten, personal commu nication), suggest-
ters yielded a class of mutant lacking sinapoyl malate ing, contrary to the results of the classical genetic studies, that
biosynthesis, later characterized as F5H mutants and desig- pisatin is not in itself sufficient to account for resistance of pea
nated fahl (Chapple et al., 1992; Chapple, 1994). The isolation to N. hemafococca.
of fahl mutants thus provided an opportunity to study the role The availability of cloned genes encoding terminal enzymes
of sinapate esters in UV protection separate from the role of for the biosynthesis of isoflavonoid or stilbene phytoalexins
flavonoids. Plants homozygous for the fahl mutation are ex- (Hain et al., 1993; Oommen et al., 1994) provides the means
tremely UV sensitive (Chapple, 1994). to asses phytoalexin function by reverse genetic &e., an-
tisense or sense suppression) approaches in species that are
amenable to genetic transformation. The antimicrobialactivi-
lnduced and Constitutive Phenylpropanoids in Plant ties of the isoflavonoid precursors of the alfalfa phytoalexin
Defense medicarpin against a range of fungal pathogens have been
determined (Blount et al., 1993), facilitating interpretation of
Proposed roles for phenylpropanoid compounds in plant de- results should such intermediates accumulate in transgenic
fense have traditionally been based on biological activities in plants whose production of isoflavonoidor stilbene phytoalexins
vitro and on correlations between rates of accumulation and is blocked.
expression of resistance in vivo. Because plant defense re- Analysis of transgenic tobacco plants with reduced levels
sponses are invariably multicomponentin nature, it is not easy of constitutive phenolic compounds as a result of sense sup-
to define which components are both necessary and sufficient pression of PAL expression has revealed an important role for
to confer protection. Both the isolation of mutants selectively preformed phenoliccompounds in limiting the extent of infec-
impaired in the production of specific phenylpropanoid end tion by the virulent fungal pathogen Cercospora nicotianae
products and the production of phenocopies of such mutants (Maher et al., 1994). lnfection by C. nicofianaedoes not induce
by reverse genetics offer useful approaches to address the phenylpropanoid synthesis in wild-type or sense-suppressed
functionalityof stress-induced phenylpropanoids. Unfortunately, plants, although induced defense responsessuch as chitinase
the plants that have been most studied at the biochemical leve1 production appear normal in sense-suppressed plants. The
as model systems for the phytoalexin response, such as soy- rate of development of fungal lesions is considerably greater
bean, alfalfa, green bean, chickpea, and parsley, are less than in plants containing reduced levels of constitutive phenolic com-
ideal subjects for classical mutational and genetic mapping pounds, of which chlorogenic acid may be the most important
Phenylpropanoid Metabolism 1093

antimicrobial component, than in wild-type plants. Similar acting as a transcriptional activator for the production of signal
results have been observed in transgenic potato tubers ex- transduction components necessary for the activation of the
pressing the Cafharanfhusmseus tryptophan decarboxylase downstream defense response genes. This model predictsthat
gene (N.Brisson, personal communication). In these plants, functional homologs of the CaMV as-7 element will be pres-
redirectionof tryptophan into tryptamine resulted in decreased ent in plant genes associated with the establishment of SAR.
phenylalaninepools, corresponding decreases in wound- and Whether salicylate can act directly as a transcriptional regula-
elicitor-induced chlorogenic acid and wall-bound phenolics, tor is not clear; the identification of a salicylate binding protein
and increased susceptibility to the potato blight fungus as a peroxidase specifically inhibited by salicylate and SAR-
fhytophthora infestans. inducing derivatives of salicylate implicates hydrogen perox-
Salicylic acid has been implicated as an important regula- ide as a key component in SAR signaling upstreamof salicylate
tory moleculein plant defense. A considerable body of evidence (Chen et al., 1993). The development of screens for Arabidop-
links production of salicylic acid to the phenomenon of SAR, sis mutants that lack SAR (Uknes et al., 1993; Bowling et al.,
in which plants inoculated with an avirulent pathogen on a lower 1994) opens up the possibility of a systematic dissection of
leaf develop resistance against a secondary inoculation on the processes underlying signal generation, transmission,and
other leaves of the plant (Ryals et al., 1994). SAR is also in- reception during SAR, including the factors involved in salicy-
duced by environmental stress factors such as UV irradiation late formationlrelease and site of action.
and ozone (Yalpani et al., 1994). Salicylic acid levels increase PAL sense-suppressedtobacco plants are unable to estab-
in leaves responding hypersensitively to inoculation with an lish SAR, which is consistent with the involvement of PAL in
avirulent pathogen; the compound appears to trave1 in the the synthesis of salicylic acid and possibly other signal mole-
phloem and is somehow involved in the transcriptional activa- cules. However,primary inoculation of PAL sense-suppressed
tion of defense response genes. plants with tobacco mosaic virus results in the formation of
A metabolic engineering approach has now provided direct normal-sized hypersensitive lesions that appear white due to
evidence for the role of salicylic acid in SAR. Transgenic the reduction in phenolics(J. F’allas, C.J. Lamb, and R.A. Dixon,
tobacco plants were producedexpressing the nahG gene from unpublished results). These results indicate that phenylpropa-
Pseudomonasputida, which encodes a salicylate hydroxylase noid compounds are unlikely to be involved in limiting the size
that converts salicylic acid to catechol (Delaney et al., 1994). of tobacco mosaic virus lesions.
These plants had greatly reducedsalicylic acid levels and were
unable to establish SAR. Moreover, not only did they fail to
exhibit resistanceto virulent challenges following inoculation ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
with avirulent pathogens, but also they were no longer able
to express hypersensitive resistance against the primary aviru-
lent challenge (Delaney et al., 1994), confirming an important We thank Normand Brisson, Klaus Hahlbrock,NormanLewis, Joachim
role for salicylic acid in the expression of local resistance. How- Schroder, and Hans VanEtten for sharing results prior to publication
ever, if plants expressing the nahG gene were used as the stock and Cuc Ly for artwork. Researchfrom the authors’ laboratorieswas
in grafting experimentswith wild-type plants as scion, primary supported by the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation.
inoculation of the stock still led to resistance in the scion, indi-
cating that salicylic acid alone is not the systemic signal
(Vernooij et al., 1994). REFERENCES
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Stress-Induced Phenylpropanoid Metabolism.
R. A. Dixon and N. L. Paiva
Plant Cell 1995;7;1085-1097
DOI 10.1105/tpc.7.7.1085
This information is current as of September 9, 2015

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