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Zero, first and second conditional

1. If you ________ (be) scared of spiders, ________ (not, go) to the garden.
2. Where ________ (you, choose) if you ________ (can) live anywhere in the world?
3. She ________ (be) furious if she ________ (find) out the truth!
4. You should have done your homework. You ________ (know) the answer if you ________ (read) the
5. You ________ (have to) take a taxi home if you ________ (want) to leave now.
6. The video ________ (pause) if you ________ (press) this button.
7. Jack found a mobile phone on the bus and kept it. He ________ (return) it if he ________ (be) honest.
8. I cannot decide which way I should go. If you ________ (drive) from London to Glasgow, which
________ (you, take)?
9. Do you want to go home? I ________ (give) you a lift if it ________ (rain).
10. If water ________ (be) frozen, it ________ (expand).
11. If you really ________ (want) to learn Italian, you ________ (need) to spend some time in Italy.
12. If you ________ (leave) now, you ________ (be) home in two hours.
13. I often go on business trip to Germany. If I ________ (go) to Berlin, I ________ (travel) by train.
14. If they ________ (get) married, they ________ (move) to France.
15. If anyone ________ (ask) for me, I ________ (be) in the café.
16. More people ________ (lose) their jobs if computers ________ (can) think like humans.
17. Good they arrived last night. If they ________ (arrive) on Monday, there ________ (be) nowhere to stay
for them.
18. If you ________ (be) offered a better positron, ________ (you, leave) your job?
19. I never ________ (eat) beef if we ________ (have) it for dinner. I don’t like it.
20. You ________ (enjoy) Sweeney Todd if you ________ (like) good musicals.

For each situation, make an unreal conditional sentence.

1. I don’t know enough about the machine, so I can’t mend if myself.

If I .........................................................................................................................................................................
2. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he won’t get the job.
3. Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so a prevention has not been found.
4. Andrew wants to ask the singer for his autograph, but he isn’t brave enough.
5. We live in a town. I can’t have a garden.

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