Political Cartoon Analysis

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Name: Zoe

Political cartoon analysis

1) The main message of the cartoon is to criticize Donald Trump.

Specifically, by showing a patient with his body being covered by
Donald Trump, the cartoonist is making it clear that Trump is
covering the truth and making everyone remain silent.

2) I totally agree with the cartoonist’s bias, because everybody

should know that they are being controlled and that they have no
freedom of speech due to Trump’s policy.
1) The main message of the cartoon is to criticize Justin
Trudeau - whose picture is shown in the cartoon. Even though
he had promised to welcome immigrants from other countries;
recently, we all know that he is a racist due to his scandal of
wearing “blackface” makeup to make fun of black people.

2) The cartoonist’s bias is to criticize Justin Trudeau for his

actions, even though it was a long time ago, it is undeniable
that he is still a racist. I completely agree with this view.
News article analysis

What Canada’s doctors are concerned about

with marijuana legalization
By Kelly Grant
Published April 12, 2017
Updated July 3, 2018

‘As Justin Trudeau's Liberal government tables its long-awaited

marijuana legislation, Canada's doctors have a message about
pot: Just because it will eventually be legal, doesn't mean it's
"We're saying, 'please keep the public-health focus front of
mind as this legislation is unrolled,' " said Gail Beck, the clinical
director of youth psychiatry at The Royal, a psychiatric hospital
in Ottawa. "Lots of people think this is harmless.”’.
Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/

Main idea:
Even though marijuana is now legalized in Canada, doctors
have expressed their concerns about the effects of cannabis.

Why is the issue important to all members of society:

As the doctors in the articles said, using cannabis could lead to
a lot of serious problems including addiction, mental health,

What is your point of view on the issue:

Just because marijuana is now legal does not mean it is totally
safe for the people using it. Therefore, in order not to get
yourself in trouble, the best thing is to completely avoid
Everything You Need To Know About A Carbon
Tax—And How It Would Work In Canada
by Rachel Chen
Updated Jul 2, 2019

‘Carbon taxes put a direct price on emissions. Generally, this

means that greenhouse gas emitters—usually fuel producers
and distributors—pay a designated amount per each tonne of
carbon dioxide emitted from burning carbon-based fuels. In
order to motivate emitters to decrease emissions, the price
usually goes up slowly over time so households and industries
have time to adjust and adopt less carbon-heavy practices.’
Source: https://www.chatelaine.com

Main idea:
This article is written to inform people about carbon tax as well
was how it affects us and the environment.

Why is the issue important to all members of society:

People are affected, but not directly. Instead, carbon tax could
affect corporations by charging them with higher tax rate;
therefore, they could increase the prices of their products.
However, carbon tax is used to motivate companies not to emit
pollution, thus decrease the amount of pollution and somehow
tackle climate change.

What is your point of view on the issue:

Personally, carbon tax is undoubtedly a good idea for
governments all over the world to save our environment. By
increasing tax rates, it would be more likely for companies to
emit less carbon dioxide.
What you need to know if you have a disability
and want to vote
Posted: Sep 22, 2019 4:00 AM ET

‘If you're one of the six million or so Canadians who identify as

having at least one disability, there are new tools and services
available to help you vote.

Many were developed with the input and experience of an

advisory group struck in 2014 specifically to address some of
the biggest obstacles people with different abilities face when
they go to cast a ballot.

Some of the tools and measures are being used in an election

for the first time.’

Main idea:
This article is written to show people with disabilities (or
anyone) how they can vote.

Why is the issue important to all members of society:

As everybody is the same here in Canada, everyone must have
the right to vote for their favorite leaders. Therefore, this
article is of great importance since it shows disabled people
how to vote.

What is your point of view on the issue:

I completely think these types of articles are essential as they
help inform people of what they have the rights to do,
especially when the election is coming. As a result, people with
disabilities now know how to vote for their leaders.

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