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is a Shoeshine Stand and why are they not popular

today ? Use the two articles to help you describe the
shoeshine stand Al and Sarah Ida may have worked in.
Teacher: Melissa Nye School: Kane Area Elementary School

Grade: Fourth Grade Date: January 21st 2020, 9:25 am

Subject: English Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

Standards addressed:


SOLE Details
For this SOLE session, we had 12 students working in 4 groups using 12 devices. I
created the student groups, and they were allowed to collaborate with other groups
while researching.
The following materials were available for students during this SOLE:

Poster paper
Physical resources (books, supporting content)
SOLE student organizer

Each group had 2 minutes to present their findings to the class during the review
Overall Rating:

Observations Summary
Technology Use
Helping student deepen understanding of a current topic was my primary focus for this
SOLE session. Using Webb's Depth of Knowledge as a guide, I identified the primary
thinking participants were engaged in as: Recall & Reproduction. Much of this was new
information for the students. They have already read the book "Shoeshine Girl", but
they were able to look into different topics and see what they looked like. My students
are lower level in reading, so they were able to put the book and the articles we found
together to truly understand what a Shoeshine stand is and the lives of Sarah Ida and
I think that I achieved my objective during this SOLE. My students were deepening
their knowledge on what a Shoeshine Stand was. We have just finished the book
"Shoeshine Girl" and many of the students have never seen a Shoeshine stand before.
They were able to research and discuss with their groups what they look like and where
they are located. They were fascinated to find out that many stands were located on
street corners. It developed their thinking more and they were able to understand the
book and the life of Sarah Ida and what she went through with Al in the story.
Additional Notes: This was our first time using SOLE. We used a graphic organizer to
keep the students on task and organized. The only issue we had was it took the students
a very long time to get into the articles we chose for them.
What percentage of students worked effectively and respectfully together and
shared responsibility?

0 minutes 1 minutes 3 minutes

Students are working
together to find out what
a shoeshine stand is

5 minutes
Kerensa is reading
information to Jason
about shoeshine stands
6 minutes 7 minutes 17 minutes
Working together is These kiddos are loving Kaden is giving
something they love to doing something new. information to his
do Learning through partner about where
research shoeshine stands are

19 minutes 20 minutes 28 minutes

Max is sharing what he Max is looking in his
found in an article with articles to find
his group information.
30 minutes
Discussing that
shoeshine stands are
located on the streets

Other Observations

10 minutes 12 minutes 22 minutes

They have never seen a Terry is writing some Looking at the
shoeshine stand, so they important information to photographs
are very excited. share with his
25 minutes 28 minutes
Mrs. Howe, our aide, is Many of these kiddos
helping this group find have never seen a
the information they shoeshine stand, so the
need. pictures they are finding
are eye opening to them.

Group Presentations

Sources Shared:

Presented without
Presented within
given time?


Sound arguments
Presented within
given time?
Presented without
Sources shared?


Sound arguments
Presented within
given time?
Presented without
Sources shared?

0 minutes
Good information. Strayed off from the topic a
little bit. Overall very good.


Sound arguments
Presented within
given time?
Presented without
Sources shared?

2 minutes
They knew what they were reading
beforehand. Read off the notes. Had great
information from the articles. Worked great
together both days.

Sound arguments
Presented within
given time?
Presented without
Sources shared?

3 minutes
Worked much better together the second day.
Great information overall. Reviewed what they
were going to read, but did not like presenting
in front of their peers. One student did not

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