Reading - Ppresent Simple

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NAME: Lizbeth Rivera Melo DATE: 14-04-20 GROUP: 2 A

Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.
1 About the saxophone ___
2 What I listen to ___
3 My future plans ___
4 Why I like the saxophone ___
5 Fun with friends ___

My favourite instrument
My favourite instrument is the saxophone. A special thing about the saxophone: it originally comes from
Belgium and so do I! The saxophone makes a great noise, too.

The saxophone is made from a material called brass and it’s a wind instrument. You select the buttons or
‘keys’ to make music while you blow into the mouthpiece.

Most kids of my age like pop and rock bands like Green Day or Linkin Park, but I prefer to listen to jazz or blues
music! I have lots of CDs of famous sax players (called saxophonists). My favourites are Charlie Parker,
Coleman Hawkins and David Sanchez.

I play the saxophone every day. I’m part of a band with my three friends who are also musicians. Charlie plays
the drums, Len plays the guitar and Domingo sings. We’re not particularly good, but we perform at the school.
We’ve also got our own web page:

When I don’t play the saxophone, I write music with Charlie and Domingo. I write the music and Charlie writes
the words. When I’m older, I want to be a famous jazz musician. Mum wants me to go university though.

10 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Why does the boy like the saxophone?
2 What type of instrument is a saxophone?
3 What music does the boy like?
4 How many people are in the band and how many instruments?
5 What does the boy’s mum want him to do in the future?

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