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SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,199s

Monitoring Annular Water Flow in Dual Casing String Completions Using

Continuous Oxygen Activation Logging
David M. Chace, Hans-Christian Freitag, Darryl E. Trcka, and Rent2 W. Mayer, Western Atlas Logging Services
Ahmed W. Sufi, Zakum Development Co., UAE

New continuous oxygen activation logging technology is Introduction
being used to monitor injection profiles in several carbonate Oxygen Activation Logging
reservoirs in the Middle East, where dual string completions Neutron activation of oxygen creates N16 by the (n,p) reaction
are employed to control relative injection into intervals of which occurs during fast neutron bombardment. N16 decays
markedly different permeability. In dual string completions, by p-emission to 016 in an excited slate, which then decays to
where short string water injection is conveyed via the tubing- its ground energy state by emission of gamma rays with
casing annulus, oxygen activation logs often provide the only energies 6.13 MeV and 7.12 MeV, respectively, with a half-
method for monitoring injection performance and for life of 7.13 seconds. Oxygen activation logging utilizes N’”
evaluating acid and polymer treatments used to modify as a short-lived radioactive tracer to detect and quantify water
injection protiles. Accurate measurement of water flow in the flow.+@
annulus leads to a better understanding of hydraulic Detection of water flow using oxygen activation logging
properties of the reservoir and improved design of water was lirst proposed by Arnold and Paap (‘**’ in 1977. E,arly
in.jection programs. Oxygen activation logging is also being applications of stationary oxygen activation measuremenls
applied to monitor water entry and rates in producing wells. were quite successful at detecting and measuring water
Recent literature has described the latest improvements in channeling behind casing. (‘,4)
logging instrumentation and interpretation methods allowing
continuous oxygen activation logging for diagnosis of Annular Flow Log (AFL’“‘)
complex water flow wnditions”~6’. This paper focuses on The AFL. was developed for monitoring more complex water
recent experience in the Middle East with applications to a flow encountered in single and dual string completions, ad
number of challenging monitoring problems uniquely uses continuous logging and velocity gauging to separate the
associated with monitoring the short string injection or composite oxygen activation signCal into its tubing and
production in dual string completions, including: annular components’5~h’. This allows a measurement of the
annular water velocity in the presence of other oxygen
Determination of short string injection profiles for activation background signals createJ by water flow in the
multiple sets of perforations logged or adjacent tubing strings.
Delineation of injection into sublayers of a reservoir An AFL logging instrument contains a pulsed neutron
within a single set of perforations source and two or more scintillation gamma ray detectors.
Monitoring injection profiles during multi-rate injection While logging, high energy neutrons from the source create
tests N16 by activation of oxygen in water molecules flowing past
Identification of fractured intervals <and effects 011 the source, and the resulting decay radiation is detected by
injection profiles the gamma ray detectors. A spinner is run in combination
Monitoring the effectiveness of polymer treatments for with the AFL instrument and is used to help characterize
water shut-off water flow in the tubing.
Mechanical integrity testing and location of channeling An experimental version of the AFL instrument used to
or tubing leaks log many of the example wells in this paper is shown
Determination of water entry points and measurement of configured for injection (down flow) and production (up flow)
water rates in producing wells logging in Figure 1. The instrument incorporates 3
scintillation detectors (near, middle, ‘and far) and cm be run
Recent examples with logs and histories are presented in several modes during a single trip iI1 the well. Three
highlighting many of these applications. In one particular detectors in the lower sub allow the instrument to be run IIS ;I
example, a comparison of continuous oxygen activation logs standard PDK-100 (pulsed neutron capture log for measuring
run in the dual completion and conventional spinner sigma, ratio porosity, gamma ray, etc.), as a multiple-spacing
flowmeters run in casing prior to the dual completion AFL for water flow tneasuremenl, or in a combination IW&
illustrates the viability and accuracy of the method.
AFL is aservice mark of Western Ah Loggiug Services
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998

where the near detector is used to record sigma and borehole injection profile. Three to four passeswere tnade across the
decay measurements while the middle and far detectors are interval with the instrument configured for injection (down
used to measure water flow simultaneously during a single flow) logging in the down direction. Track 1 of Figure 3
pass. A simultaneous spinner measurement can be made with contains the source monitor curve (ILS) and sublayer
each of the modes. The combination mode with simultaneous designations. Tracks 3 and 4 contain the calculated water
sigma, water flow, and spinner measurements can be velocity (from continuous and stationary AFL tneasuretnents)
p;udcularly cost-effective, especially in horizontal logging and raw oxygen activation count rates, respecli vely.
operations. Stationary measurements are typically required for water
flowing slower than a few feet per minute.
Water Velocity Measurement The injection profile determined by the AFL is showu in
The relationship between detected count rates and water Track 2. The measured total rate of 1274 bwpd agrees withiti
velocity (relative to the instrument) can be seen in Figure 2. 7 percent of the surface measured rate of 1340 bwpd.
The average water velocity measured by the AFL is a function The profile shows that most is being injected into
of the ratio of annular oxygen activation count rates. Cl and the sublayers 1, 2, and 7, as expected. The AFL injection
C2, detected al the two detectors, the detector spacing as profile can also be compared with a post-treatment spinner
defined by E’, the decay constant, h, and the cable or logging p,ass(scaled between 0 and 100 percent flow in Track 2) and
sped vc,,blc,<asfollows: shows excellent agreement with the AFL profile. It is
itnportant to remember that the spinner was logged in casing
hE’ in direct contact with the injection water, while the AFL was
v= .......... (A-l)
ln( Cl / C2) - ln( Dl / 02) + Vca6fr logged from the L/S tubing, sensing and measuring water
flow remotely via oxygen activation.
The agreement in tneasurements detnonstrates the
AFL theory, logging practices and interpretation viability of oxygen activatiott logging for water flow
tnetbodology have been described previously (u) , and the tneasuretnents, and in this example, illustrates that oxygen
reader is directed to the literature for details. This paper will activation logging can be used effectively for titne-lapse
focus on field examples and general applications of the AFL. tnottitorittg of water shut-off trea:ments. The method is
equally effective for monitoring acidizittg program
Figure 4 shows a time-lapse presetttation li>r the same
Field Applications and Interpretation well using the 1994 AFL data discussed above as the base log.
The following water injection and producing well examples A second AFL was recorded one year later to tnonitor
and are taken from carbonate fields in the Middle East. To changes in the injection profile. The second log shows au
facilitate discussion of the examples, zones or intervals of increase in tie water intake for sublayer SL1/2, which
interest will be referenced as Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, etc. and changes the general injection profile slightly. The polymer
labeled accordingly in the figures, or referenced by specific treatment designed to shut off SL7 still seemsto be effective,
depths (e.g. XX33 Ift.) when appropriate. as the water intake for this interval has not changed.
Example I Comparison of AFL in dual string Examole 2 Channel /fracture example
completion with spinner in casing
prior to dual string completion The example well presented in Figure 5 is a dual water
injector, with S/S injection into Zone 1 above the packer, and
The example well shown in Figure 3 is a dual water L/S injection into Zones 3a, 3b and 4 below the packer. Zone
injeclor injecting 1340 bwpd through the short string (S/S) 2 and Zone 3a are separatedby approxitnately 30 feet of tight
tubing ittto a single set of perforatious in the interval above litnestone. Pulsed Neutron Capture (PNC) logs indicate titat
the packer, and injecting 4860 bwpd through the long string evett though Zone 2 is not perforated, a general increase in
(L/S) tubing into several intervals below the packer. the formation capture cross section, C, has beet] observed
The interval above the packer comprises 7 sublayers with (either due to increasing water saturation, S,, or an acid
differing porosities and permeabilities. Throughout the field, effect). A cetnent tnap shows good cetnent above the
water intake in this interv‘al is typically dominated by sub- perforated interval and poor cetneut frotn below the
layers 1,2, and 7. In order to more evenly dislribute the water perforations to the hottom of the logged ititerval (past Zones 8
injection across the interval, a water shut-off treatment using and 9). The well is surrounded by other injectors which are
polymer injection was performed in February 1994. Spinner injecting into Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Based ou PLT data
passeswere recorded before and after the treatment in casing recorded in nearby wells, Zones 8 and 9 do ttot take water, at
to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. A dual string least in this area of the reservoir.
completion was later run in the well to provide selective The objective for running the AFL was to investigate au
injection. abnormally high water injection rate. Based on nearby wells,
An AFL was recorded in October 1994 to monitor the Zones 3a, 3b, and 4 should only be capable of taking
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998

approximately 500 bwpd, but recent injectiott rates have beett Exumole 3 Producer with 30 percent water cut
as high as 10,000 bwpd. It was reported that during an acid
job ittto Zones 3a, 3b, and 4, injection pressures in the US The example well shown in Figure 7 is a dual producer. The
were within 20 psi of the formation fracture gradient. It is S/S is producing from Zotte 1 at a rate of 1000 bpd with a 30
probable that an induced fracture is the path for excess percent water art, and the WS is producing dry oil frotn zones
injection and that it is iu communicaliott with Zone 2 above below the packer. As in the first example welt, Zotte 1
(evidenced by the increase in C due Lo ittcreased S, and an comprises 7 sublayers with highest permeability in sublayers
associatedacid effect). 1, 2, and 7.
Several passes were tnade with the APL ittstrutnent in The AFL was logged in the L/S tubing in production
injection mode logging in the dowtt direction to detect down tnode for upward water flow detection. Two continuous
flow, theft in Ute production mode logging in the up direction passes logging in the up direction and several station:uy
to detect upward water flow. Production tnode passes measurementswere tnade in the interval.
detected no upward flow. However, if ch~anttclittg existed at The water entry point is frotn sublayer 7 which is marked
the current injection rates, waler velocity would be on the by the increased oxygen activaticn levels just above the suh-
order of several hundred feet per minute attd too fast to layer shown itt Track 4. Note that couttt r:ttes on the
measure. Indeed, witb good cemettt indicated between Zones contittuous pass do not increase at sublayer 7, but sotne
2 and 3a, and the probable presence of an induced fracture, distance above, due to initial water entry moving slower than
any upward flow could take place at some distance from the the logging speed. Water cannot be detected until it is
wellbore. traveling a few feet per tnittute faster than the instrument.
Water flow was of course detected during the injectiou Water velocity is showtt in Track 3. Moving up the weilbore
mode down passes. The total AFL-measured injection is frotn sublayer 7, increases in water velocity are observed as
4583 bwpd aud agrees welt with the lwo measured surface oil enters lhe wellbore ‘and iucreasesthe lotal flow rate.
rates of 4601 and 4567 bwpd recorded during the logging job. Water rate is presented in Track 2 and was calculated
Both Ute AFL and spintter responses ittdicate that ntosl of the based OII the surface water cut of 30 percent, and a fortnation
injectiott water is entering Zones 3a <and3b, however, as volume factor for oil, B, , equal to 1.2 was used for surface-
discussed, the formation can not be taking a11of the water. to-dowtthole conversions to pstitnate the water holdup in the
Dowuw‘ard waler flow (445 bwpd) was detected below interval. The total water rate thus measured by lbe AFL is
Zone 4 which must be due to casing flow and/or channeling. 297 bpd, which is itt good agreetncttt with the surface rates.
Stationary measurements taken at the 11~)sof Zones 5 through
9. respectively, show that the waler flow is cottstattt down to M’uter Holdup Estimtion
tune 7 with no water flow detected going to Zones 8 or 9.
This indicates that. the water is beirrg taken by Zmc 7 and is A qunlitative indication of water holdup can be inferred by
consislent with the knowledge that Zottes 8 attd 9 do not take studying the oxygen nctivaliott Icvels detected over the .
water in the ~JXXI.The example welt is not perforated in Zone itttervaJ.
7, which ittdicaces that sotne or all of the water flow is in the Figure 8 shows both up and dowu logging passes. When
form of chanttelittg behind casing. logging in the down logging direction, the source leads the
Interestingly, simullaneous skitionary spinner detectors, so oxygen in all water (borehote and formation) can
measurements at Zottes 7 and Y itt the casittg, which are be activated, while for up loggittg passes,only water which is
presettted in Figure 6, show erratic yet direcliottal flow irtside moving faster thnrt the tool can cotttribute to the oxygert
the casittg in the down direction, and in the up direction at aclivntiori signal.
Zone 8. This could be indicative of casing-anttulus As seett on the up loggittg passes,only produced water is
communication lhrough corrodti casing joiuts. A casing detected, and the observed courtt rates <arefuttctiotts of water
inspection log would be helpful. cut and velocity.
In summary, a working hypothesis for this welt is that the Note that for the down loggittg passes, activatiott levels
light limeslone between Zones 2 attd 3a was fractured durittg are relatively low from below Ute top packer to the pcrforatctl
the arid job and that the fracture is responsible for the high pup joint due to oil trapped under Ihe packer (less oxygen in
ittjectability of Ute well. Secondly, water is channclittg the measuretnettt volume). Conversely, oxygen activation
behind c&tp in the poorly cetnettted interval below levels are high above the bottom packer due to standing waler
perforations down lo Zone 7. Artd lastly, casing corrosion from below the perforations down lo lhe packer. The holdup
tnay exist with casittg-atttrulus cotnmutiicalion allowing lluw cau be roughly estimated in the ittterval by cotttparing Ute
inside attd outside of the c,asing. oxygen levels above Ihe perforations with the tnittintutn and
In order to resolve the tnatter in more detail, the tnauimum values observed in the oil trapped below the top
acquisition of additional data, such as PNC and High packer and water sitting on the bottom packer, respectively.
Resolution Temperature (HRT) logs, as well as an AFL in the To improve this estitnation, ohserved oxygen activatiou levels
production mode under vnryittg rates is cousidered advisable. should first be corrected for tubing hardw;ue effects (e.g. blast
join& across the perforated interval provide more shielding
and reduce count rates). Oxygett activation levels are also
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998

affected by changes in velocity (in addition to changes in

water cut), but logging in the down direction normalizes the Comparison with spinner data demonstrates that the AFL
velocity effect to some extent becauseall oxygen in the water continuous oxygen activation method provides viable and
and formation is moving at least with a relative velocity equal accurate measurements
to the logging speed. Indeed, as logging speed increases the Injection prol’ilcs into reservoir sublayers withiu 21singie
difference between velocities of static and flowing water perforated interval can be del?:nnilied
relative to the instrument dmeases, and the signal level The measurement is useful for time-lapse logging lo
becomesmore a function of water holdup. track the effectiveness of water shut-off polymer
Another metbod for determining holdup is to run the AFL treatments
in a combination mode under both shut-in and flowing well The method can be used tu monitor multiple r:rte
conditions, where borebole sigma and other borehole injection tests to locate fractured intervals an(! dclrrfnitlr
composition measurementscan be made. fracture rates.
This example demonstrates that continuous oxygen Cross-flow between zones of dilterent permeahillty after
activation logging can successfully detect and measure water a significant drop in injection rate has dso beeu obten-etl
flow in S/S producers. The logging program can be designed Channelillg behind casing can bn detWted.
to provide additional information for holdup determination. Logging in producers allows determination of water entry
An additional benefit of the method for horizontal production points and water velocity. In addiriou to velocity,
logging programs is that oxygen aclivation provides an measurements can be gleaned from associated AFL data
average measurement across the wellbore aud can provide to determine water holdup and thus production rates in
holdup information in stratified flow regimes where fluid the ain~h~s.
segregation often occurs.
k?hnl~le 4 Injector with crossflow between In the future, more effort will be directed to the use of the
different zones AFL in producing wells, with incrensed use expected in
horizontal wells.
The example well showu in Figure 9 is a dual injector. The
S/S injects into Zone 1 aud 2, the US into Zone 3,
respectively. Zone 2 is of better reservoir quality than Zune I, Acknowledgment
owing primarily to its better permeability. Porosity and shale The authors would like to thank Ahu Didi Natiutrd Oil
volume are very similar for the two intervals. Company (ADNOC), Z&un Development Compnuy
To facilitate data acquisition, maximum injection rates of (ZADCO), and Abu Dhnbi Marine Affairs Operating
3400 bwpd aud 1850 bwpd for the S/S and L/S, respectively, Cooperating (ADMA-OPCO) for their kiud supper! during
were set and allowed to stabilize forty-eight hours prior to the data acquisition and analysis and permission to discuss
logging the well. The AFL data presented in Fig. 8 shows the examples presented in this paper.
that mosl of the water (88 %) enters Zone 2, while the
remainder (12%) enters ‘Zone 1. The surface readout of
injection rate and the rate derived from the AFL differed by
approximately 15%, however, surface gauges were not References
calibrated. I. Paa?, H.J.. Arnold, D.M., and Peelman, H.E.: “Behiud Casing
By comparison, Figure 10 shows data acquired Water Flow Detection Using ContinuousOxygell Activation”,
approximately lifteen minutes afler the injection rate for the 1J.S.PatentNo. 4,032,780(Juoe28, 1977).
2. Arnold. D.M. and Paap, H.J.: “Quantitative Mwitoring of
S/S was reduced to less than 160 bwpd. Injection in the WS
Water Plow Behind and in Wcllbore Casing”, published in
was not changed. The AFL, indicates an increase in annukar Journal of Perroleum Technology, Ix. 1974.
flow velocity as the injection water passesZune 1. This can 3. Hill III, F.L., Barnette, C.J , Koerrn, I,., and Chace. D.M.:
only be explained as cross-flow from Zone 1 to A>ne 2, “New Instrumentation and Iuterprc!ive Methods for Idei!tifying
c;iused by the “super-charging” of the low permeabilicg Shielded Water Flow Using Pulsed Neurron Terhrwlogy“.
reservoir (Zone 1) by the non-standard high volume, high Paper S, Trans.. CWLS 12.!1 Formation Evaluatiou
pr-essurc injection prior lo logging. This relaxalion Symposium. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Sept. 1989.
phenomenon was only observed because the well was logged 4.. M&eon, D.C.. Scott. H.D., Oleseu. J.R... Patton. Ci.L., and
shortly after the reduction of injection rates. hlitchell. R.J.: “Improved Method f lr Detcnnming Water Flwv
Behind Casiug Using Oxygen Activation”, Paper 23SR6
prcsentcd at the 65th Annual Technical Cnnfcrrnce and
Exhibition in New Orleans, L4, Sept. IYYO.
Conclusions 5. Trcka, L1.E. and Chace, D.M.: “lniproved Method for
Recent experience in the Middle East has shown that Measuring Annular Water Flow in Iniccticw Wells t.[s:inv
continuous oxygen activation logging is a viable means for Coutinuous Oxygen Activation t.qping”. paper SPE 2~~50.
monitoriug complex water flow iu dua! completion wells. presented at the 68th Aj~nual l‘echn~cal Conferruce ail,.!
Examples have been presented illustrating different Exhibition, Houstrjn, Texas, Oct.105’3.
applicatious of the Annular Row Log (AFL): 6. Chacc, D.M.. TIcka. D.E snd I?IUC, H.A.:“.4p]~lic~tio~~ :cnd
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998

Interpretation of Continuous Oxygen Activation Logs for

Measuring Complex Water Flow Profiles in Injection Wells”,
paper SPE 28412, presented at the 69th Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, Sept.

Flg. 2 - Reletlonmhlp between count rates measured by the AFL and

vdoclty of weter flow rdalfve to the tool.

Fig. 1 -Sketch of AFL tool conflgured for detection of Injeetlon

(downward water flow, left) and water productlon (upward flow,
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998



- .



IlIt-% 1 i t i i VU-



Flg. 3 - Comparlson of prs- and post polymer treatment lnjectlon
profiles acquired wlth conventlonal spinner and AFL acquired SIX
months after treatment. Splnns+ data was acquired prior to dual
completions belng set, the AFL data after. Total lnlectlon as 1
measured by AFL agrees to wlthln 7% with surface measured rates.
Flg. 4 - Timelapse AFL data acquired SIX and elght months after
polymer treatment (1994 and 1995 dsia, rsspectlvely). Analysls
results In two center tracks show change In ln)sctlon proflle, which
Is caused by water Intake of SLlR In 1895. Shut-off of bottom sub-
layer not changed.
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998

Cement Map
Circumferential View

Flg. 5 - Example of AFL data acqulrsd In Injector wlth analysis

results showlng bulk volume of water enterlng zone 23. Cement
map on rlght shows poor cement quallty wlth possible channeling
and behlnd casing communlcatlon from thls Interval downward.
Depth track shows completion dlagram.
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998

Flg. 6 - Splnner flow meter data from statlonary readlngs taken at

depths shown In dlagram. Spinner data shown as depth dependent
Is actually Urns drlvr Note the changes In Row dlrectlon (up/down)
for the bottom three stattons.
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998

---.-.i -

- ..--- i







1 J

1ss icI*I



Flg. 8 - Count rates from combined up and down passes for

producing well. Solld lines are from XL detector, long dashes from
far detector, short dashes near de&to,. Note count rate proftle for
down passes are prlmarlly a function 01 annular fluid: oil just below
Flg. 7 - AFL from producing well wlth 10% water cut. lnformatlon top packer (low counts), olUwater mlxture In the mlddle and water
from two up passes at 3 and 10 Wmln, respectively. on top of bottom packer (hlgh counts).
SPWLA 39th Annual Logging Symposium, May 26-29,1998

Flg. 9 - AFL data from dual Injector (S/S tublng ends above the Flg. 10 - AFL data from dual producer shown In Fig. 9 after 50%
logged Interval). InJectIon proflle and split derived from reduction In InJectlon rate for S/S to 1800 hwpd, US unchanged.
measurement. InJectIon at approxlmately 3400 bwpd for SIS and Crossflow evldent from Zone 1 down to Zone 2.
1800 bwpd for L/S.

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