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Dear Editor,

I am submitting the manuscript entitled “Calcium oxide as a promising heterogeneous

catalyst for biodiesel production: Current state and perspectives” written by Dalibor
M. Marinković, Olivera S. Stamenković, Dušan M. Jovanović and Vlada B. Veljković for
publication in your journal.

This is a review paper that has not been previously published elsewhere. It is not under
consideration for publication elsewhere, its publication is approved by all authors and
tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and
that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any
other language, without the written consent of the Publisher.

This work has been funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project III 45001).

This review paper presents the progress made in development of various calcium oxide
(CaO)–based catalysts suitable for biodiesel production. At first, the important properties
of CaO-based catalysts are described, the mechanism of transesterification reaction over
these catalysts is explained and the kinetics and optimization of transesterification
reaction catalyzed by CaO-based catalysts is considered. According of the form of CaO,
these catalysts are classified into four groups: neat, doped, loaded and mixed CaO, and
their use is then discussed. Key design parameters of the catalyst, such as operation with
the low quality feed oils, the presence of deactivation compounds and leaching of CaO
are presented. An especial attention is paid onto leaching of CaO-based catalysts during
the transesterification reaction as the most important drawback. An emphasis is also
given to various continuous reactor systems currently in use. In addition, the purification
of crude biodiesel and the ecological aspects of using CaO-based catalysts are
considered. Finally, the potential of CaO-based catalysts as a heterogeneous catalyst in
this area are discussed to evaluate their perspectives in the future.

I believe that it will be of interest to those dealing with biodiesel production and
especially with crude biodiesel purification.

I hope the paper will meet the requirements of the Journal and be accepted for


Dalibor M. Marinković

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