Clubs Night:: New Clubs Require The Principal's Signature

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Clubs Night:

This Whitman “must see” ​student ​event is Tuesday, September. 24, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the
cafeteria. To officially register your club, all forms must be approved and signed by the sponsor.
Setting up a booth at Clubs Night is a great way to get your Club off to a strong start! Bring a
poster, banner, and a sign-up sheet to help you promote your Club and find new members.

Registration Form:

● The student organizer must get the Whitman Teacher Sponsor’s approval ​and ​signature.
○ New clubs require the principal’s signature
● Submit a hard copy to the main office, or email the signed signature page to​. Please include the name of your Club in the email
Subject line by 4:00 pm Friday, September 13, 2019.

I. Club Information: This information will appear in the Clubs Booklet

Club Name: ​Russian and East European Culture Club

Club Description: ​Come join the Russian and East European Culture Club if you enjoy delicious
food, experiencing different cultures, learning new languages, and doing fun activities such as: Russian
Tea Parties, Mini-golf, Ice Skating, Bowling, etc.! Plus SSL Hours for doing fun activities!
Meetings: ​Meets 2:30 pm on Mondays, room A216

Student Organizer Name: ​Sweat, Sasha

Student Organizer Contact: ​, 240-762-9537
Sponsor email: ​

II. Clubs Night Booths:

Only table space is provided. An outlet is provided upon request. Student Sponsors are
responsible for obtaining and returning all equipment, including audio-visual (AV) and
supplies, needed for their set-up.

Booth at Clubs Night?: ​No

Electrical outlet near your booth?: ​No

Special Requests:

Club Name: ​Russian and East European Culture Club

As ​Student Organizer​, I _______________, _____________ request the above information be

included, and/or used for planning purposes for the 2019 - 2020 Clubs Night. I will show up at
least 30 minutes early to set up for clubs night, will follow school rules, and will clean up after
the event.

Student Organizer Name: ​Sweat, Sasha

Student Signature: ________________________________________ Date ______________

As the ​Staff Sponsor​ for this club, throughout the year, I am responsible for supervising
on-campus after-school club meetings and events. I am aware of and will follow procedures for
reserving space, organizing fundraisers, scheduling events and other club related needs.

Staff Sponsor Name (Please Print):________________________________________________

Staff Sponsor Signature:_____________________________________ Date _______________

New Clubs*:

Is this a new club: ​No

Approved/Dr. Robby Dodd ___________________________________ Date _______________

*Principal’s approval not required if: the same Club was included in the 2017-2018 Clubs
Night booklet

For a list of last year's clubs, go to Whitman Website and click on “Clubs” in the top menu.

Questions? Email:

The deadline for submitting completed forms is 4:00 pm, Friday, September 13, 2019.

*All clubs are open to all students


*All clubs are open to all students

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