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5 authors, including:

Klaus-Rainer Braeutigam Marcel Szanto

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


Joachim Vogdt
RWTH Aachen University


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I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.



Bräutigam, K.-R.1; Gonzalez, T.1; Seifert, H.1; Szanto, M.2; Vogdt, J.3
Forschungsznetrum Karlsruhe, POB 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Avenida Brasil 2950, Valparaiso, Chile
Rheinisch Westfälisch Technische Hochschule Aachen, Wüllnerstr. 2, D-52062 Aachen

Within the research project “Risk Habitat Megacity”, which is performed by different centres
of the German Helmholtz-Association together with research teams from Chile the
application field “Waste Management” will be analysed with respect to the so called cross-
cutting concepts sustainability, risk, and governance. In this paper the overall concept of the
project “Risk Habitat Megacity” will be described briefly. Afterwards sustainability indicators
for “Waste Management” will be presented, which have been selected on the basis of an
extensive literature research. In order to analyse and evaluate waste management in
Santiago de Chile with respect to sustainability and to develop strategies for a more
sustainable waste management system reliable data for the actual system must be available
and analysed. Data for waste arising, waste composition, recycling activities and waste
deposition for the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile (RM Santiago) will be presented.
Key words: risk habitat megacity, waste management.

1. Introduction
Urbanization is one of the most dramatic processes of global change. Particularly in mega-
urban regions, it anticipates trends with both regional and global consequences that are not
yet well understood. Mega-urbanization does not only involve unprecedented growth, high
population density, and a concentration of economic and political power, but also a complex
variety of simultaneous and interacting processes. They turn the urban habitat into both a
space of risk and a space of opportunity.
A research initiative of the German Helmholtz-Association, which started in 2005, analyses
mature megacities in Latin America, the most urbanized region in the world. Its large
agglomerations are of crucial socio-economic importance for the entire continent. At the
same time, urbanization in the region is about to reach a new dimension. The first case study
is the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile (RM Santiago), the centre of one of the most
urbanized countries in Latin America. This agglomeration suffers from megacity-typical
problems and offers the scope to uncover emerging trends.
Santiago de Chile offers an excellent research infrastructure and research partners with
international recognition. From Santiago, the project will be extended to other megacities in
Latin America.
The initiative will:
• contribute to the specification of sustainability objectives for the future
development of megacities;
• assess characteristic risks, their driving factors and consequences in megacities;
• design strategies and instruments for risk management as key tools for
sustainable urban development;
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

• develop implementation solutions that take the institutional, political, economic,

and social aspects within megacities into account;
• build a platform for continuous learning and application in order to integrate academic
research and practice.
The analytical framework of the initiative is innovative due to its integrative and
interdisciplinary character, which allows scientists and policy makers to deepen the
understanding of megacities as a system. The sustainable development concept serves to
formulate the target dimension of the project. The risk concept assists in identifying problems
and evaluating their relevance. The governance concept focuses on the actors and options
for managing megacities.
The project applies the three analytical concepts to various megacity-typical application
fields. Figure 1 gives an overview of the project structure and shows the different application
fields which will be analysed in detail with respect to sustainability, risk and governance.

Local Stakeholders Risk Habitat Scientific Advisory Board


Programme Coordinator Development and

Programme Steering Group Dissemination of

Water resources and services

Cross-Cutting Concept: Indicators

Socio-spatial differentiation

Sustainable Development Toolkits

Land - use management

Air quality and health

Waste management

Cross-Cutting Concept: Capacity Building

Energy system


Scientific training
Training of practitioners
Cross-Cutting Concept: Workshops

Figure 1: Project structure of “Risk Habitat Megacity

2. The integrative sustainable development concept

With the integrative Helmholtz sustainability concept (for a detailed description, see [1]) an
analytical tool that is both theoretically and conceptually wellfounded and consistent will be
applied. The concept is based on the three constitutive elements of sustainable development
- the postulate of inter- and intragenerational justice, the global perspective, and the
anthropocentric view – that are translated into three general goals: to secure human
existence, maintain society’s productive potential, and preserve society´s options for
development and action. These goals are further concretized by a set of sustainability rules,
such as the “satisfaction of basic needs” with regard to accommodation, food, and health;
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

“equal access to education and information”; the “opportunity of autonomous subsistence

bases on own income”, the “sustainable use of renewable and non-renewable resources”, an
“adequate development of human and knowledge capital”, “maintenance of social
resources”, or the “preservation of cultural heritage and cultural diversity”. These rules
constitute the core element of this concept. They describe guiding principles for action,
defining a priori universally valid minimum requirements for a global sustainable
development. Hence, they serve as basic orientation for future development and provide a
comprehensive set of evaluation criteria (relating to countries, cities, societal sectors,
strategies, and innovations). These general sustainability rules can be further concretized by
application field specific sustainability indicators. For the application field “Waste
management” they will be described in the following section. A schematic representation of
the architecture of the Helmholtz integrative sustainability concept is shown in figure 2.

approach Constitutive elements
General goals


Bottom-up Contextualisiation
orientation) Local problems

Figure 2: Architecture of the Helmholtz integrative sustainability concept

3. Sustainability indicators for “Waste management”

On the basis of an extensive evaluation of the relevant literature about sustainability
indicators for different regions (Germany, Europe, international indicator systems, Latin
America) a set of more than 100 indicators was established and assigned to appropriate
sustainability rules [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Some of these indicators together with their
assignment to sustainability rules are shown in table1. In a next working step, the complete
list of indicators will be discussed with experts from Chile and if necessary this list will be
modified. An extensive description of the process of development of sustainability indicators
for “Waste Management” is given in [11].
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

Table 1: Selected sustainability indicators for “Waste Management” in Latin America

Dimension Human Life Natural Resources

Minimization of Sparing use of Maintaining the
environment-caused Satisfaction of renewable and generation capacity
adverse impacts on basic needs non-renewable of ecological
health resources systems
Reliability of waste Specific contribution
Recycling rate for
Substantial strain of management of the waste industry
potential recyclable
informal and formal differentiated to the greenhouse
materials of the
employers in waste between urban gas emissions
formal and informal
Examples management quarters/ [carbon dioxide
sector [%]
of municipalities equivalent]
Indicators Amount & type of Production of energy Annual total amount
accidents at work of by incineration and of illegal dumping
Percentage of men
informal and formal recycling of waste grounds & waste
living in poverty [%]
employers in waste [TJ/ 100 t waste, incineration
management Mio kWh/ a] [t/ a]

Dimension Equal opportunities Governance

Possibility of Compensation of
Society's ability to
Aspect autonomous extreme differen- Self-Organisation
subsistence ces in income
Degree of realization of
Number of informal Relation between Availability of national
international allegations
and formal high and low waste management
for Chilean waste
employers in waste income in the waste strategies
management legislation
industry industry [%] [Yes-/ No-Indicator]
of Percentage of full/
Number of Number/ Degree of
Indicators half time, short-
Income of informal enterprises with realization of voluntary
time/ long-time
and formal accredited agreements in the waste
formal and informal
employers in waste environmental industry (e. g. product
employers in the
industry management responsibility)
waste manage-
systems (14001) [number, %]
ment industry

4. Waste Management in Latin America – General Overview

Even though health and environmental problems derived from inadequate solid waste
management are well known, they have not received sufficient weight and the development
of services related to waste management are still not considered important in many parts of
Latin America. In urban centres of Latin America on average between 60% and 80% of
municipal solid wastes are collected and only 23% of these are disposed of in a sanitary and
environmental acceptable way [12]. Among the seven megacities (Mexico City, Bogota,
Caracas, Lima, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, and Santiago de Chile) those with the lowest
waste collection rate are the Lima metropolitan area (60%) and the Mexico City metropolitan
area (80%) [12]. In Buenos Aires, for example, large areas of the city are excluded from
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

waste collection, and in the peripheral neighborhoods waste is simply dumped onto open
sites [13].
In Latin America, the generation of municipal solid waste varies between 0.37 and 2.65
kg/(inhab*day) with an average of 0.91 kg/(inhab*day). Likewise, large cities are the largest
generators of municipal waste per capita with about 1.1 kg/(inhab*day) while small and poor
settlements generate waste on average of less than 0.5 kg/(inhab*day). Due to [14], in 1997
the highest per capita production of the above mentioned large urban areas in Latin America
results from Sao Paulo (1.35 kg/(inhab*day)), a value, which increased to
1.99 kg/(inhab*day) in 2005. Lima is the city with the lowest production of municipal solid
waste (with a value of 0.56 kg/(inhab*day) in 1997 and a value of 0.7 kg/(inhab*day) in 2005.
In Santiago de Chile the corresponding values are 0.87 kg/(inhab*day) for 1997 and
1.18 kg/(inhab*day) for 2005.
In Latin America, the formal segregation and recovery of recyclable materials is not carried
out on a large scale. On average, only 2.2% of the materials are recovered. Informal
recycling is widely promoted however, its magnitude is difficult to identify due to the fact that
the activities are subtle [15]. In almost all Latin American countries, the solid waste area is
considered, in the best scenario, as a subsector or as a component of the water and
sanitation sector [14]. Investments in municipal solid waste management are minimal
compared to other public services such as electricity, potable water, and basic wastewater.
They concentrate in acquiring equipment and, lastly, in infrastructure works for final disposal.
Technological development and research in municipal solid waste management is also very
low in the majority of Latin American countries.
In the metropolitan region of Santiago (RM Santiago) waste arisings per capita in the
population group with the highest income are twice as high compared to the population group
with the lowest income. The increase in waste production during the last years is, amongst
others, caused by an increase of income of all population groups and by an increased use of
non-returnable products. As a consequence, the fraction of organic matter in domestic waste
decreased whereas the fraction of plastics has risen [16, 17].
In RM Santiago, 95% of the domestic waste is collected, transported and deposited on
approved landfills. The collection of wastes is performed by ten different enterprises
however, 72% of all domestic waste is collected by only three of them. As a result there is
hardly any competition, which might result in higher prices. Waste collection covers the
whole region of RM Santiago and the frequency of collection is three times a week in most
areas, in some areas waste is collected even daily.
RM Santiago utilizes three relatively new landfills: one started its operation in 1996, the other
two in 2002. All of them are equipped with a base seal and a collection system for leachate.
The rest of the waste that is not collected is either recycled in an informal way or deposited in
pseudo legal dumps (vertedero), in illegal garbage dumps, or is dumped indiscriminately.
According to the National Environmental Commission (CONAMA), there are still 66 illegal
garbage dumps in Santiago [18].
Data regarding costs for collection and transport of municipal solid waste, given in literature,
vary between USD 10 and USD 25 per ton; costs for the disposal of waste vary between
USD 10 per ton and USD 20 per ton, resulting in an average value for collection, transport
and disposal of USD 30 per ton. It should be noted that the gate fee between USD 10 and
USD 20 per ton is very low; according to modern standards controlled landfilling is reported
to cost USD 30 to USD 40 per ton [19].
In Chile, no official recycling programmes are established. However, the recycling of paper
started in the eighties, when members of the poorest families walked through the streets
separating paper and cardboards from domestic waste in order to get some money by selling
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

it. Meanwhile the population is used to collecting paper and cardboard. Nowadays also glass,
plastics, and metals are partially recycled. Incentives to recycle glass, paper, plastics, and
metals consist in the fact that the revenue benefits charity. During the last years the recycling
of paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, and metals steadily increased and an increasing number
of communities of the RM Santiago incorporated the duty for recycling these materials into
the contracts with enterprises responsible for waste disposal. In 1997, only 1% of total
domestic waste was recycled. This value increased to 9% in 2003. In this year about 28% of
paper and cardboard, 6% of plastics, 13% of glass and 56% of metals were recycled.
Meanwhile members of the “Regional Environmental Commission of the Metropolitan
Region” (COREMA RM) have put into force the “Regional Recycling Strategy” [20]. This
strategy aims at the implementation of a permanent recycling system for the region, which is
self-preserving and should result in a recycling rate of at least 20% of the arising of domestic
waste after 2006. Nevertheless, up to now, this recycling rate has not been achieved.

5. Waste arising and waste composition in RM Santiago

As already mentioned in RM Santiago nearly all municipal solid waste is collected,
transported and, with the exception of the recycling fraction, deposited on approved landfills.
The quantity of total municipal solid waste is calculated at the landfill by weighing the waste
at the gate of the landfill. Due to the fact that together with municipal solid waste also some
(unknown) amounts from markets, restaurants, from small business enterprises as well as
from street-cleaning are collected and transported to landfills, these amounts are included in
the overall quantity of municipal solid waste. Due to official statistics [21] total amount of
waste arising (all types of waste) is estimated to about 5.75 Mio tons for RM Santiago for the
year 2006. The amount of municipal solid waste (residuos solidos urbanos) for the year 2006
for RM Santiago accounts for about 2.65 Mio tons. Table 2 shows the contribution of different
types of waste for the year 2006 for RM Santiago.

Table 2: Quantity of different types of waste in RM Santiago in 2006 [21]

type of waste total amount percentage

Mg/a %
municipal solid waste
2,645,966 46
residuos solidos urbanos (RSU)
industrial waste
920,336 16
residuos solidos industriales (RSI)
conctruction waste
2,128,277 37
residuos de construccion (ResCon)
hospital waste
57,521 1
residuos hospitalarios (ResHos)

total 5,752,100 100

The quantities of municipal solid waste for the years 1995 to 2005 are shown in table 3. In
this table the quantities which are recycled and which are deposited are shown separately. In
addition, the recycling rate is given [22]. The quantities deposited in landfills increased from
about 1.8 Mio tons in 1995 to about 2.5 Mio tons in 2005. This increase in the quantity of
waste is caused by an increase of population on the one hand and by an increase of waste
production per capita on the other hand. The recycling-rate was nearly zero in 1995, about
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

5% in 2000 and reached a value of about 12% in 2005. Nevertheless, it has to be mentioned,
that the data for recycling are only a rough estimation, because most of the recycling material
is collected by the informal sector and the data are based on questionnaires, given to
middlemen and industries, which buy these recycling materials.

Table 3: Quantities of municipal solid waste (residuos solidos urbanos) in RM Santiago in the years
1995 to 2005 [22] and calculated recycling rate

year landfill recycling total recycling rate

Mg/a Mg/a Mg/a %
1995 1,789,599 2,891 1,792,490 0.16
1996 1,870,868 5,020 1,875,888 0.27
1997 1,952,137 18,466 1,970,603 0.94
1998 2,156,446 73,787 2,230,233 3.31
1999 2,270,311 94,048 2,364,359 3.98
2000 2,405,433 139,928 2,545,361 5.50
2001 2,331,173 195,973 2,527,146 7.75
2002 2,273,897 205,932 2,479,829 8.30
2003 2,336,474 229,368 2,565,842 8.94
2004 2,373,228 234,319 2,607,547 8.99
2005 2,449,831 347,809 2,797,640 12.43

Figure 3 shows a comparison the specific waste production (kg per person and day) for Latin
America, Santiago de Chile, the European Union and Germany for the years 1997 and 2004
[23, 24, 25]. With the exception of Germany, which shows a small decrease in specific waste
production for 2004 compared to 1997 the other three regions show an increase, which is
very small in the European Union and highest in Santiago de Chile. This relatively high
increase in specific waste production in Santiago de Chile is a consequence of the economic
growth which is accompanied by a change in consumption patterns.
Future waste management strategies as well as the (long-term) behaviour of waste on
landfills strongly depend on the composition of waste. Figure 4 shows this composition for
Santiago and, in comparison, for Germany [26, 25]. Again, it has to be mentioned that it is
not clear, whether the data for Santiago are representative. The data were taken from a
study of the Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (UCV) which was performed for the Chilean
environmental agency CONAMA [27]. In this study relatively small samples of municipal solid
waste from only 10 communes of Santiago were analysed. Nevertheless it is evident that the
organic fraction is very high (about 45%), and is much higher than in Germany (about 15%).
On the other side the fraction “paper/cardboard” is higher in Germany (about 35%) than in
Santiago (about 15%).
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

Specific M unicipal Solid Waste Production in different regions [kg/(]



1997 1.61
specific waste production [kg per person per day]



0.8 0.75




Latin America Santiago de Chile EU 25 countries Germany

Figure 3: Specific municipal solid waste production for different years and regions [23, 24, 25]


Composition of waste - comparison between Santiago de Chile and Germany


values given in percent






Organic Paper/Cardboard Plastics Metals Glass Textiles Other

Figure 4: Composition of municipal solid waste in Santiago and in Germany [26, 25]

On the basis of data for the quantity of municipal solid waste, waste collection by the
communes and the informal sector, waste recycling and waste deposition in the three
landfills “Lomas Los Colorados”, “Santa Marta” and “Santiago Poniente” a flow chart for the
different waste streams was established. This flow chart together with a table, containing the
corresponding numbers is shown in figure 5. Again, the numbers given in the chart are only a
rough estimate and, on the basis of the data available, are average values over the years
2005 to 2007. As can be seen from the numbers 4, 5 and 6, most of the waste is deposited
on the three relatively new landfills (about 2.5 Mio tons per year). The share of recycling is
about 10% (about 206,000 tons per year). This quantity mainly results from the collection
activities of the informal sector (171,500 tons per year – see numbers 8 and 9), from formal
collection of recycling material due to organized collection of recycling material in the
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

communes “La Florida”, “Vitacura”, “Nunoa” and “La Pintana” (13,400 tons per year – see
number 13) and due to several drop-off systems (21,000 tons per year – see number 11).
Within these drop-off systems bins are arranged at public places, at super-markets or at
private dwellings (“condominios”) and people can bring their recycling material and drop it off
at the locations.
As soon as additional or new data will be available, the flow chart and corresponding table
shown in figure 5 will be modified or worked out in more detail. In addition, the flow-chart will
serve as a basis for establishing scenarios for a future waste managing system, e.g. by
adding additional pathways for the flow of municipal solid waste.

2 5 Loma Los
Puerta Sur 6
Transfer Santa Marta
16 Paper
Municipal Solid Waste Industries
1 Bins 7 Informal 8 9
Bags Middlemen
Collection Glass
Domestic Industries
10 Drop off 11 Plastic
Commercial Systems Industries
Domestic 19
21 Metal
12 Formal 13 14
2,710,000 Mg/a Collection
15 Plant

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Mg/a 2,670,000 1,500,000 682,000 325,000 1,500,000 682,000 171,500 171,500 171,500 21.000 21,000

% 98.5 55 25 12 55 25 6,2 6,2 6,2 0,76

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Mg/a 19,000 13,400 2,400 11,000 90,300 23,700 10,700 70,200 11,000 5,700

% 0,490 0,09 0,4 3,3 0,86 0,4 2,6 0,4

Figure 5: Flow chart for municipal solid waste in RM Santiago

(average values over the years 2005-2007)

6. Conclusions and future prospects

Within this paper the overall design of the project “Risk Habitat Megacity” was described
shortly. Data for the application field “Waste Management in RM Santiago” were presented
and discussed. This includes data for quantities of municipal solid waste, waste composition,
data for recycling activities of the formal and informal sector as well as data for waste
disposal. So far it is not clear, how reliable these data are. Main reason for this is that
quantities of municipal solid waste are measured at the landfill and these amounts include
unknown quantities from markets, restaurants, from small business enterprises as well as
from street-cleaning. In addition, the database for establishing numbers for waste
composition might not be representative. Regarding waste recycling, it is difficult to get and
I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

to check data about quantities collected by the formal and the informal sector. Nevertheless
the data given in this paper might serve as a basis for further improvement.
In addition the “Integrative concept of sustainable development” together with a list of
selected sustainability indicators for the field of waste management was presented. Aim of
future work will be to analyse the current waste management system with respect to these
sustainability indicators. Afterwards different scenarios for a future waste management
system will be established and analysed with respect to sustainability indicators.

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I Simposio Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Residuos
Castellón, 23-24 de julio de 2008.

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