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In-class Article 1 Reflection

Group Member Names:

1. What is the study’s purpose?

a. The study’s purpose is to qualitatively answer the research question “How do

young, single professionals who do not have children view work/life balance”
by adults aged 18-25 with a variety of occupations, whose views on this matter
have not been studied before.

2. What is the study’s research question/hypothesis?

a. “How do young, single professionals who do not have children view work/life

3. How does the literature cited build an argument for the study’s research question/


4. What type of method was used in this study?

5. Who were the study participants?

6. What did the study participants do?

7. How were the data analyzed?

8. What were the main study findings?

9. How can study findings advance theory?

10. How can study findings be put into practice?

11. Identify one study limitation.

12. Identify one area for future research.

13. Cite the study according to APA 7.

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