Modules in P.E & Health

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Republic of the Philippines

Tabuk City Division
Dagupan West, Tabuk City Kalinga


The learner...
Demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing one’s health as a habit;
as requisite for PA performance, and as a career opportunity

The learner...
Leads recreational events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.


 Explains relationship of health behaviors (eating habits, sleep and stress
management) to health risks factors and PA performance (PEH12FH-IId-
 Describes the role of PAs in managing one’s stress (PEH12FH-IIf-5)

o Define Stress
o Identify common stressors
o Understand techniques to cope with stress
o Make a list of the different stress management technique.

Direction: Look at the picture in an eye level and see if the picture is moving fast or moving slow. This Stress Test
Uses The Rotating Stress Pictures To Test The Level Of Stress A Person Can Handle.

Stress Test Result:


Answer the following question:

1. What makes you stress?


2. What do you usually do when you are under stress?


3. Were you able to manage your stress well after doing so?

Direction: Fill out the following.

1. What is Stress?

2. What is Stressor?

There are two types of Stress.

A. Eustress: Positive, good stress that comes from situations that are enjoyable.
B. Distress: Negative, bad stress that can be harmful to the body.
Stress diary list:
- Death of family member - Early pregnancy/fatherhood - Starting a new job
- Losing contact with love ones - Passing the exam - Practical exam
- Receiving academic award - Conflict with boyfriend/girlfriend - Buying new clothes
- Being abuse or neglected - Graduation - Always late
- Recitation - Hospitalization - Marriage

From the stress diary list, identify your eustress and distress in the space below.

 Eustress_________________________________________________________________________________
 Distress__________________________________________________________________________________

From your Stress Diary list, identify at least 3 stressors and their physical, mental, and emotional symptoms.
Financial problem Headache Overthinking Sad

3. What hormones are release if we are under stress and what is the functions of these hormone during stressfull
Activity 3: STRESS AND ME
Use this worksheet to explore how you respond to stress, and how you can better cope with it.

Things that cause stress

Physical Symptoms
Example: Headache

Emotional Symptoms
Example: lonely

Mental Symptoms
Example: forgetfulness

Healthy choices for coping with stress Unhealthy choices for coping with stress
Example: Exercise/have a physical Activity Example: drinking liquor

Healthy consequences Unhealthy consequences

Example: more energy Example: lack of enthusiasm


 What hormones are release during physical activity that has a role in relieving stress?



Stress is a response to pressure or threat. Under stress we may feel tense, nervous, or on edge. The stress
response is physical, too. Stress triggers a surge of a hormone called adrenaline that temporarily affects the nervous
system. As a result, when you're nervous or stressed you might feel your heartbeat or breathing get faster, your
palms get sweaty, or your knees get shaky. Another hormone that is being release during stress times is the Cortisol,
it is mainly released at times of stress and has many important functions in your body. It is produced by the adrenal glands is
regulated by the pituitary glands. When you wake up, exercise or you’re facing a stressful event, your pituitary gland reacts. It
sends a signal to the adrenal glands to produce just the right amount of cortisol. When we feel stressed, our nervous system
goes on high alert, and our brain signals the release of cortisol. This ancient physical response can be basically described as
our “fight or flight” response, it can be helpful when we need to quickly outrun a saber-toothed tiger. But cortisol can cause
problems if ongoing stress means our bodies are exposed to too much of it. Prolonged exposure to cortisol can cause long-
term damage to the developing brain, and can negatively affect the immune system leading to depression, fatigue, reduced
ability to heal and eventually more frequent injury.
Stressors are the stress-causing event, threatening event or even stress-stimuli.
The stress response is also called the fight-or-flight-response. It's an automatic response that prepares us to deal
with danger.
But a situation doesn't have to be physically dangerous to activate the stress response. Everyday pressures can
activate it, too. For example, you might feel stress before taking a test or a giving class presentation, facing a tough
opponent in a sport, or going on stage for a performance. Even in these situations (which are hardly life-or-death),
the stress response activates to help you perform well under pressure. It can help you rise to a challenge and meet it
with alertness, focus, and strength. Facing these challenges — rather than backing away from them — is a part of
learning and growing. When the challenge is over, the stress response lets up. You can relax and recharge, and be
ready for a new challenge.
Stress is a state of tension related to your body attempting to cope with its environment, it’s the body’s way of
preparing to meet a tough situation. Anxiety is a sense of apprehension, dread and/or uneasiness. We tend to
perceive anxiety and stress as negative, but in fact both are normal and can be adaptive. The stress response
involves the nervous system and specific hormones in the body, and it enhances the ability to perform under
pressure as well as avoid danger. It is when stress is excessive or ongoing and interfering with functioning that
anxiety and stress become a problem. This can lead to wearing out the body’s reserves and leaving a person feeling
depleted or overwhelmed, weakening the immune system and making it harder to cope with daily demands.

Common signs and symptoms:

 Low energy  Constant worrying  Becoming easily agitated,
 Headaches  Racing thoughts frustrated, and moody
 Upset stomach,  Forgetfulness and  Feeling overwhelmed, like you
including diarrhea, constipation, disorganization are losing control or need to take
and nausea  Inability to focus control
 Aches, pains, and tense muscles  Poor judgment  Having difficulty relaxing and
 Chest pain and rapid heartbeat  Being pessimistic or seeing only quieting your mind
 Insomnia the negative side  Feeling bad about yourself (low
 Frequent colds and infections self-esteem), lonely, worthless,
 Loss of sexual desire and/or and depressed
 Nervousness and  Avoiding others
shaking, ringing in the ear, cold
or sweaty hands and feet
 Dry mouth and difficulty
 Clenched jaw and grinding teeth


1. Take a deep breath

 Breathing exercises can help you relax, because they make your body feel like it does when you are already
relaxed. Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe
deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax.
Right way of deep breathing
A. Sit or lie comfortably, with loose garments.
B. Put one hand on your chest and one on your stomach.
C. Slowly inhale through your nose or through pursed lips (to slow down the intake of breath).
D. As you inhale, feel your stomach expand with your hand.
E. Slowly exhale through pursed lips to regulate the release of air.
F. Rest and repeat.

2. Smile and laugh

 Our brains are interconnected with our emotions and facial expressions. When people are stressed, they often hold
a lot of the stress in their face. So laughs or smiles can help relieve some of that tension and improve the situation.

3. Get social support

 Call a friend, send an email. When you share your concerns or feelings with another person, it does help relieve
stress. But it’s important that the person whom you talk to is someone whom you trust and whom you feel can
understand and validate you. If your family is a stressor, for example, it may not alleviate your stress if you share
your works woes with one of them.

4. Meditate
 Meditation and mindful prayer help the mind and body to relax and focus. Mindfulness can help people see new
perspectives, develop self-compassion and forgiveness. When practicing a form of mindfulness, people can release
emotions that may have been causing the body physical stress. Much like exercise, research has shown that even
meditating briefly can reap immediate benefits.

5. Exercise
 Exercise benefits your mind just as well as your body. We keep hearing about the long-term benefits of a regular
exercise routine. But even a 20-minute walk, run, swim or dance session in the midst of a stressful time can give an
immediate effect that can last for several hours.
 When we exercise, there is a release of endorphin and more release of norepinephrine that helps in reducing stress.
Endorphin - interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain, it is known
to be our natural pain killer. It also stimulates the sensation of Euphoria, a feeling or state of intense excitement and
Noradrenaline – acts as both a stress hormone and neurotransmitter (a substance that sends signals between nerve
cells). As part of the body’s response to stress, norepinephrine affects the way the brain pays attention and
responds to events. It helps us pay attention and focus in the course of our daily activities.

6. Go for Recreational Activities

 Taking part in recreational activities, especially outdoors, can greatly improve physical health. Taking time to nurture
oneself provides a sense of balance and self-esteem, which can directly reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
Republic of the Philippines
Tabuk City Division
Dagupan West, Tabuk City Kalinga


Grade 11 School Tabuk City national High School Grade level 12 – HUMSS 2
Daily Lesson Teacher APRYLL ANNE E. MALAYAO Learning Area PE AND HEALTH
Plan Teaching Dates 2:30-3:30 Quarter 3rd QUARTER
and Time

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learner...
Demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite
for PA performance, and as a career opportunity
B. Performance Standard The learner...
Leads recreational events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit
and in influencing others positively
C. Learning Competencies Describes the role of PAs in managing one’s stress (PEH12FH-IIf-5)
Specific Objective:
1. Identify common stressors
2. Describes the role of PAs in managing one’s stress
3. Understand techniques to cope with stress
4. Make a list of the different stress management technique.

II. Content
III. Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation, pictures, chalk
A. References:
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning Laptop, TV monitor, HDMI
IV. Procedure:
A. Review of previous QUESTION AND ANSWER: Ask the Students will answer the following questions:
lesson or Presenting the students about the previous topic.
new lesson 1. What do you think will happen to - Students will share their own
your body when there is no thoughts
physical activity? (What happens to
a well-functioning tools if you will - It prevents diseases, It prevents
just leave it in your toolbox Osteoporosis, prevents heart
unused? disease, reduces stress etc.
2. What benefits can we get from
doing recreational activity?
B. Establishing a purpose PICTURE STRESS TEST: Students will do the Picture Stress Test
for the lesson. This activity will check how effective you then will answer the following questions after:
cope with stress:
After the activity, the students will answer
the following questions:
C. Presenting - Students will answer depending on
examples/Instances of their stressors.
the new lesson. - Students will answer according to
1. What makes you stress? their experience
2. What do you usually do when you are - Students will answer again according
under stress? to experience.
3. Were you able to manage your stress - Recreational activity is one of the
well after doing so? best way to manage stress.
4. What is the relation of our previous - Students will give varied answers.
topic to this activity?
5. What comes to your mind if you hear
the word stress?

D. Discussing new concepts STRESS WORK SHEET: Group the class Students will answer the worksheet
and practicing new skills by two’s. Teacher will give a worksheet to depending on their own perception about
#1 the students for them to fill out. stress. Each pair will have to discuss and give
his/her own opinion about the worksheet.
Sharing of answer.

E. Discussing new concepts VIDEO PRESENTATION: The teacher will The students will answer the following questions
and practicing new skills flash a video about how physical activity after watching the video:
#2 reduces stress. 1. What’s do you think is the function of
endorphin that it has the ability to reduce
2. What could also be the function of
norepinephrine that it has an
antidepressant effect?
F. Developing Mastery STRESS AND ME: The students will present their output after the
(Leads to formative Group the class into 4: The teacher will give activity and answer the following questions
assessment 3) a worksheet about stress, Its signs and after:
G. Finding practical symptoms, positive and negative coping 1. What happened to our body if we are
application of concepts mechanism and its positive and negative under stress?
and skills in daily living. consequences. 2. What hormones are release if we are
under stress

H. Making generalization QUESTION AND ANSWER: Students will be called randomly to answer:
and abstraction about the
lesson. 1. What do you call the process of - Ma’am stress
adjusting to or dealing with
circumstances that disrupt or threaten
to disrupt a person’s physical or - Fatigue, poor concentration, anger,
psychological functioning? forgetfulness, etc.
2. What are the different symptoms of - Endorphin and norepinephrine
stress, can you name some?
3. What hormones are release during - Exercise, deep breathing, go for
physical activities that has a role in recreational activity. etc.
relieving stress?
4. What are some coping techniques
that you can utilize in managing
I. Evaluating Learning QUIZ: (See attachment)
V. Reflection
A. Which of my teaching strategy worked out? Why?

B. What Innovation or localized materials did I discover/used which I wish to share with other teachers?


NAME: ____________________________________________ SECTION: ____________________ SCORE: ______________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and carefully analyze the questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on
the blank provided before the number. CAPITAL LETTERA ONLY!!! STRICTLY NO ERASURES!!!!
_________ 1. Which of the following is true about stress management?
A. Stress management is learning about the connection between mind and body.
B. Stress management helps us control our health in positive sense
C. Stress management teaches us to avoid all kinds of Stress
D. Only A and B are right
_________ 2. Stress can be positive or negative. Ella felt stressed before her dance performance but she managed to perform efficiently and
with fluidity. What do you think are the characteristics of a Positive stress?
A. It improves performance C. Senses become sharper
B. It motivates D. ALL OF THE ABOVE
_________ 3. What do you call the natural response or defense of our body to a certain pressure, threat or danger?
A. Anxiety C. Depression
B. Stress D. Fatigue
_________ 4. Aches, shallow rapid breathing, and sweating are what symptoms of stress?
A. Behavioural symptoms of stress C. Emotional symptoms of stress
B. Physical symptoms of stress D. Cognitive symptoms of stress
_________ 5. The response of our body during stressful event is called the fight or flight response. Which of the following statements best
supports the fight or flight response?
A. When threat is perceived, our nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones including adrenaline and
cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action to either fight or flee the threat.
B. Stress stimulates the endocrine system to release endorphine which help our body decides on either to fight or flee from danger
at hand
C. When we are threatened our body will react it sends signal to all the organ to release adrenaline hormone in order to prepare us
to either fight or flee.
D. Stress prepares us to struggle or escape
_________ 6. One technique in managing stress is taking a deep breath. Alma is under stress and she always utilized deep breathing in
managing her stress. What facts about deep breathing show that Alma is doing it the right way?
A. Deep breathing should be done in a side lying position.
B. Breaths in through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
C. Sit or lie on flat surface, inhale through the nose the abdomen should expand then do pursed lip breathing exhaling it through
the mouth.
D. Sit in an upright position, exhale through the nose, the abdomen should shrink then do pursed lip breathing inhaling it through
the mouth.
_________ 7. Ana is experiencing too much stress. What conclusion can you make if Ana is manifesting mental symptoms of stress?
A. Ana starts eating more or less
B. Ana starts having migraine
C. Ana starts to be forgetful and confuse
_________ 8. One tip in managing stress is engaging in an exercise. How does recreational activity relieves stress?
I. Emotionally, it prevents depression.
II. Recreational activity may serve as an exercise which helps release endorphin
III. Emotionally, it can serve as an outlet of emotions and encourages social interaction.
IV. It makes you get fat.
A. I and II B. II and III C. III and IV D. I, II, and III
_________ 9. When we are under stress our nervous system gives signal to the adrenal gland to produce just the right amount of cortisol. If you
are bombarded with too much stress there will be a continuous release of cortisol which means you are too much expose of it. ALL are possible
effect of prolonged exposure of cortisol EXCEPT
A. It could lead to depression C. It increases ability to heal
B. It could lead to fatigue D. None of the above
_________ 10. One benefit of exercise is that it releases the hormone Endorphin. What information about endorphin supports the view that this type of
hormone helps relieve stress?
A. Endorphin is a group of hormone secreted by the brain that helps a person perform heavy activities.
B. Endorphin is also known as happy hormone which helps in abolishing all sensations of pain.
C. Endorphin is a chemicals in the brain that act as a synthetic painkillers.
D. Endorphin has same effect with morphine, if injected it removes all sensations of pain.


Use only this part of the module after you have answered all the activities to check your answers and assess the level of
knowledge attained in this module.


Direction: Fill out the following.

1. What is Stress?
Stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by a problems in life, work, etc.
2. What is Stressor?
Anything that causes stress
There are two types of Stress.
C. Eustress: Positive, good stress that comes from situations that are enjoyable.
D. Distress: Negative, bad stress that can be harmful to the body.
Stress diary list:
- Death of family member - Early pregnancy/fatherhood - Starting a new job
- Losing contact with love ones - Passing the exam - Practical exam
- Receiving academic award - Conflict with boyfriend/girlfriend - Buying new clothes
- Being abuse or neglected - Graduation - Always late
- Recitation - Hospitalization - Marriage

From the stress diary list, identify your eustress and distress in the space below.

 Eustress Recitation Receiving academic award, Passing the exam, Graduation, Starting a new job, buying a
new clothes.
 Distress Death of a family member, losing contact with love ones, being abuse or neglected, Early
pregnancy/fatherhood, Conflict with boyfriend/girlfriend, hospitalization,

From your Stress Diary list, identify at least 3 stressors and their physical, mental, and emotional symptoms.

Conflict with friend Chest pain, rapid heart Unable to concentrate Anger

Oral recitation Sweaty palm Confusion fear

Quarrel at home Headache, chest pain Racing thoughts Sadness, depression

Early pregnancy Low energy, pain Constant worrying, no Depression, self-pity


Death of love ones Low energy, chest pain Inability to focus, having Sadness, constant crying
negative thoughts

3. What hormones are release if we are under stress and what is the functions of these hormone during stressful
When we are under stress adrenaline and cortisol is being release. These two hormones will prepare us to deal with stress. When
adrenaline is release, out heart will beat fast, our muscle tightens, it elevates our blood pressure thus prepares us to fight or flee.
Cortisol is also release to give us energy to respond on the stress at hand.

Activity 3: STRESS AND ME

Use this worksheet to explore how you respond to stress, and how you can better cope with it.

Things that cause stress

Oral recitation
Relationship problem
Physical Symptoms Financial problem
Example: Headache

• stomach aches
• body feels tight, like a balloon Emotional Symptoms
ready to explode Example: lonely
• not sleeping well or wanting
to angry: overreact to the situation, lash out
Mental Symptoms
Example: forgetfulness
• trouble focusing or
concentrating, negative self-
talk,headaches,blaming others
• confusion

Healthy choices for coping with stress Unhealthy choices for coping with stress
Example: Exercise/have a physical Activity Example: drinking liquor
 Take deep breaths, begin to calm all the negative
thoughts.  Get angry at people and bully them.
 Think positive thoughts  Verbally or physically abuse someone else.
 Talk to someone: parents, friends or teacher  Use tobacco, other drugs or gambling to escape the
 Exercise: go for walks or runs. pressure.
 Take time to laugh: it can make you feel better.  Sleep all the time.
 Take time out for yourself: listen to music, do yoga,  Overdo activities to avoid dealing with the stress
read.  Spend hours watching TV or playing video games.

Healthy consequences Unhealthy consequences

Example: more energy Example: lack of enthusiasm

 sense of hope  health problems

 feeling in control  depression
 better balance in major life areas like school,  suicidal thoughts
emotions, health, family issues, and relationship  feeling hopeless, worthless, feeling guilty
 problems in school and family may occur


1. What hormones are release during physical activity that has a role in relieving stress?
Endorphine and norepinephrine are being release during physical activity that has an important role in
relieving stress. Endorphine is a hormone that has the ability to reduce pain it is known as the natural pain
killer while norepinephrine will give us the ability to concentrate and be attentive and responsive.
EVALUATION QUIZ: 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B

Stress problems are very common with many people reporting experiencing extreme levels of negative
stress. When stress is considered as something that occurs repeatedly across the full lifespan, the true
incidence of stress problems is much higher. Being “stressed out” is thus a universal human phenomenon
that affects almost everyone.

What are we talking about when we discuss stress? Generally, most people use the word stress to refer to
negative experiences that leave us feeling overwhelmed. Thinking about stress exclusively as something
negative gives us a false impression of its true nature, however. Stress is a reaction to a changing,
demanding environment. Properly considered, stress is really more about our capacity to handle change than
it is about whether that change makes us feel good or bad. Change happens all the time, and stress is in large

We can define stress by saying that it involves the “set of emotional, physical, and cognitive reactions to a
change. “Thinking about stress as a reaction to change suggests that it is not necessarily bad, and sometimes,
could even be a good thing. Some life changes such as getting a new job, moving in a new house or studying
to master a new skill are generally considered positive and life-enhancing events, even though they can also
be quite stressful.

Our experience of stress varies in intensity between high and low. How intensely stressed we feel in
response to a particular event has to do with how much we need to accomplish in order to meet the demands
of that situation. When we don’t have to do much in order to keep up with demands.

How vulnerable you are personally to becoming stressed out depends on a variety of factors, including your
biological makeup; your perception of your ability to cope with challenges; characteristics of the stressful
event (e.g., the “stressor”) such as it’s intensity, timing, and duration; and your command of stress
management skills. While some of these factors (such as your genetics and often, the characteristics of the
stressor itself) are not under your direct control, some of the other factors are.

Later on in this module, you will identify the different stressful events; the cause and effect. This module
will provide you with coping strategies that can help you safely and effectively reduce your vulnerability to
experiencing severe negative stress.
Republic of the Philippines
Tabuk City Division
Dagupan West, Tabuk City Kalinga


Grade: 12 Quarter: THIRD AND FOURTH

Core Subject Title: PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH No. of Hours/ Quarter: 20 hours


Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to adopt an active life for fitness and lifelong health. The knowledge, skills and understanding which
include physical and health literacy competencies support them in accessing, synthesizing and evaluating information; making informed decisions; enhancing and advocating
their own as well as others’ fitness and health.

This course on recreational activities are associated with outdoor, natural or semi-natural settings; it enables learners to move safely and competently in these settings while
making a positive relationship with natural environments and promoting their sustainable use. It consists of an array of offerings which learners can choose from.


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Physical education and Health

1. A. CONTENT The learner...

STANDARDS Demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for PA performance, and as a career opportunity
B. PERFORMANCE The learner...
STANDARDS Leads recreational events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
C. LEARNING 1. Explains how to optimize the 2. Explains relationship of health 3. Describes the role of PAs in 4. Identifies school and community
COMPETENCIES/ energy systems for safe and behaviors (eating habits, sleep managing one’s stress resources in case of an injury or
OBJECTIVES improved performance and stress management) to (PEH12FH-IIf-5) emergency
(PEH12FH-IIb-c-2) health risks factors and PA Specific Objective: (PEH12FH-IIi-j-11)
performance 5. Identify common stressors
(PEH12FH-IId-3) 6. Describes the role of PAs in
managing one’s stress
7. Understand techniques to cope
with stress
8. Make a list of the different
recreational activities as a stress
II. CONTENT Energy System Eating Habits and Eating Disorder Recreational activity as a Stress Outdoor Recreational Injuries
II. LEARNING RESOURCES Pictures, Video clips, ICT Pictures, Video clips, ICT Pictures, Video clips, ICT
1. Teacher’s Guide pages N/A N/A N/A N/A
2. Learner’s Materials pp. N/A N/A N/A N/A
3. Textbook pages N/A N/A N/A N/A
4. Additional Materials from Video Clips, LCD, speakers, projector Video Clips, LCD, speakers, projector Video Clips, LCD, speakers, projector Video Clips, LCD, speakers, projector
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources Video Clips, LCD, speakers, projector
A. Reviewing previous Question and Answer: QUESTION AND ANSWER: Ask
lesson or 1. What is recreational Activity? the students about the previous
presenting the new lesson 2. What is the importance of topic.
recreational activity? 3. What do you think will
happen to your body when
there is no physical
activity? (What happens to
a well-functioning tools if
you will just leave it in your
toolbox unused?
4. What benefits can we get
from doing recreational
B. Establishing a purpose PICTURE STRESS TEST:
for the lesson This activity will check how
effective you cope with stress:
After the activity, the students will
answer the following questions:

6. What makes you stress?

7. What do you usually do when
you are under stress?
8. Were you able to manage your
stress well after doing so?
9. What is the relation of our
previous topic to this activity?
10. What comes to your mind if you
hear the word stress?
C. Presenting examples/ STRESS WORKSHEET:
instances of the Group the class into 4: The teacher
new lesson will give a worksheet about stress,
stressors (positive and negative
stress) and the possible signs and
D. Discussing new concepts - VIDEO PRESENTATION: The
and practicing teacher will flash a video about how
new skills #1 physical activity reduces stress.
E. Discussing new concepts STRESS AND ME:
and practicing new skills #2 Students will identify things that makes
them stress, then they will give the
different signs and symptoms
physically, mentally and emotionally
base from their experience and they
will enumerate the things that they
have done to cope with it, may it be
healthy or unhealthy coping
F. Developing mastery LET’S DO THE ALPHABET:
(Leads to Formative Group the class into 4 (same group):
Assessment 3) The teacher will provide worksheet
G. Finding practical about stress management. The
applications of concepts students will think of a physical
and skills in daily living activity or recreational activity that
they can engage in to cope up with
stress (sports, chores, hobby etc.)
using the Alphabets from A-Z.

H. Making generalizations QUESTION AND ANSWER:

and abstractions 1. What is stress?
about the lesson 2. What is stressor?
3. What is the importance of physical
activity/recreational activity in
relieving stress?
I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional activities for
application or

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

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