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How to Avoid Home Accidents

Have you ever thought how (1) ..................... your home is? Homes should be safe,
especially if there are children in. Thousands of people die or get injured (2) ....................., because
of the accidents at home. Accidental injuries are also the number one killer of children. There are
some (3) ..................... which can be taken to prevent accidents. The most important one is that you
should cover all (4) ..................... outlets. Because we all know how curious those little hands can be.
Another precaution is not to let your children play with matches, lighters, knives etc. as they may
(5) ..................... a fire or cut themselves. Also, make sure that the handles of pots and pans face the
centre of the stove so that children won’t be able to (6) ..................... them. The last but not least
important precaution is not to put flowerpots or heavy objects on window-sills. If they fall off, they can
cause some (7) ..................... injuries or deaths. Even if we think that things are safe, we need to
check them (8) ..................... . Then we’ll have the comfort of knowing that we are safe at our own

1. a) sure b) reliable c) unharmed d) safe

2. a) tragically b) horribly c) disastrously d) fatally
3. a) priorities b) precautions c) predictions d) precessions
4. a) automatic b) technical c) electrical d) professional
5. a) create b) initiate c) originate d) start
6. a) reach b) achieve c) attain d) accomplish
7. a) sudden b) unexpected c) immediate d) quick
8. a) continuously b) immediately c) regularly d) suddenly

Complete using the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. We have safety ................... of the use of chemicals in the production of toys. (REGULATE)
2. There is blood .................... all through the veins of our body. (CIRCULATE)
3. My father is always very concerned about his health.He goes to the doctor even for
the minor ................... . (ILL)
4. It has been five months since we had the traffic accident but my leg is still ............ . (PAIN)
5. He suffered from .............. pains after eating stale food. (ABDOMEN)
6. There are ................... that her health is improving. (INDICATE)

Complete the sentences using the given words without changing the meaning.
1. Make sure your family members know how to use life-saving equipment. (make)
You should ................................... how to use life-saving equipment.
2. If you put child-resistant safety latches on cabinets and drawers, you can prevent children from
touching harmful substances. ( in order to)
You should put child-resistant safety latches on cabinets and drawers .........................................
................................... from touching harmful substances.
3. Without regular exercise, healthy eating will not result in a healthy body. (if)
............................................................................., healthy eating will not result in a healthy body.
4. Unless preparing herbal cosmetics appeals to you, you can look in the cosmetics department of a
natural body care shop. (if)
................................... appeal to you, you can look in the cosmetics department of a natural body
care department.

5. Test a new product a little on the inside of your arm if you tend to have allergies. (should)
You .............................. a little on the inside of your arm if you tend to have allergies.
6. People once thought that they had to do vigorous physical activities to keep fit , but now
everybody knows that it is enough to do regular moderate physical activities regularly. (used to)
.............................. they had to do vigorous physical activities to keep fit, but now everybody
knows that it is enough to do regular moderate physical activities regularly.
7. You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day if you want to avoid skin dehydration.
(in order to)
You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day .............................. dehydration.
8. I protected my children from falling out of windows or downstairs by installing protective grates or
gates when they were younger. (used to)
I .............................. from falling out of windows or downstairs by installing protective grates or
gates when they were younger.

Complete these sentences by using the given words below.
when as in order to therefore while
1. ............................ give artificial respiration, lie the casualty on his back on a hard and flat place.

2. We should supervise children under four years should be supervised ............................ we cook


3. Be sure your hands are dry ............................ you are drying your hair.

4. Electrical equipment may spark itself; ............................, you must insulate all wires, bind excess
cord and unplug the TV, the phone and the fridge when they are not in use.

5. ............................ alkaline substances are poisonous, discard used button-cell batteries safely and

store any unused ones far from children’s reach.

Fill in the blanks using the words in the box.
chemicals overexposure available injuries
cut burn slippery bleeding

1. You will be faced with ............................ throughout your life even if it is a simple paper cut or

broken bone.

2. A mind-reading machine is a(n) ............................ invention that translates thought waves into

sentences that can be read on a computer monitor.

3. Don’t polish your floors too much as this will make them very ............................ .

4. Detergents, which are cleaning ............................, should be kept out of children’s reach.

5. Journalism on the Net is only one of many things that will be ............................ through the Net.
6. A(n) ............................ is a split in the skin caused by a sharp object.

7. In order to stop ............................, you should apply pressure with a clean absorbent cloth.
8. A(n) ............................ can be caused by heat, the sun, chemicals or electricity.

9. You’re more likely to develop cancer by ............................ to ultraviolet rays.


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