Succinylcholine Resistance

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818 | Editorials

21. Joffe AM, Hetzel S, Liew EC. A two-handed jaw-thrust tech- 25. Kristensen MS, Teoh WH, Baker PA. Percutaneous emergency
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Anesthesiology 2010; 113: 873–9 26. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Maternal
22. UK Health Departments. Report on Confidential Enquiries Into Collapse in Pregnancy and the Puerperium. Green-top Guideline
Maternal Deaths in the United Kingdom 1985–87. London: HMSO, No. 56. London: RCOG, 2011
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British Journal of Anaesthesia 115 (6): 818–21 (2015)

Advance Access publication 16 July 2015 . doi:10.1093/bja/aev228

Succinylcholine resistance
H. B. Ammundsen*, M. K. Sørensen and M. R. Gätke
Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Copenhagen, Herlev Hospital, Herlev Ringvej 75, 2730 Herlev, Denmark
*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Succinylcholine has a rapid onset and a short duration of action In patients with mutations in the BCHE the quality and the
in most patients. It is therefore considered the drug of choice for quantity of active enzyme are often changed. Most common
rapid sequence tracheal intubation.1 On rare occasions succinyl- and best known among anaesthetists, are probably the BCHE var-
choline does not have the expected clinical effect. The patient iants associated with decreased or impaired activity of the active
seems resistant to the drug resulting in an unanticipated difficult enzyme, causing prolonged duration of action of succinylcholine
airway management situation with potential morbidity or mor- and mivacurium.21–23 However, some mutations in BCHE may
tality. The primary aim of this paper is to discuss the possible result in an increased enzyme activity, potentially decreasing
aetiologies for succinylcholine resistance (Table 1), but also to the effect of injected succinylcholine, clinically showing as
discuss the diagnosis, the potential clinical consequences and resistance to the drug.
postoperative measurements.

Determination of butyrylcholinesterase activity

In a laboratory assay, BChE catalyses the breakdown of an appropri-
Increased butyrylcholinesterase (BChE,
ate substrate and the BChE activity is measured using spectropho-
plasma cholinesterase) activity tometry. As the rapid enzymatic hydrolysis of succinylcholine by
Succinylcholine is normally rapidly hydrolysed by butyrylcholi- BChE is difficult to measure with sufficient accuracy, several other
nesterase in plasma.17 The homozygous wild type butyrylcholi- substrates have been – and are – used for measuring BChE activity.
nesterase gene (BCHE) is the normal variant, and the consequent It should be acknowledged that the measured enzyme activity var-
BChE enzyme has a large capacity to hydrolyze succinylcholine. ies with the substrate used and that there is not necessarily a cor-
Only about 10% of the i.v. injected drug reaches the effect site at relation between the measured enzyme activity and the clinical
the neuromuscular junction.18 In some patients the BChE activity response to succinylcholine. Thus, a BChE activity found when
is increased, potentially decreasing the amount of succinylcholine using, for example, the traditionally most often used substrate,
reaching the neuromuscular endplate. Some apparent genotypi- benzoylcholine, does not always correlate with the activity found
cally normal patients have a mild to moderate increase in enzyme when using succinylcholine. Another consequence of the above is
activity. Thus, increased BChE activity has been described in pa- that the reference values for normal, decreased or increased BChE
tients with hyperlipidaemia, nodular goiter, obesity, diabetes mel- activity varies among different laboratories, simply because they
litus, psoriasis, essential hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, nephrosis, use different substrates for measuring the enzyme activity.
bronchial asthma, alcoholism, anxiety states and schizophrenia.19
The reasons for this increased enzyme activity remains unknown
Significance of increased
or at best speculative. The presence of the C5+ gene may, at least in
some patients, be responsible for the increased enzyme activity. In
butyrylcholinesterase activity
many of the published cases, the patients were not checked for the In patients with genetically normal BChE activity a neuromuscu-
presence of this gene variant, which causes an increased enzyme lar block induced by succinylcholine 1 mg kg−1 recovers within
activity of about 30% (see below).20 4–8 min, measured as the time from injection of succinylcholine
Editorials | 819

succinylcholine 1 mg kg−1 may not effectively depolarize the

Table 1 Reasons for no or inadequate effect of succinylcholine endplate, resulting in a decreased effect and consequently in re-
sistance to succinylcholine. The ED95 of succinylcholine in
Problem Result References
myasthenic patients seems to be 2.6 times the normal.8 Accord-
Increased BChE Rapid hydrolysis of ingly, it appears that rapid sequence induction and intubation
activity succinylcholine in can be performed with succinylcholine 1.5–2.0 mg kg−1.8 How-
plasma ever, myasthenia gravis patients are often in preoperative treatment
Modified effector Variable response to with a cholinesterase inhibitor, such as pyridostigmine. Besides the
site (e.g. succinylcholine wanted effect of the cholinesterase inhibitor (inhibition of acetylcho-
Myasthenia linesterase at the neuromuscular junction) the cholinesterase in-
Gravis) hibitor also inhibits BChE in plasma, thereby increasing the
12 13
Inadequate dose Inadequate
amount of succinylcholine reaching the neuromuscular junction.
neuromuscular block
14 15
Some myasthenic patients treated with a cholinesterase inhibitor
Ineffective storage Decreased effect of
may therefore react with no signs of resistance when given 1 mg
16 kg−1 succinylcholine, but they will demonstrate a prolonged neuro-
Impatient Inadequate block at the
muscular block sometimes showing as a phase II block.9
anaesthetist time of attempted
In Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease the number of acetylcholine re-
tracheal intubation
ceptors are also decreased and the response to succinylcholine
will be reduced, but data from these patients are limited.10
Patients with Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis show a normal reac-
tion to neuromuscular blocking agents. However, Baraka11 has
to the first response, to train-of-four (TOF) nerve stimulation.2 17
convincingly documented resistance to succinylcholine in
In genetically normal patients with increased BChE activity the
one such patient. The reason for the resistance remains specula-
first response to TOF stimulation may appear as early as 2.5
tive, as does the documented absence of fasciculations after the
min after the injection of succinylcholine 1 mg kg−1.17
injection of succinylcholine.
Patients with genetically abnormal BCHE and increased BChE
activity in plasma may be resistant to succinylcholine, showing
clinically as no or a decreased effect of the injected succinylcho- Inadequate dose
line. It is a rare condition and only reported in few patients.3–5 20
During rapid sequence intubation the goal is to achieve excellent
Using two-dimensional electrophoresis of plasma Harris and col-
tracheal intubation conditions in approximately 60 seconds
leagues20 discovered a variant in 1963 (named the C5+ variant)
after i.v. injection of succinylcholine. Succinylcholine 1 mg kg−1
that caused a 30% increase in BChE activity. Approximately 10%
provides acceptable intubating conditions in 95% of patients.12
of Caucasians are reported to have this gene.20 In 1966, Neitlich
However, in one study the incidence of ‘excellent’ intubating
reported the first patients with very high BChE activity.3 The
conditions was significantly more frequent, in patients receiving
BChE activity of the proband was 2–3 times of that normally
succinylcholine 1.5 mg kg−1 than lower dosage of succinylcho-
found, causing succinylcholine to be hydrolysed in plasma before
line.13 Furthermore, succinylcholine 1 mg kg−1 may be insuffi-
reaching the effect site at the neuromuscular junction. The pro-
cient to achieve excellent intubation conditions for a period
band received a small dose succinylcholine 0.1 mg kg−1 without
long enough for subsequent intubation attempts, in case of an
any resulting reduction in muscle strength. Five controls were
unanticipated difficult airway situation.
given the same dose, which resulted in a 90% decrease in grip
strength. The genetic variant responsible for the resistance to suc-
cinylcholine was also present in family members. In 1979, Delbruck Ineffective storage
and Henkel found a further two families with extremely high BChE
Unsuccessful storage of succinylcholine is another reason for a
activity. This variant of BCHE is now called E-Cynthiana.4
decreased effect of the drug. Cool storage is required for a stable
Other variants with high BChE activity also exist.5 24 Two case and long lasting drug effect. Succinylcholine has a linear decline
reports have described the relationship between high BChE activity in the concentration of the drug over time. It can be stored at
and the clinical effect of succinylcholine (i.e. an unexpected diffi-
room temperature for 5–6 months with a 10% loss of potency
cult tracheal intubation).6 7 Measurements of BChE activity in
approximately.14 15 In the tropics, succinylcholine is normally
one family indicated an inherited condition.6 The variant was de- stored as a stable powder.
tected as an extra band on a polyacrylamide electrophoretic gel.
These studies were conducted before sequencing of the BCHE
was available. However, pedigree analysis showed strong heredi- The impatient anaesthetist
tary relationship, with high BChE activity in three generations. Impatience on the side of the anaesthetist may result in inad-
equate muscle relaxation at the time of intubation. Time from
onset of fasciculations to maximum blockade depth occur within
Modified effector site a range of 21–72 s.16 Thus, it is likely that intubation is more
In the autoimmune disorder myasthenia gravis the response to difficult if attempted at the start of the fasciculations, and less
succinylcholine is variable and often unpredictable. Antibodies difficult at 60 seconds after injection of succinylcholine.
are produced against the post-synaptic acetylcholine receptors
at the neuromuscular junction, resulting in functional blockade
What to do when resistance to succinylcholine
by the antibodies and/or destruction of the receptors. The de-
crease in the number of functional receptors causes a decrease
is suspected
in the response, not only to the normal transmitter acetylcholine, Resistance to succinylcholine may show as difficult tracheal intub-
but also to succinylcholine. Thus, a normal dose of ation in a patient with an anatomically normal airway. However,
820 | Editorials

failure in achieving inactive and fully abducted vocal cords at tra- References
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British Journal of Anaesthesia 115 (6): 821–4 (2015)

Advance Access publication 3 November 2015 . doi:10.1093/bja/aev357

Opioids and neovascularization; pro or anti?

W. Mahbuba1,2 and D. G. Lambert1
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, (Division of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Management), University of
Leicester, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester LE2 7LX, UK, and
Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq
*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Opioid receptors VEGF signalling and angiogenesis

Because of their potent and efficacious analgesic effects, opioids Angiogenesis is defined as a process of new blood vessel forma-
are the most commonly used medication for perioperative pain tion.13 Although this generic definition is adopted by many, it is
and pain as a result of cancer; however, their uses are extended hard to distinguish between angiogenesis, arteriogenesis, vascu-
to other conditions including cough1 and diarrhoea.2 Despite logenesis and neovascularization.14 While neovascularization
this, they are associated with a wide range of adverse effects covers all other terms and may refer to any type of new vessel cre-
such as tolerance, nausea and vomiting and respiratory depres- ation, angiogenesis is limited to the generation of new capillary
sion.3 In addition, long-term use of opioids may cause hormonal plexuses from already established blood vessels. These capillar-
disturbances secondary to hypothalamic-pituitary malfunction.4 ies are composed from endothelial cells only without any
Moreover, the presence of opioid receptors in non-CNS tissues supporting vascular wall structure, apart from pericytes and
results in various systemic impacts.5 In addition opioids can basement membrane.14
modulate immune function at non-leucocyte targets.6 Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A and its receptor,
Opioid receptors are members of the G protein coupled recep- VEGFR-2, play a central role in angiogenesis via various mechan-
tor (GPCR) superfamily.7 Classical naloxone sensitive opioid isms. One of these pathways works in conjunction with a Rho
receptors are classified as MOP (μ; mu), DOP (δ: delta) and KOP (GTP binding protein)/Rho Kinase, whereby VEGF-A leads to an
(κ: kappa). In addition the non-classical receptor for Nociceptin/ increase in endothelial (EC) permeability. In this pathway, VEGF
OrphaninFQ (N/OFQ), NOP, is a member of this family.8 NOP is enhances migration capability and promoting cytoskeletal mod-
naloxone insensitive. Once endogenous ligands or exogenous ulations and stress fibre generation.15 Controlled inhibition of
drugs stimulate opioid receptors, two activation pathways are Rho/Rho Kinase via MAPK (ERK 1, 2) activation will decrease
engaged.9 The most well known pathway involves G-protein endothelial cell apoptosis and stimulate cellular sprouting,
(guanine nucleotide binding protein) activation and subsequent resulting in new blood vessel formation.16 According to Gupta
inhibition of adenylyl cyclase (reducing cyclic AMP), activation and colleagues,17 in 1999, VEGF-A stimulation can augment
of an outward K+ current and closing of voltage gated Ca2+ angiogenesis via an additional pathway. Stimulation of VEGF-
channels.10 The second, pathway is responsible for receptor VEGFR-2 will promote phosphorylation of PI-3kinase and, sub-
desensitization via internalization.11 Opioid receptors are phos- sequently, Akt resulting in inhibition of apoptosis and increased
phorylated by GPCR kinases, resulting in the recruitment of cell proliferation.18 In the same manner, VEGF can activate MAPK
β-arrestin and the non-receptor tyrosine kinase C-Src. This com- pathways via stimulating endothelial nitric oxide (eNO-NO) pro-
plex is internalized in clathrin- lined pits before either recycling duction18, where MAPK activation will decrease apoptosis
to the cell surface or degradation.10–12 Both pathways may end and increase cell survival, by stimulating ERK1,2 and inhibit
with stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK); stress-activated protein kinase/c-jun-NH2-kinase(SAPK-JNK).17
particularly extracellular-signal-regulated kinases(ERK) 1 and 2 The effects of opioids on blood vessel formation are highly
pathway10 and both are linked. contentious.

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