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ISSN 00168521, Geotectonics, 2012, Vol. 46, No.1, pp. 37–46. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2012.

Original Russian Text © V.N. Puchkov, 2012, published in Geotektonika, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 42–52.

Dike Swarms and Related Igneous Complexes in the Urals

V. N. Puchkov
Institute of Geology, Ufa Scientific Center, K. Marx st. 16/2, Ufa, 450077 Russia
Received February 11, 2011

Abstract—The dike swarms of the entire Urals are classified for the first time; the related igneous complexes
associated with them in space and time are named. The following types and chronological levels of the Ura
lian dikes are distinguished (proper names are given after type localities). The epicontinental type comprises
the Middle Riphean Mashak, Late Riphean Arsha–Serebryanka, Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician Kidrya
sovo–Lemva, Ordovician–Silurian Ushat, Devoninan Inzer–Timaiz (the most extended of all), Early Car
boniferous Magnitogorsk–Mugodzhary, and Triassic Borisovo dike swarms. Many of them are probably
related to plume events. The existence of the Early Riphean dike complex remains unclear. Oceanic (spread
ing or suprasubduction) dikeindike type: Ordovician Man’ya oceanic type, Devonian Aktogai backarc and
Khabarny suprasubduction types. The igneous complexes associated with dike swarms are rather diverse. In
addition to rhyolite dikes, in many cases determining the contrasting character of magmatism, large comag
matic gabbro and gabbro–granite intrusions are noted, as well as minor intrusions of subalkali granitoids,
syenites, and, apparently, carbonatites and kimberlites. Flood basalt fields are noted at the periphery of the
Urals, implying the occurrence of a feeding dike swarm beneath them.
DOI: 10.1134/S0016852112010050

INTRODUCTION Meanwhile, despite the incomplete and fragmentary

evidence, it is obvious that emplacement of dikes was
Dolerite dikes and sills of the same composition a multistage process. The study of dikes envisages their
inseparable of them often make up extended swarms combination into discrete swarms; the preliminary
discrete in age and corresponding to specific geologi timing of dikes on the basis of their location and orien
cal events. Their role as temporal markers is especially tation and chronological constraints dictated by the
important in deeply eroded areas, where dike swarms geological setting and relationships with country
are superimposed on one another and correspond to rocks; and finally, more accurate modern isotopic dat
events that took place over a billion years or more. In ing, using baddeleyite and other minerals for this pur
some cases, dike swarms—surviving from erosion pose. When depicting dike swarms, it is desirable to
feeders of disappeared plateau basalts and other volca choose reference points with a set of reliable data:
nic flows—serve as almost the sole evidence for plume exposed chilled margins, reliable relationships with
pulses. The map of the diabase dike swarms and country rocks, and true isotopic ages. Attention
related units in Canada and adjacent regions [39] is a should be paid to the petrochemical characteristics of
good example of analysis of dike swarms as selfdepen the depicted dike swarms. In the absence of geochro
dent geological objects for the purpose of providing nological data, the risk of erroneous conclusions is
insights into the history of tectonomagmatic processes rather high.
in a large region. Compilation of a similar map for
Russia and adjacent territories could be the objective
Dikes of mainly doleritic composition grouped in ASSOCIATIONS
extended swarms often related to large mafic or bimo The oldest established dike swarms are located in
dal intrusions, sills, and volcanic flows are widespread the Bashkirian Anticlinorium of the South Urals,
in the Urals (Figs.1a–1c). where they are dated as the Early–Middle Riphean.
It is surprising, therefore, that none of the allUrals The Early Riphean dikes are presumably related to the
reviews in the literature focuses primarily on dikes. Ai (Navysh) stage of volcanic activity, whereas the
This can be explained by the difficulties of dike identi Middle Riphean dikes are definitely correlated with
fication. Consider a Paleozoic or Mesozoic dike that the Mashak volcanic complex. No reliable isotopic
cuts through Precambrian rocks. Until recently, lim datings of the Early Riphean dikes, which are inferred
ited data were available for such identification, aside in the Taratash Inlier, are available. Some of intrusive
from the degree of alteration, chemical composition, bodies of subalkaline basaltic rocks, which were earlier
and unreliable K–Ar age of wholerock samples. regarded as syngenetic to the Navysh Complex of the


(a) (b)
56° 58° 60° 62° 64° 66° 68° E


T 60°
50 15
68° I
II O 27
21 22
50 11
50 I 18
52 23 UR
II 58°
III Dikes, sills, and 48
related igneous
O 24
64° Epicontinental: I V
Early and Middle Riphean
D 17 UR
Late Riphean
IV 13 51
O O Ordovician O 44 T
I O/S Ordovician–Silurian
II D Devonian 56
O/S 45
16 C
Carboniferous I II
62° UR 33
O T Triassic
D 26
58° 60° 62°
UR O Ordovician dikeindike
D D Devonian dikeindike

Fig. 1. Dike swarms in the Urals: (a) Northern, Subpolar, and Polar Urals; (b) Central Urals, and (c) Southern Urals. Tectonic
zones (numerals in figure): I, Uralian Foredeep; II, West Uralian; III, Central Uralian; IV, Tagil–Magnitogorsk; V, East Uralian;
VI, Transuralian. The Main Uralian Fault is shown as a solid line. The location of dikes and other igneous complexes mentioned
in the text is designated by Arabic numerals in circles: (1) Ushat, (2) Main dolerite dike at the Bakal deposit, (3) sills on the out
skirts of the city of Kusa, (4) Berdyaush pluton, (5) Ryabinovka Granite, (6) Kusa–Kopan sheetlike intrusion, (7) Akhmerovo
Granite in the Beloretsk Dome, (8) Levashovo minor intrusion of garnet–muscovite leucogranite Triassic in age, (9) Arsha For
mation, (10) Barangulovo and Mazarino intrusions, (11) Troitsk granosyenite intrusion in the Kvarkush Anticlinorium; areas of
rift complexes on the western slope of the Urals: (12) Kidryasovo, (13) Bardym, (14) Lemva, (15) Baidarat, (16) alkali basalt and
kimberlite explosion pipes in the Upper Pechora area, (17) Sarankhapner Formation and associated complex of nearmeridional
dolerite dikes, (18) Enganepe Range, (19) southeastern Lemva Zone; complexes of parallel dikes: (20) Gerdizshor, (21) Khala
tal’bei, (22) Kharuta, (23) Lagorta, (24) Man’ya, (25) Shchekur’ya, (26) Vizhai, (27) Iov; (28) Arsha River at the latitude of
Mt. Igonin Kamen (Tirlyan), (29) Polovinny Creek to the east of the Tirlyan Settlement, (30) Mashak Formation at the Kuz’elga
River, (31) Mashak Rhyolite in the Shatak Range, (32) Mt. Belyatar in the Mayardak Range, (33) Ilmeny–Vischnevy Mountains
miaskite–carbonatite complex, (34) Akkermanovka Complex of the Khabarny massif, (35) Tanalyk parallel dikes, (36) Aktogai
spreading dike complex, (37) Timaiz Range, (38) dike that cuts through Frasnian chert of bathyal zone to the east of the Kaga
Settlement, (39) dolerite dike near the Inzer railway station, (40) gabbro–granite complex of Mt. Magnitnaya, (41) Khudolazovo
Complex, (42) Early Carboniferous Bol’shakovo gabbro pluton, (43) parallel dikes in the East Mugodzhary Mts., (44) Borisovo
quarry at the Sinara River and outcrops of the Triassic traps near the Borisovo Settlement, (45) Pershino quarry, (46) Kisinet
Complex, (47) Malochekinsky Complex, (48) Adui Complex, (49) presumably Triassic dikes in the East Uralian Zone to the
north of the Dzhabyk pluton; Triassic traps in (50) the Polar Foreurals and (51) southern Transuralian Zone, (52) Sharyu Com
plex in the Chernyshov Ridge, (53) Torasovei syenite intrusion, (54) layered gabbrodolerite sill at Mt. SopchaMyl’k, (55) gab
brodolerite intrusion at the southeastern margin of the PaiKhoi Anticlinorium, (56) dike swarms of the Taratash Inlier.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 46 No. 1 2012


Lower Riphean Ai Formation, turned out to be (c)

younger—Middle Riphean (corresponding to the
Mashak level) or (quite surprisingly) Late Ordovi O/S
I II 33
cian–Early Silurian. For example, the subalkaline 1 8
basaltic rocks previously mapped at the Ushat River as 3 6
belonging to the Navysh Complex (Fig. 1c) contain 2
zircons dated at 441.8 ± 8.2 and 437 ± 11 Ma (U–Pb 5
method, SHRIMP; author’s data obtained together
with A.A. Krasnobaev and V.I. Kozlov). A similar age 28
has been established for the volcanic rocks of the UR
9 29 10
Mashak and Arsha formations in the southern parts of 30 LMR IV 51
39 32 O/S T
the Bashkirian Anticlinorium [21] (see below). The 54° D
hypabyssal intrusions previously regarded as pertain O/S 7 49
ing to the Ai Complex are dated elsewhere at 1550– 31 41 C
1350 Ma; i.e., younger than had been assumed before 40
[19, 23]. Such heterogeneity of the volcanic and 46
hypabyssal intrusive rocks previously considered Early T
Riphean is probably explained by convergence of the 47
areas of magmatic activity and metamorphism differ III T
38 C
ing in types and ages in the Ufa Amphitheater, more
precisely in the Taratash Inlier. Under conditions of D
poor exposure, it is also difficult to distinguish volca 52°
nic flows, sills, and dikes. 35
The dikes pertaining to the Mashak level (the early
Middle Mashak) and the related sills cut through the
Lower Riphean rocks in the axial part of the Bashkir
ian Anticlinorium. The baddeleyite from our samples 34 IV V
taken from the Main dolerite dike of the Bakal deposit, I VI
well known to researchers of the Bashkirian Anticlino
rium (one of the many dikes cutting through the Bakal
Formation), is dated at 1385.3 ± 1.4 Ma [41]. 43
A large sill on the outskirts of the town of Kusa— C
50° O
one of numerous sills and dikes emplaced into the D
Lower Riphean Satka Formation near the junction of
the Kusa and Ai rivers—has an Ar/Ar age of 1360 ± II
9 Ma [36]. This date is close to the isotopic age of the
gabbro–granite intrusive series (Berdyaush pluton,
Ryabinovka Granite, Kusa–Kopan sheetlike intrusion
in the same zone dated at 1370–1400 Ma [16 and ref D
erences therein]). The Akhmerovo Granite in the 36
Beloretsk Dome [6, 7] and the Mashak Rhyolite in the
Shatak Range dated at 1380–1381 Ma with CAID
TIMS [20] belong to the same chronological level.
These levels were not traced in the northern areas 58° 60° 62°
of Timanides, where they are not yet eroded. The only
locality where volcanic rocks have the Mashak age is Fig. 1. (Contd.)
the 21Pal’yu Borehole (Fig. 2, point 2), which pene
trated diorite with Rb–Sr isochron age of 1360 ± 31 Ma
in the southeastern part of the Izhma Zone [1]. Accord ciated with the volcanic rocks of the Arsha Formation,
ing to the personal communication of V.L. Andreichev, the Barangulovo gabbro–granite complex (709.9 ± 7.3
the Sm–Nd isochron age (Pl + Bt + Amph) of this rock and 725 ± 5 Ma, respectively) [8, 19], and the Maz
is estimated at 1369 ± 59 Ma. The younger zircon age
arino intrusion situated somewhat to the south and dated
of the same diorite needs additional verification. The
K–Ar age of the amphibole from the dolerite of the with the U–Pb method (SHRIMP) at 667–680 Ma
Middle Timan is 1375–1330 Ma [1]. (granite) and 704–709 Ma (gabbro) [5]. Taking geo
Dike complexes presumably pertaining to the Late logical data into account, the dolerite dike in the well
Riphean cut through Riphean rocks younger than known outcrop at the Yandyk Creek, where it cuts
750 Ma on the western slope of the South, Central, through the Inzer Formation and is overlain by the
and North Urals. In the Southern Urals, they are asso Ordovician rocks, is probably related to the same

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 46 No. 1 2012


tion and related complex of nearmeridional dolerite

dikes probably belong to the graben facies. It cannot be
1 ruled out that the Khartes Complex of kimberlites
Siberia 2 localized nearby [31] is also related to this chronolog
43 ical level. In the Subpolar and Polar Urals, riftrelated
subalkaline volcanic rocks are noted at the base of the
~1100 Upper Cambrian–Ordovician Tel’pos, Molyudshor,
~1100 ~1100 Laurentia and Pogurei terrigenous formations [16]. Ultrapotas


sic basaltic rocks in the Ordovician conglomerate from
the Enganepe Range are also indicators of rifting [37].
1267 The rocks related to rifting are best studied in the
1740 Ma tor
PA qua Lemva Zone, where they comprise Upper Cambrian–
na E
Nu Lower Ordovician conglomerate and sandstone in
1470 combination with subalkaline and alkaline basalts. A
1880–1860 typical example is the Ordovician volcanic rocks
which are contained in the Molyudshor Formation,
characterized by fossils of this age and separated from
1 2 3 4 5 the Kokpel Formation [16]. The Ordovician volcanics
and numerous dikes that underwent greenschistfacies
Fig. 2. Reconstruction of core in the Nuna supercontinent metamorphism in the southeastern Lemva Zone also
over 1740–1270 Ma ago, simplified and modified after mark rifting. The associated felsic volcanics are cur
[42]. (1, 2) Rift separating Siberia from Baltica and Lau rently regarded as Ordovician [28 and references
rentia: (1) at the first stage of evolution ~1380 Ma ago and therein].
(2) at the second stage of evolution ~1270 Ma ago; (3–5)
paths of apparent pole wandering (PAPW) for (3) Siberia, The complex of parallel dikes related to ophiolites
(4) Laurentia, and (5) Baltica. Numerals in figure: 1, in the paleooceanic sector of the Urals is as young as
Mashak aureole; 2, Borehole Pal’yu21; 3, Midsommerso Early Ordovician. Their formation predated the devel
and ZigZag Dal volcanic rocks; 4, dikes of Victoria Land. opment of the Tagil island arc and was noted to the east
of the Main Uralian Fault close to the western contact
swarm, as well as the dike that crops out at Krivaya of the Syumkeu massif in the Shchuch’ya Synclino
Luka (Belaya River) and cuts through the Krivaya rium (Gerdizshor, Khalatal’bei, Kharuta complexes,
Luka Formation, being transgressively overlain by the and a number of smaller fragments); on the eastern
Kurgashly Formation. Both dikes were affected by slope of the Voikar massif (Lagorta Complex); and at
greenschistfacies metamorphism. In the Kvarkush the western limb of the Tagil Synclinorium (Man’ya
Anticlinorium of the Central Urals, the dikes of this swarm about 3.5 km in width; Shchekur’ya, Vizhai,
chronological level are associated with diverse, often Iov, and other sections) [16, 18, 27].
subalkaline intrusions and volcanic complexes dated One more dike complex dated at the Late Ordovi
largely at 745–608 Ma [14, 23]; however, the isotopic cian–Early Silurian was recently outlined in the Bash
age of the dikes themselves remains unknown. kirian Anticlinorium [21]. In addition to the afore
mentioned Ushat section, U–Pb (SHRIMP) ages corre
sponding to this chronological level were obtained for
PALEOZOIC DIKES AND RELATED IGNEOUS volcanic rocks along the Arsha River, at the latitude of
ASSOCIATIONS Mount Igonin Kamen (454.5 ± 5.8 Ma); to the east of
the Tirlyan Settlement, in the Polovinny Creek (437 ±
The Late Cambrian–Ordovician time was charac 7.2 Ma); in the Mashak Formation along the Kuz’elga
terized in the Urals by deposition of graben facies River (434.8 ± 6.7 Ma); in the Shatak Range (447 ±
accompanied by manifestations of volcanic activity 3.6 Ma); and at the Mount Belyatar in the Mayardak
(the Kidryasovo, Bardym, Lemva, and Baidarata dis Range (455.0 ± 5.6 Ma). All these dates fall within a
tricts on the western slope of the Urals; the Samara, narrow range 435–455 Ma (Llandoverian and close to
Troitsk, Uvel’sky, and Mayachny areas in the Central the Ordovician–Silurian boundary). It should be noted
Uralian Zone [16]). It can be suggested that some of that the younger (349.4 ± 7.5 Ma) cluster of U–Pb zir
the related dike fields were also formed in the Late con ages established along the Kuz’elga River could
Cambrian–Ordovician; deeper intrusive rocks are have been related to greenschistfacies metamorphism
probably associated with these volcanic rocks as well. provoked by thrusting of the Kraka massif over the
In the North Urals, at the headwaters of the Pechora rock complexes of the western slope of the Urals. This
River, the Riphean sedimentary rocks are cut through process took place in the Tournaisian at the final stage
by explosion pipes filled with alkali basalt and kimber of collision between the Devonian island arc and the
lite. Fragments of volcanic rocks were found in the continental margin [16, 21].
basal unit of the Ordovician section [12]. In the south The Early Devonian Akkermanovka dike complex
east of the Subpolar Urals, the Sarankhapner Forma related to ophiolites of the forearc or backarc spread

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 46 No. 1 2012


ing occurs in the allochthonous Khabarny massif on Late Riphean–Cambrian and Late Silurian–Early
the western slope of the Southern Urals [2, 16 and ref Devonian—are suggested [4]. The latter age is most
erences therein, 22]. Parallel dikes of suprasubduction likely underestimated; probably, a younger generation
nature have been revealed in the Sakmara Allochthon was formed in the Devonian. The older generation
proper and for a great distance in the CisSakmara– comprises dikes and sills; the second, most abundant,
Vosnesenka and West Magnitogorsk zones (Ramaza generation is limited to dikes. No reliable isotopic dat
novo, Rakityanka, Chingizovo, Buida, and other ings are available now. A sample of baddeleyite and zir
areas) [2]. The largest (up to 8 km across) Early Devo con taken from a large nearmeridional dike cutting
nian Aktogai spreading dike complex pertaining to through the Vendian rocks near the Skalisty railway
ophiolites was described in the West Mugodzhary [9]. station to the east of the town of Chusovoi has been
Even the above list of the dikeindike complexes selected for analytical procedures.
shows that this is a typical component of the Uralian On the western slope of the South Urals, dolerite
ophiolites. Note that the ophiolites of the Alps are dikes are sporadic in the field of Paleozoic rocks. A
altogether devoid of such complexes [38]. nearmeridional dike cutting through the Frasnian
On the western slope of the northern Urals, within chert of the bathyal zone to the east of the Kananikolsk
the shelf and bathyal zones, the Devonian dikeand Settlement is described in [17]. Devonian dikes prob
sill complex cutting through Ordovician, Silurian, ably occur in the Karatavian rocks; e.g., a dolerite dike
Devonian, and never Carboniferous shelf sequences near the Inzer railway station has an Ar/Ar age of
was initially described as a trap association [3], with 403 ± 17 Ma [36].
which it has much in common. The largest among In the Early Carboniferous, dike swarms were
these usually thin dikes in the Urals is the intrusion of formed on the eastern slope of the Urals within the
the Timaiz Range [15]. extinguishing Magnitogorsk arc in association with the
In this connection, the Upper Pechora Complex of Lower Carboniferous rocks of the Berezovsky and
minor twophase intrusions attracts interest [25]. The Grekhovsky formations and gabbro–granite complex
first intrusive phase is composed of microgabbro and of Mount Magnitnaya. The Basaevo Complex of sills is
the second phase of alaskite and granosyenite. The hosted by flysch of the Famennian Zilair Formation
youngest rocks cut through by these intrusions are [24]. This formation is cut through by the Khudola
Middle Devonian, though the K–Ar age of whole zovo Complex of large dikes. Some of them display
rock samples was estimated at 276 ± 13 and 296 ± layering similar to that in the Noril’sk intrusions.
12 Ma. These dates are, however, hardly trustworthy, When no reliable age determinations were yet avail
and most likely these intrusions are actually Devonian. able, it was suggested that these dikes, fresh in appear
A series of dolerite dikes and sills in the central part ance, were Triassic. New ID TIMS zircon and badde
of the PaiKhoi Anticlinorium are enechelon leyite ages were estimated at 324.8 ± 0.5 and 328.9 ±
arranged relative to its axis and deformed during Late 0.8 Ma; a thorough paper concerned with these data is
Paleozoic folding. Most of these dikes cut through now in preparation. The mafic dikes are crossed by the
Ordovician sedimentary rocks, where the sills are youngest complex of NNEtrending dolerite dikes, 2–
deformed into large mappable folds. Dikes and sills 3 m in thickness. Their age remains unknown; it is
markedly decrease in number upsection. Numerous possible that they are Triassic in age.
K–Ar dates scatter from Ordovician to Triassic, mak In the northern part of the Magnitogorsk Synclino
ing the true age of the dikes and sills ambiguous. The rium, dolerite dikes penetrate into the melange zone
most reliable is the U–Pb (SHRIMP) age of the zir near the city of Miass without signs of deformation.
con from a layered gabbrodolerite body at Mount The melange itself is as young as Famennian. Further
SopchaMyl’k in the axial zone of the PaiKhoi Anti to the north, the dike swarm is interrupted. The Early
linorium: 369.8 ± 2.27 Ma (Famennian) [34]. Carboniferous Bol’shakovo gabbro pluton occurring
The swarm of Devonian dikes was also traced in the here probably is comagmatic to the volcanic rocks and
southern direction. Similar dikes cutting through dikes of the same age in the Magnitogorsk Synclino
Paleozoic rocks are known on the western slope of the rium [26].
Urals. Two generations of dikes are distinguished in In the south, these dike complexes extend to the
the Kvarkush Anticlinorium on the basis of their rela East Mugodzhary Mountains, where they are arranged
tionships with country rocks [4]. In the belt of gabbro as closely as in dikeindike complexes; however, the
dolerite intrusions coinciding with the zone of green Devonian terrigenous rocks of the Balkymbai Forma
schist metamorphism at the eastern limb of the anticli tion occur between individual dikes as screens [27].
norium, the foliated metadolerite is combined with
massive gabbrodolerite of younger appearance with
relict primary minerals. The latter crosscut not only MESOZOIC DIKES AND RELATED IGNEOUS
Upper Riphean and Vendian but also fossiliferous ASSOCIATIONS
Ordovician and Silurian sequences, whereas metadol The final stage of volcanic activity in the Urals was
erites occur only in the prePaleozoic rocks. Thus, at related to the western flank of the Uralian–Siberian
least two generations of minor dolerite intrusions— superplume that arose at the Permian–Triassic bound

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 46 No. 1 2012


ary. The plateau basalts of the Urals and Siberia are fields of basalts erupted at the Permian–Triassic
clearly correlated in isotopic ages [16 and references boundary (Ar/Ar age is 249.52 ± 0.7 Ma [45]), Meso
therein]. According to the data obtained together with zoic dolerite dikes are unknown. The basaltic fields
M. Reichow and others in the Borisovo quarry at the themselves imply that a dike system actually exists
Sinara River in the Central Urals, the rhyolite dated at beneath them as magma conduits. Ultrapotassic felsic
~250 Ma (U–Pb, TIMS, zircon) is cut through by rocks, mafic and lamproite dikes, stocks, diatrems,
dolerite dated at 245 Ma (Ar/Ar, plagioclase). An and multiphase volcanic rocks cutting through Early
approximately identical Ar/Ar age was determined for Triassic basalts have been described in the Chernyshov
the basaltic flow pertaining to the Tura Formation on Ridge [31 and references therein]. It is noteworthy
a bank of the Sinara River on the outskirts of the Boris that to the north, at the boundary between the Pai
ovo Settlement (244.9 ± 1.2 Ma). A remarkable occur Khoi Range and the Kara Basin, the Torasovei syenite
rence of Triassic felsic volcanism can be observed in intrusion that cuts through Permian rocks was dated
the Pershino quarry to the south of the Dalmatovo Set using K–Ar method at 230 ± 9 and 250 ± 10 Ma by
tlement in the Transuralian region. The rhyolite is M.V. Fishman and N.P. Yushkin. Thus, these mag
exposed here leaning against the horizontally lying matic events are probably also belong to the history of
Paleogene opoka and sandstone with a steep contact. the Triassic superplume. Extremely rare dolerite dikes
Judging from the geological map on a scale of cutting the Permian rocks in the PaiKhoi were noted
1 : 200000 compiled on the data on exploration geo by V.I. Ustritsky near the Kara Gulf and by O.L. Einor
physics and drilling, the rhyolite occurs at a depth of at the SilovaYakha River. This is supported by the dat
40–50 m as a buried obelisk (extrusion) surrounded by ing of one such dike in the southeast of the Central
basalt of the Tura Formation and overlapped by Ceno PaiKhoi Complex of dolerites [31]. Zircons from this
zoic sediments. Taking into account the ID TIMS age dike have the concordant age of 264 ± 2.3 Ma; how
of the rhyolite (250.9 ± 0.2 Ma) (M. Reichow, per ever, a separate cluster of zircons with an average con
sonal communication), we deal here with a bimodal cordant age of 255.2 ± 2.5 Ma approaches the age of
basalt–rhyolite association formed synchronously the plateau basalts. Taking into account possible cap
with the onset of plume activity. turing zircons from the Permian sandstones, it is rea
Dolerite dikes presumably Triassic in age have been sonable to refrain from final conclusions, although the
mapped [29] in the East Uralian Zone to the north of Permian age of emplacement of dolerite dikes does not
the Dzhabyk granitic pluton (the results of isotopic contradict the available data.
dating are not yet available). These data are consistent
with other reports [13, 30]. Tevelev et al. [30] revealed
and described the Kisinet and Malochekinsky com DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
plexes of Middle Triassic granitoids isolated from The presented data, both those published earlier
basalts; granites of the same age also occur in the Adui and original, demonstrate a certain progress in study
area [13]. The first complex comprises granite por ing dike swarms in the Urals over recent years. These
phyry dikes exposed to the east of the Dzhabyk gra data, taken together, show spatiotemporal discontinu
nitic pluton. A.V. Tevelev counts no less than 12 such ity in the emplacement of dikes, which allows us to
dikes. Their Rb–Sr age (wholerock samples and feld delineate certain swarms of dikes and sills, give them
spars) is 238 ± 1.8 Ma. The Malochekinsky Complex proper names according to type localities, and make
is composed of monzodiorite, alkali syenite, and alkali an attempt to characterize them in geodynamic terms.
granite. The Rb–Sr age of five wholerock samples is The dike swarms are separated into epicontinental and
237 ± 21 Ma. It is suggested that in contrast to the epioceanic groups.
Early Triassic basalts and dolerite dikes formed in the
extensional setting, the Middle Triassic granitoids The epicontinental group comprises the Middle
were formed under conditions of rigid oblique colli Riphean Mashak, Late Riphean Arsha–Serebryanka,
sion [30]. At the same time, no geological evidence for Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician Kidryasovo–
Middle Triassic collision is available. The retained Tri Lemva, Ordovician–Silurian Ushat, Devoninan
assic sections are rather continuous and do not display Inzer–Timaiz (the most extended of all), Early Car
angular unconformities. The generation of felsic boniferous Magnitogorsk–Mugodzhary, and Triassic
crustal melt can be explained by heating related to the Borisovo dike swarms. The identification of the Early
ascent of basaltic magma. Riphean dike complex requires additional substantia
It should also be noted that the Triassic Rb–Sr dat tion.
ings of felsic intrusions in the Central and South Urals, In spite of very preliminary character of the iden
at least as concerns the Malochekinsky and the Adui tification of the named above dike swarms, it is possi
complexes [13, 30, 33], come into conflict with the Car ble to draw some suggestions concerning their geody
boniferous and Permian U–Pb zircon ages [32, 33], so namic nature. The general impression from the tec
that the question cannot be considered finally settled. tonic settings of the dike complexes indicates that they
In the north of the Urals, despite widespread Per are related to either plumes or passive rifts distin
mian and Triassic sedimentary rocks and extensive guished by weak volcanic activity.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 46 No. 1 2012


Considering the Middle Riphean Mashak volcanic 40° 60°

activity accompanied by dikes and sills with suffi
ciently reliable age, it should be emphasized that the
petrologic and geochemical data [41] allow us to
regard these igneous complexes as belonging to a sin
gle tectonomagmatic stage related to rifting. A new
reasoning on the role and place of the Mashak mag 70°
matism arises in connection with the recently pub
lished paleomagnetic reconstruction of Laurentia,
Baltica, and Siberia within the Nuna supercontinent
over 1.9–1.3 Ga ago [42]. This reconstruction gives an
idea of the hypothetical core of the supercontinent
consisting of the aforementioned three cratons. The
presentday southern and eastern margins of Siberia
represented the boundary zones with the arctic margin
of Laurentia and the Uralian boundary of Baltica,
respectively. If this was the case, the Mashak volcan
ism likely marks the initial breakoff of Siberia from
Baltica and Laurentia with the formation of a passive
continental margins of Baltica–Laurentia during two
stages, ~1380 and ~1270 Ma ago. Taking into account
that the riftrelated Mashak volcanic activity could
have accompanied formation of the passive margin of
Baltica, a continuation of this zone should be sought in
the Timan and North Greenland (Fig. 2, points 2–4) ?
[38, 41]. The magmatic activity is preliminarily classi 50°
fied as belonging to the immature continental margin
of the volcanic type developing under effect of a super
In this context, the Ai volcanic activity, if it actually
took place, was much less important in comparison
with Mashak volcanism.
As concerns the manifestations of magmatism in 1 2 3 4 5
the South and Central Urals 745–608 Ma ago [14, 23],
there are grounds to suggest that they, together with
6 7 8
the same manifestations in the northwestern East
European Platform, make up a vast Late Riphean
province of plumerelated magmatism. In the Ven Fig. 3. Location of the Devonian volcanic rocks in the East
dian, this igneous province was shifted toward the European Platform. (1) Paleozoic continental sedimen
western margin of the platform [11, 44]. tary cover, (2) oceanic cover, (3) volcanic and intrusive
rocks, (4) islandarc complexes, (5) faults bounding gra
The Late Cambrian–Early Ordovician dikes could bens, (6) crystalline shield, (7) boundary between the plat
have been directly related to passive rifting. The pas form and the Uralian Foldbelt; (8) Main Uralian Fault.
sive continental margin of the Urals, which arose in
the Ordovician, belongs to the amagmatic type.
Plumes were not active during its origination, though references therein]. Without new evidence, we have
riftrelated magmatic activity took place. nothing to add in this respect.
The new data on the Ordovician–Silurian Ushat Formation of the Devonian Inzer–Timaiz dike
Complex of minor basaltoid intrusions similar in com swarm, the most extended in the Urals, can reasonably
position to the trachybasalts of the Ai Formation at the be linked with the Devonian superplume that
Ushat River [19, 21] were quite surprising. Among embraced the entire East European Platform [16]
other events in the South Urals, the formation of the (Fig. 3).
Ilmeny–Vishnevy Mountains miaskite–carbonatite The Early Carboniferous Magnitogorsk–
complex (440–446 Ma), which then evolved up to the Mugodzhary dikes are correlated with coeval subaerial
Late Paleozoic [10], is close to the minor intrusions in volcanic activity and probably with backarc extension
time and space. It is suggested that this complex is sim behind the Valer’yanovka subduction zone.
ilar in its geodynamic origin to the Monteregian group The results of studying Triassic magmatism,
of subalkaline and alkaline intrusions in Quebec, including the Borisovo dike complexes, provide evi
which are interpreted as a trail of a plume at the Atlan dence for its synchronous onset over the vast territory
tic margin of the North American continent [16 and of the Urals and Siberia approximately 250 Ma ago

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 46 No. 1 2012


[45, cf. 41]. The onset of basaltic volcanism was tion of the Late Ordovician–Early Silurian complex of
accompanied by a breakup of the Earth’s crust, scat hypabyssal intrusions in the Bashkirian Anticlinorium
tered spreading, and the appearance of numerous gra is so far only an analytical phenomenon, which is not
bens clearly identified in West Siberia by seismic supported by the morphology or geochemistry of
methods. The Koltogor–Urengoi Rift is the largest. It dikes. Fragmentary data on the Devonian age of the
can be expected that the positive magnetic anomalies dikes that cut through the Upper Riphean to Devo
that accompany the large grabens are related to coeval nian rocks give the impression of a giant dike swarm up
intrusions and fields of basaltic flows, dikes, and sills. to 2000 km in extent. To speak about this belt with cer
It should also be noted that the Uralian periphery of tainty, additional factual data are needed. Finally,
the superplume and its other margins [40, 43, 46] are despite the progress in the study of Triassic magmatism
characterized by the development of bimodal basalt– in the Urals, unanswered questions remain, in partic
rhyolite series and minor granitoid intrusions. ular, regarding the age of alkaline granites and their
Contrary to popular opinion, both the Uralian and links to the Triassic dikes.
Siberian plumerelated volcanism covered a rather long
time interval (up to 22–26 Ma in Siberia) [16, 43].
The oceanic group (dikeindike). As was shown,
the use of petrologic–geochemical and geological cri This study was supported by the Division of Earth
teria makes it possible to distinguish Uralian dikein Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (program
dike complexes different in geodynamic setting, which no. 9 “Structure and Formation of the Main Types of
are combined into the Ordovician Man’ya oceanic, Geological Structures in Mobile Belts and Platforms”
the Devonian Aktogai backarc and Khabarny supra and program no. 8 “Role of Magmatism, Metamor
subduction complexes. phism, and Volatile Components in Evolution of the
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