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Moz Morris
dee double-you emm – web developer & tea drinker

Install Guide: Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.0 on a Dell Dimension 9200 / DXP061


This guide was tested with the retail Snow Leopard retail disk and the following specification:

Model: Dell Dimension 9200 / Dell XPS410

Chipset: Intel P965 Chipset (ICH8R)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
Graphics: ASUS nVidia EN8400GS 512 PCIe
Ethernet: Intel 82566DC
Wireless: Belkin (Broadcom)
Audio: SigmaTel 9227

Here is the LSPCI readout if you want lower level information.

If you have a setup completely different to this then turn back now. You’re better off looking for a guide
that matches your spec.

You will need the following:

1. A working OS X installation. I used my iPC 10.5.6 installation. You could potentially use a friends.
2. Snow Leopard DVD
3. An 8+GB USB Flash Drive & spare hard disk
4. Chameleon 2 RC3 Boot loader Package
5. EFI studio
6. Kext Helper
7. A decent text editor, like TextMate
8. Some patience. This guide probably looks quite long, but in reality it takes no longer than an hour
9. The attribute of following instructions carefully.

You will also need the following, which I can provide:

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2. A few driver kexts
3. A boot list file, also known as

Click here to get all of these.

BIOS settings:

1. ACHI mode (RAID off)

2. SpeedStep off
3. USB as priority boot

Restore DVD to USB

1. Boot into your existing OS X installation, insert the Snow Leopard DVD & USB drive, and open Disk

2. Use Disk Utility to Restore the Snow Leopard DVD to the USB drive by:

3. Selecting the Flash Drive

4. Select the Erase tab on the right and then set Format to Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Name the
partition you’ll be creating Snow Leopard Install DVD so you can keep track of your installation device.
After you’ve done this, click the Erase button.

5. After Disk Utility finishes erasing your old data on the flash drive and setting it as a new partition, it will
be ready for the Snow Leopard install files. Select the Restore tab at the top and then drag the Snow
Leopard DVD to the Source field. Select your USB device, now called Snow Leopard Install DVD for
the Destination file. Click Restore and wait for the restoration to finish (about 20 minutes).

Boot loader & Kexts

1. Install Chameleon 2 RC3 Boot loader using the package installer to the USB drive where you restored
the Snow Leopard DVD to. Not your working OS X installation.

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Snow Leopard Install DVD post Chameleon Install

2. Copy the ‘’ & ‘dsdt.aml’ to the Extra folder in the root of the USB drive.

Content of Extra

3. Create a new folder called Extensions within the Extra folder. Copy all the kext files to the Extensions

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Contents of Extensions

4. Open Terminal and run diskutil list This will list out all mounted drives. Look for the one that
corresponds to your USB drive and note the drive number and installation partition. In this example below,
the disk number is 2 and the partition is 2, also written as disk2s2

diskutil list

Now run diskutil info disk2s2 You’ll need to substitute in your own disk and partition number after the

diskutil info disk2s2

5. Copy the Volume UUID identifier from the information listed to you clipboard or somewhere safe.

6. Now lets go back to the Extra folder on the USB drive. Using that decent text editor I mentioned earlier,
you’ll need to open up

7. We are now going to tell the boot loader which disk to boot based on the disk identifier we just retrieved.
After the last </string> and before </dict> enter

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8. Replace 000000000000 with your own disk identifier that should still be in your clipboard. Save the file
and exit. content

9. Navigate the Extensions folder within the Extra folder. Open up UUID-platform.kext in your text
editor. Go to the contents folder and edit the info.plist.

10. Look for <key>PlatformUUID</key> and paste in your disk identifier in the <string>In Here</string>
below it. Save the file and exit.

info.plist inside of PlatformUUID.kext


1. Start EFI studio and locate your graphics card from the drop down. For EN8400GS I had to use the
7600GS EFI string. If you have trouble locating an EFI string, just have a Google around.

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EFI Studio Interface

2. Click Add device. Then click Hex String to Clipboard.

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2. Now back to the Extra folder on the USB drive and open up again.

3. After the last </sting> which should be where you entered your disk identifier, start a new line and input:


4. Replace 000000000000 with your own EFI string that should still be in your clipboard. Save the file and

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1. Open the Terminal and run sudo –s at which point you must enter your password. Sudo allow us to run
programs with the privileges of root.

2. If you’ve followed the instructions exactly to this point, then you should be able to copy and paste the
following commands. You may have decided to follow the guide slightly different up to this point. If you
have, then you’ll understand what you need to change here.

cd /Volumes/Snow\ Leopard\ Install\ DVD/Extra

chown –R root:wheel *
chmod –R 777 *

If any of these throws an error then either I’m terrible at writing instructions, or you’re terrible at following
instructions. No time to argue anyway, on we go.


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1. Reboot your machine and if you’ve set your USB to priority boot the Chameleon boot loader should

2. Select ‘Snow Leopard Install DVD’, which funnily enough is your USB drive and hit enter.

3. Fingers crossed within a few moments the Snow Leopard installer will appear.

4. If you get the ‘no smoking’ sign after a while then something’s gone wrong. Reboot, and at Step 2 this
time, type -v before hitting enter to boot in verbose mode. This will then output an error message. From
here, you’ll have to use your friend Google to help you.

5. Choose your required language.

6. Before continuing with the installation program we’re going to prepare that spare hard drive I mentioned
you needed in the prerequisites. Open the Disk Utility under the Utilities menu.

7. Select the spare hard disk.

8. Select the Erase tab on the right and then set Format to Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Name the
partition you’ll be creating Snow Leopard. Now click the Erase button.

9. Now exit the Disk Utility and continue with the installation

10. Choose your newly formatted disk Snow Leopard as the destination and install. The installation
should take around 15minutes or so.

11. It should be noted that sometimes the installer would display an error after completion. You can ignore
this. I’m sure someone out there has an answer why this happens, just Google it if you’re that bothered.

12. Reboot!

First Boot
1. Leave your USB as the priority boot device as we’ll be using the chameleon boot loader installed on
there to boot our Snow Leopard installation.

2. When the boot loader appears, you should see the Snow Leopard installation. Select it but don’t press
enter yet.

3. Currently the boot loader is always going to look for the USB drive as the root device, remember we set
this earlier when editing the

We now need to tell it which device we would like to boot this time. Now I can’t tell you exactly for your
system what this is going to be. For me this was disk0s2. With Snow Leopard selected, enter rd=disk0s2
and hit enter. If this fails, it is worth trying the following: disk1s2, disk2s2, disk3s2 etc

4. If you’ve reached this point then you must be totally buzzing. You’re almost there, nice one.

Post Install

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A lot of this is going to be the same procedure as in the Preparation section but we’re putting the Snow
Leopard disk in place of the Snow Leopard Install DVD. I’ll write it out again for consistency.

Bootloader & Kexts (again)

1. Install the Chameleon boot loader to the Snow Leopard disk using the package installer.

2. Copy the ‘’ & ‘dsdt.aml’ to the Extra folder in the root of Snow Leopard.

3. Create a new folder called Extensions within the Extra folder. Copy all the kext files to the Extensions

4. Open terminal and run diskutil list This will list out all mounted drives. Look for the one that
corresponds to your Snow Leopard drive and note the drive number and installation partition. In this
example below, the disk number is 0 and the partition is 2, also written as disk0s2

Now run diskutil info disk0s2 You’ll need to substitute in your own disk and partition number after the

5. Copy the UUID identifier from the information listed to you clipboard or somewhere safe.

6. Now lets go back to the Extra folder on the Snow Leopard drive. Using that decent text editor I
mentioned earlier, you’ll need to open up

7. We are now going to tell the boot loader which disk to boot based on the disk identifier we just retrieved.
After the last </string> and before </dict> enter


8. Replace 000000000000 with your own disk identifier that should still be in your clipboard. Save the file
and exit.

9. Navigate the Extensions folder within the Extra folder. Open up UUID-platform.kext in your text
editor. Go to the contents folder and edit the info.plist.

10. Look for <key>PlatformUUID</key> and paste in your disk identifier in the <string>In Here</string>
below it. Save the file and exit.

Graphics (again)

1. Start EFI studio, locate your graphics card, copy hex to clipboard. For EN8400GS I had to use the
7600GS EFI string. If you have trouble locating an EFI string, just have a google around.

2. Now back to the Extra folder on the Snow Leopard drive and open up again.

3. After the last </sting> which should be where you entered your disk identifier, start a new line and input:


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4. Replace 000000000000 with your own EFI string that should still be in your clipboard. Save the file and


1. 1. Open the Kext Helper.

2. 2. Navigate to the Extensions folder under Extra on your Snow Leopard disk.
3. 3. Drag the VoodooHDA kext into Kext Helper.
4. 4. Click install. You’ll be prompted to enter your password.

Kext Helper ready for me to click 'Easy Install'

1. Now reboot and set your Snow Leopard disk to boot priority.

2. Chameleon should appear; select Snow Leopard and hit enter.

3. If everything’s gone to plan, and I’ll be honest, first time it probably won’t have, you should have a fully
functioning Mac OS X Snow Leopard Hackintosh system.

Just hit the Apple Software Update. It will download the latest package, which at the time of writing was
10.6.2. The updates will automatically be installed and then OS X will reboot. Job done.

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'About This Mac' post update

posted under OSx86

47 Comments to

“Install Guide: Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.0 on a Dell Dimension 9200 / DXP061”

1. On November 26th, 2009 at 12:51 pm Jhon Says:

Hi bro…your help was completely devastating…finally…after a lot of googleing without success I

could join my experience in hackintoshing and your precious gide regarding our grand’pa-Dell in
order to obtain a perfect working machine.

Next step some makeup:

1: buy 100% compatibile USB BT dongle (d-link i.e.)

2: buy magic mouse
3: buy Aluminium Keyboard
4: buy Led BenQ 24″ LCD White Colored display

And My own totally personal mac-beast will be complete…thank you again!!

2. On November 26th, 2009 at 3:21 pm Moz Says:

Absolutely my pleasure, glad it helped. The Aluminum Keyboard, Magic Mouse and 24” LCD is
also on my list

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3. On December 9th, 2009 at 11:05 pm mikemelancholic Says:

Very useful guide, thank you! The only problems I came across were simple syntax errors in your
guide. You refer to the ‘Extra’ folder as ‘Extras’ and it got a little confusing. Also, in the section for
setting permissions you typed ‘Volumers’ instead of ‘Volumes’. Again, thanks for the great guide.

4. On December 10th, 2009 at 12:17 am Moz Says:

Thanks for letting me know about the typos Mike. Glad you found the guide useful.

5. On January 2nd, 2010 at 5:16 pm Ben Says:

Just wondering if this was written from the point of view that you are on the machine itself, not
following these instructions from another machine. (means a little of it gets confusing, but its ok)

6. On January 2nd, 2010 at 10:26 pm Moz Says:

Hi Ben,

I’m on the actual machine, but as I mentioned in the prerequisites, you’ll need: “A working OS X
installation. I used my iPC 10.5.6 installation. You could potentially use a friends” and a “spare
hard disk”

In my case, the iPC installation is on the same machine and I’m then installing to the spare disk.

Hope this helps. Good luck.


7. On January 3rd, 2010 at 6:26 am Ben Says:

Thankyou for your help, i will say that i got the no smoking time the first time i tried installing off all
I booted into verbose and the error was half a screen of hex code.

Ive tried installing leopard onto this machine several times to no avail and your guides seem very
helpful and useful, and im really trying now because i just got one of the new Core i7 27″ monsters
and i already have leopard on my MSI wind and a generic HP machine, the Dell was the last nut to
crack. Im going to try again soon and i hope it all works, once again thanks for your fantastic guide.

8. On January 3rd, 2010 at 12:07 pm Moz Says:

Thanks again for your comments Ben.

The biggest issue I’ve always found with this Dell is ensuring it finds the ‘root device’ on boot. It
may be beneficial for you to ignore the ‘Volume UUID‘ and ‘Platform UUID‘ parts.

Anyway, good luck again and fingers crossed you get it working.

9. On January 3rd, 2010 at 4:04 pm Jhon Says:

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Hi again pal, I’m writing from my monster as predicted…I have now everything working (magic
mouse, aluminium keyboard Bt, Benq LCd …) but I need some hints:

As we know in order to properly boot we must make some mods to the BIOS settings, change SATA
mode from RAID to Raid Auto / ATA. Doing so my Sys Prof recognize my HDDs like ATA devices
instead of SATA as they really are. So my question is:

Is this phenomenon subsequent the “fake” info we give to the OS setting BIOS in ATA compatibility
mode or may be I am using some obsolete kext? Would you please check it out for me, if also yout
Sys Prof gives erratic output?

Thank you again and Happy new year!

10. On January 4th, 2010 at 6:49 pm Moz Says:

Hi Ben,

Indeed this is because of the BIOS settings. Now as far as I’m aware, though I haven’t had the
chance to try it myself, this guide should work with the setting on RAID. I’ve always use ATA since
early Leopard days myself and everything runs just fine.

How about giving it a go and letting me know how you get on?

11. On January 5th, 2010 at 2:43 pm Andrew Says:

Thanks for the guide, about to attempt it myself, wanting to get an OS X86 system capable of
running the iPhone 3.1 SDK, and my attempts to update my Dimension 9200 Kalyway 10.5.2 are
failing every time.

Will try this method, and let you know, cheers

12. On January 5th, 2010 at 6:40 pm Andrew Says:

Hi, it seems to be working, except for the ethernet, which doesnt work. This previously worked on
10.5.2 using a kext i still have, but doesnt work now. Ideas?

13. On January 5th, 2010 at 6:53 pm Andrew Says:

Found that kext here:

Now to figure out how to make the display resolution go above 1024×768

14. On January 5th, 2010 at 9:19 pm Andrew Says:

I’m done i think, except for the video, got my 10.6.2 working, so thanks for that, can you help me at
all with the video issue?

15. On January 5th, 2010 at 9:40 pm Moz Says:

Hi Andrew, great news that you managed to get everything installed.

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As you know, I’m using an nVidia card with associated EFI string so my resolution is detected
automatically. A quick fix for your issue may be to add the following to your
“Graphics Mode”=1680×1050x32 (obviously switch in your max resolution)


<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>boot-uuid=178D583D-468B-3478-B4F0-11E2C24A2080 "Graphics

This I know is not ideal as you won’t have graphics acceleration. It will of course do the job until
you either, find an appropriate Kext, or do as I did, get an nVidia card.

16. On January 6th, 2010 at 9:29 am Jhon Says:

Hi Moz,
I think you refer to me, John, in post n° 10, by the way, I have already run some tests setting SATA
mode to RAID only, infact BIOS activates RAID controller, it can see my HDDs and it gives in
output a different splash screen, the one with green writings to be perfectly clear, but the SYS is not
able even to boot…it gives the classic boot error “unable to find bootable partition”… could you
please tell me if your dimension states your hdd as ATA in the ATA section of the Sys Prof?

Thank you again.

17. On January 6th, 2010 at 11:06 am Andrew Says:

Turned the computer back on today, and its got a full list of resolutions, and had picked up
1680×1050x32 properly automatically, so thats good.

I have an 8800 GTX 768mb, so it should have worked already from your guide, but its working now,
so thanks

18. On January 6th, 2010 at 11:43 am Moz Says:

@Jhon – The system profile reads as ATA, the mode it’s running in.

19. On January 6th, 2010 at 11:45 am Moz Says:

Good stuff Andrew, glad you’ve got it all up and running.

20. On January 8th, 2010 at 5:29 pm Jhon Says:

Thank you Moz for the info. By the way with Chameleon RC4 all of you can remove from
Extra/Extensions the following kext:

and substitute them with the ones provided in 10.6 folder inside Cham RC4 package.

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Makeing so youl”have a faster Sys and more over…set Sata Mode to RAID (AHCI) and you’ll have
all your drives listed under SATA in Sys Prof. Remember that MACs work natively with

21. On January 8th, 2010 at 7:41 pm Moz Says:

RC4 is out!! Thanks for the information. I will definitely give this a go over the weekend.

22. On January 22nd, 2010 at 7:45 pm Kris Says:

I’m further than I’ve ever been so huge thanks, but getting stuck at the Leopard Install screen pre
language selection with the coloured spinning wheel??

System is identical to yours except I have ATI Radeon X1300Pro and for some reason cannot run
EFI Studio on my Powerbook G4 – ‘not supported on this architecture’ – It requires an Intel Mac

23. On January 23rd, 2010 at 1:33 pm Moz Says:

You’re right about EFI studio mate. I once had that graphics card, but swapped it firstly for a Radeon
HD 3650 and then later for a nVidia 8400. The nVidia cards are just way more compatible.

Regarding the spinning wheel: It’s really hard to say what your exact issue is. I’m assuming you
have tried booting using the ‘-v‘ ? Though it sound like you are booting fine. Perhaps give the
process another go. I can only guess that there might be corrupt files on the USB drive.

Good luck Kris, be sure to let me know how you get on. Hopefully together we can get it working.


24. On January 31st, 2010 at 6:21 pm Andrew Says:

Trying your install instructions, but when first booting off the USB stick it halts. The last few lines

Error: FireWire unable to determine security mode; defaulting to full-secure

Bootcache: hit rate below threshold (11 hits on 1900 lookups)
Bootcache: hit rate below threshold (11 hits on 1901 lookups)
Bootcache: could not terminate cache on bad hitrate
Previous shutdown cause: 3
DSMOS has arrived
ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin:PushCPU_CSTData – _CST evaluation failed
** Device in slot: SLOT–1 **
ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver – WARNING – LPC device initialization failed:
C-state power management not initialize

Then it fails

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possibly a problem with my graphics card? I have a radeon 3870 HD 512mb

Any ideas?

25. On January 31st, 2010 at 6:54 pm Moz Says:

Firstly, I’m assuming you’re using the DSDT I provided? If you are, I suggest creating your own
DSDT as it sounds like your system maybe slightly different to mine. You’ll need DSDT patcher
which can be downloaded from PCWiz:
Once you have a new DSDT, you’ll need to tweak it to stop the CMOS reset bug. Have a Google
around for how to do this, or send me your DSDT and I’ll do it for you. Email me at

Other things to consider…

Are you running in ACHI mode? I’m guessing you probably are.
Does the boot just fail? Or do you get “Waiting for Root device” ?
Are you using an EFI string for your graphics card? If you are, try booting without it.

Let me know how you get on.


26. On January 31st, 2010 at 7:19 pm Andrew Says:

Thanks for the quick reply, and yes i am using the files you provided.

I’m not sure what to do with the DSDT patcher? I dont have mac running on the computer i want to
install Snow Leopard too, just windows, i’m using a OSX laptop to do the mac parts.

As for ACHI mode, no idea on that, the only disk option i saw in the bios was raid / no raid

My PC is a Dell XPS 420, which should be almost identical to the 9200, and I have tried with EFI
string in the plist and no efi string.

Both just stop, no error.

And when i re-enabled my ethernet card the boot process got slightly further, but just halted after
loading the ethernet card so i dont think the code i posted before is the problem?

27. On January 31st, 2010 at 7:34 pm Moz Says:

The setting in the BIOS should be ‘no RAID’.
Unfortunately the DSDT patcher will be of no use if not using it on the installation machine. Try
removing the DSDT file from the USB. It’s not always needed.
Have you also tried giving iPC 10.5.6 a go? This might be a good starting point. I was using this
distro for over a year and served me very well.

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I would also suggest you check out this thread on Insanely Mac. I think the 410 is slightly closer to
yours than mine. Note that thread has been going for over three years and there’s a ton of useful info.


28. On January 31st, 2010 at 8:10 pm Andrew Says:

No luck with moving ndst, If I get a 10.5.2 distro working on it will thqt produce the file needed to
make it boot? Cheers. I need 10.6 for latest sdk development

29. On January 31st, 2010 at 8:16 pm Moz Says:

Hopefully it should do yes. I’ve had a quick Google around and it would appear those errors are not
linked directly to the failure; people are still booting fine when receiving this error.
Wish I could help more but hopefully you’ll get there in the end. Good luck.

30. On January 31st, 2010 at 8:21 pm Andrew Says:

Ok thanks for the help, can you still help with the dtst mod if I get 10.5.2 loaded? Cheers for the

31. On January 31st, 2010 at 8:22 pm Moz Says:

Definitely Andrew. Give me a shout when you’re up and running.

32. On January 31st, 2010 at 9:06 pm Andrew Says:

Right, its kinda working, clicking on any menu, you cant see the options, just white spaces, and
ethernet not working, but i can now run the patcher, what should i do?

33. On January 31st, 2010 at 9:45 pm Andrew Says:

Tried all the options for the patcher individually, no effect, the usb key just hangs, and nothing

34. On January 31st, 2010 at 10:52 pm Andrew Says:

Got the leopard 10.5.2 install to work with wireless adapter, and fixed the menu problem, but got no
further with snow leopard, and i cant run the sdk on 10.5.2.

35. On February 2nd, 2010 at 3:35 pm Moz Says:

Great that you’ve managed to get 10.5.2 up and running.
If you run the DSDT Patcher, select Darwin/Mac OS X, and ‘Force Compile’. If you send me over
the resulting file I can try editing it to fix the CMOS reset bug.

36. On February 6th, 2010 at 11:44 am Andrew Says:

Tried substituting the DSDT for the one in your files on my usb stick, it didnt work, still hanged on

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the same point.

37. On February 6th, 2010 at 5:51 pm Andrew Says:

Followed the guide on here:

For editing DSDT, but i dont think simply changing the length in DSDT to 02 is going to work,
going to try now.

38. On February 6th, 2010 at 7:11 pm Andrew Says:

Ok that length mod stopped my bios settings from being reset, but the pc still doesnt boot into the
install mode, any ideas?

39. On February 6th, 2010 at 7:14 pm Moz Says:

Hi Andrew, sorry I’ve not got back to you sooner.

Well it sounds like your DSDT is all good now. What is the exact message when it fails? Are you
definitely not getting the ‘Waiting for root device’ ?

40. On February 6th, 2010 at 8:35 pm Andrew Says:

Here is a photo of the last screen where it freezes:

If you cant read it, let me know and i’ll try again.

41. On February 6th, 2010 at 8:38 pm Andrew Says:

and here is the previous screen incase that helps:

(if you want earlier pictures let me know)

42. On February 6th, 2010 at 10:11 pm Moz Says:

Hi Andrew, cheers for putting up your photos. It’s made it a lot easier to understand what’s going on.

I notice that the NTFS driver is being loaded for what looks like a 16GB USB drive. Is this a
separate USB drive? ..and is the drive you’re booting from ‘Mac OS Extended (Journaled)‘
Formatted? Sorry if I’m asking you ‘noob’ questions, I just want to make sure everything’s as it
should be.

Also, have you tried booting into single user mode using the flag ‘-s‘ ?

I must admit from looking at those screens, and with my level of hackintosh knowledge, everything
seems pretty okay. Slightly different to when my machine boots but on the whole very similar.

43. On February 6th, 2010 at 10:25 pm Moz Says:

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and maybe just a long shot:

44. On February 7th, 2010 at 1:12 am Andrew Says:

The 16gb was just another drive I was using in windows, forgot to remove it when I rebooted to mac.
Yes the 8gb USB I am using is mac os extended journaled. Not tried single user mode yet, and I
suppose taking ram out and putting back in is worth a try. I’ll give it a go and let you know
tomorrow. Cheers!

45. On February 7th, 2010 at 4:24 pm Andrew Says:

Does my lspci readout help at all?

46. On February 7th, 2010 at 5:15 pm Moz Says:

That might help. Give me half an hour.

47. On February 14th, 2010 at 3:46 pm franco gabbo Says:

have a problem with the drive does not work voodoohda.kext audio input


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What is dee double-you emm?

That would be in the initials of my full name (trying saying it out aloud)

Who is dee double-you emm?

My name is David Morris. My friends know me as Moz. I’m a Web Developer. I studied at Bournemouth
University and am currently employed by Lawton Communication based in Southampton.

What is earthview?
The last time I checked google, earthview was a ‘dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver’ made by
DeskSoft. I can assure you that this site has absolutely nothing to do with that.

So why
Many a moon ago, I played drums in a band named Earth and the website was located here. You can
probably find it on

Ever considered selling it?

If someone offered me £10k I reckon I might be tempted

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