P ρ× g v z=h const

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To verify experimentally the validity of Bernoulli's equation for fluid flow
ii. Theory
Bernoulli's law indications that , if an inviscid fluid is flowing along a pipe of varying
cross section, then the pressure is lower at constrictions where the velocity is higher, and
higher where the pipe open out and the fluid stagnates. The wall-Known Bernoulli
equations derived under the following assumptions.
1- Fluid is incompressible (density is constant )
2- Flow is steady
3- Flow is frictionless
Then, it is expressed with following equation:

P v2 ¿
+ + z=h =const
ρ× g 2 g
Where (in SI units):
P=fluid static pressure at the cross section in N/m2
Ƿ=density of the flowing fluid in Kg/m3
g =acceleration due to gravity in m/s2
v= mean velocity of fluid flow at the cross section in m/s
z= elevation head of the center of cross section with respect to a datum z = 0
H*= total (stagnation) head in m
The terms on the left- hand – side of the above equation represent the pressure head (h)
velocity head (hv) and elevation head (z), respectively. The sum of these terms is known
as the total head (h*). According to the Bernoulli's theorem of fluid flow through the
pipe, the total head h* at any cross section is constant (based on assumption given above)
In a real flow due to fraction and other imperfections, as well as measurement
uncertainties, the result will deviate from theoretical ones.
In this experiment the centerline of all the cross section we are considering lie on the
same horizontal plane (which we may choose as the datum, z= 0), and thus, all 'z' values
are zeros so that the above equation reduces to:

P v2
+ =h =const (This is total head at a cross section)
ρ× g 2 g
iii. Apparatus required
1- Bernoulli Venturi- tube apparatus with column manometer and pitot tube
2- Stop watch
3- 2L beaker

iv. Procedure:
1- Start up the pump
2- Open the inlet valve
3- adjust the discharge valve
4- When the pressure in tube are shown, record the pressure of tubes
5- Measure the flow rate by filling the 2L beaker with measured time.
6- Change the adjustment for discharge , then take reading of pressure in tubes
7- Measure the flow rate for second trail.
v. Observation

vi. Simple calculation for trial no 1 with necessary formulae

Volume flow rate = volume / time
0.002/33.36= 5.99*10-5 m3/s
Velocity = Q/A
2 5.99 ×10−5
A 1=3.386 ×10 m−4
, V 1= =0.17 m/s
3.386× 10− 4

2 5.99 ×10−5
A 2=2.335 ×10 m−4
, V 2= =0.25 m/s
2.335× 10− 4
2 5.99 ×10−5
A 3=8.4 ×10−5 m , V 3= =0.70 m/ s
8.4 ×10−5

5.99× 10−5
A 4=1.7 × 10−4 m2 , V 4= =0.35 m/s
1.7 × 10−4

2 5.99 ×10−5
A 5=2.55× 10 m−4
, V 5= =0.23 m/s
2.55 ×10−4

2 5.99 ×10−5
A 6=3.386 ×10 m−4
, V 6= =0.17 m/ s
3.386 ×10−4
Dynamic head = v2/2g , g = 9.8 m/s2

0.17 2 −3
D 1= =1.47 ×10 m
2× 9.8

0.252 −3
D 2= =3.188 ×10 m
2× 9.8

0.72 −3
D 3= =2.5 ×10 m
2 ×9.8

0.7 2 −2
D 4= =2.5 ×10 m
2× 9.8

0.232 −3
D 5= =2.69 ×10 m
2× 9.8

0.172 −3
D 6= =1.47 × 10 m
2 ×9.8
Total head = h+ (v2/2g)

h¿ 1=0.17+1.47 × 10−3=0.171m

h¿ 2=0.25+3.188 ×10−3=0.253 m

h¿ 3=0.7+ 2.5× 10−2=0.725m

h¿ 4 =0.35+6.25 ×10−3 =0.0356 m

h¿ 5=0.23+2.69 ×10−3=0.232 m
h¿ 6=0.17+ 1.47 ×10−3 =0.171 m

vii. Graph


stat head
daynam head 6
total head

12 10 8 6 4 2 0

viii. Analysis
As the graph shows the dynamics heat is on opposite behave with static head, while
the total head is seemly as street line.

ix. Conclusion
From the equation for the viscosity can find the area is indirect probation with
viscosity so that the viscosity in the increase wile to flow going in this the Venturi
The dynamic head are direct probation with viscosity.

x. Application for this equation

1- Bernoulli's principle can be used to calculate the lift force on an airfoil, if the
behavior of the fluid flow in the vicinity of the foil is known
2- The flow speed of a fluid can be measured using a device such as a Venturi
meter or an orifice plate, which can be placed into a pipeline to reduce the
diameter of the flow
xi. Source of error
1- Leaking in inlet water.
2- bobbles coming out inside the tubes
xii. References
1-Lab book fluid flow (CHM 323)
2-instractor information

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