AravindEyeCare - Market Based Systems Change Case Study - 2018 PDF

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Aravind Eye

Care System
Eliminating needless
Founded by Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy | India
What’s At Stake

India has the highest number of blind
people in the world. Of the 37 million
blind people across the globe, over 12
million are from India. The country faces
12 million of the 37 million a significant shortage of optometrists;
while it needs 40,000 optometrists, it
people in the has only 8,000. (source: Times of India)
world with blindness
Moreover, the public health system’s
are in India capacity is inadequate to meet the health
(source: The Hindustan Times) services demands. However, 80% of all
vision impairments can be prevented
or cured if patients receive the right

treatment, and on time. (Source: WHO)

Aravind Hospitals was founded to

find sustainable ways to offer eye care,
India faces a significant particularly to prevent or cure blindness,
for all those who need treatment, regard-
shortage of optometrists: less of ability to pay.
.02% of the need is
currently being met. While
40k optometrists are
needed, there are only 8k
(source:Times of India)
Business Model Innovation

If you had visited the 11-bed, Aravind

Eye Hospital in 1976, it would have been
services such as patient screening - and
after finding that it was only bringing
At a Glance
hard to imagine that it would expand to in 7% of patients who needed care, they
serve over 3.3 million outpatient visits setup permanent primary eye care Revenue Model
a year (source: endeva) , have its model centers with the ability for doctors to
further replicated by over 320 hospitals perform rem ote exams via cameras - in- • Earned income via
around the world, and inspire approach- creasing reach to 40% within one year of product/services
es to tackling other diseases. adoption, and 70% by the second year. sales and consulting

Its drive to reinvent its model in radical Changing its business model was Innovation
ways began with a moment of failure. another key way to scale its services: • Unaddressed Market
When its founding doctors, Dr. G. Ven- finding ways to lower their costs by
kataswamy (Dr. V) and Dr. G.Natchiar optimizing their resources. The first ap- • Pricing
(Dr. GN), went to a neighboring city proach is by having a dual pricing model, • Product design
to fundraise from donors - they were where the wealthier, 50% of the patients,
turned away. They left with a deep pay for the cost of 50% of the patients • Supply chain
sense of frustration: they had spent who cannot afford the surgeries other-
• Distribution
10 days they could have spent treating wise. The hospital provides
patients - with nothing to show for it. no differentiation in the quality of the • Sales and marketing
From this experience, came core princi- medical service,except that the patient
ples that drive Aravind Eye to this day: who pays gets a nicer outpatient experi-
ence with a private room.
• Turn no patients away
Aravind Eye Hospital also optimized
• Give the highest level of care their fixed costs - such as doctors and
the operating theatre - so that they
• Be self sustainable - don’t could begin performing almost 4 times
operate on external funds as many cataract surgeries in a day than
is the norm (from 15 surgeries per day
One of the first innovations was to de- to more than 50-60 per day). This was
sign services for anyone who is not able done by introducing a process innova-
to reach the existing eye care hospitals. tion where in a doctors was provided
They began by visiting rural areas to two table for operating instead of 1 and
setup outreach camps that would offer creating a new role to support them,
called the “middle-level ophthalmic overcome the prevailing wisdom that
personnel” (MLOP) to support the said that even though the Intra Ocular
doctor, so that doctors could focus on Lens (IOL) was a better procedure, it
surgeries instead of needing to spend should not extend to other developing
time on tasks such as record keeping, countries because of being too expensive.
suggesting lens options, or moving pa- It partnered with another social entre-
tients around in the theatre. By creating preneur, David Green, in 1992 to launch
special training, the role did not require its own non-profit, on-site lens manufac-
a nursing degree, thereby lowering the turing. And as a result of not needing to
cost of each support personnel by 1/5 rely on any intermediary suppliers, sales,
(from 50,000 to 10,000 rupees). Their or distributors, they were able to reduce
founder, Dr. V., was famously inspired to the cost radically, from $100 at the time,
make such changes based on observing to now only $2 per lense. It not only
the assembly line efficiency and volume serves Aravind but also over 150
of high quality service at place such as companies across the globe.
McDonald’s, visiting its Hamburger
University in Illinois, shadowing jan- Four years later, in 1996, they partnered
itors at airports to see how they clean with the Lions and SEWA foundation for
toilets, as well as catering staff at 5 star
the initial seed launch of the Lions Aravind
hotels, to look for ways to reach new Institute of Community Ophthalmology
heights of resource efficiency. (LAICO). LAICO provides consulting for
hospitals to improve their cataract surgical
But it didn’t stop rates as well. The Institute offers capac-
there - after growing to two new loca- ity building by training in clinical areas,
tions in Theni and Tirunelveli, Aravind training for improved administrative
still continuously looked for new ways and managerial processes, vision building
to reach the scale of the demand. Part- with leadership, and initial seed funding
nerships were key. As, Dr. Devendra, to kickstart the new approach. It offers
Manager Employee Engagement, de- active support for 2 years, followed by
scribes, “We realized that Aravind can’t ongoing mentorship as needed afterwards.
be everywhere. We have a global mission. As a result of openly sharing its model, the
So we see others with similar visions as Aravind model has been replicated in over
partners, and not as competition.” 300 eye hospitals in 30 countries, with
a number of those hospitals becoming
“We realized that Aravind can’t regional replicators of the model as well.
be everywhere. We have a global
mission. So we see others with A core part of Aravind’s training is
similar visions as partners, and to shift the mindsets in hospital and
not as competition.” eyecare towards explicitly committing
to find ways to sustainably serve who-
One of its first partnerships was to ever is in need - and work openly with
partners to meet the scale of the demand. glaucoma and focus on primary eye
As founder Dr. V. said, “Never restrict care” that could help prevent the need
demand. Build your capacity to meet for surgeries.
the demand” and that what’s needed
is “not leadership in the sense of
organizing and making it work. It’s
leadership that comes from empa-
thizing with the community.”

LAICO has begun developing an

e-learning platform, Aurosiksha,
to reach more eye care professionals
seeking training - from ophthalmologists
and mid-level ophthalmic personnel, to
managers, technicians, and researchers,
as well as offering training of trainers.
Since launching, they have already
reached an additional 6,000 trainees
from 99 countries.

Aravind Eye Care System’s income

depends partly on grants (10%), however,
this is a part of it’s strategy to support
other hospitals to replicate its model,
and there is no dependence on govern-
ment subsidies or international aid for
its core operations.

Having achieved self-sustainability

and the impact of treating over 4 million
cataracts, what’s next? “It’s always
evolving,” says Dr. Devendra “We are
moving our focus from cataract to
other chronic eye-diseases - such as
Approach to System Change
How Aravind is creating efficiencies in the
eye care system in India

Aravind Eye Care system is an umbrella At a Glance

term for numerous, interrelated • Resources
services such as its hospitals, outreach • Roles

camps and centers, lens manufacturer, • Relationships

• Mindsets
training center, eye bank, and
more. It has been able to achieve
this remarkable scale of impact by
introducing new resources, roles, and
relationships in eye care
Eye care system in India
How Aravind is creating
efficiencies in the eye care
system in India

Before After

Resources Resources
-Payments of patients -Payments by patients (significantly reduced for poor patients)
-Telemedicine infrastructure.
-Open training materials for ophthalmic personnel

Rules & mindsets

-High quality service for those who can afford it
-“Patients need to come to us”
-“Hospitals need to operate within the limits of traditional hospital funding
Rules & mindsets
-Explicit commitments to sustainably serve whoever is in need, regardless of
Roles & Relationships ability to pay or who we need to work with
-i.e. “We need to get to the patients” and “Let’s work together to
eradicate blindness”.

Roles & Relationships

Train Before provide

After trainning and
mutual support to

Ophthalmology training
Hospitals Train
institutions Traditional
medical schools

Lens manufactures

Ophthalmic opticians:
Fully trained ophthalmic

-Quality of service: good
Hospitals: Ophthalmic opticians:
-Cost of service: high Social venture focusing on Fully trained ophthalmic
-Accessibility: low (too expensive for most people in India) impact and affordability con- opticians
duct outreach & education Mid-level ophthalmic per-
-Economic value created: doctors, hospitals, lens manufacturers (high mar- (inc. telemedicine) via sonnel
gin, low volume) For only those that can
afford it pay for treatment
physically to. Ophthalmology training
Rural camps and centers Traditional medical schools
Ophthalmology e-learning

Patients Lens manufactures

On-site social venture focusing
on impact and affordability

-Quality of service: same
-Cost of service: low
-Accessibility: high
-Economic value created: doctors, hospitals, lens manufacturers (lower margin,
higher volume than before)

*This is a simplified systems diagram, and not intended to be comprehensive. The analysis uses the “5Rs framework” developed by USAID.
More information can be found here at
Before After

Resources Hospitals that provides eyecare are expensive or inaccessible Created a cross-subsidized hospital model, where funds from
people who can pay at one hospital are used to cover costs for
Lense needed for the most effective surgeries are considered people who can’t pay at a second sister-hospital that shares the
too expensive and inaccessible for those who are poor same staff. The quality of care is the same at each hospital, with
the main difference being the privacy and quality of facilities
Training and education is expensive and only offered for outpatient care
in-person, limiting how many trained eyecare professionals
are available to less than is needed by the population Traveling outreach camps, stationary vision centers with
telemedicine capabilities, and offering transportation and
accomodation for rural patients increase the number of new
patients in rural areas by up to 30%

The establishment of on-site manufacturing lowered the cost

of lens needed for surgery from $100 to $2 by simplifying the
supply chain.

The e-learning platform, Aurosiksha, enables more eye care

professionals to gain training without needing to travel

Roles & Relationships The majority of eye care tasks are performed by highly trained Tasks that do not require specialized tasks are transferred to
professionals - mainly doctors and nurses; they are highly paid new role - Mid level ophthalmic personnel (MLOP). So they
and there are not enough professionals to meet the demand don’t have to spend time with records, suggesting lens, moving
the patient around in the theatre. The resource optimization
helps to reduce the overall costs per patient, and enabled 4
Hospitals are run in a way to maximize profit and do not times as many surgeries to be performed
regularly work with other, outside hospitals
The Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology
(LAICO) pro vides consulting to hospitals on improving their
cataract surgical rates and creates a ripple effect: encouraging
hospitals to train additional hospitals to replicate the model as
well (training the trainers)
Before After

Rules & Mindsets Healthcare centers work within their own company’s network A core part of Aravind’s training is to shift the mindsets in hospital
and focus on meeting the immediate demand from those that and eyecare towards the idea that it is feasible and sustainable
can afford their services to provide high quality care to those that are poor, and that its
necessary and beneficial to work with others as partners - not
High care quality for the poor is not considered practical competitors - towards meeting the scale of the demand
or realistic

Results Large prevalence of needless (preventive) blindness in Affordable eye care is available at scale and reaching rural
developing countries. populations, while allowing hospitals to remain self-sustaining

Many cases of eye-diseases going unidentified, especially High-quality training for eye care professionals is more easily
in rural populations accessible and affordable

Only one organization had the capacity to conduct this Hospitals are openly replicating the high-impact model,
work under this system and training other hospitals to do the same

Innovation in medical process to increase surgeon

productivity by optimizing staff tasks has spread to the
treatments of other diseases
The Impact

· Aravind Eyecare System treats over 4.1 million At a Glance

outpatient visits a year, with over 32 million patients
• Growth
treated and over 470.000 surgeries performed since
• Joint Ventures/
its founding. Innovations by Aravind and its network Partnerships
of partners have lead to results such as increasing the
• Open Source
productivity so that it is able to perform 4x as many
surgeries than the norm and the quality of care • Campaigns/
Movement Building
remains high, with surgical complications at half
• Training/ Consulting
that of eye hospitals in Britain

· Aravind’s onsite lens manufacturer has been able to

drive down the cost of lense needed for eye surgery
from $100 to $2. It has produced lens for over 20 million
people in over 140 countries across the globe
· The Aravind Eyecare model has been replicated by
over 320 hospitals in 27 countries around the world
and has lead to these hospitals also spreading the
model further. For example, in 2013, Visualiza hospital
in Guatemala learned from Aravind’s model and, with
the support of other partners as well, grew to perform
over 20% of all cataract surgeries for its country despite
having only 2% of the nation’s ophthalmologists,
having only 55 staff, and having
the majority of patients either subsidized (80%) of free
(10%). Visualiza has then conducted capacity building
for clinics in other countries including Peru, Nicaragua,
Haiti, Mexico and Honduras, with the clinic in Peru
doubling its key clinical indicators in less than 2 years.
The Lumbini Eye Institute(LEI) is another example.
Following capacity building with Aravind and other
partners, they were able to scale to provide 25% of all
eyecare surgeries in Nepal and is building institutional
linkages in countries such as Tibet and Cambodia

· Aravind’s approach to creating greater access to

affordable, high quality care has been applied to
other areas of healthcare such as maternity hospitals,
cancer treatment, and AIDs prevention; for example,
AIDS prevention circumcision surgeries by those
using the World Health Organization’s guidelines have
increased the surgeries possible per day has increased
from 5 to 7 times the norm
Key Ingredients for Success

Look for Pathways to Scale Be-

yond Growth: This enables organizations to over-
come the financing bottleneck that
Once it had established a Aravind observed in the past, allow-
successful, high-impact model, Ar- ing those that have been trained to
avind did begin its quest to scale its take the first step in applying their
impact by beginning to grow its loca- learnings to their own model.
tions, and established hospitals in two
new, high-demand areas. However, it Have a shared-vision to Create
realized that even at this rate, it was Partners, Not Competitors:
still not going to reach the scale
of the millions of people who were By continuously looking for new ways
still facing unnecessary blindness, to scale and showing in their deci-
both in India and abroad. It’s with this sions that finding ways to meet the
in mind that they deliberately sought full demand of their target population
new strategies to reach scale, such as was a priority, Aravind has generated a
open-source consultation, training, strong network
and consulting, developing trainings of partners. In order to do that, part-
for trainers of eyecare staff, and out- ners who share their vision have been
reach and education campaigns. key. As Dr. Devendra, describes, “We
realized that Aravind can’t be
Enable Start-up Resources & everywhere. We have a global
Seed Funding for Open-Source mission. So we see others with sim-
Replication: ilar visions as partners, and not as
In order to enable others to
replicate their model, Aravind pur-
posely set out to raise funds for
other organizations and NGOs.
Doing so has been a key component
to Aravind’s replication success.
Dr. Devendra describes how,
“We raise funds that can be used
for initial vision building work-
shops, trainings, and have creat-
ed provisions to allows for funds
to be given to the replicating or-
ganization directly as well so that
they can kickstart the project
they have ideated while attend-
ing trainings hosted by Aravind.”
Pitfalls to Avoid

1 Choose Investors Carefully: Dr. Deven- mit to shared values that identify why
dra identifies one the biggest challeng- they are adopting and contextualizing
es that startups face as entering into this new eyecare model.
funding or angel investor obligations
that dilute the organization’s original “Until now,” Dr. Devendra describes,
impact-purpose. He recommends that “people have tried to copy the systems but
you carefully choose your funding they have not been able to copy all of the
partners and only agree to commit- elements in the new local context. There
ments that will not take away from are three parts of an organization:
your organization’s impact-purpose, 1) the why - values and why they are
taking every decision from this lense. doing it 2) the what - what they do,
Ideally, Dr. Devendra recommends, and 3) how - the operations. Organi-
find a business model that would allow zations have not necessarily taken
you to become self-sufficient without the ethos - and that doesn’t work.”
relying on other fundraisers and angel
investors. He describes how, For this reason, Aravind builds
specific trainings for, and is looking
“We won’t take the money if it doesn’t for new ways, to help new hospitals
carry our mission forward. For oth- identify their value system and
ers who don’t have that value system help them to build their value
-just because money is coming their systems. For Aravind, core values
mission might diverge. We have seen have included treating every pa-
this happening.” tient with respect and compassion
regardless of ability to pay, turning
2 Align Values with Vision: Ensuring that no patients away, and relentlessly
all leadership and staff are fully aligned finding new partners and businesses
with the type of values that are needed to be self-sustainable. For example,
to truly deliver on their vision has been at Aravind, Dr. Devendra describes,
key for Aravind’s success. Based on
training hundreds of potential replica-
tors, the greatest challenge Aravind has
seen to others successfully replicating
their model is the new teams’ also not
“Patient centricity is
taking enough time to build and com- needed for any decision.
Say an equipment or
process does not help
the patients, or software,
then we don’t go for it.”

❏ Authored by Reem Rahman, Olga Shirobokova, Odin Mühlenbein, Nadine Freeman and Mark Cheng for Ashoka Globalizer

❏ Interviews by Ken Banks (FrontlineSMS), Michael Feerick (Alison), Steve Song (VillageTelco), Dr. Devendra (Aaravid Eye Care Systems), and
Tristram Stuart (Toast Ale)

Creative Commons

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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