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Jean Watson’s

Theory of Human Caring

--was developed between 1975-1979 by Jean
Watson, a distinguished professor of nursing at
Colorado University (recipient of the highest
faculty award for scholarly work)
--Jean was the founder of the Center for Human
Caring and her theory is not static but has
evolved between 1985 and 1988
Theory of Human Caring
Has 3 Major Conceptual Elements
Carative Factors (evolving toward the “Clinical
Caritas Processes”)
Transpersonal Caring Moment
Caring Moment/Caring Occasion
Jean Watson is one of the few nursing theorists who
consider not only the cared for but the caregiver
Carative Factors Clinical Caritas

Are the guide for the core of Have a greater spiritual

nursing dimension in the new
Use carative factors to processes
contrast with conventional
medicine’s curative factors Caritas comes originates
The carative factors honor the from the Greek
human dimension of nursing's vocabulary meaning “to
work and the inner life world cherish and to give special
and subjective experiences of loving attention”
the people we serve
Caring factors became
Carative factors are evolving Clinical Caritas
to “Clinical Caritas”
Carative Factors
evolving to Clinical Caritas
Humanistic-altruistic Practice of loving kindness within
system of value context of caring consciousness

Faith-Hope Being authentically present and

enabling the beliefs of the one being
cared for and the one giving care
Sensitivity to self and Cultivation of one’s own spiritual
others practices, going beyond self, opening
to others with compassion and
Helping-trusting, human
Developing and maintaining a
care relationship trusting, authentic, caring
Carative Factors
evolving to Clinical Caritas
Expressing positive and Being present to and
negative feelings supporting the positive and
negative feelings with a
connection of a deeper spirit
Creative problem solving Creative use of self
caring process
Transpersonal teaching- Engaging in genuine teaching
learning learning experience
Carative Factors
evolving to Clinical Caritas
Supportive, protective, and/or Creating healing environment
corrective mental, physical, at all levels
societal, and spiritual
Human needs assistance Assisting with basic needs
with a caring consciousness to
align mind/body/spirit
Existential-phenomenological- Soul care for the one being
spiritual forces cared for
Transpersonal Caring Relationship
Is a special kind of human The nurse’s caring and
relationship that depends on : connection have potential to heal
Nurse’s commitment on since experience, intention, and
protecting and enhancing perception are taking place
human dignity and a Nursing goes beyond an objective
deeper/higher self assessment and shows concern for
the patient’s own healthcare
Nurse’s caring
Goal of transpersonal caring
consciousness to preserve relationship protects, enhances,
and honor the embodied and preserves human dignity,
spirit, thereby not reducing humanity, wholeness, and inner
the patient to a moral harmony
status of an object
Caring Occasion/Moment
A caring occasion is the moment when the
nurse and another person come together in
such a way that an occasion for human
caring is created.
Both persons come together in a human-
human transaction
The one caring for and the one being cared
for are influenced by the choices and actions
decided within the relationship
Clinical Application of
Watson’s Theory Of Human Caring
Providing an Authentic caring relationship
Practice of loving kindness
Creative use of self
Engaging in genuine teaching learning experience
Going beyond self, open to others
Being present to support positive and
negative feelings
Soul care for the one being cared for
Assist with basic needs
How does Watson’s Theory of Human Caring
Tie in With the Planetree Philosophy?

In Watson’s Theory: In the Planetree Philosophy:

The Person is made of three Personalize, humanize, and demystify the
spheres --mind, body, and spirit healthcare experience for the patient and
The Healing space and family
environment created by nurses Is Patient focused, not provider focused
expands the patient’s awareness Empowers patients through information
and consciousness and promotes and education
mind, body, and spirit healing Encourages healing partnerships with
The patient’s room is a soothing, caregivers
healing, sacred space Encourages healing on all dimensions:
mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical
All of this leads to a higher
degree of health
The GHS Philosophy of Nursing based upon patient and family centered

care and the Planetree™ model.
Jean Watson’s Science of Human Caring is
integral to patient and family centered care.
We believe that caring is central to the
practice of nursing and that nursing care is
an integration of knowledge, skills,
experience and values.
Our GHS Nursing Philosophy:
Must believe in it yourself
Is the foundation for our model of care
Should be reflected in behaviors of all
levels of nurses
Needs to be understood by all

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