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Government of India

Earth System Sciences Organization

Ministry of Earth Sciences
India Meteorological Department
Press Release
Date: 21th February, 2020
Time of Issue: 1600 hrs IST

Subject: Wet spell over North & East India during 21th to 25st February, 2020

o Under the influence of Western Disturbance(WD) as a cyclonic circulation over North over
Himachal Pradesh & neighbourhood at middle & upper tropospheric level. The
induced cyclonic circulation over West Rajasthan & neighbourhood now lies over south
Haryana & neighbourhood in lower levels. With WD moving eastwards, the ongoing
rainfall/snowfall activities over Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh likely to
reduce and becoming light isolated activities over these areas on 21 and 22 Feb. Light
isolated to scattered rain/thundershower also very likely over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh
& Delhi during same period. Dry weather likely over these areas from 23 Feb. Strong
wind speed reaching 30-40 kmph likely over parts of plains of northwest India on 21 Feb and
reduce thereafter.
o A confluence zone of easterly and westerly winds very likely during 21-23 Feb, to cause
light/ moderate scattered to fairly widespread rainfall/snowfall over Uttarakhand; light
isolated to scattered rain/thundershower over West Uttar Pradesh during 21-23 Feb and
over East Uttar Pradesh during next 21-25 Feb.
o During 23-25 Feb, with further movement of this confluence zone towards east coast of
India and strengthening of easterly winds from Bay of Bengal, light/moderate scattered to
fairly widespread rain/thundershower likely over East India during 23rd to 25th and over
northeast India on 24th & 25th with possibility of peak intensity with isolated heavy falls over
Odisha on 25 Feb.
o Isolated hailstorm also likely over Uttarakhand and northwest Uttar Pradesh during next 24-

Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Phones: 24611068, 24618241-47; Fax No. 24699216, 2423220, 24643128
 Detailed forecast & warnings for the above systems are as follow:
Sub-Divi sions 21 Feb. 2020* 22 Feb. 2020* 23 Feb. 2020* 24 Feb. 2020* 25Feb. 2020*
Rain/snowfall Dry
Jammu &
at isolated Dry Dry Dry
Rain/snowfall Dry
Himachal Rain/snowfall at Rain/snowfall at isolated
at isolated Dry
Pradesh isolated plac es places
Rain/Snowfall Rain/snowfall at
at many places isolated plac es
Rain/snowfall at
isolated plac es with
Thundersquall Rain/Snowfall at a few
Rain/snowfall at thunderstorm
wind speed places with thunderstorm
Uttarakhand isolated plac es accompanied with
reaching 50-60 accompanied with lightning
lightning at isolated
Kmph at isolated places
with lightning at
isolated plac es
Rainfall at
isolated plac es Dry Dry Dry Dry
with lightning at
isolated plac es

Rainfall at a
few places and
wind speed Rainfall at isolated
reaching 30-40 places Dry Dry Dry
& Delhi
with hail and
lightning at
isolated plac es
Rainfall at a
few places and
wind speed
West Uttar reaching 30-40 Rainfall at isolated Rainfall at isolated places Dry Dry
Pradesh kmph places
with hail and
lightning at
isolated plac es
Rainfall at a Rain at a few
few places places with
thunderstorm thunderstorm
Rain at a few places wit h
wind speed Rainfall at isolated wind speed Rain at a few
thunderstorm wind speed
Ea st Uttar reaching 30-40 places reaching 30-40 places
reaching 30-40
Pradesh kmph accompanied with
accompanied with lightning
accompanied lightning at
at isolated places
with hail and isolated plac es
lightning at
isolated plac es
West Dry Dry Dry
Dry Dry
Dry Dry Dry
Ea st Rainfall at Dry
Rajasthan isolated plac es
Rainfall at Dry Dry Dry
isolated plac es Dry
with lightning at
isolated plac es

Rainfall at Rainfall at isolated Rainfall at isolated places Rainfall at isolated Dry

Ea st isolated plac es places and places and
Madhya thunderstorm thunderstorm thunderstorm
Pradesh accompanied accompanied with accompanied with
with lightning at lightning at isolated lightning at isolated
isolated plac es places places
Rainfall at isolated Rainfall at isolated places Rainfall at a few Rainfall at a few
places and places places and
Rainfall at thunderstorm accompanied and thunderstorm
Chhatti sgarh isolated plac es with lightning at isolated thunderstorm accompanied with
places accompanied with lightning at
lightning at isolated plac es
isolated plac es
Rainfall at isolated Rainfall at many places and Rainfall at many Rainfall at many
places and thunderstorm places and places
Rainfall at thunderstorm accompanied with thunderstorm
isolated plac es accompanied with lightning at isolated accompanied with
lightning at isolated places lightning at isolated
places places
Rainfall at many
Rainfall at a few
Rainfall at isolated places places places
places places and
Odi sha Dry Dry thunderstorm
accompanied with
accompanied with
lightning at isolated
lightning at
isolated plac es
Rainfall at many places
and Rainfall at many
Rainfall at a few plac es thunderstorm places and Rainfall at a few
Rainfall at and accompanied with thunderstorm places
isolated plac es thunderstorm lightning at isolated accompanied with
accompanied with places lightning at isolated
lightning at isolated places

Note: * Rainfall till 0830 IST of next day.

Legends: Green: No warning , Yellow: Be updated, Orange- Be prepared; Red- Take action,
Heavy rain: 64.5-115.5 mm/day; i solated rain (≤25% of stations gets rain), scattered or at a few places rain (26
to 50% of stations gets rain), at many places or fairly widespread rain (51–75% of stations gets rain) and at
most places or wodespread rain (>75% of stations gets rain)
For further details and forecast updates kindl y visit websites of IMD, New Delhi:
http:// www.i md.g pages/allindiawxfcbulletin.php
For district level warning, kindly v isit website of Meteorological Centres/Regional Meteorological Centres of IMD at state levels.

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