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A028 99839. [Pursuant to section 192 of = | the Companies Act, 1956) F ORM 23 Registration of resolution(s) and agreement(s) Note - All fields marked in * are to be mandatory filted. ‘1a)*Comporate entity number (CIN) of company [U74899D1 1995PLC068503 Peru] * (b). Global location number (GLN) of ‘company 2a), Name of the company [BTL INVESTMENTS LTO. (©) Address of the “4/1 100 FT ROADSHAHDARA registered offce DELHI ‘ofthe company Det. INDIA i 10094 3. Date of asspatch of notce 23/02/2006 (oomurvyyyy ‘4. Date of passing the resolution [2070372006 | (ODMM/YYYY) 5. *Rogistration of BH Resotution(s) Agreements) 6 Resolution ‘(fa) Subject matter of the resolution [Appointment of Relatves of Drecior to an Ofice or Place of Profit (©) Section of the Companies Act, 1956 under which ine resolution s passed|314(1)(b) {¢] Indicate the authority passing or agreeing to the resolution CBoars of arectors © Sharenoscers © Ciassofsnarenolsers Creditors {6} Wether ordinary or special resolution or wth requiste majonty © orsinary resolution © Special resoiwton © Requiste maonty ‘ifa) Subject mater of the resolution (0) Section of the Companies Act, 1986 under which the resolution s passed) (6) Indicate the authority passing or agreeing to the resolution QBoard of directors © Sharenolsers ©) Classof sharenciders. = ©) Creditors (9) meter orcinary or special resolaton or wth equ marty © Ordinary resolution © Special resolution © Requisite majority Page 1013 For BTL INVESTMENTS LTD. Huatohh Company Secretary 1 “(aifa) Subject matter of the resolution (©) Section of the Companies Act, 1958 under which the resolution is passed| {6) Indicate the autnonty passing or agreeing to the resolution OQBoard of directors © Shareholders © Class of shareholders © Creditors (8) Whether ordinary or special resolution or with requisite majonty © Ordinary resoution © Specia resolution Q Requisite maionty 7. Agreement {(fa) Subject mattor of he agreoment (0) Reference to section of he Companies Act. 1956 (if applicable) (ODMMIVYYY) (©) Date of tre agreement (2) Indicate the autnorty adopting the agreement CBoare of avectors © Shareholders © Class of shareholders © Creditors (ita) Subject matter of Ihe agreement { (©) Reference to section of the Companies Act, 1956 (i applicable) (ODmMMIYYYY) (c) Date ofthe agreement (d) Indicate the authority adopting the agreement QBoard ofdrectors __C) Sharoholders ©) Class ofsharenoisers © Creditors Tila) Subject mater ofthe agreement (0) Reference to section of the Companies Act, 1956 (# applicable) (ODmMMIYYYYy (c) Date ofthe agreement (@) Incicate the autnorty adopting the agreement CBoard of directors _ © Shareholders __© Glass ot sharehoisers Creditors For BTL INVESTMENTS LTD. Gree HL omnany Secretary Page 2 of3 aachmene 1 coy tston sng it cn sleleraon semen er secon 13 [Aah] 2. Menara tesco =< 3° Anticies of association 4. oppo! aeenen | £: Osten atachrets) ian Cae] TENEEE Listof attachments Declaration To the best of my knowledge and belie, the information gwen inthis form and its atachments is corect ane complete Itis also certified that copy of ie resoluton(s) or agreement(s) fled herewith 1s or are a rue copy(s) of the orginal nave been authonsed by the board of directors’ resolution dated *(23/02/2008__{OD/MM/YYYY) to sign and submit this form, To be digitally signed by For BTL INVESTMENTS LTD. Maaprprecerercnenrormongwrerseceay [ge duncts. ofthe compary CERTIFICATE ‘Company Secretary tis hereby cortifiod that | have verified the above particulars from the books of account and records of MIs [BTL INVESTMENTS LTD. ‘and found them to be rue and correct (Chartered accountant or cost accountant or company secretary (in whole-tme practice) Moaity | ‘check Fon Prescrutiny For office use only: ‘This ¢-Form is hereby registered Digital signature of the authorising officer ‘Submit to BO Page 3 0f3

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