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The Secret Forbidden Numerology:

These Numbers correspond to the Forces of the “Other God” El Acher:

49 is one of the numbers of the Deus Asconditus which equals 13, same as the number
of Master Qayin or backwards 31, which is the number of Azazel.
11 the Number of Azerate the Elevenheaded Dragon which equals 2, the Duality at
Thaumiel which is Satan and Molok.
7 the Number of Lucifer, formed by 6 the number of Heylel in his solar aspect plus 1,
which is the number of Sophia, Unity in Wisdom, thus 6+1=7
7 is also connected the Seven Hells and the Sevenheaded beast Chavajoth, that shall rise
beneath Malkuth in the end of times.
5 the Number of Samael/Satan and also another number of Azazel as Pan in 131.

These Numbers correspomds to the Demiurge IHVH the “creator” or Jealous God
and his Female counterpart Shekinah:

72 the Number of the God of the Jews which equals 9, or the Demiurge in his Lunar
aspect as the Nine headed Dragon on the Thoughtful light and the Serpent in the
Sephirothic Tree of Life.
81 is also the Number of the Shekinah or Hawaah the female/negative aspect or
partzufim of the Demiurge. This Shadow Side of the Demiurge has wrongly been
understood as the “realm of qliphoth” or connected to the “Devil” as misstakenly put
by the Occultists and New Age Magickians by following the missleading concepts from
the Jewish and Christian grimoires.
46 the Number of the God of the Christians, which equals 10, as the Ten spheres of the
tree of life. 46 derives from 4: the Number of Jupiter, the Son or the Christos, which
represents the soul (nephesh) and the spirit (ruach) nailed to the four arms of the cross
of Matter. And 6: the Number of the Solar Logos or ther father which gives “life” and
keeps cosmic balance, leading the planets by its Magnetism.
647 is the secret Number of the Christian Trinity formed by the 6: the Father, 4 the Son,
and 7 the Holy Ghost. The Father is a Solar spirit, The Son is a Jupiterian spirit,and the
Holy Ghost is a venusian spirit.
8 or 44 which is the number of the Material world, the “Demiurgic Matter” and the
cosmic cycles of slavery, This Number is also associated to the mundane and “riches of
this world” also it is said that Man achieves his greatest wealth or poverty at ages: 26,
35, 44, 53, 62, 71...Also the world Econonies works in 8 years cycles.

Vedar-Gal Tiekals Somdus Azerate

218 !

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