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Name : Evi Yuli Astriningsih

NIM : 180210401043

In addition to the 'academic' English, what do you think you need to help you perform optimally
in your presentation? And why is that?

1. Think about the aim of your presentation and what you want to achieve.

Before you start presenting something, you need to know the purpose of your
presentation. What you want to achieve at the end of your presentation. What do you
expect your audience to do with the information you provide in your presentation.

2. Concentrate on your audience – who they are and what they (want to) know.

The most important rule of presenting your work is to know your audience
members. If you can put yourself in their shoes and understand what they need, you'll be
well on your way to a successful presentation. Keep the audience in mind throughout the
preparation of your presentation.

3. Choose the topic that interests you – involvement and motivation are key to confidence.

It is important to talk about something that you are interested in and something
exciting. If you remember to be excited, then your audience will feel it and automatically
become more interested.

4. Give your presentation a clear and logical organization so that everyone can follow.

You'll need to think about creating a clear, logical structure that will help your
audience understand your work. You're telling a story, so give it a beginning, middle, and
end. To start, it can be helpful to provide a brief overview of your presentation, which
will help your audience follow the structure of your presentation. In the main part of the
presentation, talk about your work: what you did, why you did it, and what your main
findings were. Finally, summarize your main results and discuss their meaning. This is
your opportunity to give the audience a strong take-home message and leave a lasting
5. Present information visually– this adds interest to your talk and makes it easier to follow.

Visual materials, probably in the form of PowerPoint slides, are likely to be a vital
part of your presentation. It is crucial to treat the slides as visual support for your
audience, rather than as a set of notes for you.

6. Practice, practice, practice.

Practise giving your presentation until you are familiar with the key points; this
way you may discover any potential problems and check the timing. Besides, practice
will also make you feel more confident.

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