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Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra

L.T.J 49

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

For the honor of Maioral of All Hells we are pleased to publish a project of
greater responsibility. They were intense days, a lot of study and dedication to
reach the fullness inserted in every word of Exu. In this lapse, friends and
brothers dedicated to the Fight against the inert forces of system, presented and
externalized their gifts. These are people who through the dark wings of Exu
Morcego, established a unity and a brotherhood that transcends physical
presence. We will present the responsibles of the project through a small
datasheet and speak about their work links to which the readers have good

Edgar Kerval, Colombia - South America. Master in several Occult Arts, writer,
musician and artist. On his journey, it features a refined gift of capturing the
Qliphotic forces and produce means to expand the minds of many adepts. His
evocations, invocations, sex magic practices, paintings resulting of visions and
ritualistic musical compositions aimed the development of a magical vortex in
order to promote the expansion of consciousness. Author of several esoteric
works, stands out ―Under The Masks Ov The Red Gods‖ (Aeon Sophia Press),
where the author turns light on theories and practices with African and
Brazilian deities including Exu and Pombagira. Also, he have the publications
―Qliphoth Journal‖ and ―Sabbatica‖, both by publisher Nephilim Press. His
current partnership is with the Transmutation Publishing. In This project
Kerval give the sounds used for meditation and expansion.

Pharzhuph.N.Azoth, Brazil - South America. Deep expert of LHP, practicing

various magical aspects, especially the Quimbanda, Pharzhuph signs the
Electronic Journal ―Lucifer Luciferax‖ one of the best Brazilian obscure
publications. In this project, Pharzhuph corroborates spelling corrections and
ideas that helped in the structure of the content. Check out the magazine:

Members of L.T.J 49
Zeis Araujo and Bruno Neves Oliveira. In this project devoted to translation,
correction of texts and the graphic work.

Special thanks: Humberto Maggi, Helgea Hekatae, Absentia, Adharma Music

Project, Joseph Merino and David Baxter (Škan), Arctur Omega, David
Simmons, Francisco Facchiolo Lima, Publisher Capelobo and Quimbanda Store.

Dedicated to true adepts of T.Q.M.B.E.P.N- L.T.J 49

Strength and honor! Hail our beloved Brazilian Quimbanda!

Lucifer, Dominus Illuminatio mea!

Danilo and Priscila Coppini - T.Q.M.B.E.P.N - L.T.J 49

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

Part 1 – Structure of the Symbol
When the T.Q.M.B.E.P.N develops an esoteric symbol it seeks to generate energies
(dynamic and receptive) that act both for the individual and the collective. The ―49
Symbol‖ was the result of many studies and spiritual emanations.

By observing the symbol, many transforming elements become evident, while others
remain obscure. We shall break it down so that the adept may know exactly the
meaning and the ways to utilize it in their rituals.

The root of the ―49 Symbol‖ is a quadrant of the Lucifer Sigil. Nowadays one of the
most seen sigils, found in several books related to occultism and the magical practice,
in books both new and old.

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

Originally published in the ―Grimorium Verum,‖ (True Grimoire), this sigil is
shrouded in mystery. There are many interpretations about its meanings and function,
however we ignore the origin of these symbols and pentacles. Brazilian Quimbanda
wishes that its adepts comprehend all the elements of a symbol (Scratched Ponto),
therefore it opts not to use the complete Lucifer`s Sigil in its practices.

This is the second character or quadrant (since the sigil consists of 4 pieces). By fixing
our sights on the Sigil it is inevitable that some impressions automatically appear in
our minds. The forms show a likeness to a pentagram and can be disassembled into
triangles and other geometric figures. Also of note is the form similar to the letter ―v‖
in the basis of the drawing.

The drawing is symmetrical and is formed by 9 lines, of which 7 are straight and 2
have rounded shapes on the lower points. The lines intersect in 6 spots and have 3
origin points.

Decomposing the Symbol in Triangles

The first formation suggests a triangle rectangle and isosceles,

with the base (hypotenuse) upwards, internal angles of 90°
and 45°. It reminds us of the civil geometrical construction set-

The second formation possess an equilateral triangle, internal

angles of 60°, and sides that possess the same dimension of the
hypotenuse of the first formation.

The third and fourth formation suggests 2 scalene triangles,

with internal angles near 77,09°, 88,66° and 14,25°.

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

The fourth formation intuitively conducts us to another
equilateral triangle, internal angles of 60°, and sides that
possess the same dimension of the hypotenuse of the first

(About the technique used, the symbol was drawn in scale and
geometrically studied with the software Solid Works 2015 and the
illustrations and references were sketched in the Corel Drawn 2015)

We understand that the inverted triangle (pointing downwards) is strongly related to

the astral plane.

The symbol also shows two diagonal lines crossing and that makes our eyes focus in
the center of the image acting as a focal point. The depth that such lines make us
presume that is about a descent or ―fall into the abyss‖ in the sense of freedom from
the oppressing system. This ―abyss‖ is also related to the deep subconscious and the
knowledge incarcerated by the cyclic process.

The biggest inverted triangle is composed by three acute angles. We understand that
they represent the masculine tension. The inverted point demonstrates a feeling of
incision, as a superior force entering somewhere. We can conclude that this part of the
sigil is related to the creation of the Astral Empire where Lucifer invades the System
(micro and macrocosms) spewing the bestial flames. All this gnosis express the
opposition and predatory forces that guide the adept to awaken the Black Flame in life.

There are six intersection points of the lines and three origin points.

On the lower side of the symbol we see a geometrical figure similar to the letter ―V‖.
Some scholars represent the letter to mean a connection or union, the space created by
―god‖. It is the 22nd letter of our alphabet, it alludes to the 22 Tunnels of Set and the 22
letters of the Hebraic alphabet. It`s noteworthy that the lower section of the drawing
seems balanced by the vertex of the seemingly letter ―V‖.

―In esoterism, this letter V comes from the greek Epsilon, from which also came the
known letter Y, although the pronunciation is of the Hebrew Vav, which means
connection or Union, one symbol of the space made by God, it means a lightning that
unites two powers or dimensions, it is where exists a great connection between all
created things‖ (Escobar, Virginia, Significado Esoterico del las Letras) – translation by

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

If we analyze deeper such meaning, we understand that the incisive strength of Lucifer
shatters the delimited space and its spiraled points suggest a return to the primitive
state. Esoterically it is the destruction of the Cosmos’ illusions, the control and
manipulation of this ambient.

If we conceive the ―V‖ to symbolize the Roman algorithm equivalent to the number
―5," we can strengthen the point of view of the incision, since one of the characteristics
of this number is the aggressive sexuality filled with energy together with the feminine
and lunar principle. The incisive act can be compared to a break of stability and the
generation of indiscipline inside the dark uterus (earth).

The Romans made counts with their fingers. The number ―5‖ represents the five
fingers or the hand. Between the thumb and the little finger we find the ―V‖.

For Brazilian Quimbanda, the hands are one of the most complete expressions of the
physical world, besides representing hundreds of relations with the macrocosm. The
fingers also relate to the elemental forces (thumb–fire, index–Air, middle finger–Spirit,
Ring Finger – Earth and little finger–Water) and correspond with the senses and
organs of the human body. The hand is a symbol of power. The incision over the hand
(symbolically) is the awakening the triumph of the inner Black Flame (Quintessence),
the full liberation, and the ultimate symbol of the return of the usurped sparks to the
Great Black Shadow. The number five also has the power of division, in other words it
breaks stability (four).

This interpretation is not based on the history of this symbol. It is a gnostic

“reading” of our group about the depth of the symbolism. Our intention is to
provide the adepts paths for a personal comprehension and construction of a
magistic personality.

By analyzing the ―Symbol 49‖ the adept will understand some principles contained in
the triangle remain in the composition, however intended modifications were inserted.
The greatest triangle has the same symbolism previously described; however the
diagonal lines purposefully create a second equilateral triangle pointing downwards.
According to our conception, this perfect geometrical form symbolizes the
manifestation of energy cast outside the concept of space/time that invades the astral,
the mental, and the physical (tridimensional). In the astral it symbolizes power, the

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

illegality and death. In the mental it represents the awakened intellect, the wisdom and
the control of passions; in the physical energy and magnetism. Esoterically this
equilateral triangle is associated with the formation of V.S. Maioral and the projection
of His powers.

The diagonal lines end in circles. These circles symbolize the union of the beginning
and the end through the maximum supporting tension. It is the moment of solidity, but
never of inertia or stability. It relates to the serpent biting its own tail, envenoming
itself constantly and generating evolution. It is the maximum expression of the auto
fecundation and the eternal return to the pre-manifestation origin. In the ―Symbol 49‖
it represents self-knowledge, the generation (impulse) of the desires and the expansion
in all directions.

We annex inside this triangle a pentagram with the point facing downwards, like the

We understand that the pentagram is a powerful symbol of power, knowledge and

magic. It is a representation and a description of the self-microcosm and the individual
responsibility of evolution.

―In Luciferian spirituality, we seek to be beyond the relativity of good and evil, beyond
the limitations imposed by black-white dogmas. Our heads are above the heavens and
our feet are below the hells! (Lucifer Luciferax, Independent Eletronic Magazine, 3 ed.
Indaiatuba – SP)

The point of the spirit must be turned down, since from its dismemberment (detrition
of spirit) the four elements were created, just like the way the Black Flame was
incarcerated. This symbol causes the adepts to always be in state of war against the

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

barriers hindering them in the cyclical process imposed by the ―False-God‖ system. By
activating the fullness of the ―Symbol 49," the adept awakens the ancestral strength of
their spirits and has the power of uniting the divided elements, becoming a powerful
weapon. The pentagram together with the triangles represent the power of Satanas-
Lucifer hidden in our microcosm that inside the cult of Quimbanda, professed by
T.Q.M.E.P.N, is at the First Crossroad of Fire.

The pentagram is related to the eyes of V.S. Maioral. They are black diamonds capable
of outpouring our Light and conducts us by the paths of Truth. The pentagram is the
courage to face the slave system, the inert minds, and to reshape ourselves in the
internal fury. To control our instincts and to use the voracity in the benefit of
something greater, understand that the physical body is the earth, and to bury the
seeds of the tree of death inside the other bodies so that the horns of the Black Goat
adorn our crown.

The pentagram is also related to the expansion. We have a conception that the lower
point represents the end of all the searches and the end of the paths, however the other
four points represent the four cardinal points. Therefore we understand that by
ritualizing with the use of this symbol, the powers of Exu and Pombagira (Messengers
of Freedom) will expand in the world and the obscure energy will seed the apt bodies.

The trident (fork) of straight lines that appears in the center of the symbol is the
dynamic strength of fire that will be directed towards the adept. It will flow, as the
Ogó of Exu Yorubá, a fire that burns the enemies and leads to inner transformation.
The fork is incisive, aggressive and deadly, it acts like an element that tears the
condensed form and opens a hole for extra-dimensional

Hidden Image

In the ―Symbol 49‖ we see 2 diagonal intersects in the middle

and the space between them forms a geometrical shape similar
to the tetrahedron. The tetrahedron is a polyhedron composed
by four triangular faces where three of them meet at the same

This image is hidden, however its meaning is extremely important. It means causality,
the plane of shapes, the limitation of the space and the creation of time. There are
theories that allege that this figure represents part of the process of creation of the
continents and oceans. The vertexes emanate when the
faces are active and condensate when they are receptive.
This hermaphrodite quality (inscribed in it) generates the
four spatial dimensions: height, length, and width that
together create Time.

We correlate the 4 vertexes with the four primordial

elements. We understand that the symbol represents

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

coagulation, imprisonment and the limited condition of all
cosmic construction. It possesses a gravity point that
guarantees stability, a savior center of all balance.

In the ―Symbol 49," the tetrahedron appears inversed and

inserted in the ―body‖ of the pentagram. According to our
gnosis, this position represents the struggle against stability
of the elemental forces. This is because the geometrical figure
can no longer sustain itself in an immutable point of gravity. It is the fall of the
―Tetrahedron Men‖ — the Perfect Men and the destruction of the four cardinal virtues
– Justice, Prudence, Fortitude, and Temperance. The inverted point shows that the
―Abyss‖ that separates us of the divine light of Lucifer is in our mental plane and that
Fire is the ascension path. The balance is associated with internal search and the strong
wish to liberate the inner spark. Comprehending this subject is as having dimensional
control and opening the ―Infernal Gates‖ to the ascension of the obscure masters. The
inverted tetrahedron is the destroyer of illusions.

Workings of the “Symbol 49”

We believe that by having an emblematic nature, the symbols act as a conscious and
subconscious ―guide,‖ this guide directs and reeducates the impulses. The ―Symbol
49‖ was developed to awaken, direct, reconduuct, and obscure the adepts so that they
become ready to receive the ―Luciferic Light‖ and, at the same time, strengthen the
action of the Powerful Dead (Exus) in the evolutionary scale.

The symbol is a method of infernal identification. It acts by corrupting barriers and

flooding the adept with sinister, obscure, and liberating energies. This negates the
―Invisible Laws of Ethics and Morals‖ so the concepts of ―good and evil‖ do not
become a hindrance to full freedom. This action must be expansive from the inside
(micro) to the outside (macro) and the crossroads shall be opened, the path blessed and
the choices convinced.

To receive energies through this symbol is the act of lighting a furnace that fills painful
and cold areas with the transforming fire and lets us watch through the ―Black
Diamond Eyes," glimpsing the fake-reality under Exu’s perspective. This energy melts
the elements inside our bodies and make us strong. The sacred geometry will shape
our Inner Temples so that our prisons are under our control, and so that even in this
stage, we can evolve amply.

All the spiritual work that this symbol is used for will be full and ample, for the
ancestral forces that manifest will come in full freedom, without masks or limited by
struggles. We believe that this strong emanation filled with power expands and makes
it so our beloved Exu Masters (and Pombagiras) bring us much more than base
answers and can hold the Light they hide from the ―blind masses‖ under their cloaks,
capes, hats and skirts.

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

About the number 49

The number 49 is an occult formula. By multiplying the number 7 by itself it results in

the ―Master Number‖ 49. If we dismember the number and sum its components, we
have 13 as the result.

7x7 = 49 / 4+9 = 13

―According to numerology, the number 7 is the composition of two numbers. By not

possessing an indivisible unit in same parts, it hinders things that come in parts. The
number 7 is the perfect union between the dense body and the soul (physical and

The influence and energy of this number proportionates the necessary ―keys‖ so that,
while bound in the material shroud, the human being can elevate spiritually through a
constant search for Light and, in the Astral plane, can continue its spiritual progress.
All the cosmic construction in the Micro and Macrocosm was made under this number,
therefore even in the state of struggle, the Kingdoms of Quimbanda achieve plenitude
through it and its multiples.

Since the construction of the system, the number 7 rules absolute in the human body
and in all that surrounds us physically and spiritually.‖ (COPPINI, Danilo. Quimbanda
– O Culto da Chama Vermelha e Preta. Ed. Capelobo. São Paulo. 2013).

From the Throne of V.S. Maioral were generated the First Seven Thrones. As mayoral
has both polarities inside its composition (dynamic and receptive), after a long time to
prepare, it has developed (similar to a meiosis process) into the seven-first ―Thrones‖
of Quimbanda. The seven-first beings are called the ―Great Kings‖. By energies
necessity for expansion and the creation of opposites, the Kings are divided by
polarity, creating their consorts; the seven ―Great Queens‖.

―Through the unending constructive and destructive impulses that comes from the
conscience of the Emperor Maioral, these couples were forming and shaping the
Kingdoms and sub-Kingdoms of Quimbanda. They have established new subaltern
―Thrones‖ and have begun the search for the spirits that possessed the ―Black Flame‖,
called the ―Luciferic Light‖, to be the pillars of this fragmented religious expression.
These spirits received all the gnosis that composed the Great Kings becoming the
―Powerful Dead‖.‖ (COPPINI, Danilo. Quimbanda – O Culto da Chama Vermelha e
Preta. Ed. Capelobo. São Paulo. 2013).

The multiplication of the number 7 by itself is the constant battle against the system. It
shows the creation of seven infiltration points in the external, material plane and inside
the human essence itself. The degree of vibratory connection between the adepts and
the Kingdoms is what determines their strength of action, in other words by capturing
the energy of an Exu, no matter what kind of ―People‖ it belongs to, its action will
depend a lot on the energetic discharge and the energetic reconstruction

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

proportionated by the initiate. The ―Symbol 49‖ is a powerful path for this

The number 13 is connected to venom, to necro-sorcery, to death in many aspects, to

the shadowy specters, to the thirteenth Arcanum, to the casting of curses, the complete
freedom generated by the destruction of the number 4 (sum of 1+3), the rebellion, the
bloodshed, independence, autonomy, end of conservatism and commodity. The
number is antithesis of the Law.

The number 49 is the expansion of the strength and energy of the First Crossroads of
Fire through the Powerful Dead. It is the breaking of all fragile conceptions through the
struggle of antagonistic forces. To live the essence of 49 is to become part of this war
and externalize it to the universe. The number 49 is the great embryo of the Sons of the
Promise, the expansion of capacities, the opening of spiritual eyes, the breaking of the
chain of sin, and the murder of the ―Holy Spirit‖.

Part 11 – Ritual for the communion with the Symbol 49


The aim of this ritual is to make this symbol a powerful energy path used in all Exu
Rituals. By visualizing it, making it a focal point, it activates all the before told
properties and elevates the capacity of communion with the black ancestry.

We believe that visual contact becomes even more expressive if there is a ritualistic
memory and, for this reason, we describe a ritual for all adepts to transform the symbol
in a spiritual mark. A sacred drawing that reminds them of the most esoteric aspects of
the journey with Exu.

We understand that many adepts practice their acts in a solitary manner and the more
power they aggregate on them, the more connected with the powers of the Seven
Realms and the multiplication of crossroads they will be. This ritual was inspired so
that all the worshipers of Exu can expand their senses and feel the result of these occult
practices in their daily rites. It is an ideal of power and energy, of breaking restraints
and of dogmatic mutilation, since what we most perceive are the limitations inside the
cult of Exu.

The Temple of Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth and Exu Pantera Negra is an institution
of war. Our goal is to capacitate the adepts until they have the freedom to rewrite their
own paths. By making an adept strong, we create a portal of manifestation that will
certainly contribute necessary changes to break the inert structure of this slave System.
To disfigure the Quimbanda chained to the Cosmic Cults through the ascension of
Maioral’s hordes is to promote the banner of FREEDOM!

The ―Symbol 49‖ is the history of the warrior that crossed deserts, was wounded by the
cutting winds, felt fear, insecurity, hatred, rage, murderous impulses, was betrayed,
trapped, bound, cursed, abandoned and won all these moments by believing in the

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

capacity for war that lies within their essences. The power of the sacred lines is the
path where the adepts will hold their weapons and decapitate their weakness,
becoming part of the essence of Exu.

Creating the Symbol

There is no ―right‖ way to reproduce the symbol. It can be printed, drawn on paper,
molded on clay, painted in canvas, burnt into wood, forged of iron… many are the
physical ways to fabricate it. That depends on the conditions and the artistic gifts of the
person. We leave completely open the options to include strong elements, such as
heavy dyes, woods from demolitions, or coffin remains; drawing in copper plaques,
burning or painting on animal leather, etc.

When the option is to print the symbol, the adept must have a frame to leave it behind
the formation or in a mobile altar.

Needed materials for the ritual

 1 Symbol 49;

 1 Black 7-day candle;

 Rue dye;

 1 glass cup (for the candle);

 1 large ceramic bowl, (20cm in daimeter);

 200ml of palm oil;

 7 small magnet pieces;

 7 fresh peppers;

 1 razor blade or scalpel

 1 piece of charcoal

 10g of charcoal powder

 10g of shredded tobacco

 10g bull’s horns scrapings

 100ml of brandy.

Observations about the solicited items

1 – The 7 days candle is a candle that burns for a week. Normally weight from 240 to

2 – The candle cup can be a glass bottle cut.

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

3 – To make the Rue dye (religious use), the adept must acquire the Rue herb (fresh or
dried), cut it well and macerate in alcohol or brandy. If the herb is fresh, the most
appropriate is to grind it before adding the ethyl compost. Leave the moisture to rest
seven days in a closed bottle. After this period, leach the herbs and keep the mix in a
dark bottle.

4 – There are countries that do not possess palm oil. For this ritual it is okay to
substitute pepper oil.

5 – When the person does not have the conditions to use conventional burning coal,
they can opt for the use of incense charcoal instead. That coal has a fine gunpowder
coat that favors the cleansing of the area.

6 – Bull`s horns scrapings can be acquired in specific stores or by grinding a natural


7 – The brandy can be exchanged by distilled beverages with a high alcoholic content.
Preferably gin.

Preparing the Black Candle

The black candle will represent the exteriorization of the strength of the Symbol 49 –
―the darkness of the abyss and the Light of Lucifer‖. It symbolizes the ―Spirit 49.‖ By
lighting this candle we will be connecting to all faces of this powerful symbol.

Most ―7 day‖ candles come inside a plastic to ensure the perfect burn. However for this
ritual we will have to take it from that plastic so that we can trace the igneous
Scratched Ponto on it.

Igneous Ponto

With a sharp instrument, preferably a nail, the adept will fix the point in the central
part of the candle

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

We use the palm oil to purify the candle. We moisten the left hand and we rotate the
candle in an anti-clockwise manner, while we vibrate:

―Green fire, clean all noxious energy of this instrument! I declare the break of the
limitations of this fire body so that it becomes the bearer of the Light of 49!‖

Put a small amount of the distilled drink in the mouth and blow it hard on the candle.

―My breath, my soul thirsty of power, my inner fire! I carry this candle of energy so
that its light can guide me in the obscure paths of evolution! Light of Exu and
Pombagira, Fire of Our Powerful Maioral!‖

To finish the consecration, leave a fine coat of palm oil on the candle, hold it with both
hands by the height of the eyes and fixate the visage on the igneous scratched ponto
until the vision glows blurred. Feel the beatings of your heart transferred to the object
until it becomes ready to be used. In this moment, vibrate seven times:

―Blood and Fire! Laroye Exu!‖

The glass cup must be energetically cleansed using the palm oil.

Preparing the elements for the Bowl

All materials used must be purified before the ritual. The purification assures that the
energies flow without corruption. The gourd must be cleansed physically
(conventionally) and astrally. In this ritual, the rue dye proportionates an astral
cleansing with efficiency, meanwhile the adept can introduce other elements for the
purification. To burn the gunpowder, smoke with hot herbs, to blow powders, to
realize banishments or to use a prepared soap with straw-of-the-coast bush are
accepted and encouraged methods.

Words for purification with rue dye:

―Green smoke, clean all noxious energy of this instrument! I declare the breaking of the
limitations of this ritualistic uterus so that it can bear the light of the 49!‖

With the recipient ready, the adept must prepare the elements that will be put inside it.

Magnet – Seven pieces must be placed in the bottom of the bowl. They must be
cleansed with the dye before they are used, however after the purification the adept
must concentrate on the ritual’s objectives and blow over the magnets. Therefore they
will be charged with the intentions.

Fresh peppers – We normally use a quality called malagueta (capsicum frutescens)

known in some places as Cayenne. However, other qualities can be used such as Naga

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

Viper, Carolina Reaper, among other strong peppers. For the ritual we will cut each
pepper in seven pieces, in total 49 pepper pieces.

Coal powder-the strained power from a piece of natural coal

About curing

Throughout the ritual, many times we will supply the burning coal with shredded
tobacco mixed with the horn`s scrapings. For those that cannot realize curings for
particular reasons, we suggest to light the coal and put a small amount of the mix at
least once. The narghile coal is a great option. Burn it inside a recipient so that no
accidents occur.

The Ritual

About the chosen date, 20 April

20th April 1500 was the official date for the Portuguese Crown to announce the
discovery of Brazilian lands. We know that history has many contradictions, but to
discuss them is not the goal of this project.

The ―discovered‖ lands were inhabited by the Indians for centuries and were invaded
by the European conquerors that killed, enslaved and corrupted centuries of Tradition.
A land rich in many aspects became devastated. The foreigners baptized it as ―Land of
the True Cross‖ alluding to the true Cross that Jesus Christ was crucified on. The
lusitania empire’s objective was expanding the territory of faith.

We understand that this date was a mark of invasion, corruption, and religious
imposition. According to the calendar, 20th April 2016 is the anniversary of 516 years of
discovery. The Brazilian Quimbanda practiced by T.Q.M.B.E.P.N believes that in this
date the old spirits support the adepts in breaking the wood of this punitive cross and,
through the fire from its splinters, can receive the gnosis which the False-God, its
agents, and prophets try to battle.

Esoterically, the number 516, being reduced becomes the number 12 (5+1+6). This
number is associated with the slave and limited construction of the System, the one
which the adept must face understanding the frailty of perfection. The 12 succumbs to
the Light of Maioral. If the number represents a painful sacrifice and the acceptance of
destiny, the ―Symbol 49‖ represents the rebellion and the return to the source. To break
the limiting structures is the primordial function of this ritual.

About the Number 12

―It is a sacred number and is used to measure the celestial bodies, as well as the twelve
months of the year. Twelve were the apostles of Jesus, 12 the fruits of the Holy Spirit,
12 the tribes of Israel, 12 the sons of Jacob, and 12 times appeared Jesus Christ after
being dead.

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The 12 is considered passive and is synonymous with perfection. Twelve times 30
degrees become the 360 of the circumference.

The Chaldeans, the Etruscans and the Romans divided their gods in 12 groups. The
Scandinavian god Odin had 12 names, the same way the rabbi's sustained in the old
times that the name of God has 12 letters. Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise
at 12 hours of midday. Twelve are the precious jewels in the England’s Crown, 12 the
doors of Jerusalem, and 12 the angels that guarded them according to the apocalypse.
According to John, the Evangelist, in Jerusalem will live 12 thousand elected men.

12 represents the sacrifice in the Tarot. In the 12 first Arcanum of this game there is the
key of totality of the cards that comprise it. In Athens it has been adopted the decimal
system and Plato admitted only 12 gods in its ―Republic‖. There were also 12 primitive
gods between the Japanese. 12 is the number of the fair balance, prudence, the
gracious form. For the Etruscans the sky had 12 divisions under which the sun passed
daily, and divided their possessions in 12 provinces. 12 is the time of the Sun`s Zenith,
and 12 is the number of the clock`s sphere. (GERENSTADT ,Helena. O Simbolismo do
Número 12.

Beginning the practice

The chosen place for the ritual must be previously prepared. We recommend the floor
to be cleansed with rue dye and to be cured with herbs related with Exu. The mix
made with tobacco and horn scrapings can be used for this. After the cleansing and
through the curing, the adept can perform an energetic banishment. We remind you
that the curing must be performed in the entire environment, especially the corners.

“I conjure the ancestral powers of Quimbanda to enter this place and through the powerful fork
of Exu decimate the inert and noxious energies. By the fire, air, water, and earth that each piece
and crack of this place can be prepared for the Sacred ritual of the 49! Laroye Exu!”

After the preparation of the materials and the environment, the adept will begin the
individual preparation. He should bathe normally, however he should not use any
kind of perfume in the body (only magic oils if available) and dress in simple plain
black clothes.

Great Ritual

With all artifacts ready and cleansed, the adept sits on the floor (a mat can be used,)
closes his eyes, and begins a polarized breathing. This breathing favors concentration,
stimulates the nervous system, and allows an energetic harmonization between the
distinctive poles (dynamic/positive and negative/receptive).

How to breathe

The order of the breathing varies according to sex.

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

Man –

1. With the index finger of the right hand, close (press) the left nostril.

2. Inhale air by the free nostril

3. Close with index and thumb both nostrils

4. Hold the air by seven seconds

5. Release the index finger from the left nostril and expire slowly through it.

6. In the same position, inhale air by the left nostril.

7. Close both nostrils again, in the same manner.

8. Hold the breath for seven-seconds.

9. Remove the thumb from the right nostril and exhale through it. Afterwards,

Repeat this cycle 7 times.

Woman –

1. With the index finger of the left hand, close (press) the right nostril.

2. Inhale with the free nostril

3. Close with index and thumb both nostrils

4. Hold the air for seven seconds

5. Release the index finger from the right nostril and exhale slowly through it.

6. In the same position, inhale with the right nostril.

7. Close both nostrils again, in the same manner.

8. Hold the breath for seven-seconds.

9. Remove the thumb from the right nostril and exhale through it. Afterwards,

Repeat this cycle 7 times.

After the polarized breathing, the adept must follow these steps:

1. The adept takes the bowl with both hands and whispers inside the words:

―O, dark womb, uterus of freedom, within thy I consecrate the lava of power! May my
Masters Exu and Pombagira come through this strength and allow the conception of
the powerful obscure energy! Laroye Exu!

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

2. After that, the adept takes the candle, raises it in the height of the eyes, fixates
their gaze in the igneous scratched ponto, and visualizes it as a great torch of
fire. After the visualization, put it inside the candle cup and exclaim the
following words:

“Powerful black candle, feared and respected, you are the representation of Exu’s phallus that
overflows bodies and minds with the hot lava of hell. O bearer of the mystery of 49, I (say your
name) claim the totality of your powers to bring the strength of the Abyss! Inciter of rebellion,
Light that rules the vagrants with lamps, guide my soul for the shadow valleys while I
fecundate my essence with the infernal flames!”

3. In a ceremonial act, put the candle inside the bowl as if it was a ceremonial act
(Candle/Penis – bowl/vagina)

4. Inside the receptacle, put the seven magnets in counter-clockwise manner, the
49 pieces of pepper in a clockwise manner and the coal power again in an
counter-clockwise manner. Fill it with palm oil and distilled drink in same

5. Light the candle and fixate the eyes on the flame for some time.

(In this moment the adept can make use of ―ritual music‖ described in the end
of this project. We suggest the use of ―repeat‖ feature so that no distractions

6. Feel the energy flowing on your surroundings. After this energy is very
perceptible, light the coal (or take the flaming piece) and put the first portion of
the mix described before. Exclaim:

―I (say your name) evoke my spiritual ancestry and purify myself with the smoke and
the horn. I claim for the Air Legion to deliver my intentions and desires for the First
Crossroad of Fire and purify this black dome disintegrating all noxious discharge
coming from the opposing illusory forces. Accept the odour and bring the plenitude of
the magnetic power! Coba Exu! Save the People of Air! Save the Power 49!

7. The smoke will fill the environment. Inhale it and feel the energies fill the body.
Throughout the ritual, this curing can be renewed by adding the mixture to the
glowing embers.

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

8. With the lit candle and the ambient ready, the adept takes the ―Symbol 49‖ with
both hands and elevates it above their heads. This act demonstrates the real
wish of sharing the energy that its explicit and occult mysteries possess.

9. Put the symbol on the left side of the candle.

10. Take the scalpel/razor and cut seven times over the smoke of the curing. Make
then a small incision on the little finger of the left hand and allow some drops
of your Kiday, (blood) fall inside the bowl. This ensures that the powerful
obscure ancestral force enters the body creating a spiritual symbioses. This
relation is fundamental between the adept and his Exu Masters, since it
catalyzes essential forces to resist the pressure of the slave system. To give
blood to the Powerful Dead is to share the material vitality in search of spiritual
Freedom in the afterlife. This ritual part is not obligatory.

11. The adept holds the ―Symbol 49‖ at eye level and feels the energy inundate the
body, the mind, and the spirit. Put it beside the black candle and begins the
Prayer for the Supreme Power.

Prayer to the Supreme Power

Glorious Satan. Lord of the consuming fire and supreme ruler of infernal hosts. Whose gaze
forces the angels to tremble in fear, as saints defy in the ways of lust begging for forgiveness!
Divine serpent, I invoke you in this night without stars guided by the spark of your sacred

Within my soul burns the flames that destroys all weakness! In the name of Satan, I am ready
to commune in the essence of the spirits that rule the abyss, to transform me into a living portal
for the transgression of the most powerful of spirits!

I invoke the seven thrones, the seven majesties, and the forty nine legions! I light the torch to
glorify the first crossroad made of flame, and through this path I drive my will beyond that of
form! Oh lord of fire, Satan, my voice has your endless strength and shall open the gates for the
coming of powerful legions!

My voice is the sound of war. The blood that courses through my veins is the fire of serpents
carving paths! My mind harbors no limitations as I watch the infernal legions crossing the
abyss that separates the living from the dead! I feel a force transforming and preparing my
being! I am one with the destroyer. My spirit is blessed by the black light that is immeasurable
to the profane who defile the astral realm with their prayers and cries!

I remove the mask of Exu and see myself in the eyes that bless me! I feel my faith unfold in the
light of Lucifer, and new conceptions born with vitality from the roots of the tree of death! This
venomous stream surges throughout my being opening ways for the dragon to ascend and to see
once again!

The killers of all ages sing for war in the name of the black dragon, Maioral. Their flags are black
and red, as are the seven candles that encompass the sacred portal. Each path represents one of
the cursed rivers who’s deep and dark waters confine the prisons of hell.

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

I desire not fame, not honor, nor to be remembered. I do not desire anything, for this Earth is
cursed! My will is as strong as vows that are scribed upon my soul with the blood of the
serpent! With my fist I crush the repulsive idols. With the ashes of their illusion I make my
mask of war!

Great lord, give me strength so that I may walk in the valley of Death, crushing the skulls of the
profane. Give me the knowledge to call upon my brothers and sisters to be reborn! Give me the
forbidden, for I have the power to give death. I pray to bring from the graves that which shall
transform the energy of that prison!

Lord of fire, whose manifestation in this plane occurs through the sacred Maioral, no trace of
humanity can subdue me. The sickness that drives societies to blindness cannot sew my eyes
shut nor deter my hands to from this great work.

Satan, lord of chaos, whose manifestation in this existence occurs through the sacred Maioral,
your essence works for this purpose fighting with fury, strength, honor, and gives breath to this
symbol, as a powerful vortex that is able to make possible the assault of legions of ancestral
sorcerers who our tradition calls Exu and Pombagira!

Hail necromancy! Hail the dead! Hail Exu and Pombagira! Hail Maioral of all hell!

12. Repeat this prayer 3 times.

13. By the end of the prayer the adept closes his eyes and allows free thoughts. This
will allow the gnosis to be absorbed through images or sensations. For the more
experienced, this moment is good for astral travel or communications with Exu.
It all depends on the intensity of the delivery through the ritual.

14. On the day of the ritual the adept must leave the black candle lit through the
night, but can extinguish it by morning. The ―Symbol 49‖ can be conducted at a
fixed altar, fixated in a wall or shrouded in a black cloth and kept in a safe

During the 3 days following the ritual, the adept must light the black candle
and profess the Prayer for the Supreme Power. By the end of the third day
he will find a place with greenery (garden, plaza, woods,) and will bury the
content of the bowl and the remains of the coal burned in the defamation.
The bowl used for the practice can be stored for future practices. The candle
must be left at a crossroad according to the patterns of Brazilian

About the Chosen Song.

Edgar Kerval kindly sent to us a song that helps in meditation and expansion of
the senses. We recommend that the Adept has a sound device and use it on the
"repeat" function.

Click Here to Download the Song

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

Symbol for Print:

For more information, please, contact us:

Templo de Quimbanda Maioral Beelzebuth e Exu Pantera Negra – 2016 |

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