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Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 292: F1094 –F1101, 2007.

First published December 5, 2006; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00351.2005.

Direct vasoconstrictor effect of prostaglandin E2 on renal

interlobular arteries: role of the EP3 receptor
William F. van Rodijnen,1 Iolente J. Korstjens,1
Natalee Legerstee,1 Piet M. ter Wee,2 and Geert-Jan Tangelder1
Laboratory for Physiology and 2Department of Nephrology, Institute for Cardiovascular
Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Submitted 26 August 2005; accepted in final form 27 November 2006

van Rodijnen WF, Korstjens IJ, Legerstee N, ter Wee PM, have demonstrated that larger preglomerular vessels con-
Tangelder GJ. Direct vasoconstrictor effect of prostaglandin E2 on strict in response to inflammatory mediators, such as sero-
renal interlobular arteries: role of the EP3 receptor. Am J Physiol tonin and leukotrienes (5, 19), suggesting a similar mode of
Renal Physiol 292: F1094 –F1101, 2007. First published December 5, action for PGE2.
2006; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00351.2005.—Evidence indicates that
In general, the actions of PGE2 are mediated by a family of four
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) preferentially affects preglomerular renal
vessels. However, whether this is limited to small-caliber arterioles or G protein-coupled receptors, designated EP1–EP4 (3, 16). Of
whether larger vessels farther upstream also respond to PGE2 is these receptors, EP2 and EP4 have been shown to stimulate
currently unclear. In the present study, we first investigated the effects intracellular processes leading to smooth muscle cell relaxation
of PGE2 along the preglomerular vascular tree and subsequently and, hence, vasodilation. EP1 and EP3 receptors, on the other
focused on proximal interlobular arteries (ILAs). Proximal ILAs in hand, stimulate processes leading to vasoconstriction. For exam-
hydronephrotic rat kidneys as well as isolated vessels from normal ple, in cell cultures, EP1 receptor activation has been shown to
kidneys constricted in response to PGE2, both under basal conditions increase intracellular Ca2⫹ concentration (26). In addition, EP3
and after the induction of vascular tone. By contrast, smaller vessels, receptors have been found to inhibit intracellular cAMP produc-
i.e., distal ILAs and afferent arterioles, exhibited PGE2-induced va- tion (21, 22) and are thereby able to reduce PKA activity.
sodilation. Endothelium removal and pretreatment of single, isolated The purpose of the present study was to determine the
proximal ILAs with an EP1 receptor blocker (SC51322, 1 ␮mol/l) or
a thromboxane A2 receptor blocker (SQ29548, 1 ␮mol/l) did not
effects of PGE2 on intermediate and proximal ILAs. Initially,
prevent vasoconstriction to PGE2. Furthermore, in the presence of experiments were performed using the isolated, perfused hy-
SC51322, responses of these vessels to PGE2 and the EP1/EP3 agonist dronephrotic rat kidney model. In this preparation, nearly the
sulprostone were superimposable, indicating that PGE2-induced va- entire microvasculature can be visualized, allowing a direct
soconstriction is mediated by EP3 receptors on smooth muscle cells. comparison of responses of different vessel segments. Using
Immunohistochemical staining of proximal ILAs confirmed the pres- this model, we found that, in contrast to distal ILAs and AAs,
ence of EP3 receptor protein on these cells and the endothelium. larger preglomerular arterioles manifested a direct vasocon-
Adding PGE2 to normal isolated kidneys induced a biphasic flow strictor response to PGE2. Thereupon, we used normal kidneys
response, i.e., an initial flow increase at PGE2 concentrations ⱕ0.1 to determine in isolated proximal ILAs the receptor subtype
␮mol/l followed by a flow decrease at 1 ␮mol/l PGE2. Thus our involved, both pharmacologically and immunohistochemi-
results demonstrate that PGE2 affects multiple segments of the pre-
glomerular vascular tree in a different way. At the level of the
cally. In addition, we assessed the effects of PGE2 on renal
proximal ILAs, PGE2 had a direct vasoconstrictor action mediated by hemodynamics.
interlobular arteries; vasoconstriction
All experiments were performed using 12- to 15-wk-old male
Sprague-Dawley rats (Harlan, Horst, The Netherlands). The animals
PGE2 IS ONE OF the major cyclooxygenase-derived products were housed in macrolon cages with free access to tap water and a
standard rat chow (Hope Farm, Woerden, The Netherlands). All their
produced by the kidney (17). The actions of PGE2 intrarenally handling was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care
include both tubular and vascular effects (2). The latter are and Use Committee.
important for regulating renal function under various circum- Drugs. PGE2 was obtained from Calbiochem. The EP1 receptor
stances. So far, the effects of PGE2 on smaller pre- and blocker SC51322, the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor antagonist
postglomerular arterioles have mainly received attention. The SQ29548, and the EP1/EP3 agonist sulprostone were obtained from
postglomerular efferent arterioles were found to be insensitive Biomol and Cayman Chemical, respectively. ANG II, norepinephrine,
to PGE2 (4, 23), while for the preglomerular afferent arterioles and acetylcholine were purchased from Sigma.
(AAs) and distal interlobular arteries (ILAs) most studies Isolated, perfused hydronephrotic and normal kidneys. To obtain
indicated vasodilation (4, 8, 23), although vasoconstriction in hydronephrotic kidneys, rats were anesthetized with isoflurane (3% in
certain instances has been reported as well (9, 23). Whether O2, 0.7 l/min and N2O, 1.2 l/min, Abbott Laboratory, Queensborough,
Kent, UK) at a younger age, i.e., ⬃8 wk before the in vitro experi-
larger vessels further upstream of the glomerulus are also ments. Subsequently, the left ureter was located and tied off with a
sensitive to PGE2 is currently unknown. Previous studies suture. Ureter ligation is known to induce almost complete tubular

Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: G.-J. Tangelder,

Laboratory for Physiology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research, VU The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment
Univ. Medical Center, van der Boechorststraat 7, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement”
Netherlands (e-mail: geertjan.tangelder@vumc.nl). in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

F1094 0363-6127/07 $8.00 Copyright © 2007 the American Physiological Society http://www.ajprenal.org
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atrophy (20), allowing direct microscopic visualization of nearly the moved to the stage of a microscope, filled with dissection DMEM, and
entire renal microvascular bed. sealed with a glass cover. One of the micropipettes was connected to
For in vitro perfusion, both hydronephrotic and normal kidneys a pressure column, used to gradually pressurize the ILA to 75 mmHg.
were isolated in a similar manner (see Ref. 25 for an extensive The other pipette was clamped off and connected to a micrometer to
description). Briefly, the rat was anesthetized with a combination of stretch the vessel to its in vivo length. The time period from dissection
pentobarbital sodium (50 mg/kg ip, Sanofi Sante, Maassluis, The to mounting the vessel did not exceed 2 h. Superfusion with normal
Netherlands) and ketamine (25 mg/kg im, Kombivet, Etten-Leur, The DMEM was subsequently started, and the temperature was raised to
Netherlands). The kidney was exposed by opening the abdominal 37°C. Superfusion rate was set at ⬃2 ml/min, with refreshing of the
cavity, and the renal artery was cannulated via the abdominal aorta. myograph chamber volume every minute. Agents were added directly
Perfusion was started in situ with preheated DMEM (Sigma) supple- to the superfusion medium in a cumulative manner. Changes in vessel
mented with (in mmol/l) 23.8 NaHCO3, 5.6 HEPES, 5.5 D-glucose, diameter were measured online using a custom designed measurement
and 1 sodium pyruvate (all Sigma). DMEM was equilibrated with system. Only those vessels exhibiting a clear endothelium-dependent
95% air-5% CO2 at 37°C, resulting in a pH of 7.4. Then, the kidney vasodilator response to 0.3 ␮mol/l acetylcholine (⬎50% reversal of
was excised and moved to a heated chamber on the stage of an PGE2-induced vasoconstriction) were used for determining mean
inverted microscope (Axiovert 100, Zeiss) without disruption of renal responses. In one series of experiments, the endothelium was removed
flow. For all studies, a single-pass perfusion was employed. The deliberately by perfusing the vessels with a bubble of air. When ILAs
perfusion apparatus consisted of a small pressurized reservoir (⬃25 were subjected to this treatment, acetylcholine-induced vasodilatation
ml) connected to the renal arterial cannula, that was filled on demand was completely absent. To exclude the possibility that PGE2-induced
from a larger preheated and oxygenated reservoir (⬃600 ml). Agents vasoconstriction of ILAs was mediated by TXA2 receptors, isolated
were added in a cumulative manner to this larger reservoir. Both ILAs were treated in another series of experiments with the specific
hydronephrotic and normal kidneys were perfused at a constant TXA2 receptor blocker SQ29548 (1 ␮mol/l, 10 min) after which PGE2
pressure of 80 mmHg, monitored at the level of the renal artery. concentration-response curves were constructed.
Pressure changes were eliminated by adjusting the outflow of gas Equilibration and elimination of endogenous prostanoids. All in
(95% air-5% CO2) from the small reservoir. In normal kidneys, renal vitro preparations described above were allowed to equilibrate for at
perfusate flow was measured using an electromagnetic flow probe least 30 min before experiments began. All were pretreated with 10
(TS410, Transonic Systems) mounted in the perfusion line proximal ␮mol/l ibuprofen (Sigma) to eliminate the influence of endogenous
to the kidney. prostanoids. Sufficient cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibition by this
To visualize different vessel segments in hydronephrotic kidneys, a ibuprofen concentration is indicated by our observation that treatment
small hole was made in the cortex through which a fiber optic probe with a selective COX-2 inhibitor (NS-398, 10 ␮mol/l, Sigma) in
was inserted, transilluminating a portion of the membranous cortex. hydronephrotic kidneys did not change basal diameters of pre- or
Vessel images were generated using a ⫻40 objective lens (numerical postglomerular vessels. Changes in vessel diameter or perfusion flow
aperture 0.6, Zeiss) and a CCD camera (7020/20, Philips, Eindhoven, caused by a drug were evaluated during the plateau of the response,
The Netherlands). The images were recorded on a VCR for offline usually ⬃10 min after its addition.
analysis using a custom designed vessel wall tracking system (12). Immunohistochemical staining of EP3 and EP1 receptors. Cannu-
Changes in afferent arteriolar diameters were analyzed just after lated proximal ILAs were fixated with 2% ice-cold paraformaldehyde
branching from ILAs. ILAs were divided into four different groups in dissection DMEM, embedded in 15% gelatin, and frozen in liquid
based on their location and basal diameters: distal (connected to AAs), nitrogen. Cut 10-␮m sections were permeabilized with 0.3% Triton
intermediate (30 –50 and 50 –70 ␮m), and proximal (⬎70 ␮m). ILA X-100, blocked with 10% goat serum in PBS [1 h, at room temper-
diameters were measured near their midpoint. ature (RT)], and incubated with a rabbit polyclonal antibody against
Isolated cannulated proximal interlobular arteries. Proximal ILAs EP3 or EP1 receptors (1:500 in PBS containing 3% goat serum, 48 h,
were isolated from normal dissected kidneys and kept in ice-cold 4°C, both Cayman Chemical). In the negative background control, the
dissection DMEM in which NaHCO3 was lowered to 4.2 mmol/l by primary antibody was omitted from the incubation medium. The
replacing NaHCO3 with NaCl. This medium was equilibrated with sections of both types were then washed (PBS, 3 ⫻ 10 min, RT) and
atmospheric CO2, and pH was set at 7.4 using NaOH. The isolated incubated with the secondary antibody consisting of 1:100 diluted
ILAs were mounted with sutures between two glass micropipettes in Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated donkey anti-rabbit (1 h, RT, Molecular
a water-jacketed chamber of a pressure myograph. The chamber was Probes). This fluorochrome allows short illumination times, thereby

Fig. 1. Effects of PGE2 on successive segments of the preglo-

merular vascular tree in isolated, perfused hydronephrotic rat
kidneys. A: under basal conditions, PGE2 elicited vasoconstric-
tion of interlobular arteries (ILAs) of ⬎30 ␮m. B: in contrast,
during treatment with the vasoconstrictor ANG II (0.1 nmol/l),
PGE2 responses displayed a gradual change from vasodilation
at the small-caliber sites to again vasoconstriction in the largest
ILAs, with a biphasic response in between; n ⫽ 5– 6. *P ⬍ 0.05
vs. basal condition.

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precluding autofluorescence. After a final wash (3 ⫻ 30 min, RT), Table 1. Diameters of successive segments of the
sections were mounted in medium (Vectashield from Vector) contain- preglomerular vascular tree in isolated hydronephrotic rat
ing 4⬘,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) as a nuclear counterstain. To kidneys under basal conditions and after treatment with
distinguish smooth muscle cells from endothelial cells, F-actin was PGE2 (1 ␮mol/l) or ANG II (0.1 nmol/l)
labeled in additional sections using Cy3-conjungated-rhodamine phal-
loidin (1:60, Molecular Probes), incubated together with the second- ␮m Basal ⫹PGE2 After Wash ⫹ANG II
ary antibody. The vascular localization of EP3 and EP1 receptor
protein was studied using an inverted fluorescence microscope (Ax- Proximal ILAs ⬎70 95.5⫾5.4 80.5⫾4.2* 89.0⫾5.1 90.0⫾5.5*
iovert 200 Marianas, Zeiss). Images were generated with a ⫻10 air Intermediate ILAs 50–70 59.1⫾2.0 52.0⫾2.3* 59.6⫾2.1 54.5⫾2.8*
and ⫻40 oil-immersion objective (numerical aperture 0.50 and 1.30, 30–50 36.4⫾1.7 33.1⫾1.5* 34.8⫾2.2 27.8⫾3.2*
Distal ILAs 24.8⫾0.8 23.9⫾0.9* 24.3⫾1.0 11.6⫾1.5*
respectively; Zeiss) and recorded using a cooled CCD camera AAs 20.3⫾0.9 20.5⫾0.9* 21.0⫾0.6 10.8⫾0.6*
(1,280 ⫻ 1,024 pixels, Cooke Sensicam, Cooke, Tonawanda, NY).
This microscope and camera, as well as the data viewing and pro- Values are means ⫾ SE; n ⫽ 4 – 6. ILAs, interlobular arteries; AAs, afferent
cessing, including deconvolution, were conducted and controlled by arterioles. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. preagonist values.
Slidebook software (Slidebook version 4.0, Intelligent Images Inno-
vations, Denver, CO).
Statistical analyses. All values are presented as means ⫾ SE; n assessed after the induction of vascular tone with ANG II to
refers to the number of animals studied. Statistical analyses were observe possible vasodilator responses. As shown in Fig. 1B,
performed using Prism 4 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA). ANG II-induced vasoconstriction was inversely related to the
Differences within concentration-response curves were assessed using basal ILA diameters. Proximal ILAs (n ⫽ 5) failed to respond
one-way ANOVA for repeated measurements followed by a New- to ANG II, while subsequent segments (see Table 1) were
man-Keuls post hoc test. P ⬍ 0.05 was considered statistically reduced in diameter by 7.8 ⫾ 6.2 (n ⫽ 6), 21.2 ⫾ 6.3 (n ⫽ 6),
significant. Differences between groups were assessed using ANOVA and 51.1 ⫾ 7.8% (n ⫽ 6), respectively. AAs exhibited a similar
followed by Student’s t-test. For multiple comparisons, the Bonferroni level of vasoconstriction to ANG II to distal ILAs (48.0 ⫾
correction was applied.
3.9%, n ⫽ 4). In all vessels exhibiting tone, PGE2 completely
RESULTS reversed at lower concentrations (ⱕ10 nmol/l) the ANG II-
induced vasoconstriction. In distal ILAs and AAs, higher PGE2
Effects of PGE2 on different segments of the preglomerular concentrations (⬎10 nmol/l) had no further effect, with mean
vascular tree in isolated hydronephrotic rat kidneys. As shown vessel diameters remaining near basal values (24.2 ⫾ 1.2 and
in Fig. 1, marked differences in the response to PGE2 were 20.7 ⫾ 0.3 ␮m at 1 ␮mol/l PGE2, respectively). In intermedi-
seen along the preglomerular vascular tree. Under basal con- ate ILAs, however, the diameter increase at lower PGE2
ditions (Fig. 1A), proximal and intermediate ILAs (see Table 1 concentrations was followed by a subsequent diameter de-
for basal values) manifested a concentration-dependent con- crease. At the level of the proximal ILAs, no vasodilation to
striction to PGE2, which appeared to increase in magnitude PGE2 was observed. Instead, also in the presence of ANG II,
with their diameter. Thus, at the highest PGE2 concentra- PGE2 decreased their diameters in a concentration-dependent
tion, i.e., 1 ␮mol/l, mean diameters were reduced by 15.4 ⫾ manner similar to that observed under basal conditions (to
3.7% in proximal ILAs (⬎70 ␮m, n ⫽ 5) and by 12.0 ⫾ 3.4 79.3 ⫾ 4.5 ␮m at 1 ␮mol/l).
and 8.0 ⫾ 3.3% in intermediate ILAs (50 –70 and 30 –50 Effects of PGE2 on proximal ILAs obtained from normal rat
␮m, respectively; n ⫽ 6 and 5). By contrast, the smallest kidneys. Because in the experiments reported above proximal
caliber ILAs (i.e., distal) and AAs were hardly or not ILAs exhibited the largest vasoconstrictor response, proximal
affected under basal conditions by increasing concentrations ILAs isolated from normal kidneys were studied as well. As
of PGE2 (Fig. 1A). shown in Fig. 2A, these isolated ILAs also displayed a con-
The vascular bed of isolated hydronephrotic rat kidneys is centration-dependent diameter reduction in response to PGE2.
almost maximally vasodilated. Thus PGE2 effects were also Significant vasoconstriction occurred from 10 nmol/l PGE2

Fig. 2. PGE2-induced vasoconstriction of proximal ILAs ob-

tained from normal kidneys. A: note enhanced response of
endothelium-denuded vessels (solid symbols). B: furthermore,
also after the induction of vascular tone using norepinephrine
(NE; 30 –70 nmol/l), proximal ILAs only displayed concentration-
dependent vasoconstriction; n ⫽ 4 –7. EC, endothelium. *P ⬍
0.05 vs. basal condition and NE-induced tone, respectively.
#P ⬍ 0.05 vs. control vessels.

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Fig. 3. Failure of the selective EP1 receptor antagonist

SC512322 (1 ␮mol/l) to prevent PGE2-induced vasoconstric-
tion of isolated proximal ILAs from normal kidneys. Shown are
absolute data (A) and %change from pre-PGE2 values (B) for
both the blocked and control condition; n ⫽ 7. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs.
pre-PGE2 value. #P ⬍ 0.05 vs. PGE2 alone.

onward (14.8 ⫾ 3.0%), up to 34.9 ⫾ 2.6% at the highest vascular tone (⬃15%) using norepinephrine, isolated ILAs
concentration of PGE2 (1 ␮mol/l). Removal of the endothelium only displayed PGE2-induced vasoconstriction (Fig. 2B).
did not prevent but enhanced the vasoconstrictor response of Thus, in the presence of norepinephrine, PGE2 at concen-
isolated ILAs to PGE2 (Fig. 2A). At 1 ␮mol/l PGE2, diameters trations of 0.01, 0.1, and 1 ␮mol/l decreased mean diameters
of endothelium-denuded ILAs were decreased by 62.0 ⫾ 6.9% of ILAs by 18.4 ⫾ 3.6, 33.3 ⫾ 5.6, and 45.0 ⫾ 5.7% (n ⫽ 6),
(n ⫽ 4). Also after induction of a moderate amount of respectively.

Fig. 4. Vasoconstrictor effects of the EP1/EP3 receptor agonist

sulprostone on isolated proximal ILAs from normal kidneys.
Shown are absolute data under control conditions (n ⫽ 7, A)
and after pretreatment with the selective EP1 receptor antago-
nist SC512322 (1 ␮mol/l, n ⫽ 6, B), respectively. C: compar-
ison of %change from presulprostone values. D: comparison of
effects of sulprostone and PGE2 during EP1 receptor blockade.
Note that the concentration-response curves for both agonists
are superimposable, indicating that PGE2-induced vasocon-
striction is mediated by EP3 receptor activation. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs.
presulprostone values.

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Characterization of the receptor subtype mediating vaso-

constriction of ILAs to PGE2. Initially, the role of the EP1
receptor in the vasoconstriction of ILAs to PGE2 was assessed.
As shown in Fig. 3A, a selective EP1 blocker had no effect on
basal diameters of isolated proximal ILAs (n ⫽ 7). Further-
more, PGE2-induced vasoconstriction of isolated ILAs was not
inhibited. Instead, the blocker significantly increased their
reactivity to PGE2, as depicted in Fig. 3B. During EP1 receptor
blockade, the PGE2-induced vasoconstriction of ILAs in-
creased from 14.8 ⫾ 3.0 to 23.8 ⫾ 1.9% (P ⫽ 0.03 vs. PGE2
alone), from 26.0 ⫾ 2.4 to 38.3 ⫾ 4.6% (P ⫽ 0.05), and from
34.9 ⫾ 2.6 to 46.1 ⫾ 4.1% (P ⫽ 0.04) at 0.01, 0.1, and 1
␮mol/l PGE2, respectively.
Because a commercially available antagonist for the other
constrictive PGE2 receptor, i.e., EP3, is lacking, its potential
role in ILA vasoconstriction was investigated using the EP1/
EP3 agonist sulprostone. As shown in Fig. 4A, sulprostone
reduced diameters of isolated ILAs in a concentration-depen-
Fig. 5. Failure of selective thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor antagonist dent manner. The highest concentration of sulprostone, i.e., 1
SQ29548 (1 ␮mol/l) to prevent PGE2-induced vasoconstriction of isolated ␮mol/l, reduced diameters by 42.1 ⫾ 5.1% (to 49.0 ⫾ 3.8 ␮m,
proximal ILAs from normal kidneys; n ⫽ 5. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs. pre-PGE2
n ⫽ 7). Pretreatment with the selective EP1 antagonist did not
affect sulprostone-induced vasoconstriction (Fig. 4, B and C,
n ⫽ 6). Moreover, when the potencies of sulprostone and PGE2

Fig. 6. Presence of EP3 receptor protein in

vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial
cells of isolated proximal ILAs of normal
kidneys. Shown are EP3 receptor protein
(green), F-actin (red), and nuclei (blue).
A–C: ⫻10 objective. D–F: ⫻40 oil-immer-
sion objective. G: deconvoluted image using
⫻40 objective. White arrows, examples of
dense EP3 receptor labeling near the nucleus
of smooth muscle and endothelial cells.

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in the presence of the EP1 blocker were compared, the con- blockade did not prevent PGE2-induced vasoconstriction, sup-
centration-response curves to both agonists were superimpos- porting our conclusion as mentioned above.
able (Fig. 4D), indicating that the vasoconstrictor actions of Expression of EP3 receptor protein in proximal ILAs. As
PGE2 on ILAs are mediated by the EP3 receptor. shown in Fig. 6, EP3 receptor protein was present in smooth
To exclude a potential involvement of TXA2 receptors in the muscle cells of isolated proximal ILAs. Near the nucleus,
PGE2 response, PGE2 concentration-response curves were also labeling was more dense (Fig. 6G, white arrows), probably
constructed in the presence of a specific TXA2 receptor blocker reflecting receptor protein present in the perinuclear Golgi. In
(SQ29548; 1 ␮mol/l). As shown in Fig. 5, TXA2 receptor addition, EP3 receptor protein was also present on endothelial

Fig. 7. Comparison of EP3 (A–E) and EP1

(F–J) receptor expression in consecutive
proximal ILA slides. Shown are EP3 or EP1
receptor protein (green), F-actin (red), and
nuclei (blue). A–C and F–H: ⫻10 objective.
D and I: ⫻40 oil-immersion objective. E and
J: deconvoluted image using ⫻40 objective.
Note that in contrast to EP3, EP1 receptor
staining is most dense in the endothelium.
Also note that in I, the elastin membrane is
visible as a black line adjacent to the fluo-
rescent endothelium; with the short illumina-
tion times used, the elastin membrane did not
show autofluorescence.

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cells, showing a similar distribution as in smooth muscle cells. addition, we found that intermediate ILAs displayed a biphasic
In contrast to EP3, labeling of smooth muscle cells was response to increasing concentrations of PGE2, i.e., vasodila-
relatively weak when an anti-EP1 antibody was used (Fig. 7, tion followed by vasoconstriction. Our data indicate that the
F–J). Immunofluorescence of endothelial cells, on the other actions of PGE2 along the preglomerular vascular tree gradu-
hand, was very high. Dense labeling near the nucleus was not ally change from exclusively vasoconstriction upstream to
observed when the anti-EP1 receptor antibody was used. vasodilation downstream. A similar response pattern has been
Effects of PGE2 on renal hemodynamics in isolated normal reported for serotonin (5), suggesting heterogeneity in receptor
kidneys. As shown in Fig. 8, PGE2 predominantly increased expression of the different preglomerular segments.
renal perfusion in isolated normal kidneys. Thus, at concen- Renal prostaglandin production has been reported to alter
trations ⱕ0.1 ␮mol/l, PGE2 increased renal perfusate flow both during hydronephrosis (14, 15), which could have influenced
under basal conditions (Fig. 8A; from 19.3 ⫾ 2.3 to 20.6 ⫾ 2.5 reactivity of the larger ILAs to PGE2. Therefore, we also
ml䡠min⫺1 䡠g⫺1; n ⫽ 6) and after pretreatment with ANG II performed single-vessel experiments using tissue from normal
(Fig. 8B; from 9.1 ⫾ 0.9 to 16.8 ⫾ 1.3 ml䡠min⫺1䡠g⫺1; n ⫽ 6). kidneys. We found that PGE2 elicited vasoconstriction of
In both cases, this initial flow increase was partially reversed at isolated proximal ILAs, both under basal conditions and after
the highest PGE2 concentration of 1 ␮mol/l (basal: to 18.1 ⫾ the induction of vascular tone. Thus responses were similar to
2.5 ml䡠min⫺1䡠g⫺1; ANG II to 15.8 ⫾ 1.4 ml䡠min⫺1䡠g⫺1; for those observed in hydronephrotic rat kidneys, indicating a
both P ⬍ 0.05 vs. 0.1 ␮mol/l PGE2). general action of PGE2 on proximal ILAs. In addition, we
found in normal isolated kidneys that with increasing con-
centrations of PGE2 only the highest PGE2 concentration
We found that PGE2 induced exclusive vasoconstriction of reversed the increase to a decrease in renal perfusate flow,
proximal ILAs both in hydronephrotic rat kidneys and in those indicating that, also in this preparation, not all vessels but
isolated from normal kidneys. Smaller vessels, on the other probably only the larger ones constrict in response to PGE2.
hand, i.e., distal ILAs and AAs, were found to dilate to PGE2. Of the different PGE2 receptors, EP1 and EP3 have been
Treatment of isolated proximal ILAs with drugs interacting shown to activate signal transduction pathways leading to
with the different PGE2 receptor subtypes indicated a role for contraction of smooth muscle cells (3, 16). In proximal ILAs,
EP3 receptors in PGE2-induced vasoconstriction. The presence our findings indicate that the vasoconstrictor actions of PGE2
of this receptor subtype on smooth muscle cells and also on involve EP3 receptors. First, we found that PGE2-induced
endothelial cells of proximal ILAs was confirmed using im- vasoconstriction of isolated vessels could not be abolished by
munohistochemical staining. Adding PGE2 to normal isolated selective TXA2 or EP1 receptor blockade. Furthermore, during
kidneys induced a biphasic flow response; i.e., flow increased EP1 receptor antagonism, concentration-response curves to
at PGE2 concentrations ⱕ0.1 ␮mol/l and subsequently de- PGE2 and to the EP1/EP3 agonist sulprostone were superim-
creased at 1 ␮mol/l PGE2. posable. Removal of the endothelium did not prevent the
Our study is the first to demonstrate that the vasoconstrictor vasoconstriction to PGE2, indicating that EP3 receptors are
action of PGE2 in the kidney is confined to the larger preglo- activated directly on smooth muscle cells. The presence of EP3
merular vessels. In hydronephrotic kidneys, we mapped the receptor protein on smooth muscle cells was confirmed by
PGE2 response along the preglomerular tree, finding vasocon- immunohistochemical staining. By contrast, EP1 receptor la-
striction of proximal ILAs, while distal ILAs and AAs only beling was predominantly found at the level of the endothe-
manifested PGE2-induced vasodilation. This latter observation lium. Tang et al. (24), who in contrast to our and various other
is consistent with the response of AAs observed in most other studies (4, 8), observed afferent arteriolar constriction to high
studies (4, 8, 24), although PGE2-induced vasoconstriction of PGE2 concentrations, also found that this response was medi-
these vessels has also occasionally been reported (9, 24). In ated via EP3 receptors.

Fig. 8. Effects of PGE2 on renal perfusate flow in normal

isolated kidneys during control conditions (A) and after pre-
constriction with ANG II (0.1 nmol/l; B); n ⫽ 6. *P ⬍ 0.05 vs.
pre-PGE2 values. †P ⬍ 0.05 vs. 0.1 ␮mol/l PGE2.

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