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Acronym Definition

ADB Asian Development Bank

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ATM Automated Teller Machines
AVP Audio-Visual Presentation
BWD Baler Water District
BLEP Barangay Line Enhancement Program
BMBE Barangay Micro Business Enterprises
CLLEx Central Luzon Link Expressway
CRK Clark International Airport
CLIRAM Climate Information Risk Analysis Matrix
INFRACOM Committee on Infrastructure
CSP Competitive Selection Process
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Plan
CCC Conditional Certificate of Conformance
DSM Demand-Side Management
DICT Department of Information and Communications Technology
DOE Department of Energy
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways
DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government
DOT Department of Tourism
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
DDP Distribution Development Plan
EC Electric Cooperatives
EECO Energy Efficiency and Conservation Office
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
GAD Gender and Development
GAA General Appropriations Act
GDP Gross Domestic Products
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GOCC Government-Owned and Control Corporations
HUC Highly Urbanized Cities
HEDP Household Electrification Development Plan
HEP Household Electrification Programs
ICT Information and Communications Technology
IT Information Technology
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations
IATA International Air Transport Association
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFI International Financing Institutions
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
Kbps Kilobits per Second
LUCF Land Use Change and Forestry
LCCAP Local Climate Change Action Plan
LDC Local Development Council
LEECP Local Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan
LIIC Local Investment and Incentives Code
LGU Local Government Units
LWUA Local Water Utilities Administration
Mbps Megabits per Second
MWSS Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System
MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MDGF Millennium Development Goals Fund
MEP Minimum Energy Performance
MEDP Missionary Electrification Development Plan
NAAQG National Ambient Air Quality Guideline
NAAQGV National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values
NCR National Capital Region
NCCAP National Climate Change Action Plan
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NREP National Renewable Energy Program
NTC National Telecommunications Commission
NTDP National Tourism Development Plan
NWRB National Water Regulatory Board
NIHE Nationwide Intensification of Household Electrification
NCO NEDA Central Office
NRO NEDA Regional Office
NRE New and Renewable Energy
NPP New Power Providers
NGO Non-Government Organizations
NoA Notice of Award
NtP Notice to Proceed
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PWD Persons with Disabilities
PAL Philippine Airlines
PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
PCW Philippine Commission on Women
PDP Philippine Development Plan
PEP Philippine Energy Plan
PNR Philippine National Railways
PSA Philippine Statistics Authority
PTSMP Philippine Transportation System Master Plan
PV-SHS Photovoltaic Solar Home Systems
PDU Private Distribution Utilities
PAP Programs, Activities, and Projects
PDRS Project Development and other Related Studies
PMS Project Monitoring Schemes
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PPP Public-Private Partnership
QTP Qualified Third Party
RDC Regional Development Councils
RCP Representative Concentration Pathways
SB Sangguniang Bayan
SP Sangguniang Panglunsod
SOW Scope of Work
SEP Sitio Electrification Program
SIA Social Impact Assessment
SAFDZ Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development Zones
TOR Terms of Reference
TSP Total Suspended Particulates
TIEZA Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority
TIDP Tourism Infrastructure Development Plans
TDP Transmission Development Plan
UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization
WFP Work and Financial Plan
WTO World Tourism Organization
WTTC World Travel & Tourism Council
WWW World Wide Web
ZO Zoning Ordinance

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