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Group – 1

Topic: Access, enrolment and Retention:

I-Access- Information:
 Awareness through Audio Visual and Print media, street plays….
 Liasoning, Identification/ diagnostic centers with SSA

Access to School System:

 Barrier free environment- Attitudinal, Physical and Communication

Access to Curriculum:
 Child centered curriculum addressing differential learners

II- Enrollment:
 Proactive school
 Bal-Mela, Camps, Exhibitions
 House visits
 Special Campaigns- “Each 1 Bring 1”, “Never too late for School”
 Involvement of SMC, PTA, Local NGOs etc
 Free Lunch/ Mid-day Meal

III- Retention:
 Acceptance by the classmates/ peers
 Favourable classroom / school climate
 Regular meeting of the teachers for sharing of best teaching practices
 Support Services
 Scholarships / incentives for the weaker sections
 Bicycles for girls child to come from far distance
 Transport facilities/Books/ Uniforms
 Flexible evaluation systems and immediate remediation
 Encouragement & Recognition
Group – 2

Topic: Availability of textbooks and curriculum in accessible formats


 Link to larger aim of education, related to their lives

 Should be wide enough to cover behavioral, communication, domestic work and self
care skills (Life skills)
 Approach to teaching should be such that it builds on prior knowledge and is through
experiential learning
 Teaching material should be contextual, simple, easily replicable and specific to
individual needs
 Evaluation methods more friendly and not stressful – on a ongoing basis


 Braille books and large print books to be made available

 SSA may advice all state education boards to have electronic copy of all text books
 Promote activity- based teaching of Braille in school
 Adapted text:
– attention to language complexity
– clarity of language
– organization of material
– simpler sentences
– illustrations
– adapted exercises
– visualization of words wherever possible (refer: IICP Mayer

 No derogatory language to be used

 Life skills to be taught as a part of curriculum
Group – 3

Topic: Provisions for standard TLM, equipments, ICT, assistive devices for
supporting good quality education

Concept of standard Teaching Learning Material (TLM should be based on universal

Montessori model (ex. As used in Tamil Nadu State)

 TLM should be age appropriate

 TLM should be multi-sensory
 Equipments for assistance to enable participation of ALL in all aspects of educational
life ex. Communication, mobility, writing skill, recreation etc.
 Assistive devices to differently abled children like, tricycles, wheelchairs, calipers/
prosthetics, hearing aids, other assistive devices, Activities of Daily Living boards,
magnifying glass and other low vision aids should also be included. Besides
adaptation in software and hardware for all children as per requirement.


 Computer Assisted Learning centers should be developed and utilized

An innovative technical resource person to be posted at the taluka level to guide the
modification work.
Group – 4

Topic: Addressing Discriminatory Practices


 Social attitude/ behaviour of teacher, peers, family

 Teaching methodology/ pedagogy
 Exclusion from school activities
 Lack of assistive devices
 In accessible infrastructure
 Co-curriculum
 Removal of weaker children for support services
 Caste, creed and gender disability
 Documentation
 Lack of awareness of rights of the children
 Utilization of funds
 Transportation/ escort
 Everyday behaviour : no training on behaviour problems


 Awareness of the rights of children as per the Rights to Education Act, 2009
 Training programme with quality input
 Building with universal design
 Peer sensitization
 Convergence with other department/ NGOs
 Simulation exercises as part of training and classroom teaching
 Adaptation in curriculum and evaluation methods
 Awareness through text books and inserting chapters on success stories of girl
children, children with disabilities, SC/ ST children, etc
 Barrier free environment- Schools and classrooms to be made accessible for all

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