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Act I

Pages 3-22
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and cite the page number where you found
your answer

1. What is the setting and time of the story in Act I? The play takes place in Brooklyn, NY in 1937

2. Who is the narrator and how old is he? Eugene Jerome is the narrator. He is 15 years old .

3. What ailment does Eugene mention that Laurie has? How does Eugene appear to feel about Laurie?
Laurie has a heart condition, a heart murmur. Eugene feels jealous because Laurie doesn’t have to do as
many things as him because of her condition.

4. What are the two goals Eugene has when he grows up? Eugene wants to make it into the Yankees
when he grows up .

5. Where are Kate’s parents from? Kate´s parents are from Russia .

6. Who are the Murphys and why does Kate dislike them? The Murphy’s are Kate’s neighbors and she
doesn’t like them because the are Irish .

7. Why do Blanche, Laurie and Nora live with Eugene and his family and how long have they lived
there? Explain in detail.
Blanche and Laurie live with Eugene because Blanche’s husband died and left them with no money, Kate
( Eugene’s mother ) let them live at their house and they have been living there for three and a half years .
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8. How does Eugene feel about Nora? Eugene feels attracted to his cousin Nora because she started
to develop his body .

9. What is the exciting news Nora shares with her family? The news that Nora shares with her family
was that she was picked to audition for a show in broadway.

10. Nora says, “He didn’t ask me.” (15) Who didn’t ask Nora what?
Mr. Beakmam didn’t ask Nora how old she was .

11. A) What is Blanche’s argument against Nora auditioning? B) What is Nora’s argument back?
Blanche’s argument is that she doesn’t want Nora to dropout school and Nora says that she will make more
money in Broadway than what she would make with a college diploma and that she has to take advantage of
the dance classes that she has been taking .

12. A) When Nora asks for an answer from Blanche, who does Blanche say will make the decision for
her? B) What does she give as the reason for not making the decision? C) Who do you think made these
decisions in the past?
A) Blanco said that uncle jack will make the decision. B) Blanche said that she not always knows what is the
best thing to do . C) I Think Nora’s father used to make the decision when he was alive .

13. What secret does Eugene share with the audience? The secret eugene tell the audience is that ̈
Eugene M Jerome has committed a mortal sin by lusting after his cousin Nora ̈

14. Who does Laurie say her mother talks to every night before she goes to bed? Laurie said that her
mother talks to her dead husband every night.

15. What does Nora remember most about her father? Why?
Nora remembers her father’s pockets, and taking out all the stuff he used to have in them .
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16. What is the “pact” between Laurie and Nora?

The pack between Laurie and Nora is to not spend money and anything and save to buy a house for them
and their mother .
Name _______________________________ Period ______________


Act I

Pages 22-40
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and cite the page number where you found
your answer

1. What happens to Stan? (23) Why? (23-26)

Stan Had a problem with his boss because he stood up for his friend and he is about to get fired .

2. As everyone watched Stan after he was ordered to sweep up, what did he feel? Stan felt the dignity of
everyone who worked in that store was in his hands .

3. What does Stan say was ironic? (25)

When he swept all over Mr Stroheim ́s shoes and andrew just finished shining them in the morning .

4. What does Stan have to do to keep his job? Stan has to write a letter to apologize to his boss
and turned it in by 9 the next day.

5. What did Stan’s dad tell him once that Stan is now basing his decision on? Stan ́s dad told him to ask for
a raise at his job.

6. A) Eugene feels two ways about Stan. What are they? (27, 28)

He said i either I worshiped the ground he walked on or hated so much he wanted to kill him .

B) Eugene goes on to say, “I guess you know how I feel about him today.” (28) How does he
feel that day and how do you know? He felt proud of him because he is brave and he is doing
the right thing .
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7. What does Kate say to make Stan feel worse about his predicament? That he would kill his
father if he tell jim the truht .

8. Why does Kate tell Blanche that the beach climate is no place for her (Blanche)? Beach climate
is not a place for Blanche because she has asthma .

9. What is Jack’s regular job and what is his side job?

10. What happened to one of Jack’s jobs? (34) Why does this make him so upset? The company
ran out of business so jack lost his job .

11. What does Eugene ask his father? (36)

Euge asked his father for new sneakers.

12. Why is Jack concerned that Blanche is staying in the house on pages 37-38?
Jack is concerned that Blanche is staying at his house because he lost one of his jobs and the
money is not going to be enough to feed all the people that is living in the house .

13. Who does Jack want Blanche to meet and why does Kate say no? Jack wants Blanche to meet
the neighbor across the street

14. What does Stan ask Nora to do for him? (39)

Stan asked Nora to talk about people who stand up for their principles, while they are all
together eating dinner .

15. What is Nora’s reaction and why do you think she reacts this way? (39,40. Nora doesn't want to do what
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Stan is asking for because she has her own thing to bring up at dinner .


Act I

Pages 41-60
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and cite the page number where you found
your answer

1. What name does Eugene give dinner? What were they eating? (41)

Eugene calles the dinner ¨The infamous dinner ̈ and they were eating liver and mashed potatoes .

2. Why does Eugene divert the attention to Stan on page 42?

Eugene divert the attention to stan so his family wouldn't notice what he was doing when he dropped the

3. How long has Stan been working at Stroheim’s? How much is he making now?
Stanley has been working at Stroheims for two and a half years and his is making seventeen dollars a
week .

4. Why does Stan’s dad want him (Stan) to ask for a raise (see pgs. 42-43)?

Jack wants Stan to ask for a raise because he lost one of his jobs .

5. Who is the first one to bring up Nora’s dancing school opportunity at dinner? Why does this person do
Laurie is the first one to bring up Nora's school opportunity at dinner .

6. Why does Stanley bring up Abraham Lincoln on page 45?

He wants to talk about people who stand up for their principles .

7. Why does Nora eat the liver off of Eugene’s plate?

Nora eats the liver because she said it is the only thing the family seems to care about, not wasting
food .

8. Why is Eugene “gonna get blamed for the war in Europe?” (48)

Eugene thinks everything that happens in the house is blamed on him .

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9. Why is Jack showing concern about the war in Europe? What does that mean for the Jeromes in
Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY? (49-51)

Jack is concerned about the war because he has family there and if they happened to the US to escape
the war they don't want the space to keep them all in the house .

10. “We have enough mothers here. This is a family. The world doesn’t survive without families…” (53) Who
is Kate speaking to? Why doe she say this?

11. Instead of making decisions for Nora, what does Jack say he will do for her?

Jack gives Nora and advice and it is her decision if she would accept it or not .

12. What is the major puberty event that happened to Eugene, as discovered when he was talking to Stan?
What does Stan tell him that everybody does, especially at their age?

Eugene had a wet dream and stanly tells him that everyone at his age masturbates .

13. What reasons does Stan give to Eugene to get him to stop “loving” Nora?
Stan tells Eugene that Nora is his cousin and he can not be in love with his cousin .

14. How does Eugene react to what Stan tells him? (59) What is Stan’s reply?

Eugene says that there is nothing wrong with being in love with your cousin and Stan says that it is against

the laws of nature.

Name _______________________________ Period ______________


Act I

Pages 60-74
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and cite the page number where you found
your answer.

1. What event is happening on Tuesday for Blanche?

Blanche is going on a date with Mr Murphy on Tuesday .

2. Where does Kate want Blanche to go next Wednesday night and why? What reason does Blanche give
for not being able to go?

Kate wants Blanche to go to Jack's company the annual affair but Blanche said she is having
dinner with someone that same night.

3. Why doesn’t Kate want Blanche to date Mr. Murphy?

Because she thinks he is an alcoholic .

4. On page 64, Kate says, I can take anything except when someone in the family is mad at me.” What do
you think she means by that?
For kate family is the most important things and she cant stand being in bad terms with one of

5. What was Jack’s advice to Nora about her opportunity?

That she should finish high school.

6. What are the reasons Nora gives Blanche for wanting to audition for the Broadway show? (65)

One of the reasons is that she could make a lot of money and help the family.They can get a house for
themselves and pay jack and kate for everything .

7. What does Blanche decide and what is Nora’s response?

Blanche decided that Nora is going to finish high school and Nora said that she would let them
know what her decision was in the morning .
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8. Why does Nora get even angrier when Laurie says, “I could tell her I was getting flutters in my heart
Nora gets mad because you are not supposed to pretend you are sick to get favors from anyone .

9. What is Jack’s initial decision when Stan tells him what he has to do to get his job back? (69) What is his
decision after Stan explains his principles? (72)

Jack said that Stan has to go get his job back, after Stanly explained his principles jack said he was
proud of him for doing that but the family can't afford principles at the moment .

10. Ultimately, is Jack disappointed in Stan for what he did at work? Explain.

Jack is not disappointed because Stan did what anyone else was able to do, stand up for his
principles .

11. What is the question that Jack tells Stan he has to consider before making his decision? (71)

The question was ̈ Can this Family afford principles right now ?

12. What does Stan decide to do about writing the letter? How does he feel about his decision?

Stan is going to write the letter and he feels good because his father is proud of him.

13. What does Stan want Eugene to help him do? What does Eugene want in return? (73) Stan wants
eugene to help him write the letter for his boss, and Eugene says that people get paid to do those
things .
Name _______________________________ Period ______________


Act II

Pages 77 - 96
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and cite the page number where you found
your answer.

1. What is the day and time of the story in Act II?

Is wednesday about six thirty in the evening .

2. Why is it ironic that Kate says for Eugene to write quietly?

Is ironic because you dont make sound while wrting

3. What happened to Jack over the course of the week? How did it happen?
Jack had a heart attack. Jack was trying to make extra money driving a cab at night , and all the stress
wasn't good for him he was working to much .

4. Why is Jack so worried about his job now?

Jack thinks he could lose his job .

5. Why does Eugene hate Nora now? (list 4 reasons)

1)Nora has been real snotty to everybody lately. 2)She doesn't say hello in the morning and
eats dinner at her room. 3) She has been seeing Larry Clurman 4) She is not as pretty as he
thought she was .

6. What are Eugene’s reasons for why Kate is making lima beans for dinner? And why is Kate acting that
Eugene said that Kate is angry at the whole world that's why she is making lime beans. Kate is
feeling that because she is not going to the affair at the commodore because jack had a heart
attack and also because Blanche is going on a date with Mr Murphy.

7. What bad habit did Stan pick up at work?

Stand bad habit is smoking .

8. What happened to Stan’s salary and how much money was it?
Stanly lost all 17 dollars at a poker Game .
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9. Why was Stan playing poker?

Stan was playing poker to try to make more money for the family.

10. What does Stan confess he lost more money on another time? How much was it?
He told his father he lost five dollars but he really gave it to a girl .

11. On page 84, Stan wants to see Eugene’s report card. Why?
Stan wants to see the report card because Eugene says he works hard in school and stan
doesnt believe it .

12. Why does Jack tell Laurie to get him a glass of water?
Jack thinks Laurie is too spoiled .

13. Who is Helene? Why is Kate concerned about her?

Helene is a bookkeeper ànd Kate is concerned about her because jack was dancing with her .

14. Who is Nora going out with every night, and where does he take her?
Nora is going out with Larry Clurman, and he takes her to the cemetery .

15. What does Kate give to Blanche for her date?

Kate gave Blanche her pearls to wear on her date .

16. Why does Blanche think that Nora left without saying goodbye to her?
Blanche thinks Nora is making her pay for not letting her go to the audition .

17. On page 92, what does Jack say to stop worrying about so much? Why do you think he says this?

18. Besides Eugene, who else does Stan confess to about what happened to his salary? Why? Stanly told
Kate that he lost his money because she was asking for five dollars .


Name _______________________________ Period ______________

Act II

Pages 96 - 108
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and cite the page number where you found
your answer.

1. What makes Kate become suddenly very angry with Blanche? Kate got angry with Banche because
Blanche said that kate should show a little more charity and that's all kate does .

2. How does Blanche say she was able to get through the death of her husband? Blanche said she was
able to go through the death of her husband because of her daughters, she wakes up everyday because
of her daughters.

3. Why does Blanche say it is easy to forgive Nora every time she is hurt by her?

4. Why was Laurie at the Murphy’s house and what news does she bring back? Laurie was at Murphy’s
house because Mrs Murphy wanted to give her a letter saying that Mr Murphy wasn’t going to be able to
go to the dinner with Blanche Wednesday night.

5. Kate says, “I know the man, I know what their all like.” What does she mean by this? Kate is being
judgemental and saying all Irish people are the same .

6. On page 101, sum up why Kate is so mad at Blanche? Kate is mad because she is the older sister, she
always had to work hard so Blanche can have everything, Kate said “ I was the workhorse, you were the
pretty one “ .
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7. After Kate has expressed her feelings, what does Blanche decide to do? After Kate expressed her
feelings Blanche decided to go to live with a friend of hers and leave the girls with Kate until she gets a
job .

8. Despite Jack’s pleas, why does Blanche still feel that she has to move out? What does Mrs. Murphy
have that she hopes she will have? Blanche said that is she doesn’t leave she would lose whatever self-
respect she has left. Blanche wants to have as much dignity as Mrs. Matthew Murphy has .

9. When does Eugene realize he has a selfish streak in him?

10. What has Stan decided to do? What event has caused him to make this decision? Stanley decided to
leave the house and go join the army because he said that the family is breaking and fighting because of

11. What does Stan make Eugene promise?Stan made Eugene promise that he would go to college.

12. What did the moment of Stan closing the door and leaving signify to Eugene? When Stan closed the
door Eugene said that was the end of his childhood .
Name _______________________________ Period ______________


Act II

Pages 108-120
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and cite the page number where you found
your answer.

1. Why does Eugene say he hates his mother, father, and Stanley? Euge says that he hates them
because that very moment was the end of his childhood. His parents were making him so
unhappy even if they were right he hated them .

2. Who else does Eugene tell that Stan has run away before his parents find out? Before eugene tells his
parents that Stanley has run away he tells Laurie about it .

3. What does Laurie wonder about now that she will be moving? What is she not concerned about? Laurie
said that she wonders if she would have to go to a different school. She is not concerned about
having to make new friends because she doest have any friends here .

4. Why does Eugene tell Laurie that her mother may be lying to her about her sickness? Eugene said that
maybe Blance wants to keep Laurie around and that's why she might be lying .

5. When Eugene breaks the news to his parents about Stan running off, what is his mother’s response?
When Eugene told his parents that Stanley had run away kate said that he would be back when it
gets cold outside .

6. After Blanche tells Nora that she is moving out to live with her friend, what is Nora’s reply? (113) Nora
said ̈ i can't believe it, you mean it is right for you to leave us but it wasn't right for me to leave
you ̈
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7. On page 113, Blanche tells Nora that she (Blanche) has been a “very dependent person.” On whom has
she been dependent? Why do you think she tells this to Nora? (hint: Blanche states the answer at the
top of page 114) she said ̈you earn your independence, you don't take it at the expense of others

8. Nora lists the reasons why she’s been jealous of Laurie. What are they? 1) I could never turn on a light
on my room at night or read because Laurie needed her precious sleep. 2) I could never invite a
friend over the weekends because Lurie was always resting . 3) Laurie always had Blache s ́
attention .

9. What is Blanche guilty of feeling that she says is much worse than loneliness or helplessness? Who is
the hated person that Blanche says, “Now it’s time to bury…?” her old self .

10. On page 117, when Blanche is talking about her daughters to Kate, she says, ‘We have to be together.
The three of us. It’s what they want as much as I do.” If they already live together, what does she mean
by this statement? She means that they need to have a good relationship because they have many
problems and that is breaking the family apart .

11. What solution does Kate come up with that will allow Blanche to live by herself, yet stay close to her?
She said that Blanche could live at Mr Murphy's place .
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12. The next afternoon, Eugene lists the reasons that everything returned to normal in the family. What were
they? ¨Blanche decided to stay while she was looking for a job. Nora went back to school the next
morning. Laurie was asked to take the garbage out but she quickly got a flutter and eugene had
to do it. life is normal again. ¨

13. Did Stan join the army? Why or why not?

Stanley didnt join the army because the family needed him more that the army right now .
Name _______________________________ Period ______________


Act II

Pages 120-130
Answer the following questions in complete sentences and cite the page number where you found
your answer.

1. What did Stan do to earn money? Stanley made more money Bowling .

2. What is the code that Stanley is going to live by for the rest of his life? “ Hard work and principles, that’s
the code I’m going to live by for the rest of my life “

3. Who was killed in the last war that Jack knew and how old was he? Jack’s brother Michael was killed in
te last war and he was nineteen years old.

4. What does Jack tell Stan about the way Eugene feels towards him and what is doe he say is special
about the relationship brother have? Jack said that Eugene idolizes Stanley. Jack said that brothers
always have a closer relationship, brothers can talk to each other they way fathers and sons never do .

5. Why does Jack tell Stan that he (Jack) is not perfect? Jack tells Stan that he is not perfect because he
also lost money gambling.

6. Where does Stan get the present he gives to Eugene? What is it?
the present Stan gave to Eugene was a picture of a naked girl.

7. From where is the letter that Jack receives and what does it say? The letter says that his family for
Europe escaped and they are coming to the U.S .

8. What decision is made based on the news of the letter? Who makes it? Jack made the decision to take
his family that it is coming from europe .

9. What does Eugene say is finally over for him?

Eugene says that his childhood is over .

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